MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 58 Nightmare

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Although the people in the program group were full of confidence, they soon suffered setbacks among other villagers. They entered the yards of other villagers and were violently driven out before they spoke. Some people have a less bad attitude, but they didn't lend them anything. They didn't even want to talk to them, just kept waving their hands.

"What's the matter, these people." This is the first time the star of the show encountered such a situation. He took the only borrowed rice bag and complained at the entrance of the village, "Don't you just borrow something? Why is the attitude so bad? "

"Maybe their place is too far, don't watch TV very much, and don't know you." The staff counseled, "Otherwise it will definitely not be this attitude." The person in front of them is a popular entertainment niche named Jiang. Not Huan, the popularity is very high, wherever I go, the fans are crowded, I originally wanted to go to a remote place to avoid the fans, but who knows that the people here don’t buy it, and they can’t do the show. .

"What should I do, Xiao Huan?" the staff member said, "Otherwise, let's go back and discuss with the director whether to change places?"

"Hey, I just didn't want to change it." Jiang Buhuan said, "Don't they have land? You take me to see it."

The staff nodded.

Then the group went to the field.

The spring is just beginning, and most of the spring crops have just been planted, and only tender shoots have emerged, which obviously cannot be eaten. However, the ground of one house is a bit special. Jiang Buhuan even saw fresh tomatoes in it. The tomatoes were fist-sized and red in color, and they looked delicious. He said: "It's strange, why are there tomatoes in this field?"

The staff member said, "I don't know, did you use a greenhouse?" He also felt strange that the family's land was incompatible with other places, and he could see that every vegetable grew well.

"I'll try one." Jiang Buhuan stretched out his hand and picked one, wiped it and put it in his mouth and took a bite. After this bite, he showed a stunning color. This tomato is so delicious. It tastes better than many special tomatoes. The fruit is very strong, and it is sweet and sour. It can be eaten as a fruit. "It's delicious."

"Is it delicious?" the staff member asked curiously.

"Very delicious." Jiang Buhuan said, "this tastes so good, I have never eaten such a delicious tomato." He said and picked one for the staff.

The staff took a bite, and then showed the same amazing expression as Jiang Buhuan. The tomatoes are indeed very delicious.

"Just pick this." Jiang Buhuan said, "I'll talk to the family later, and wait until the show is over and then give them the tomato money."

"All right." The staff agreed.

So the group picked a bag of tomatoes and some other vegetables, and happily went back to the place where they lived, not knowing what they had done irreparably.

Lu Qingjiu originally thought that they would come back to find themselves if they couldn't borrow something, but he didn't see the show crew that night, so he thought they had used some method to explain the villagers in the village and didn't care about it anymore.

Who knew that that night, the Baiyue Fox who came back from the ground was exuding low air pressure all over his body, and his eyes were gloomy to the extreme.

"Fox, what's the matter?" As the parent of the family, Lu Qingjiu naturally wants to care about the physical and mental health of the members of the family. "Why are you so unhappy?"

Baiyuehu said coldly, "I have lost twelve tomatoes, a litter of cabbage, and two cucumbers."

Yin Xun was so frightened by the aura of the white moon fox that he hid in the house, so he put out his eyes to watch the excitement.

Lu Qingjiu understood in an instant, he said, "Did they go to your field?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu frowned. He knew the character of Baiyue Fox for food, and he felt that these people's practices were not appropriate, and said, "I'll talk to them."

"No need." Bai Yuehu said coldly, "They are leaving."

Lu Qingjiu: "Are you leaving?"

Bai Yuehu: "If you don't leave, just wait for death." He was serious.

Lu Qingjiu said: "But..."

Bai Yuehu said: "Huh?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "They don't look very tasty." Most of the celebrities who came have dyed their hair. Will it be poisoned if you eat it?

Baiyue Fox frowned and seemed to agree with Lu Qingjiu's words. Normally, he would only eat what he liked, such as plump manta rays, green onions, and for example, Lu Qingjiu that looked delicious. Of course, he was a little bit reluctant to eat the latter, after all, he was gone after eating.

"And they are all stars. If they die, the police will come to the door, such a large group of people." After Lu Qingjiu thought about it carefully, he felt that it was not appropriate to eat them.

Bai Yuehu said: "Yeah." He naturally has a way to make this group of people disappear unknowingly, but Lu Qingjiu's words are also reasonable, mainly because the group of people really don't seem to be delicious, and his standard of living has improved. , Naturally do not want to eat so much junk food.

I just don’t know how Jiang Buhuan, who has positioned himself as a lover of the masses, would feel like when he found out that he was called junk food...

"And I think it's a bit strange that they came to Shuifu Village." Lu Qingjiu said, "It's like someone deliberately brought them here."

Bai Yuehu did not speak, but Yin Xun, who was standing aside, said, "It's very strange. They didn't contact the people in the village before they came, but they all knew the village well. Could it be that the Liu family told them? ?"

Lu Qingjiu felt that things were a bit contradictory.

"Moreover, many people died in that room of the Liu family." Yin Xun said, "The four brothers of their family, three of them died in it, and the only remaining youngest child also disappeared. We are all It's bad Feng Shui..."

Lu Qingjiu vaguely remembered this. At that time, he was still very young. The eldest brother of the family had an accident. It seemed that he accidentally fell from the second floor while repairing the house. The height was originally not high, so he jumped off by a few feet. But the man actually broke his neck.

"It sounds like a ghost story." Lu Qingjiu said.

"Yeah, it's scary." Yin Xun, the mountain god, was also very hopeless. "Later, the Liu family moved out and the house became vacant. No one went in."

In fact, there are many such empty old houses in Shuifu Village. Young people have gone out to work. Most of the rest in Shuifu Village are elderly people, like Lu Qingjiu who have lived here since childhood, and finally chose to come back. It's even rarer.

Lu Qingjiu said: "I hope it's okay." Although he doesn't like noisy program groups very much, he doesn't want to hate them to the point of thinking about their lives. He plans to find time to talk to the group later. , Let them stop picking Baiyue Fox’s vegetables, otherwise his vixen is really angry, and he can’t stop him.

After the spring, it was not so early, and the sun was still hanging in the sky after seven o'clock, and a brilliant red glow appeared. Insects disappeared for a winter, and there was a crisp call in the haystack on the side of the road.

Lu Qingjiu took Yin Xun to the Liu's house, and saw that the house was brightly lit, with all kinds of shooting equipment in the courtyard, a few stars gathered for a meal, and the staff standing around were shooting.

Lu Qingjiu knocked on the door, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Sorry, you can't come here casually." Seeing that it was a villager, someone immediately stepped forward to stop him.

Lu Qingjiu didn't mean to go in either. He just said, "I didn't plan to come in. I just wanted to ask, did you pick the cucumbers and tomatoes from my house?"

"Yes, we picked some." Someone immediately replied, "But we didn't pick much. If you sell it, we will change it to RMB for you."

"No," Lu Qingjiu said, "Forget it this time, please don't pick it next time."

"Have you finished eating so many tomatoes?" But some people became dissatisfied, "We can't buy them at the market price? Or even higher than the market price."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and was not angry: "Tomatoes are grown for family members." This year, he has income from hair growth water, so he doesn't plan to sell vegetables. The extra tomatoes can be used to make tomato paste and tomatoes. Dry, there are many ways to eat, plus the bottomless stomach of the white moon fox, there is no need to worry about not eating.

"Then sell us some." The person who spoke was obviously very interested in the tomatoes grown by the White Moon Fox, and he was still persuading, "We can't ask for much."

"No." Lu Qingjiu firmly refused, he said, "Tomatoes are not sold. If you want to eat them, please go to town to buy them."

"What are you doing so arrogantly? Isn't it just a few tomatoes?" The man seemed to be a little embarrassed when he saw that Lu Qingjiu was soft or hard, and his tone became angry. He wanted to say something, but he was held on his shoulder. .

"I'm sorry, I picked it." The star who came to ask for rice showed half of his face in the back during the day. It was Jiang Buhuan. "I don't know it belongs to your family. I still want to pay you after the show is over. , If you don’t like it, just forget it. I’ll pay the amount first."

Lu Qingjiu said, "No, these are for you to eat." He raised his hand and pointed to the old building behind them, "Do you know the history of this house?"

"History?" Jiang Buhuan was taken aback.

"Five or six people have died in this house before." Yin Xun said by the side. "They all died in accidents. They are also considered murderous houses. Who on earth contacted you to let you live here?"

Jiang Buhuan was a little stunned when he heard this: "I don't know, these are all made by logistics."

"I suggest you move out early." Lu Qingjiu said, "This house is really unlucky." After he said that, he and Yin Xun left, leaving the staff and celebrities with delicate faces.

"What are they talking about?" Another female star who was on a show with Jiang Buhuan also came over. Her name is Wu Ya. She is a singer from a talent show. She is usually squeamish. Huan is here too, she will never go to the backcountry to do this show.

"He said this is a haunted house." Jiang Buhuan said.

"Haunted House?" Wu Ya widened her eyes, "Really? Don't they come to scare us on purpose."

Jiang Buhuan said, "Is it true? Just ask the director."

The two of them quickly asked the director about Lu Qingjiu's words, but the director was at a loss and said that he had no idea about it.

Jiang Buhuan said, "Director Yan, who did you rent this house from?"

"I haven't seen anyone." The director said shockingly. "The logistics team found this house. We haven't met each other. The owner sent the key directly."

Jiang Buhuan said, "Then who found the house?"

The director said: "I am a temporary worker. I have resigned and left. This happened two months ago. What happened?"

"Don't you think this is a bit strange?" Wu Ya was also a little scared. When she entered the village, she felt that it was not the same as the rural life she had imagined. All the villagers looked at them as outsiders. Like monsters, no one wants to let them into the house. Even if they enter the house, the villagers will look indifferent to their questioning.

As if in Shuifu Village, all of them are transparent...

"Yes, it's weird. Except for the young man just now, no one else in the village pays attention to us." Jiang Buhuan said, "Otherwise, let's change place, and when we came, there were two policemen who stopped us. ?"

"The schedule is too late." The director said, "Don't worry about the two of you. Where are ghosts in this world? Even if there are ghosts, so many of us, ghosts will be scared away."

Wu Yaqiang laughed: "It's also..."

Jiang Buhuan had no choice but to persuade the director to give up. They had to stay in this village for a month. They had just moved in and the atmosphere was so strange, and they didn't know if they could continue the next show.

After everyone had eaten, they simply cleaned up, and then planned to sleep.

Jiang Buhuan slept in a master bedroom next to the corridor on the second floor. Although this building is very old, it has a good point, that is, there are a lot of rooms, and almost every staff member has a separate room. Although the room was cleaned once, it still smelled of dust, which made people smell very uncomfortable.

There is a window on the left of Jiang Buhuan. Through the window, you can see the courtyard on the first floor.

The yard hadn't had time to clean up, and it was full of overgrown weeds. This was originally a task left by the director tomorrow, but at this time, the whole house looked terribly desolate.

Jiang Buhuan felt a little uncomfortable and wrapped the bedding tightly on his body.

Besides, Lu Qingjiu and Yin had returned home, and they rushed to stir-fry a spicy beef shredded in the evening to comfort his sulking vixen. This dish is used as a snack. Stir-fried shredded dried chili and shredded beef. After the stir-fry, the shredded beef becomes dry, fragrant and chewy. The shredded chili is the kind of edible, not very spicy, but it is very fragrant, with a thick layer of white sesame on it. Good dishes to go with wine.

The white moon fox seemed to feel better after eating, and then went to bed.

Lu Qingjiu was also a little sleepy. After washing, he went to bed and touched the wooden box beside his bed. There are still dozens of days to be his birthday. At that time, I don’t know what will happen to this wooden box...

The night of Lu Qingjiu is the end of the day, but the night of Jiang Buhuan and the program group is just the beginning.

The night enveloped the entire village, and the Willow House extinguished the last light, restoring the silence and darkness of the past.

When Jiang Buhuan slept until midnight, he felt a little cold. The thick quilt on his body was useless at all. The whole quilt was like an ice cellar, and the cold people panicked.

He opened his eyes and saw the old walls in the room.

The village is very backward, the walls are just rough stones, not even coating.

Jiang Buhuan couldn't stand it, so he sat up from the bed. He wanted to go and search for a few more clothes to wear to keep out the cold. When he walked to the door, he heard an incredible sound... the sound of water, it was the waves. The sound of beating the sea,

Jiang Buhuan was stunned. He even thought whether he had hallucinations, but the voice was so real that he couldn't deceive himself.

What sound is it? With such doubts, Jiang Buhuan moved slowly and walked to the window. When he saw the outside scene through the window, he stayed where he was.

Without the shabby corridors and deserted courtyards, an endless sea appeared before his eyes.

The waves were turbulent, slapped hard against the dark reef, and a thin layer of mist floated on the black water. In the mist, something seemed to be slowly moving through.

Jiang Buhuan looked at the scene and his body began to tremble. He squeezed his arm vigorously and felt a severe pain, but the pain did not wake him from this hallucination. The sea was still in front of his eyes and the waves The voice still kept pouring into the ear canal.

And above the sea, the looming thing gradually appeared in front of Jiang Buhuan's eyes. He saw a big ship with many people standing on it. Their bodies seemed to be very stiff, and their faces were enveloped in mist. It’s not clear at all.

Jiang Buhuan felt scared for the first time. He froze in front of the window and watched the big ship sail into the distance.

There seemed to be something in the central area of ​​the sea, but the fog was too thick and the sky was too dark. Jiang Buhuan couldn't see clearly. The only thing he could see was the big ship and the surging waves beneath it. The salty damp and cold sea breeze hit his face, and Jiang Buhuan heard a loud cry from inside the sea. He had never heard this kind of call before. If he had to describe it, it was a bit like the whisper of a blue whale, and it was ethereal and distant. While it felt beautiful, it was also a little scary.

The sound must be a huge animal, maybe a fish, maybe a whale, maybe something else... Jiang Buhuan was thinking about this when he saw a huge black figure leaping out of the sea. . He couldn't describe how big the thing was, he only knew that one of its side fins covered the entire sky. The original big ship became like a toy under the background of this giant beast. The giant beast leaped from the black ocean and then fell heavily. The waves that stirred up swallowed the ship directly, and the people on the ship disappeared.

Where is he and what are the sights outside the window? Jiang Buhuan was in a huge daze. He picked up his watch and saw that above the surface, the hour, minute, and second hands all stayed at the number 12, no longer moving forward.

The night is silent, and my ears are full of the noisy sound of the waves. The night is noisy again, in addition to the waves, you can hear all kinds of terrifying noises. There are roars, neighs, loud crashes, and even humans cry for help. Jiang Buhuan seemed to have entered another world, with sights he had never seen before, and sounds he had never heard before.

The cold made him shrink into a ball. Fear consumed most of his strength. His consciousness gradually blurred, shrinking to the corner of the wall, and closing his eyes in despair.

At that moment, Jiang Buhuan really thought that he could not survive this long night. Until the next day, loud knocks and shouts awakened him from his sleep. He opened his eyes blankly and found himself sleeping on the hard wooden floor all night.

"Jiang Buhuan, are you all right!" Someone called his name outside the door and knocked on the door, "Are you inside?"

Jiang Buhuan got up from the ground with difficulty, feeling that his body was falling apart. The first thing he did after getting up was to look in the direction of the window, but he saw the familiar small courtyard, the courtyard. The grass is overgrown, where are the huge waves.

Confirming that he had returned to the original place, Jiang Buhuan heaved a sigh of relief. He walked to the door and opened the door. He saw his agent standing at the door staring at him in surprise: "Are you all right? What's your face? So bad?"

"I want to leave here." Jiang Buhuan said directly, "I won't do this show."

The agent was stunned: "What do you mean? Why do you say that suddenly?" He reacted, "What happened last night?"

Jiang Buhuan shook his head and said nothing. He couldn't tell his agent that he had a terrible dream. But is that really a dream, is there such a real dream? Jiang Buhuan couldn't answer this question, but he didn't want to know the answer anymore, as long as he knew, he had to leave the village.

The agent was still knocking **** the door outside, but Jiang Buhuan ignored him and began to pack up his luggage.

"Jiang Buhuan, what are you doing? Do you know how much you will pay for breaking the contract? If you say you don't do it, then you won't do it?" There was also a noise on the first floor.

He looked down and saw that Wu Ya had already packed up her luggage and was leaving, regardless of other people’s persuasion. Her face was pale and scary, and there were still cyan eyes under her eyes, and her expression was like an evil spirit. Yes, it makes people feel flustered.

"I'm leaving!!" Wu Ya's voice was extremely sharp. She lost her sweetness and shyness and became a little nervous, "Stay here again, I will die!! Let me go!!"

The agent looked at her and suddenly panicked. It might not be that the village really has a problem, or why did Jiang Buhuan and Wu Ya become like this after spending a night here? !

Wu Ya's attitude was more determined than Jiang Buhuan's. With her thin body, she broke free from the obstacles of several people. She opened the door and left without turning back. The director stood there with a pale face.

But what he didn't expect was that Wu Ya was just the beginning, and several artists in the show group expressed that they would quit the show.

"You always have to give me a reason!" the angry director asked.

"I had a dream yesterday." A good-tempered artist replied, "I dreamed that all the dead in the graveyard at the end of the village crawled out."

"This is your horror movie, right?" The director didn't believe it.

"I want to comfort myself like that." The artist smiled as if crying, "But it's obviously my first time in this village. How would I know in my dream that there is a cemetery at the end of the village."

The director's face instantly paled.

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