MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 62 Black scales

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Lu Qingjiu arrived at Baiyuehu's room. He did not dare to knock on the door, fearing to cause the monsters outside to be alert, so he opened the door gently, and saw the scene in the room through the crack of the door. The room was empty, there was no one on the bed, and the figure of Bai Yuehu was missing.

Lu Qingjiu was a little nervous. He glanced outside the door. The monster was still standing in their yard, but because it was too big, it seemed that only his head was stuffed in. The other parts should be outside the yard. The monster seemed to have moved his eyes to Jiang Buhuan’s window. Jiang Buhuan’s scream was like a chicken pinched by its neck. It was terribly miserable. He seemed to see those black eyes and cried. : "Help, help—there is a monster outside the window, who will help me—"

As he said, he opened the door and ran out of the house embarrassedly, just in time to see Lu Qingjiu standing in the corridor. The two stared at them for a moment, and Jiang Buhuan trembled: "Mr. Lu, Lu."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Good evening?"

Jiang Buhuan: "...There are monsters outside!"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Oh, I saw it."

Jiang Buhuan was shocked by Lu Qingjiu's calm reaction. The things outside had completely subverted his three views, and even made him wonder if he was having nightmares again: "Aren't you afraid?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Scared." Isn't this still worrying about something wrong with my son?

Jiang Buhuan: "Are you scared?"

Lu Qingjiu nodded, and he said: "You come here first."

Jiang Buhuan was about to get up from the ground, but he heard a loud noise outside, like the sound of a building collapsing, followed by a series of low roars. Lu Qingjiu passed the window and saw the huge monster slowly He raised his head and looked towards the sky, as if something in the sky attracted his attention.

Because the window was too small, Lu Qingjiu couldn't see the monster's appearance, but he vaguely felt that the monster looked a bit like a legendary dragon, but it was slightly different from the dragon. This reminded Lu Qingjiu of the black dragon trapped in the abyss, but he didn't know if there was any connection between the two.

Just as Lu Qingjiu was puzzled, a black mist had already risen around the giant beast, enveloping its body. Then, the black mist spread towards the sky, Lu Qingjiu hurried out to check when he saw it, but found that there was already a cloud of black mist in the sky at this time. Immediately afterwards, the two groups of black mist merged together. With bites, roars, and roars like beasts, the black mist permeated everywhere, and finally covered the sky of the entire Shuifu Village. Jiang Buhuan was already dumbfounded. He was not as courageous as Lu Qingjiu. After a long period of psychological development, he mustered up the courage to reach the door and said dumbly: "It's raining?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yes."

At some point, there was a light rain in the sky, and the raindrops hit the ground, making a rustling sound. It was already dark outside and could not see his fingers. Apart from these noises, Lu Qingjiu could not see anything. But soon, he discovered that the dropped liquid was not rainwater...but blood. Lu Qingjiu slowly stretched out his hand and caught some liquid with his palm. He retracted his hand, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly, and he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Jiang Buhuan also found something wrong, and he trembled: "Why is there such a big smell of blood?"

Lu Qingjiu said nothing, but looked up at the sky.

In the black mist, it was the place where the blood rain fell. The blood seemed to have been dropped by the trembling beasts in the black mist. Along with the blood rain, there were some hard objects. Lu Qingjiu bent over and picked it up. The hard object is actually a scale. The scales were palm-sized, hard and sharp. Lu Qingjiu's grip was a little tighter, and the edge of the scales cut the palm of his hand. He realized something and cast a worried look into the black mist.

Jiang Buhuan was already scared and tired. He sat on the ground blankly, looking at the sky with a blank expression. The rain of blood got bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a pouring rain, with a **** nose. The small courtyard that was originally familiar became extremely strange at this time, as if entering a space of different dimensions.

"What is that?" Jiang Buhuan said, "Am I really dreaming?"

Lu Qingjiu didn't answer. All his attention was in the black fog. More and more scales accumulated on the ground. Blood water also accumulated puddles on the ground. The ears were terrible of collision, tearing and biting. Sound, everything is so terrible.

This night was amazingly long.

Fear consumed most of Jiang Buhuan's strength, and he actually fell asleep leaning on the door frame while sitting on the ground. Lu Qingjiu kept his head up, and when the back of his neck became a little stiff, dawn finally appeared on the horizon. The thin light broke through the thick black fog, like shattering the dark barrier, the rain gradually decreased, the cry became weak, the black fog covering the sky began to fade, Lu Qingjiu finally saw the deep blue The clouds, and the bright moon that is about to disappear.

It's going to dawn, Lu Qingjiu thought. He looked into his yard and saw that the entire small yard was almost a mess, all the places were blood, and the ground was covered with the remains of black scales, like the Asura hell. But miraculously, such a big movement seemed to be only heard by him and Jiang Buhuan, and the entire Shuifu Village seemed to have no other living creatures besides them.

Lu Qingjiu lowered his head and saw the scales in his palms. The scales were actually very beautiful, exuding gem-like luster, and the edges were sharp as blades. They could easily cut the fragile skin of human beings. Obviously, the owner of the scales is not a good stubble. .

When Lu Qingjiu raised his head again, the black fog in the sky finally dissipated, revealing the sky and the rising sun on the horizon. The blood stains on the ground began to disappear, the scale debris gradually faded away, and everything seemed to be returning to a normal trend.

The death fight last night was nothing but an absurd dream.

Lu Qingjiu stood up, he heard people's footsteps at the gate of the yard, and then saw a familiar figure-Baiyuehu is back.

He was wearing a black robe, with long hair, his eyes down slightly, his face pale and scary. On the black robe, a five-claw dragon was embroidered with gold silk, and the dragon came alive, as if it was about to jump out of his clothes.

"Yuehu." Lu Qingjiu called his name.

Bai Yuehu looked up and said, "Sake."

"Are you injured?!" Lu Qingjiu noticed something. He quickly stepped forward and said nervously, "Where did it hurt?" He noticed that the blood was still dripping under Bai Yuehu's robe.

"Small injuries, don't get in the way." Bai Yuehu said.

"Let me see." Lu Qingjiu insisted.

Bai Yuehu frowned slightly, seemingly embarrassed, but with Lu Qingjiu's firm attitude, he slowly untied his robe, revealing a strong chest. On the chest, a blood-red scratch ran across the white moon fox's abdomen. The scratch was extremely deep, bones were already visible, and blood was dripping slowly.

When Lu Qingjiu saw such a hideous wound, he suddenly became nervous: "So serious? Let's go to the hospital!"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's okay, it will be fine in a few days."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is it all right?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Well, our family is very capable of self-healing, and human hospitals are of no use to us."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then what do you need? Is there anything I can help?"

White Moon Fox thought for a moment: "I need food."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, I'll cook it for you right away." He looked at the wound worriedly, but still couldn't let go of it, and whispered, "Do you need to clean up the wound?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes."

After hearing the words, Lu Qingjiu hurried to the house to find hot water, gauze, and some medical supplies for disinfection. After returning to the yard, he let Baiyue Fox lie down, kneeling down beside him, and carefully cleaned it up. wound. The wound was scratched by some beast, and even a broken nail was found inside. Lu Qingjiu cleaned it, while feeling distressed for the vixen who was being bullied.

"How is that thing, will it come again?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Baiyue Fox half-closed his eyes, his black hair scattered behind him, but he was filled with a lazy temptation: "Maybe, but he is hurt more than me. He wants to come back, no so easy."

Lu Qingjiu said: "You take a rest first, I will help you make some food."

Bai Yuehu said: "Um...wait."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Huh?"

"What's in your pocket?" Bai Yuehu asked suddenly.

"Black scales." Lu Qingjiu took out the things in his pocket. The scales in the yard disappeared. Only the scale in his hand still exists. He really likes this scale. After taking it out, he holds it in his hand. After rubbing it a few times, I felt the smooth texture, "What's the matter?"

Bai Yuehu's expression is a bit unnatural: "What are you keeping this for?"

"Oh, I think it looks pretty." Lu Qingjiu said, "Is there a problem? If it doesn't work, I will lose it."

Bai Yuehu said: "...It's not impossible."

Lu Qingjiu looked at the white moon fox inexplicably.

Bai Yuehu said: "Forget it, you keep it." He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. Seeing Lu Sake rubbing his scales, a suspicious blush appeared on his cheeks, but because of Lu Sake's attention was on the wound on the white moon fox's chest, but he didn't even notice.

"Then I will keep it." Lu Qingjiu smiled, "I'm going to make food."

Baiyuehu nodded and left by Lu Sake.

At this moment, the sky was already bright, Jiang Buhuan woke up from his dream in a daze, and when he opened it he saw Lu Qingjiu feeding the white moon fox noodles in the yard. At first he thought he was wrong, but after rubbing his eyes, he realized that he was not hallucinating.

What happened in the past few days is so absurd, so absurd that he feels that he has blurred the boundary between reality and dream.

Jiang Buhuan stood up from the ground, feeling that his whole body was painful, he walked slowly to Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu's side, and whispered, "Morning, good morning."

Lu Qingjiu didn't turn his head back: "Good morning, there is breakfast in the kitchen. Go get it yourself."

"Did I have a dream last night?" Jiang Buhuan asked in confusion. He remembered that it was raining blood and the whole yard had become messy, but he opened his eyes in the morning and found that everything around here is fine.

"It's not a dream, it's real." Lu Qingjiu said.

Jiang Buhuan saw the appearance of the white moon fox. Overnight, the white moon fox grew black and beautiful hair, but his face was much uglier than yesterday. "Is Mr. Bai injured?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Go and eat." He did not answer Jiang Buhuan's question.

Jiang Buhuan nodded wisely, turned and left.

After he left, Lu Qingjiu was a little puzzled: "The thing that hurt you came with Jiang Buhuan?"

Baiyue Fox: "Yes, nor is it."

Lu Qingjiu: "What do you mean?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Jiang Buhuan has a special status. He just wants Jiang Buhuan to die in Shuifu Village."

"Special status?" Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised. "He... isn't he a human?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's a human."

Lu Qingjiu frowned and didn't understand what Bai Yuehu meant, but Bai Yuehu didn't intend to explain it anymore, and closed his eyes tiredly. Seeing the tired look on his face, Lu Qingjiu didn't feel embarrassed to continue to disturb him. Seeing that the noodles in the bowl were almost eaten, he gently left Bai Yuehu and let him rest.

Zhu Miaomiao slept cleanly, but when he got up, he saw that Lu Qingjiu and Jiang Buhuan were both lacking in sleep, and he was surprised: "Why are you both not sleeping? He carried me last night. Catch the ghost?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Hey, I really went to catch a ghost."

Zhu Miaomiao: "...Forget it, I won't ask, don't say it." She didn't believe this, but since the backyard well cured her baldness, she had to believe it.

Lu Qingjiu yawned and told Zhu Miaomiao not to quarrel with the white moon fox and let him rest in the yard. Although Zhu Miaomiao was strange, he still listened to Lu Qingjiu's words and stayed at home obediently.

Yin Xun came after a while. Like Lu Qing Jiujiang Buhuan, he was also deprived of sleep. Obviously he saw the scene last night and couldn't fall asleep at all.

"White Moon Fox is okay?" Yin Xun asked Lu Qingjiu in a low voice.

"Suddenly hurt." Lu Qingjiu said, "He said he was fine."

"Oh." Yin Xun said, "I was scared to death last night. I thought something was going to happen."

"Do you know what that thing is?" Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, and took out the black scale from his pocket. "I picked it up last night."

Yin Xun's expression distorted when he saw the scales: "Have you picked it up?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Yes."

Yin Xun: "Does Baiyue Fox know?"

Lu Qingjiu: "...I know, he agreed to let me keep it."

Yin Xun: "..."

Lu Qingjiu: "What's wrong, why is your face so strange?"

Yin Xun suffocated for a long time, and then abruptly squeezed out: "It's okay."

Lu Qingjiu said suspiciously: "Really all right? It's all right, why do you look like this?"

"Oh, I just don't think these scales are suitable to hold." Yin Xun muttered, "Who knows the side effects."

Lu Qingjiu felt that it didn't matter: "There are side effects, Bai Yuehu will tell me, it should be fine."

Why is it all right? Do you know what this scale means? Only their partners can own these scales. You can hold them in your hands as a collection. Don’t put yourself in the collection at the end—Yin Xun roared crazily in his heart, but didn’t dare to take it for his own life. Speaking of it, he was afraid that in case he had misunderstood Baiyuehu's meaning, Baiyuehu treated him unlike Lu Qingjiu. In Baiyuehu's eyes, he was at best a talking food reserve, completely without human rights. At all.

Because Baiyue Fox was resting in the yard, Lu Qingjiu let these people stay at home, don't go out to disturb Baiyue Fox's sleep.

Zhu Miaomiao saw that everyone was not awake. He was very curious about what happened last night, but no matter how he asked, no one was willing to say. In the end, he had no choice but to give up, and strongly doubted whether this group of people was backing. I did something ulterior to myself.

"What can we big men do?" Yin Xun was aggrieved after being frightened all night. He also imagined that Zhu Miaomiao would sleep peacefully without knowing anything.

"Who said that big men can't do anything anymore." Zhu Miaomiao patted the table, "Now men are not safe, especially for a cute boy like Jiang Buhuan. You must learn to protect yourself when you go out."

Jiang Buhuan: "..." He always felt that staying away from Zhu Miaomiao was to protect himself.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Let's play, I'm going to cook."

"How do the three of them play?" Yin Xun said, "Otherwise I will help you too."

Zhu Miaomiao rolled up his sleeves: "Why can't three people play? Come on, let's fight the landlords!"

Yin Xun was confused by Zhu Miaomiao.

Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to cook. Although he fed the white moon fox in the morning, he would definitely be hungry at noon according to the scary appetite of the white moon fox, and the white moon fox was also injured.

Thinking of the scar on the white moon fox’s chest, Lu Qingjiu was a little worried. He didn’t know how long the white moon fox’s injury would heal, whether it would leave scars on his body, or whether his body would be bald when it returned to its original shape. But then again, Since Baiyue Fox is not a fox, what exactly is it... Why does his fox have to insist that he is a fox? What kind of strange obsession is this?

In order to supplement Baiyue fox's nutrition, Lu Qingjiu emptied almost all the stock in the refrigerator at home, and made a table of meat, which was fried and stewed, stuffed and deep-fried. The remaining three people were stunned.

Yin Xun said, "Does our family celebrate the New Year today?"

Lu Qingjiu wiped the sweat on his forehead, and ignored him: "I'm going to call Baiyue Fox to eat." Here he dared to wake the sleeping Baiyue Fox.

Bai Yuehu really was still asleep. Someone approached him without noticing it. Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder gently, and cried, "Yuehu."

Bai Yuehu opened his eyes and saw Lu Qingjiu next to him.

"It's lunch." Lu Qingjiu cried, "I have cooked many dishes you like."

Bai Yuehu snorted, and slowly got up, his long black hair was scattered all over, he was a little annoyed, and he pulled his hair to the back of his head, and said: "Get me some scissors first."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Why are you so eager to cut?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's not convenient to eat."

Lu Qingjiu was instantly dumb. He originally thought that Baiyue Fox didn't like long hair because of some special reason, but now thinking about it, maybe it's just because it is inconvenient to eat—it will slow down.

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's okay, I will first ask Zhu Miaomiao for a hair rope, and then cut it after eating."

After hearing this, Bai Yuehu nodded, but didn't worry about this.

Then a few people sat at the dining table. Zhu Miaomiao looked at Bai Yuehu's long hair and his eyes became straight, and he couldn't help but praise the beauty of the hair. Lu Qingjiu found a hair rope, and slowly tied the black hair of Baiyue Fox behind his head. His hair was dark and smooth, and he held it in his hand as if he were like fine silk. It was cut with one knife, and it was a pity to look at it this way.

Bai Yuehu focused all his attention on food, and didn't care how Lu Qingjiu was tossing his hair.

Yin Xun, who was sitting next to Lu Qingjiu, watched the interaction between the two of them. His eyes were staring. He dared to move Baiyuehu’s hair like this. He was really afraid that Baiyuehu would turn his head and give Lu Qingjiu a bite...but then again, Bai Yuehu agreed that Lu Qingjiu touched his scales, and combing his hair didn't seem to matter.

Thinking this way, Yin Xun became calm.

Lu Qingjiu started eating after getting Baiyue Fox's hair, but meat is always full of food. In addition, to take care of Baiyue Fox, this table didn't have any vegetarian dishes, and the four of them quickly ate. Finally, just watched Bai Yuehu continue to stuff things into his mouth.

The food entered Baiyue Fox's belly, but it seemed to have entered an abyss that was never filled. He was not full and everyone was tired.

After eating for more than an hour, the White Moon Fox had taken care of all the food on the table. After eating, he showed his fullness, like a big cat whose hunting is over, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows are lazy and content.

"Is it okay?" Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to ask him if he was full.

"It's much better." Baiyuehu said, "I'll go to sleep." He yawned lazily and went to the rocking chair in the center of the yard.

In the spring sunshine, the vines also sprouted, and new green leaves were drawn from the branches. Sometimes birds landed on the vines and made a crisp call. The white moon fox sleeps on the chair, with his eyes closed, as beautiful as a painting.

They did not dare to bother him, and moved around cautiously. Yin Xun suggested that when the weather was good, he could go to the mountain and pick some wild fruits. Lu Qingjiu let them go, saying that he was guarding the white in the yard. Moon fox.

So the three of them took the bamboo basket and brought the little fox out, leaving Lu Qingjiu sitting in the courtyard with the white moon fox.

Lu Qingjiu went to the room and touched the book, sat next to Baiyuehu and looked at it quietly, and when he looked at it, his sleepiness came to his heart. He leaned on the back of his chair and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already sunset. He opened his eyes blankly, but noticed that Baiyue Fox did not know when he had already woke up and was staring at him with an unclear look. Lu Qingjiu was stunned for a moment of greed and desire in his eyes. When he looked again, Bai Yuehu's black eyes had already returned to the indifferent and calm of the past.

"Wake up?" Lu Qingjiu greeted him uncomfortably.

Bai Yuehu nodded.

"Is the chest injury better?" Lu Qingjiu was still worried about this.

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, and stretched out his hand to unbutton his coat, revealing his chest, and saw that his chest had returned to smoothness. Only eight distinct abdominal muscles could be seen. The hideous wound in the morning was gone.

"It's great." Lu Qingjiu was a little surprised.

"Okay." Bai Yuehu said calmly, "If you don't believe it, you can touch it."

Lu Qingjiu said, "No, no, no."

Baiyue Fox frowned: "Then why do you like to touch my tail so much?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Is this... the same?"

Bai Yuehu: "It's all part of my body, what's different."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He couldn't refute it. In desperation, he stretched out his hand and touched it seriously. After touching it, he had to praise his vixen: "It's a good recovery."

The white moon fox showed satisfaction.

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