MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 113 Alone way

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This is the best winter Lu Sake has had in recent years. Although the weather seemed to be the same cold, Xuan Yu took away the coldest part of his body, so that he no longer feared the winter, and he could wear a thick down jacket and run and play in the snow with Yin Xun's white moon fox. Does not feel cold.

Unlike the snow in the city, which will soon be crushed into gray by cars, the snow here is as white as new cotton, spreading loosely on the ground, like a thick blanket. Lu Qingjiu bent down and grabbed a ball, kneaded it into a ball, and smashed it towards the white moon fox. The snow ball hit the side of the white moon fox's cheek, cracked into particles and fell back into the snow. The white moon fox turned to look at Lu Qingjiu, and Lu Qingjiu let out a big laugh, turned and ran away, but was behind him. The person who followed directly hugged his waist and lifted it up.

An adult male of more than 100 catties turned into a toy that was easily lifted by Bai Yuehu in the hands of Bai Yuehu. Lu Qingjiu began to smile and begged for mercy. Bai Yuehu ignored him and walked into the house directly with Lu Qingjiu. He threw him on the bed, rolled up his sleeves and raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't beg for mercy, it's useless."

Lu Qingjiu blinked: "What are you doing?"

White Moon Fox: "You."

Lu Qingjiu started to laugh again: "No way, no way, this stem is too old, you can change it."

Bai Yuehu: "No." As he spoke, he had already moved in and put a kiss on Lu Qingjiu's lips. The two embraced each other lingeringly, and the room was full of harmony and warmth.

Although Lu Qingjiu is not afraid of the cold, he still looks forward to the arrival of spring. Compared with the cold winter days, he prefers the spring full of vitality, when everything recovers, the earth is no longer thin white, but can be covered with colorful tapestry, everything is so vibrant.

However, the time passed quickly, and after the New Year, by February, the snow still had no meaning to melt.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Luoxue outside the window and was a little worried. Bai Yuehu comforted him and said that this was a normal situation, because at this time the only God of Four Seasons still alive was Winter God, so his ability had reached the strongest state. Spring It will be slightly later than in previous years.

"At least it will come?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"It will definitely come." Bai Yuehu gave a positive answer.

Until mid-March, the continuous snow barely stopped, but the temperature still did not rise and remained below zero. Lu Qingjiu occasionally asked Bai Yuehu to take him to the city to buy some supplies and use the city’s Signal, he checked the news on his mobile phone and found that this year’s climate abnormalities were reported everywhere. People on social networks are all worried about this anomaly, and some people take this opportunity to create chaos, saying that the end of the world is coming, and people hoarding supplies are everywhere. Lu Qingjiu finally grabbed some of what he needed, and came out of the house with Baiyuehu carrying a big bag and a sigh, thinking that he had never thought that the seasonal abnormalities would bring such a big disaster to the human world. .

If the two realms really merge as Winter God thought, and a large number of non-human creatures merge into the human realm, then I am afraid that the human realm will really face a disaster close to extinction. At this time, human beings have completely forgotten this kind of practice, and they have no control over spiritual power. For non-human beings who are weak and strong, they are just pieces of fat and tender food.

Lu Qingjiu was worried, but he was afraid of affecting Baiyue Fox, so he pretended to be fine.

Baiyue Fox has been going out frequently since March. Although he did not show it in front of Lu Qingjiu, Lu Qingjiu still noticed something strange.

"Is there something going to happen?" Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu. He said, "Let's say yes, don't hide anything from me."

Bai Yuehu said, he was holding Lu Qingjiu in his arms. Hearing this, he slowly rubbed his chin against the top of Lu Qingjiu's head, and said, "The barrier is about to break."

Lu Qingjiu was shocked when he heard the words.

Bai Yuehu said: "Sake, if the barrier is broken, your grandfather will come to you, and you can leave with him."

Lu Qingjiu was about to refute, but Bai Yuehu prevented him from saying something. He said, "If the barrier is broken, I will die with it, but it doesn't matter. Yin Xun is still there. By then he can already leave Shuifu Village. ...You can go with him."

Lu Qingjiu said: "But Xuanyu said that the only person who can stop this is me."

Bai Yuehu laughed: "He must have lied to you. Even if you have her blood, the blood unity must be very weak... Even if the barrier is broken, I am afraid it has nothing to do with you."

Lu Qingjiu questioned: "Whose bloodline?"

Bai Yuehu did not explain, but kissed Lu Qingjiu again and said, "Let's do it."

As soon as Lu Qingjiu wanted to refuse, he was directly thrown down by Bai Yuehu. During this time, Bai Yuehu did not hide his desires/hope at all, and enjoyed every minute of his time to the full. Lu Qingjiu was reluctant to refuse him.

It was supposed to be a sunny March, but there was no spring time, and the whole land was still full of cold. Although there was no snow, the snow that had fallen before did not mean to melt.

When Lu Qingjiu woke up, he found that his side was empty. He touched the bedboard in a daze. He did not touch the white moon fox as usual. He got up and looked out the window and found that it was still dark outside. There is no sun or moon, only a bright white earth paved by snow.

There was a bad feeling in Lu Qingjiu's heart. He touched the phone to see what time it was. Lu Qingjiu looked at the sky and looked like it was early morning, but who knows, he found that it was past nine o'clock in the morning, but it was still pitch black outside and the sun was completely gone.

"Yuehu, Yuehu?" Lu Qingjiu tentatively called Baiyuehu's name, but did not receive a response as expected, "Yin Xun, are you there?"

Usually at this time, Yin Xun has already come over for breakfast, the weather is abnormal today, and I don't know if he has come.

Lu Qingjiu turned around in the room, but neither figure was seen, but fortunately, there was a sound of footsteps on the snow soon at the door. Lu Qingjiu walked to the window and saw Yin Xun with a look of horror. .

"What's the matter, why isn't the sky bright." Yin Xun said, "I thought I was blind..."

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and signaled that he didn't know, but Bai Yuehu left without saying goodbye, it must be because of some serious accident.

"Sit down first, I'll pour you a glass of water." Lu Qingjiu decided to calm down and discuss what to do with Yin Xun.

Yin Xun nodded and agreed.

Lu Qingjiu walked to the kitchen and was pouring water for Yin Xun, but suddenly felt a strong tremor from the ground under his feet. With the water in his hand, he almost couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground with a cup.

"Earthquake!!" Yin Xun shouted in the living room, "Lu Qingjiu, come out!"

Lu Qingjiu couldn't even get enough water, so he ran out, and Yin Xun left the old house, which was not too sturdy, and stood in the courtyard with no obstacles.

The old house was built of stones, and part of it was poured without resistance under such violent shaking. Fortunately, the master bedroom and living room where Lu Qingjiu slept were still built.

Yin Xun and Lu Qingjiu looked at each other, and both saw a taste of horror in each other's eyes.

"Something happened." Lu Qingjiu said, "I don't feel good."

Yin Xun's face was also pale, he seemed to want to say something, glanced at Lu Qingjiu, and then swallowed the words back with trembling lips. Lu Qingjiu noticed Yin Xun's strangeness and quickly asked him if he saw something.

Yin Xun swallowed and whispered, "Bai Yuehu seems to be in a bad situation."

"What?" Lu Qingjiu suddenly became nervous, "what's the matter?"

Yin Xun said, "...There are many candle dragons around him, but he can't move, as if he's protecting something."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Can we help in the past?"

Yin Xun shook his head and said that he might not be able to help much. Although both he and Lu Qingjiu are non-human, their abilities are not much different from humans, and they really couldn't do much in the past.

Lu Qingjiu immediately remembered what Baiyue Fox had told him before, and his heart suddenly became anxious. He gritted his teeth and said: "No, I still want to go."

Yin Xun also wanted to persuade Lu Sake.

Lu Qingjiu shook his head and said that he knew that he might not be able to help anything in the past, but at least, he hoped to be with him when the white moon fox died, so that he would not leave the world alone, he was reluctant.

Yin Xun sighed, a little depressed, saying that he knew that falling in love was not a good thing.

Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun where the white moon fox was.

Yin Xun said, "I'll take you there, two people are safer."

"No, stay here." Lu Qingjiu said, "When the two worlds merge, you will be able to leave Shuifu Village. At that time, forget about me and Baiyuehu and go to other places in the world."

He was very sincere, because this is what he thought in his heart, but Yin Xun cried after hearing what he said. Although he has grown up, he still looks like a child most of the time and is scared. , I couldn't help crying when I was wronged.

"I don't want this." Yin Xun cried and said, "I don't want to be alone in a world without you. Although Bai Yuehu has always regarded me as a food reserve, I know that if he is gone, you will be sad... …"

Lu Qingjiu can only comfort him.

But in the face of such a situation, all words were pale. Yin Xun raised his hand and wiped the tears, turning the tears into ice flowers on his face. He said: "If you can't live alone, I have to take you. Let’s go, sake, I’m ready."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to say something, but Yin Xun had already raised his hand decisively, indicating that he didn't need to say more.

The two planned to leave like this, but because it was too dark, Lu Qingjiu decided to bring a few flashlights and some self-defense with him, and then returned to the partially collapsed house, and found the flashlight on the bedside table in his bedroom. . But while looking for the flashlight, he saw the wooden box his grandmother left for him. After getting this wooden box, Lu Qingjiu opened it only once, that is, on his birthday, the wooden box was still in an unopenable state at other times.

When Lu Qingjiu picked up the wooden box, the ghost flicked through the notes under the wooden box. He turned to the last page and saw a sentence that he had not understood before: "Sake, grandma loves you, if you encounter something bad Just look at the contents of the box."

When Lu Qingjiu saw this sentence, his whole body trembled slightly. He thought of what happened in Shuifu Village at this time. I am afraid that there will be no worse situation than it is now. Then, in this wooden box, is there some goodbye? s things? Lu Qingjiu didn't understand it for a while, so he simply put the wooden box in his backpack and walked out of the bedroom.

Yin Xun waited anxiously outside, pacing back and forth, like an ant trapped in place.

"Let's go." Lu Qingjiu walked to his side.

"Hmm." Yin Xun said, "What is your bag carrying, it looks so heavy."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Nothing, some self-defense things, do you want to bring something?" He handed Yin Xun the folding knife he put in his pocket.

Yin Xun hesitated for a moment, but took it over. He didn't know what he would encounter along the way. A weapon with some self-defense is also good.

Lu Qingjiu picked up the shovel that was shoveling dirt in the yard, and the two of them set off.

It was close to ten o'clock in the morning, but there was no bright color on the horizon, and the night was like a curtain covering the whole world firmly. There is nothing in the sky, not even the traces of clouds. There was no sound around, and the roaring wind made the whole world even quieter.

Yin Xun talked about the alien world. He said that although there is no spring, autumn, winter and summer in the alien world, the climate of each place is different. It is like winter in Shuifu Village, but summer in the city. In the human world, it is time to change the seasons. Divided, but it is a region in another world. Of course, in this case, it cannot be called the Four Seasons.

The two of them walked slowly along the trail. The sky was too dark, the mountain road was too narrow, and there was snow on it, making it particularly difficult to walk. Just when Lu Qingjiu was about to leave Shuifu Village, a fire ignited behind him. Lu Qingjiu was taken aback. The first reaction was that he forgot to turn off his charcoal stove and gave the house a light. However, after careful observation, he discovered that the source of the fire was a torch, and it was his grandfather who held the torch that boiled Leap, but the red hair that boiled Leap was telling Lu Qingjiu that he was The other half of the soul that boiled leap.

"It's been a long time." Borun walked slowly to Lu Qingjiu's face, and greeted him with a smile.

"Long time no see." Lu Qingjiu responded cautiously, "What's the matter?"

Bo Run said: "Where are you going?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Where do I go? It doesn't matter to you, right?" He remembered that the ice butterfly of Winter God was injected into his body by the red hair in front of him.

She raised her eyebrows and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Lu Qingjiu's attitude: "Why, to him is the name of grandpa, you are you to me? Even if my hair color is different, I am also your grandfather."

This can't be refuted, after all, the bad part of grandpa is indeed grandpa. But Lu Qingjiu was still very vigilant, because he remembered what Bai Yuehu had said, and Bai Yuehu said that if something went wrong, he would let him leave with Zhurun. Now Bo Run suddenly appeared here, maybe just to take him away.

Boiled Rune seemed to see through Lu Qingjiu's thoughts, and laughed loudly, but there was no real meaning in the laughter, but rather mocking.

"Well, I know what you think." Zhu Run said, "If you change him, I might take you away, but I don't want to do such a thankless thing."

Lu Qingjiu asked with his eyes what you want to do.

Zhuo Run said, "It's a kind of happiness to die together. Go." The torch in his hand was handed to Lu Qingjiu, indicating that he would take it, "It can be used."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Boorun. Under the flashing fire, Boorun's face was dim, but his expression was calm and calm, which reminded Lu Qingjiu of his black-haired grandpa.

"Thanks." Lu Qingjiu didn't feel malicious in him, so he reached out and caught the torch.

"Let's go." Zhu Run said, "If you go later, you won't see him."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, accepting the kindness of boiled leap. After receiving the torch, he turned and left, his footsteps a little hurried. Yin Xun also took a look at Borun and left with Lu Sake.

"I know what you're thinking." Seeing Lu Sake's back away, Zhu Ren seemed to be talking to himself, and as if he was talking to someone, "But this is his own way, he has to go by himself, you For his good, he will hate you, just like before..."

After he said this, he laughed at himself again: "Okay, I know you are angry, but it's too late to be angry. Just be so angry. Anyway, everything is over."

Lu Qingjiu held the torch and continued forward. This torch should not be anything. It was blown by the biting wind, and the fire did not decrease. At most, the light was slightly flickering. The flame illuminates the road underneath with a sweeping view, and also brings warmth, just like a small sun. On the way, Lu Qingjiu didn't encounter anything, but he didn't relax because of it, because Yin Xun, who was following him, had been very nervous and kept looking at the surrounding mountains and forests.

"What's wrong?" Lu Qingjiu asked in a low voice. He felt that Yin Xun's state was not right.

Yin Xun said, "...something is following us."

Lu Qingjiu said: "What is it?"

Yin Xun said, "It's a terrible thing." He said and looked to the right again.

Lu Qingjiu took a deep breath, calming Yin Xun, and then asked him how long it would take him to reach Baiyuehu. Yin Xun said that it would take at least half an hour. They had to enter the alien world from the path of Shuifu Village, and then go around to the top of the mountain to see the white moon fox.

Lu Qingjiu snorted and couldn't help speeding up his steps.

It was not snowing at this time, but the mountain road was still covered with snow on the calf. It was extremely difficult to walk one step at a time.

Lu Qingjiu wants to go faster, but in this case, speeding up is really not easy. Moreover, the thing behind them seems to be getting closer...

With heavy breathing, accompanied by the creaking sound of stepping on the snow, Lu Qingjiu initially thought it was him and Yin Xun who were making the sound, but soon he realized that he and Yin Xun did not make such a loud noise. , Which was accompanied by the overwhelming crunch of trees. Lu Qingjiu turned his head and saw Yin Xun's pale face. Yin Xun noticed Lu Qingjiu's gaze and said, "It's okay, he hasn't followed up yet."

Lu Qingjiu said: "You shouldn't have come with me." He came for Baiyue Fox, and he was ready to sacrifice everything, but if Yin Xun was also taken...

Yin Xun smiled. There was nothing forced in his smile, but with relief. He said, "I wanted to leave here a long time ago."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun said, "There is no one living here. I stay here, as if in a cold grave." He whispered, "You can only live by memory..."

Lu Qingjiu remembered the crows and desolate tombs he had seen in Yin Xun's soul, and he felt as if something was blocked in his chest.

"I am lucky to meet you." Yin Xun said, "No matter what the future is, Lu Qingjiu...I have had a very happy life this time."

When his words fell, a black shadow rushed behind them in the dark forest. The black shadow was against the light and could not be seen clearly, but it could be vaguely seen that its outline was very tall, close to three meters. Opening the blood basin and roaring at them low, the snow-white teeth faintly reflected the infiltrating light, and the strong smell of blood in the mouth, all telling Lu Qingjiu that it is not an annoying animal.

"You go, sake." Yin Xun took out the folding knife from his pocket, "I'll be fine."

Lu Qingjiu said, "How could it—" Yin Xun is so weak, how could he leave Yin Xun alone.

"I beg you to go." Yin Xun cried, "Baiyue Fox doesn't have much time, and you can't help much here. If you walk in front, you can enter the other world, and then go up the mountain... You go, please."

Lu Qingjiu could not speak.

Yin Xun said, "Lu Qingjiu, if you still treat me as a friend, let me do something for you at the end?" He wiped away his tears, "I know I am a weak and useless mountain god, so ... Please give me a chance."

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun steadily, and finally spit out a good word. Then he held a torch and stepped forward, but he felt cold on his face. Isn't it snowing? Why are there ice flowers on his face ? Did he cry too, no—he shouldn't cry, at least in the end, he should leave Yin Xun with a smile.

The roaring sound rang again behind him, but the monster did not catch up. Lu Qingjiu didn’t think about how Yin Xun left the monster. He could only run with all his strength. He wanted to run faster, faster, at least let All this is not a senseless sacrifice.

Panting heavily, Lu Qingjiu's eyes were dizzy. He didn't dare to stop for a moment, until he ran out of energy and fell to the ground, only to realize that he had left Shuifu Village and reached another world.

There is no snow in the alien world, and the smooth bluestone slab is stepped on under his feet. This is the world where Baiyue Fox once brought Lu Sake to. He slowly got up from the ground and continued to stagger forward, Yin Xun said, the white moon fox is on the top of the mountain, as long as he can climb up, he can see the white moon fox.

The originally rugged mountain road turned into an insurmountable ravine at this time. Lu Qingjiu gritted his teeth and climbed up, chanting the name of the white moon fox in his heart, and he took a sigh of relief and continued to go up. .

"White moon fox, white moon fox, white moon fox..." When he reached the top of the mountain, Lu Qingjiu collapsed to the ground, and the torch that Zhu Run gave him was also extinguished at this time. He used both hands and feet. He climbed up on the ground and wanted to walk to the side of the mountain to look at the white moon fox he was thinking of. Lu Qingjiu whispered his name, stretched out his hand and wiped his face heavily, "I'm here, you have to... wait Hold on to me."

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