MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 37 rainstorm

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Facing the gaze of Bai Yuehu, Xiao Hua, who had already passed away, struggled to wake up from Lu Qingjiu's hands, and said with difficulty: "I think...I can still rescue..."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Seeing that Lu Qingjiu didn't mean to give up the little black pig, Bai Yuehu sighed slightly with disappointment, and said, "He is similar to an ordinary pig. Just feed some water."

Lu Qingjiu took Xiao Hua back to the house after hearing this. Yin Xun took ice water from the refrigerator and got Xiao Hua a wet towel, finally saving Xiao Hua's life. Looking at the exclusive ice bag that had survived Baiyue Fox's hands, Yin Xun almost cried with joy, holding Xiaohua and saying that I must treat you well in the future.

Xiao Hua was almost hugged by him and said, "You **** treat me better...just don't hold me..."

Yin Xun said, "Sake, Xiao Hua said he likes me!"

Xiaohua: "..." He has never seen such a shameless person until now.

Lu Qingjiu let them make trouble, and turned around to cook in the kitchen. The little fox followed Lu Qingjiu like a puppy.

When Lu Qingjiu was cooking, he occasionally threw a few pieces of meat to relieve the little fox's greed, and sometimes asked the little fox to help pick up trash. The little fox is very spiritual in battling.

Because Lu Qingjiu said he wanted to eat jelly, Lu Qingjiu used pea starch to make a powder. This jelly is creamy white, soft and soft, cut into strips and sprinkled with specially prepared dipping sauce. The taste is fragrant. Spicy is very appetizing. Lu Qingjiu steamed a few more cages of his own steamed buns. The buns were made with pork vermicelli. The buns were made very successfully, and they were delicious and delicious. Because the pork is made of farm pork, which is all grain pork, the meat is very fragrant. The fat and oily Lu sake left over from the pork is boiled with suet oil and placed in a large pot. The taste of this oil is very good. Both the bottom and the stir-fried dishes are much better than ordinary blended oil.

Lu Qingjiu finished the meal and greeted them to come over to eat.

The three people were sitting on the table, and the atmosphere was very lively. Little Fox and Xiao Hei Xiao Hua also had their own small table next to them. There were special foods of minced meat and Xiao Hei Xiao Hua on the table. For a while, only chewing was heard in the room. sound.

Several people were eating, but there was a thunderous thunder outside. Lu Qingjiu looked out and saw thick clouds hanging in the sky, and the wind was buzzing. It seemed that it was coming soon. Heavy rain.

"Oh, the windows in my house are not closed yet." Yin Xun said, "This day it really changes as soon as it changes." He was worried, but he was still reluctant to put down the bun in his hand.

"Aren't you a mountain god." Lu Qingjiu said, "you don't have any special skills?"

Yin Xun: "...what skill?"

Lu Qingjiu: "A thousand miles away...close the window?"

Yin Xun stared, "Who said that the mountain **** will close the window for thousands of miles? How can we do such a difficult thing..."

Before he could finish his words, he heard all the windows in his house close with crackling. Bai Yuehu gave Yin Xun a sullen look and said: "Your house is also closed, no thanks."

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu sighed, "Why did I give birth to you such a useless son..."

Yin Xun wailed loudly.

The heavy rain in summer and the rain in winter are completely incomparable. Although the time period, the destructive power is amazing. If you don't close the windows, it is estimated that everything in the house will be blown up in a mess. The rainfall in Shuifu Village is not much throughout the year. There have been a few rains this summer, but it stopped soon and did not cause any impact.

"This rain is coming so fiercely." Yin Xun stuffed the last bite of the bun into his mouth, "It's probably going to be a long time."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Or you can just hang out at my house all night?"

Yin Xun said, "That's okay."

Lu Qingjiu's house has a lot of rooms, but it needs to be cleaned in advance.

Lu Qingjiu had almost eaten, so he took a mop and a rag to help Yin Xun clean a room out, before he prepared a clean bedding.

While he was working on it, he heard the sound of raindrops falling to the ground. The big raindrops fell from the clouds and bounced and fell on the hot ground. The dust and rain combined, and the air began to be filled with a peculiar smell when it rains, which is a bit reassuring.

It only took a few minutes from a few drops of rain to the rain curtain covering the whole world. The heavy rain washed away the soil in the yard and formed small puddles on the ground.

Lu Qingjiu moved the white moon fox's rocking chair to the door. He thought that the white moon fox would sit on it just like them and ate melon seeds and watched it rain outside, but the white moon fox stood up and looked up at the outside. There was a certain seriousness in his expression.

Lu Qingjiu saw the strangeness, and he said, "Yuehu, what's the matter?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Come out with me."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Go out? Where to go?" He was a little surprised. With such a heavy rain, an umbrella must be useless. Going out means that the body will get wet.

Bai Yuehu said: "Places I've been to before."

Lu Qingjiu asked in doubt, "What did you do now?"

Baiyue Fox said something inexplicable: "This rain can't stop for a while." After saying this, he went to the next sundry room to take an umbrella, raised his chin to Lu Sake slightly, and motioned him to follow come.

Lu Qingjiu took the umbrella and looked at Yin Xun and said, "Where is Yin Xun?"

"Me?" Yin Xun scratched his chin, "I... let's go together."

Baiyue Fox didn’t say anything, and the three of them held their umbrellas and walked into the heavy rain. The rain was so heavy that it could almost be described as pouring. The intensity of the impact on the umbrella quickly made people’s hands numb. .

Lu Qingjiu couldn't see anything, and could only follow Baiyuehu forward. They seemed to be up the mountain and the road became tortuous. Lu Qingjiu didn't know where Baiyuehu would take him, but from the route, it seemed that he was walking up the mountain...

After walking for about ten minutes, the surrounding rain gradually reduced. Lu Qingjiu saw the surrounding environment clearly. They really went up the mountain, but this mountain was not the mountain of Shuifu Village, but Baiyue Fox brought him here. Place for fishing.

At this time, it was still evening in the mountains, the sun was overflowing, the sea of ​​clouds was rolling, and there were neither dark clouds nor rain in the sky. Lu Qingjiu liked this place very much. After receiving the umbrella, his face was slightly smiled.

"You stay here, I have something to do." Bai Yuehu threw the umbrella aside, "Wait for me to come back."

Before Lu Qingjiu spoke, he watched him turn around, and the person disappeared before his eyes.

Lu Qingjiu turned his head and looked at Yin Xun's eyes.

Yin Xun scratched the back of his head: "Since it's okay, let's go for a stroll in the mountains?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Do you know what Baiyue Fox is going to do?"

Yin Xun said, "I don't know." He said quite frankly, but he didn't seem to be lying.

Lu Qingjiu didn't believe it. He looked at Yin Xun, but in the end he didn't say anything. He nodded and headed up the mountain with Yin Xun.

When I came last time, I was led by Baiyue Fox all the way up. Lu Qingjiu didn't have much time to observe the roadside scenery. This time he didn't have a destination anyway. Lu Qingjiu watched and walked forward.

The plants here are all types that Lu Sake has never seen before. Some are ordinary, while others are weird. Lu Qingjiu was attracted by a grass. The grass had only one bare stalk. At the top of the stalk, there was a small white flower. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there is a nail inside the small white flower. The covered furry little animal is sleeping on it. At first glance, this animal looks a bit like a cat, but after careful observation, you will find that it is somewhat different from a cat. Its ears are hanging on the sides like a rabbit, and the fluff on its body is also white. All in all, it looks very touchable.

Yin Xun stopped when Lu Qingjiu saw Lu Qingjiu, and leaned over, "What is this?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I don't know." He has read Shan Hai Jing many times now, and he is sure that there are no such creatures in Shan Hai Jing.

Yin Xun said, "Can you touch it?"

Lu Qingjiu studied for a while, then shook his head: "Stop it." He thought it was better not to touch the things here.

But before Yin Xun waited for Lu Qingjiu to finish speaking, he stretched his hand over, trying to touch the extraordinarily soft appearance of the little animal, but who knew that just stretched his hand over, the petals of the plants that were originally motionless suddenly It split and turned into a huge mouth with densely packed teeth and bit it towards Yin Xun's hand.

Yin Xun didn't notice for a while, screamed, and most of his palm was bitten off.

The heart that Lu Qingjiu looked at almost jumped out, and he said: "Yin Xun! Are you okay!!"

Yin Xun cried, "Is it okay with me?" He lost his hands.

Lu Qingjiu: "...but you didn't bleed." The palm was clean and there was no blood. He looked at the edge and found that the edge showed a transparent color, as if there was no blood in Yin Xun's body. It's all water.

Yin Xun said, "Yes, I'm all running water."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun said, "Forget it, don't touch it, I'll be fine in a while, let's keep going up."

Lu Qingjiu nodded helplessly.

The two of them continued to walk toward the mountain for a hundred years, and were afraid to touch the wild flowers and weeds on the side of the road. Anyway, Lu Sake was discovered. He and Yin Xun are basically the bottom biological species in the food chain...

Soon, Lu Qingjiu saw the stone tablet he had seen before. The stone tablet was written with three big blood-red characters of Shuifu Village. The stone tablet was very high. I don't know who erected it here.

"Is this the soul of Baiyue Fox?" Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun.

"Um... how do you put it." Yin Xun said, "This place should be affected by Bai Yuehu, but it is not his soul."

Lu Qingjiu was ignorant. In short, he knew too little about the world of Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu. They walked along the path to the platform where Baiyue Fox brought Lu Qingjiu to the previous platform. This platform was not much different from before. Underneath was still a sea of ​​churning clouds, as well as ray fish that shuttled in the sea of ​​clouds.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun were a little tired from walking, so they sat on the edge of the platform to rest for a while. While resting, Lu Qingjiu noticed that there was a small road beside the platform, which seemed to lead to the deeper part of the mountain.

Lu Qingjiu said, "You said, why did the white moon fox bring us here?"

Yin Xun was struggling with a weed on the side of the road with his head buried in his head. He wanted to pull the grass up, but with all his strength, the grass remained motionless. He heard Lu Qingjiu's question and replied without looking back: "I don't know, maybe it's something we can't let us know."

Lu Qingjiu: "For example?"

Yin Xun: "... Secretly eat Xiao Hei and Xiao Hua?"

Lu Qingjiu's expression was distorted. To tell the truth, he was really afraid that when he went back, Bai Yuehu told him that the three little black flowers and the little fox were all lost.

"You play here, I want to go to the top of the mountain to have a look." Lu Qingjiu was almost resting, stood up and patted his butt.

Yin Xun finally gave up fighting with the poor grass and said, "Hey, wait for me, let's go together."

The road behind the platform has become narrower, and the lush vegetation on both sides of the road has not been seen before, but has become some low ferns.

The road behind is hidden in the thick fog, but fortunately there is only one road here, and I am not afraid of losing it.

Lu Qingjiu continued to climb the mountain, but Yin Xun was a little uneasy following him. He said, "Sake, shall we go up again?"

"What's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"I... just a little uncomfortable." Yin Xun said, "the fog here is too thick."

Lu Qingjiu said, "It should be fine."

Yin Xun sniffed, and said nothing.

Lu Qingjiu continued to move forward. He is not usually a very curious person, but for some reason, today he especially wants to go up and take a look to see what is at the end of the mist.

Seeing Lu Qingjiu's resolute attitude, Yin Xun didn't persuade him any more, but followed Lu Qingjiu quietly with his arms folded.

After walking for about ten minutes, the fog subsided.

Lu Qingjiu vaguely saw the surrounding scenery again. Unlike the beautiful scenery under the platform, the environment around them can only be described as desolate. The original soil on the ground was replaced by black rocks, and there was nothing on the rocks, only fine sand.

A tall mountain appeared in front of Lu Qingjiu's eyes. The mountain is so high that the top is not visible. The mountain is black and there are no traces of plants on it. The mountain IQ is all black smooth rocks, steep as a mirror surface. , People can't imagine how to climb this mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a thick cloud and mist. Lu Qingjiu's gaze fell on the cloud and mist. He was a little surprised to see, until Yin Xun said softly, "What are you looking at?"

"There seems to be something in the cloud." Lu Qingjiu said, "Did you see it?"

"No." Yin Xun looked at it for a while and shook his head, "Nothing."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Am I wrong..."

Yin Xun stopped talking.

The weather here is slightly different from that on the platform. The sky is overcast, and occasionally there are flashes of lightning and thunder. That tall mountain is like an isolated island, separated by the sea of ​​clouds and land.

Yin Xun sat on the ground and looked towards the bottomless sea of ​​clouds. His hands were itchy, so he randomly found a stone and threw it into the sea of ​​clouds. But who knows that as soon as the stone entered the sea of ​​clouds, I heard a puff from the depths—there was water in the sea of ​​clouds.

"There is water underneath." Yin Xun said, "There is water."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is it weird to have water?"

Yin Xun said, "It's not weird." He laughed, showing his cute teeth, "There is water in Shuifu Village, how can it be weird."

When Lu Qingjiu heard the words, he glanced at Yin Xun.

Being sent here somehow by Bai Yuehu, Lu Qingjiu couldn't figure out what Bai Yuehu was thinking. He guessed what the heavy rain outside might mean, but he didn't want to understand yet.

With another deep thunder, Lu Qingjiu finally saw clearly what hovered above the black mountain in the distance. It was a long dragon.

Although I didn’t see it too clearly, Lu Qingjiu had already determined that he was not dazzled by his own eyes. The dragon was connected end to end, hovering around the black mountain. Its body was extremely long, wandering in the clouds, and its posture was as graceful as It's as beautiful as a scroll. But the next moment, it disappeared into the dense clouds again, and Lu Qingjiu was almost dumbfounded.

This time Yin Xun also saw it. His reaction was similar to Lu Qingjiu's, but he was surprised and a little surprised.

"How come there are dragons here?" Yin Xun said, "Isn't the dragon supposed to be extinct?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Extinct? But there are mountain gods, why did the dragon become extinct?"

Yin Xun said: "When I became a mountain god, I also inherited part of their memories." He replied, "Dragons are different from other races. They have a meaning, usually to protect something, since they entered modern times. After society, beliefs became thinner and thinner. It is said that the last dragon was extinct more than a thousand years ago..."

Lu Qingjiu: "This has something to do with modern society."

Yin Xun was wronged: "No, you said that if you find ten dollars on the roadside, do you think you are lucky, or are you grateful for the protection of the gods?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "..." It seems to make sense to think so.

Yin Xun said: "Without faith, gods can't survive naturally, so these things are becoming less and less."

The things of ghosts and gods have always been that if you believe it, there will be nothing.

Lu Qingjiu nodded, agreeing to Yin Xun's statement.

Na Longlu Sake only glanced at it, and then never saw it again. The world did not get dark and the sun never changed.

Before they knew it, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun had been here for more than eight hours. Just as Lu Qingjiu was thinking about when they could go back, a familiar figure appeared in the thick fog behind them.

The white moon fox is here.

His appearance and parting time have undergone tremendous changes. The original neat short hair has become waist-length hair, and he is wearing a black primer robe on which a flying dragon is outlined with gold thread. The eyes were inlaid with red gems, and they looked vivid, as if they would fly out of the robe in the next moment. The bottom of the robe was a little damaged, and it looked like it had been burned by something. Baiyue Fox didn't speak when they saw them, but raised his arm and beckoned them gently.

Yin Xun stood there and didn't move, but Lu Qingjiu smiled calmly and stepped forward and said, "Yuehu, are you back so soon?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu said, "Let's go, go home."

When he got close, Lu Qingjiu noticed that there were three very obvious scars on the side of the white moon fox's face. These scars seemed to be claws from something, and they were particularly striking on the white cheeks of the white moon fox. The scar was very deep. Although the blood had stopped, it was still bloody, and it seemed to scar easily.

"You are injured." Lu Qingjiu exclaimed after seeing the wound.

Bai Yuehu turned his face sideways, raised his hand and touched his cheek. He saw the blood on the back of his hand and raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he hadn't noticed the wound on his cheek before. He said: "Small injury, no Get in the way."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Who did you fight with?"

Bai Yuehu: "Hmm." His eyes fell on the blood on the back of his hand.

Lu Qingjiu miraculously understood what he meant, he laughed, and then took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket, grabbed Baiyuehu's hand, and hurriedly helped him to wipe the blood stains off.

Only then did Bai Yuehu show satisfaction, his eyes softened.

"Did you win the battle?" Lu Qingjiu asked again.

Bai Yuehu looked at Lu Sake: "Win?"

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and changed his words: "Does it taste good?"

Baiyue Fox showed a look of disgust upon hearing the words: "It's terribly unpalatable, it smells like water, and it's disgusting."

Lu Qingjiu couldn't help laughing. He noticed that the white moon fox was wet and there was a strong blood. At first he thought it was the white moon fox accidentally caught in the rain, and then followed the white moon fox. After walking two steps, I discovered that the white moon fox's robe was not dripping water, but blood.

The white moon fox's black robe was soaked with blood. Judging from his state and words and deeds, the blood clearly came from other creatures.

The three of them began to walk down the mountain. Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu were talking differently, asking him what was going on with his hair. Bai Yuehu flirted and said that it would be fine to cut it short after going down the mountain, which was a sequelae.

Lu Qingjiu joked that his long hair is actually pretty.

"Trouble." Baiyue Fox said, "You have to tie it up when you eat."

Lu Qingjiu laughed.

Just don't know why, Yin Xun's face is not very good after seeing Bai Yuehu's appearance. He usually talks a lot without saying a word along the way, quiet like a frightened quail. Lu Qingjiu glanced at Yin Xun thoughtfully, but didn't write an article asking him why he didn't speak.

They left the hilltop of Shuifu Village along the trail. The rain outside had stopped, and there were white clouds hanging on the horizon. The clear air after the rain made people feel extra refreshed.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that the white moon fox would directly change back to his original appearance, but who knew that he walked to the house in this way, took a shower, changed into clothes that are similar to humans, and then Lu Qingjiu saw He took a pair of scissors and walked to the yard, and after a few cuts, he twisted his beautiful long black hair neatly.

Lu Qingjiu: "...Do you cut your own hair?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu: "Aren't you afraid of cutting it out?"

Bai Yuehu said: "If it breaks, it will grow longer."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Why don't you change it with magic?"

Bai Yuehu: "Because of trouble."

Lu Qingjiu swallowed, "Then...Why don't you go to the barbershop to cut it?"

Bai Yuehu paused when he heard this question, and uttered two words from his mouth: "No money."

Lu Qingjiu's head was dizzy, as if he saw him who was standing at the door of the Xiaolongbao shop staring at him when he first saw Baiyuehu. At that time, he wanted to ask why Baiyuehu came to rub his buns. Eat, now I finally understand the cause of this sadness.

The fox in his family is a poor fox, the kind who can't afford to eat Xiaolongbao...

Read The Duke's Passion