MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 51 Jiufeng

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Mr. Baiyuehu, the first place in the horror story club, received his reward the next day, a cream cake made by Lu Qingjiu himself.

Because the process of making butter cake is cumbersome, Lu Qingjiu doesn't make it on weekdays. In this winter, I was idle anyway. Lu Qingjiu simply moved the charcoal basin to the kitchen and made a big cake with white cream for everyone to eat for dessert. There are also canned cherries and canned oranges on the cake. Lu Qingjiu also used melted chocolate sauce to write a "first place" horror story to the white moon fox to encourage it.

Although it was the first time I made it and I couldn't use the oven because of the power failure, Lu Qingjiu simply baked the cake with charcoal fire. Of course, the appearance and taste of this kind of cake are much worse than those baked in the oven, but it is white. The cream doesn't seem to be much different from the outside when it is applied. The top layer of the cake is fruit and some chocolate chips. Bai Yuehu held the knife for a long time and didn't start, try left and right, finally handed the knife to Lu Qingjiu, and said, "You cut it."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Have you eaten before?"

Bai Yuehu said: "No." After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel a little shameless, so he paused for a moment and added, "But I have seen it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Where have you seen it?"

Bai Yuehu said: "In the glass window, I need money, I have no money."

Lu Qingjiu couldn't laugh or cry, so Baiyue Fox was so calm that he had no money. He found it funny and sour at the same time. It seems that the white moon fox is also very interested in human food, but with empty pockets and can't eat anything, so he can only stand by dryly and watch...

Lu Qingjiu raised the kitchen knife, first cut a small portion for himself, and then directly divided the rest into two, giving Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun one half.

Yin Xun's child's character, grabbed the spoon and scooped the cake and started to stuff his mouth with white cream everywhere. The appearance of Baiyue Fox eating is always elegant, and he can't see that his appetite is so big.

The two of them ate the rest of the cake, both showing contented expressions.

In this cold winter, only delicious desserts can comfort their lonely hearts. Lu Qingjiu had nothing to do in his spare time and started to try other desserts, but the more troublesome thing was that they had no electricity here, and many desserts that needed an oven could not be made.

It snowed all night last night. The snow stopped in the morning. When I went out, the snow had reached my knees. In order to prevent the chicken shed from being crushed, Baiyue Fox would go out every morning to clear the snow in the yard. Lu Qingjiu watched it clear today, took a bag of jelly candy and went to see the minivan, and by the way helped the minivan clear the snow on his body.

The truck honked its horn happily.

The village has completely turned into a silver-white world, and if you look up, you will feel a bit tingling in your eyes. Seeing that the weather is not bad today, Lu Qingjiu took out a pair of sunglasses from home when the sun was out, wrapped himself into a ball and wandered around the village wearing snow boots.

The only strange thing is that the people in Xueshuifu Village seem to be gone, all hiding in the house, and there is no trace of even the most basic activities. When Lu Qingjiu walked from home to the village, he didn't see anyone. Yin Xun followed Lu Qingjiu and said, "Wine, what shall we eat tonight?" This is one of his biggest concerns every day.

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's all right, how did you spend the winter in previous years?"

Yin Xun sniffed: "It's almost the same on weekdays. Actually, there are a lot of things to eat in winter, especially on this mountain."

Lu Qingjiu: "For example?"

Yin Xun said: "Hibernating animals, snakes, etc. Snake meat is also delicious, but I am not good at making them."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Snakes should be forgotten. After all, they are wild animals. There are many parasites. If you want to eat them, you have to eat them..." He remembered something. You make lotus root and eat it."

Because there is no water in Shuifu Village, and there is no habit of eating lotus root, Lu Qingjiu only tasted lotus root for the first time after he grew up in the city. He likes this kind of dish. The crispy one can be used in cold sauce, and the soft one is also very delicious when stewed with the ribs.

"Okay." Yin Xun said, "I haven't eaten it yet."

As they walked forward, they discussed what Yin Xun hadn't eaten before, and unknowingly they left the village and reached the foot of the mountain.

The mountains are also dazzling white. Except for a few sporadic evergreen trees, most of the trees have fallen out of leaves, and the bare trunks are covered with thick white snow. What is more interesting is that some low shrub leaves are wrapped in a layer of crystal clear ice crystals, which look like crystals, pure and beautiful.

These sceneries are memories of Lu Qingjiu's childhood, and I am quite emotional when I see it again at this time. At that time, he and Yin Xun liked to run up the mountain in winter. Although the weather is cold, there are still some crops that will grow in the winter. For example, Lu Qingjiu remembers that they had seen yellow grapefruit growing on the grapefruit tree after it snowed. Although the grapefruit tastes sour and astringent, But kids, just pay attention to freshness.

After squatting at home for several days, I felt very refreshed when I came out and took a breath of fresh air.

"Did you smell anything?" Yin Xun stood beside Lu Qingjiu and asked suddenly.

Lu Qingjiu looked back blankly: "What taste?"

"It's weird..." Yin Xun said, "This smell has never been smelled before." As the mountain **** of Shuifu Village, Yin Xun knows every plant and tree on the mountain well, but he has never smelled it. odor. The smell was a bit fragrant, but there was also a faint fishy, ​​which made him feel a little uneasy after mixing.

"I didn't smell it." Lu Qingjiu didn't smell what Yin Xun said. Because the weather was too cold, he was wearing a thick mask. He reached out his hand to pull the mask down and sniffed, but he still didn't catch it. Any breath.

"Let's go back." Yin Xun became anxious, "Go back quickly."

Although Lu Qingjiu didn't understand why Yin Xun suddenly said this, he still agreed to Yin Xun's suggestion. He is a human being. Although he occasionally sees things that ordinary people can't see, he is not as good as Yin Xun in certain things. Sensitive.

Yin Xun said: "Hurry up!" Although he didn't see anything, he instinctively sounded the alarm-something is coming, something terrible is coming-

Following the frightened Yin Xun, Lu Qingjiu ran in the snow. But the thick snow made their movements more difficult. About half the distance from home, Lu Qingjiu tripped over a stone in the snow and fell directly onto the ground.

"Sake!!" Yin Xun cried out in horror, and he said, "Get up quickly—"

Lu Qingjiu was panting violently. At this time, the difference between human and non-human stamina was fully revealed. His clothes were too thick, and there was deep snow under his feet. After exhausting his energy, a lot of cold air poured in. The lungs made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Huhuhu..." Panting with big mouths, Lu Qingjiu, who fell on the ground, felt a shadow slowly covering his head. At first he thought it was dark, but soon he was frightened from Yin Xun. There was a clue in the almost desperate eyes.

Lu Qingjiu raised his head and saw a huge bird. He couldn't even use words to describe how big the bird was, because its head occupies almost all the sky above Lu Qingjiu's head. In other words...this is not a bird at all, because without a bird, it will have a human head.

At this moment, Lu Qingjiu finally smelled the smell Yin Xun just described. There was a weird sweetness in the strong fishy smell, and it was obvious that the source of the breath was the terrifying beast on his head.

Yin Xun said: "Sake—" He turned around and wanted to rush to Lu Qingjiu's side, but it was too late. A wind blew by Lu Qingjiu's side, and he felt his body tighten, like being held by something. After staying at the waist, the whole person vacated and was taken off the ground.

"Lu Qingjiu!!!" Yin Xun, who was sitting on the ground, wanted to catch Lu Qingjiu who was going away, but he was just a small mountain god, without wings, and could not fly, so he could only watch himself. My friend, was taken away by that huge strange bird.

The big bird uttered a weird laugh and waved its wings gently, and a huge wind blew on the ground. Yin Xun could only stick to the ground, so as not to be blown away by the wind. When the wind was over, the sky was already There is no sign of Big Bird and Lu Sake.

Yin Xun struggled out of the snow in embarrassment. He lost a shoe on his foot, but he couldn't take care of that much, so he hurried back home.

"Yuehu, Yuehu, something bad happened! Lu Qingjiu was taken away by something strange--" Yin searched home and saw Bai Yuehu standing in the yard, and hurriedly said what had happened.

Bai Yuehu paused when he heard the words, frowned and said, "You went to the mountain?"

Yin Xun said, "No, we just made a circle at the foot of the mountain." His heart beat wildly, and his mind was full of terrible thoughts. Just now, the giant bird didn't look like anything charitable, so Lu Qingjiu was caught. Go, will it...

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuehu didn't feel much nervous after listening, and nodded and said.

"Sake will be fine, right?" Yin Xun asked, "The bird, will you eat him?"

"No." Bai Yuehu replied, "She will eat it early, so why bother to take Lu Qingjiu away? I'll go over and take a look."

Yin Xun said: "Okay..."

A black mist rose up from the white moon fox, and then disappeared in front of Yin Xun's eyes, leaving only Yin Xun in the empty courtyard. He sat in the snow with a little loss, slowly raised his head, looked at the sky, and felt his powerlessness again.

Besides, after Lu Qingjiu was captured, he was taken directly to the sky above thousands of miles. He looked at the ground further and further away, and couldn't help feeling that he was not afraid of heights, otherwise he might have been scared and passed out.

What was wrapped around his body was a piece of white feathers, which confined his whole body without moving. Since he could not move, Lu Qingjiu observed the surroundings.

He found that he didn't seem to be in Shuifu Village anymore. Although the scenery on the ground was vague, he could still see that it was a vast ocean. There seemed to be some scattered islands in the ocean - and Shuifu Village without water was completely two places.

Above the clouds, there should have been a strong wind, but the feathers helped Lu Qingjiu partly resist. At this time, he was wrapped tightly and sat on a huge bird's claw.

This bird's claw was so big that Lu Qingjiu suspected that he could run on it for a few minutes without getting to the edge.

What does this bird want to do? Where are you going to take him? Do you want to eat him? Lu Qingjiu was full of question marks, but he felt that even though the bird had forcibly taken him away, it didn't seem to have any malice, otherwise he was just an ant that could be crushed to death with his hands.

The big bird waved its wings and brought Lu Qingjiu towards the center of the ocean. As it deepened, Lu Qingjiu noticed that a huge island appeared on the ground. The island was empty, with only yellow beaches and rugged rocks.

The altitude of the big bird's flight began to drop, and Lu Qingjiu felt the wind blowing on his cheeks, and he could only close his eyes.

When the wind weakened, Lu Qingjiu opened his eyes with difficulty. He saw that he was placed on a soft beach. When he opened his eyes, he was startled by the big faces in front of him.

"Are you awake?"

"you're awake?"

"Are you awake?"


With nine greetings one after another, Lu Qingjiu who asked was stunned, and he saw nine different faces in front of him. These faces are men and women, old and young, and even a child who seems to be only seven or eight years old. Lu Qingjiu reflexively wanted to retreat, but felt that his body was still tightly wrapped in the feathers and could not move at all.

"Shut up all of you!" The beautiful woman's face that grows in the middle let out an angry roar. When the other faces heard the sound, they shut their mouths obediently and turned their eyes to that one. Woman face, waiting to give orders.

"Your name is Lu Qingjiu, right?" The woman looks charming, with conspicuous red lips and silky eyes, which is really deceptive if it weren't on the head of this big bird.

"Yes." Lu Qingjiu replied dryly, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"That's it." The woman explained, "I have something to look for you..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "What, what's the matter?"

The woman said softly: "I've heard of your name a long time ago, but I just want you to do me a favor."

Lu Qingjiu thought about where I came from, but he didn't dare to carry it. He was afraid to provoke a woman and ate himself. He continued to communicate with a very good attitude: "You said you said."

The woman said: "I caught something and want to change the way of eating, can you help me make it?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He slowed down for a while before he realized what the woman meant. Facing the big bird like a mountain, he suppressed the trembling of his voice, "Can you take a look first, what is it? "

"Show him, show him quickly!"

"Great, great, I'm tired of eating!"

"Uuuuu so moved. He is such a good person."

The other eight heads that were quiet just now began to make noisy noises again. The woman ignored them, waved her wings, and said to Lu Sake: "Wait for me." After speaking, she flew into the sky, looking like she was going. Fetched something.

The feathers on Lu Qingjiu's body were also untied, and he finally regained his mobility. The nine-headed bird body of this woman indeed has such a biological record in the Shan Hai Jing. That is the **** named Jiufeng who lives in Tiangui Mountain in the Arctic. It is said that she is the belief of Chu people and the most respected **** in Chu people's hearts.

Lu Qingjiu got up from the ground, looked around and found that he was indeed on a desolate island. The temperature here is much higher than outside. Wearing a down jacket, he soon felt a little hot and took off the thickest coat outside.

What made Lu Qingjiu a little helpless was that even after taking off his jacket, the sweater he was wearing still made him sweat. He sat on the beach for a while, and even felt that if he sat like this again, he was really at risk of heat stroke. . In the end, Lu Qingjiu chose life between face and life, took off the last coat and left his upper body naked.

Fortunately, after he returned to the countryside, he maintained the amount of exercise. Although the abdominal muscles on his stomach were not particularly obvious, there was no fat on his stomach. Although he took off his clothes, a thin layer of sweat soon appeared on Lu Sake's wheat-colored skin. In order to save energy, he lay down on the beach.

Jiufeng has been there for a long time, and when Lu Qingjiu felt that she was going to be dried up, she was late. It was only the thing she was holding on her feet that made Lu Qingjiu wonder if she was dazzled again.

Nine Phoenix's huge bird claws firmly caught a long snake. The diameter of the snake was even longer than Lu Qingjiu's height. Lu Qingjiu with the big snake head could only look up.

With the sound of a heavy object landing, Jiufeng happily threw the big snake in front of Lu Qingjiu, she giggled, and the words were filled with joy, "Hey, I brought it, you see How to make it delicious?"

Looking at the snake, Lu Qingjiu twitched his mouth stiffly: "How do you want to eat?"

"Anyway, don't eat it raw." Jiufeng bent his head and approached Lu Qingjiu. The strange smell began to diffuse around Lu Qingjiu again, and she showed a pleasing smile, "You can figure it out..."

If it were an ordinary snake, Lu Qingjiu might have really made do with it, but the snake was so big, Lu Qingjiu rolled up his sleeves and found that he couldn't even hold the snake's body, so he had no choice but to say: " I want to do it, but this snake is too big..."

Jiufeng frowned upon hearing this, "What should I do, didn't I **** you over for nothing."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." At any rate, I should ask him for his opinion first.

Jiufeng said, "No, no, you have to make it for me, seem to be a little smaller." She stretched out a paw and compared it in front of Lu Qingjiu, and finally made sure that the little Lu Qingjiu is not there yet. When her fingernails were big, she sighed regretfully, "Why are they so small."

Lu Qingjiu looked helpless.

"And why did you take your clothes off? Oh, why are you so rude." She finally noticed the changes on Lu Qingjiu's body and said shyly, "I'm still a girl who didn't get married! You are like this! You are like this!" He stomped his feet very delicately, and the ground was shaken, Lu Qingjiu didn't stand still and sat on the ground.

Lu Qingjiu was in a complicated mood, and he actually gave birth to the illusion that he was a prostitute: "Sorry, I am too hot, I can only take off my clothes."

"That won't work either!"

"Yes, yes, how do we get married after seeing this."

"Yes, yes, otherwise..."

"No, no, I know what you are thinking, how can he marry us when he is so young."

"But he cooks deliciously, otherwise how would he live till now..."

The eight heads that were still quiet once again quarreled over this topic. You said and I said, Lu Qingjiu everyone was silly, and finally the woman's face made another roar that made them shut up, and it was quiet again. .

"Then you can find something to cover it." The woman said.

"There is nothing here." Lu Qingjiu felt that he was about to collapse. "Otherwise, you take me back and I will find some clothes first?"

Jiufeng heard the words and thought for a moment: "I don't think it will work. If you go back, I won't be able to bring you out, so let me be wronged. You tell me how to make this snake delicious, and when I am full, I'll take you back."

Lu Qingjiu sighed, "All right."

With such a large snake, it is impossible to stew chicken soup, and the conditions here are tough. After thinking about it, Lu Qingjiu feels that it is more reliable to eat it roasted. So he talked about his thoughts, probably, first peeling the snake skin, then roasting it over fire, sprinkling salt and some spices on the snake's body, and the taste should change greatly.

Hearing this, Jiufeng said blankly: "What are salt and spices?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after the two exchanges, Lu Qingjiu confirmed that Jiufeng had never eaten salt at all, let alone what spices were. She ate the most natural foods, all she grabbed and bitten, where there are spices. Say.

After Lu Qingjiu heard what Jiufeng said, she felt that she was worse than Bai Yuehu...

Baiyue Fox only needs to feed one mouth, she has to feed eight mouths, and it seems that these eight mouths are not easy to serve.

"What should I do?" Jiufeng said, "You tell me how to make salt?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Um... sorry, I don't know how to make salt." Although he knows that sea salt can be used, he eats processed sea salt.

When Jiufeng heard that he couldn't eat anymore, he stomped his feet angrily and cried, "What are you doing? You lied to me to see your body and refused to cook for me. I just lied to you for a while. Huh! You are so stingy!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He was speechless.

Jiufeng was still going to say something. A black cloud suddenly floated in the sky. When she saw the cloud, her face changed drastically, and said: "Why are you chasing so quickly? The nose is so spiritual, is it a dog?"

Lu Qingjiu looked at the familiar black mist, and knew that Bai Yuehu must be following him. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. But before the tone was let go, Bai Yuehu's angry voice was heard: "Jiufeng, you are too shameless, you actually took off his clothes!!!"

Jiufeng: "I am not, I don't! He took it off himself!"

Bai Yuehu: "Lu Qingjiu?!"

Lu Qingjiu almost didn't cry. Is this the point? And you non-human beings are all over-civilized, he took off his upper body, and his pants are still on his body! ! Why did both of them sound like he was running naked on the street? ?

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