MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 41 Autumn wind

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Listening to the words of Baiyue Fox, Lu Qingjiu really didn't dare to think about how his family's vixen survived the past days, and now he finally lives a life that can eat hot meals, but he wants to save his life. Eat this delicate corpse.

The more Lu Qingjiu thought about it, the more distressed he felt. He quickly comforted Bai Yuehu and said that after he went back, he would give him something to eat, like a pot of spicy steamed crabs, and eat until he was full. Bai Yuehu felt better after hearing Lu Qingjiu's words. He stood up from the ground and said, "Go, let's go home."

So he took Lu Qingjiu's hand and walked in the direction of the entrance. Lu Qingjiu said as he walked: "If you just eat her like this, will she be very angry? And... if we want to eat her, why should she go first? Knock on the door?" The point is that after knocking on the door, she actually put the two of them in. Thinking about it this way, he still feels a little sorry for Yushi concubine.

Bai Yuehu said, "It's not her who opened the door for us."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Who is that?"

Bai Yuehu said, "Naturally, he is the one who made the tomb." He explained it briefly, and only then did Lu Qingjiu understand what was going on in the cemetery of the Yushi concubine.

Yushi concubine is different from her husband Yushi. She is a spirit, while her husband Yushi is a god. If the rain teacher is in charge of the positive power, then the rain teacher is in charge of the negative power. She is proficient in curses and can communicate with venomous snakes. Although it represents the power of the sun, she acts in a sinister style.

Later, after her death, the sky was sunny for a hundred days, and the people had no harvest. When the rain master saw this scene, he knew that it was the resentment of the rain master's concubine. In order to alleviate the resentment of Yushi's concubine, he built this tomb and placed her in it to suppress the resentment.

Only later, Pang Ziqi and the others broke into here, touched the organs in the tomb, were also contaminated by the resentment of Yushi's concubine, and their lives were hanging by a thread.

Lu Qingjiu understood now that it was not Yushi concubine who opened the door for them, but her husband Yushi.

The two arrived at the entrance to the tomb and heard the sound of rain rushing outside. Lu Qingjiu had prepared early, took out the umbrella from his bag and held it above the two of them.

After they left Shimen, they followed the **** to the flat ground. Lu Qingjiu walked behind. When he climbed up, he was startled by the person in front of him. At some point, a man in Tsing Yi appeared outside the cemetery. The man was wearing a mask on his face, covering his eyes, revealing beautifully shaped lips. His eyes were beautiful pale green like lake water. I was watching Lu Sake and White Moon Fox quietly.

The man also held an umbrella in his hand, which Lu Qingjiu had seen before—it was the umbrella held by the woman who followed Pang Ziqi. It seems that he was the one who buried the rain master's concubine and the rain master in the mouth of Bai Yuehu.

"Long time no see." The man said, his voice clear and happy.

"Long time no see." Bai Yuehu said, "You are late." Coming late means that your wife's body is gone.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that the rain master would at least show anger after hearing Bai Yuehu's words, but he blinked his eyes and smiled: "What did I say at the beginning."

Bai Yuehu said: "What?"

"When she died that year, I asked Aming if I could ask you to come over and eat her body to avoid future troubles. Aming vowed that you would definitely not agree." Yushi said , "Because it looks awful..."

Bai Yuehu interrupted him coldly, "It's not that bad, it's especially bad."

"Then you haven't eaten it yet." The rain master laughed, and when he smiled, the rain in the sky was even heavier. It crashed on the umbrella surface, making a crisp sound.

Lu Qingjiu stood by and listened, but he didn't expect things to develop like this. He thought that the rain master was seeking revenge as a family member. Who knew that the smile was like a flower, so he was almost giving the white moon fox a pennant. .

Seeing that Bai Yuehu's complexion is not good, the rain master also knows that the jokes are adequate, and he said: "Since you have come to Tanggu from thousands of miles, I will naturally do my best as a landlord..."

The white moon fox raised his eyebrows.

"Please come here." The rain master made a please gesture.

Baiyue Fox took Lu Sake's hand and walked into the rain.

Seeing the movements of the two of them, Master Yu showed an intriguing expression.

Lu Qingjiu was led by the white moon fox. The rain curtain grew bigger and bigger where they were walking, and he could not even see the surrounding scene. But what surprised Lu Qingjiu was that the rain did not wet his body. But when he was about to touch his clothes, it was like being stopped by something and slipped in the other direction.

The rain blocked Lu Qingjiu's sight. He could only follow the steps of Baiyue Fox until he crossed a certain limit. The rain that was originally like a pouring rain suddenly stopped.

Lu Qingjiu put down his umbrella and saw another world.

In the sky of this world, there is a huge river floating, the water is clear and blue, like the eyes of a rain teacher. The small fish swimming in the river water are also clearly visible. These fish are colorful, and the appearance of swimming in the river seems to constitute a gorgeous rainbow. In the river there are water plants and round pebbles that are as beautiful as a dream.

Lu Qingjiu stared blankly, until Bai Yuehu gently pulled his hand before he recovered.

This seems to be the world of the rain master, the whole world is wrapped in water.

There was also water on the ground, still swaying with the breeze, but the water was separated by something. Lu Qingjiu could walk on it. He saw a few huge black fishes in the water. These fishes At least about five meters, the appearance of unfolding body swimming makes people feel a little daunted.

"Please." Next to a stone platform and a stone bench, the rain master sat down and gestured to them.

Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu sat opposite the rain master.

Master Yu stroked his hand in front of him, and several exquisite porcelain dishes appeared on the stone table. The porcelain dishes were filled with white fish, which looked very delicious. In addition to fish, there are some things that Lu Sake doesn't recognize. They look a bit like jelly, showing water-like transparency.

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the white moon fox, and the white moon fox nodded to indicate that it was ready to eat, then reached out and picked up the chopsticks and caught a piece of fish.

Lu Qingjiu was actually more interested in the jelly, but he still tasted a piece of fish first. The fish tasted amazing after the entrance. The meat was delicate and fat, with a hint of sweetness, without the fishy smell at all, and it was all delicious.

Lu Qingjiu praised: "It's delicious!"

The rain master raised his eyebrows; "If you like it, eat more. It has been a long time since Yuehu went to Shuifu to eat here."

Lu Qingjiu said, "He used to come often?"

The rain master said: "He will go wherever he can eat, and leave when he finishes eating, because he still fought with a lot of people."

Bai Yuehu said, "If you weren't afraid of being beaten by me, let me come in?"

The rain master spread his hands: "Didn't this let you in?"

Bai Yuehu: "It's not because of your terrible wife."

Rain Master: "..."

When Lu Qingjiu heard the two talk, he wanted to laugh. It seemed that the rain master and Bai Yuehu had a good relationship. They used to be friends. He swallowed the fish, took another piece of the transparent jelly, and put it in his mouth. Seeing the appearance of this thing, Lu Qingjiu thought that the taste would be similar to jelly, but after the entrance, he was a little surprised. This thing actually has the taste of meat. It is very chewy in your mouth and tastes very delicious. It tastes a bit like fish. But there is no fishy fish.

"It's delicious." Lu Qingjiu praised again.

"It's delicious." Yushi smiled, "This thing is called Tai Sui, and humans can live longer if they eat it."

"This is Tai Sui? But isn't Tai Sui fatty?" Lu Qing asked in surprise.

"That's the Tai Sui after the world was polluted." Yushi said, "The Tai Sui who was just born is transparent."

Lu Qingjiu nodded. He knows Tai Sui. This kind of thing is also called meat ganoderma in the folk. It is something that looks similar to meat. It is said to be produced by fungi, but in fact it is very different from fungi. Analysis will find that it contains protein only found in animals, and if Tai Sui is placed in a humid environment, it will continue to grow as if it were alive. There are many rumors about Tai Sui among the people. Lu Qingjiu once saw a saying that Xu Fu went to the east to find Tai Sui for Qin Shi Huang.

Lu Qingjiu ate another piece. He couldn't help being impressed by the taste. He admired again and again, but Bai Yuehu was not very interested. The rain master smiled and asked him why he didn't eat it. He said that he was tired of eating it.

The rain master didn't care when he heard that, but he persuaded Lu to eat more sake, saying that eating this thing is good for people's health.

Lu Qingjiu nodded and thanked him, but as he ate, he felt that this thing seemed a bit familiar. He paused for a while, thought for a while, and finally remembered where he had seen it. He had a meal with his chopsticks and looked at it with an incredible expression. Xiang Baiyuehu: "Yuehu..."

Bai Yuehu said: "Huh?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I remember, you seemed to praise Yin Xun for good meat quality..."

Baiyue Fox blinked, his face was innocent: "I didn't eat him."

Lu Qingjiu said: "I didn't mean you eat him, I mean... Yin Xun won't have all of him..."

Bai Yuehu said, "That's it."

Lu Qingjiu shivered and put down his chopsticks the next moment. He said that Yin Xun was clearly made of water and why the white moon fox would be interested in him. He finally understood that it was not water at all, it was meat, and it was meat. Yes, there is some truth to this sentence.

"This... how did this meat Ganoderma come from?" Lu Qingjiu asked weakly, "Will he become a human?" He always had the horrible illusion that he had eaten his waste material friend.

"What?" The rain master didn't quite understand Lu Sake's reaction. "Do you have a friend who is meat Lingzhi?"

"Yes." Lu Qingjiu nodded.

"Oh, don't worry about this." Yushi said indifferently, "Meat Lingzhi is just a kind of food material, but because of its special material, it can be used to rebuild the body, so if you guessed correctly, your friend died once. Right?"

This is true. According to Yin Xun's statement, his life died when he fell into the puddle. It was the strange man who gave him a second life. It seems that the man rebuilt Yin Xun with fleshy Lingzhi. Yin Xun survived his body.

After thinking about this, Lu Qingjiu was relieved.

After the two of them finished eating what was in front of them, Bai Yuehu got up and said goodbye. Yushi did not intend to stay, and watched the two leave.

Baiyue Fox led Lu Qingjiu to leave the world of the rain master from the rain curtain. After returning to reality, he brought Lu Qingjiu back to the old house.

"Yin Xun, we are back." Lu Qingjiu shouted at the gate of the courtyard. They went out for a day, and they didn't know if Yin Xun looked at the meat in the pot.

Yin Xun heard a voice rushing out from the room, "You are back."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is the fire turned off?"

"It's closed." Yin Xun said, "I also tasted some meat, it was delicious."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Just eat stew at night."

After all the hard Baiyue fox gnawed on the mud, Lu Qingjiu also wanted to treat his vixen well.

Zhu Miaomiao sent a courier to Lu Qingjiu the next day, and the next day Lu Qingjiu went to the town to pick up the courier. There are hairy crabs tied with ropes in the express. Both male and female are available. Just by looking at the size, you will know that they must be very plump.

Yin Xun had never eaten crabs. He stood by and watched eagerly, asking whether the crabs were really delicious. They looked like bones.

"Of course it's delicious." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "Let's eat crabs at noon. I will steam half of it and make the rest as spicy crab."

"Good, good." Yin Xun was very happy.

Baiyue Fox didn't show much interest in crabs, and didn't respond much.

The dead crabs can’t be eaten, so after receiving Lu Qingjiu, he put them in a pot and steamed them. The rest was chopped in half and used to make spicy crabs. He added a lot of potatoes to the spicy crabs. When the crab gets tired of the auxiliary materials like onions, you can change the taste.

When Lu Qingjiu was making crabs, he also called Zhu Miaomiao by the way, thanking her for the present.

Zhu Miaomiao giggled on the phone, and said when she wanted to eat, she went to get Lu Qingjiu two catties, and Lu Qingjiu was not polite to her, smiling and saying okay.

The crab turned golden yellow in the pot, and Lu Qingjiu chose the special sauce for the crab. Put green onion and **** in the condiment, roll it with a small amount of hot oil, and add the vinegar for eating crabs to the oil. The condiment made by this is very delicious, and it goes perfectly with crabs.

Not to mention the spicy crab. Before the lid of the pot was opened, it exuded a strong aroma. Yin Xun, who was hooked, had been looking around.

When Lu Qingjiu went to the town to get the express delivery, he also went to the store to buy some rice wine brewed by the locals. Crabs are cold, and eating too much is not good for the stomach. Ginger tea and rice wine are excellent drinks with crabs. Not very interested, Lu Qingjiu came over with rice wine.

Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun to move the table to the yard and eat crabs while watching the moon.

Yin Xun couldn't wait, and arranged the table and chairs obediently, and the three of them sat down at the table.

The crabs in September are already very fat. When you open the shell, you can see the plump crab yellow and the oily juice flowing down the shell. Lu Qingjiu squeezed his fingers and taught Yin Xun how to peel the crabs. . The crab roe can be eaten directly with the sauce, and the crab meat can be peeled off with tongs little by little and placed in the peeled empty shell. When it accumulates, it will be stuffy in a bite.

Eating delicious crab yellow and crab meat, drinking a sip of warm rice wine, the breeze still has the elegant fragrance of osmanthus, Lu Qingjiu is grateful for his choice again.

Fortunately, he came back, back to this village called Shuifu.

Baiyue Fox stared at the crab and didn't do anything, his brows frowned slightly, as if he was considering whether to eat with the bones. Lu Qingjiu still felt distressed about the mud he gnawed at, so he simply helped Baiyue Fox handle the crabs, and put the dipping sauce on the crab meat and delivered it directly to Baiyue Fox's mouth.

"Eat it." Lu Qingjiu said with a smile.

Bai Yuehu took it and swallowed it in one bite. His frowning brows instantly relaxed. He opened his mouth slightly and said, "It's delicious."

"It's delicious, isn't it?" Lu Qingjiu said, "You eat the spicy crab first, and I will continue to peel it for you."

White Moon Fox nodded.

If the steamed crab eats the umami flavor of the crab itself, then the spicy crab should be heavy. The crab meat inside is stained with the flavor of spices, and the taste changes from light to spicy and delicious. The white moon fox is holding one Some unskilled people began to gnaw. He seemed to have discovered that the bones would affect the taste of the crab. Although it was okay to eat, he still spit out the bones obediently.

Yin Xun quickly mastered the knack of eating crabs, and he ate fast, but he did not have the appetite of the white moon fox. He was almost full with six or seven stomachs, but he obviously hadn't eaten enough, so he looked at the landing. Sake, said: "I still want to eat."

"Eat, don't there still be so much." Lu Qingjiu cooked all the crabs.

"But I can't eat it anymore." Yin Xun said, "This crab obviously has no meat, but why is it so full of stomach."

Lu Qingjiu laughed: "If you like it, I will ask my friend to send me some more in two days. Don't be foolish, you are not a white moon fox."

Ordinary people are full with five or six crabs, but for Baiyue Fox, the meat of five or six crabs is not enough to stuff his teeth, but he did not let Lu Qingjiu continue to peel him, but signaled Lu Qingjiu himself. eat. Before Baiyue Fox didn't want to do it, it was purely because of laziness. He really did it. The crabs that he peeled were so clean. He was so powerful that he could crush the meat directly from the tongs.

Lu Qingjiu didn't forget to separate out his little fox and little black pig. The little fox didn't need to peel the shell when eating crabs. The sharp teeth crunched and the shell was crunched, and the bones and meat were swallowed. , It really resembles the lazy White Moon Fox.

Autumn is the season for viewing the moon, the weather is neither cold nor hot, and the half-round moon hangs in the sky. It will be Mid-Autumn Festival in a few days, and it's time to eat moon cakes.

Moon cakes can be bought in the town, but Lu Qingjiu decided to make them himself. He has not made moon cakes himself. He plans to make some lotus seed paste and egg yolks and some fresh meat moon cakes. There is no small oven at home, waiting for him. Tomorrow I will buy one in the city, and take a look at Pang Ziqi in the hospital.

Life here is much more interesting than before. Lu Qingjiu drank warm yellow wine, and a blush appeared on his cheeks, and he was a little drunk.

Yin Xun went home after he was full, leaving him and Bai Yuehu in the yard.

The white moon fox lowered his head and slowly peeled the crab meat, his slender fingers were so dexterous, he peeled the white crab meat into the crab shell little by little.

After he peeled it, he glanced at Lu Qingjiu who was sitting beside him with a faint smile, raised his hand and fed the crab meat to Lu Qingjiu's mouth.

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback when he saw this, "No need..." He was full.

Bai Yuehu didn't move, and raised his arm slightly, motioning for Lu Qingjiu to eat.

Lu Qingjiu laughed. After all, he still received Bai Yuehu’s kindness, but he suddenly thought of something when he took the crab. He turned to look at Bai Yuehu. If he remembers correctly, this is the first time that Bai Yuehu and He shares food. Lu Qingjiu also knows that wild animals are the most alert when they eat. Coupled with the white moon fox's nature of protecting food, as long as it is in his bowl, it is impossible to share it with others. The movements were so natural that Lu Qingjiu almost didn't realize the difference between this and peace day.

Lu Qingjiu took a bite of crab meat, probably because it was a crab that Baiyue Fox personally peeled. The taste was very good. Lu Qingjiu laughed.

Bai Yuehu said: "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "I laughed. I didn't expect that as a breeder, I would still have a day out."

Baiyue Fox raised his eyebrows: "Boil it out?"

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said nothing.

Bai Yuehu didn't understand what Lu Qingjiu's smile meant. He didn't notice any deviation in his behavior, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with sharing food with Lu Qingjiu.

"Go to sleep." After eating the last crab, Lu Qingjiu was also a little sleepy. The night was already dark and the wind was a bit cold.

"Okay, you go first." Bai Yuehu said, "I will tidy up the table."

Lu Qingjiu nodded, got up and stretched, then went into the room to wash and go to sleep. When he was lying in bed, he saw Baiyue Fox through the window with his head bowed in the yard and cleaning the dishes. But in his mind he couldn't help but think of what Pang Ziqi had said to him. "A wild beast is a wild beast. Although it pretends to be a human being, once it is stimulated, it will show its ferocity."-What about it, rabbits will bite people when they are pressed, and the white moon fox is not without self-awareness. Beast, he knows who he is, knows what he is doing, and even to some extent, his self-control has been stronger than many humans.

Lu Qingjiu yawned as he thought about it, and a deep sleepiness came to his mind. He closed his eyes, but fell into a sweet dream for a moment.

The next morning, the sky was clear and clear.

After Lu Qingjiu finished his breakfast, he planned to visit Pang Ziqi in the hospital in the city center.

Yin Xun cried like a bear kid to go with Lu Qingjiu, but Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to agree.

So the two got into the minivan and headed for the city. A few hours later, they arrived at the hospital in the city center and walked outside the ward. Before entering, they heard Pang Ziqi screaming again: Mom is going to die, can you stop harassing me? Please be a man—"

Lu Qingjiu: "He seems to be in good spirits."

Yin Xun nodded: "It's much better than the mental head a few days ago..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "The Yushi concubine shouldn't follow him, right." After he said this, he pushed the door and entered. However, after he saw Pang Ziqi in the ward clearly, his expression was frozen for a few seconds.

I saw Pang Ziqi sitting on the hospital bed and quarreling with life. The Yushi concubine who was lying on his body was indeed gone, but there was a thumb-sized villain sitting on his shoulders with an unhappy expression. , That villain... is clearly a reduced version of Yu Shi's concubine.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun looked at each other and saw the same stunned look in each other's eyes.