MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 64 Surprise

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Thinking about it carefully, Lu Qingjiu hadn't really celebrated his birthday for a long time. Although the company will remember the employees’ birthdays to celebrate together, it is just a small gift and everyone cuts a cake together. Because of his busy work, Lu Qingjiu thinks of it every time, either his birthday has not arrived, or his birthday has passed.

The morning breakfast was prepared by the three of them. It was a bowl of longevity noodles. From the outside, it seemed to be no different from other noodles. The noodles were also covered with three oily yellow omelets.

Lu Qingjiu sat down at the table, facing Zhu Miaomiao and Yin Xun's expectant eyes.

"Happy birthday, wine." Yin Xun smiled, "It's been a long time since my birthday was given to you. I remember that my grandma would give you every time when I was there. Today, I will do it myself and give you a bowl of legends. Longevity noodles in delicious chicken sauce!"

Zhu Miaomiao said, "Try it soon!"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Although he was skeptical of Yin Xun's cooking skills in his heart, he had to say that the bowl of noodles in front of him was very attractive. The clear soup was sprinkled with green onions. It also exudes the rich aroma of chicken soup, and it looks like a very normal bowl of noodles.

Coupled with the look they were looking forward to, Lu Qingjiu still didn't say anything and ate the noodles in front of him. I have to say that this bowl of chicken noodle soup tastes very good, and the fried egg is also a candy-hearted egg. After Lu Qingjiu finished eating, he felt his whole body warmed up.

"It's delicious, thank you." Lu Qingjiu said with a smile.

"We have packed today's meal, so you can take a good rest for a day." Zhu Miaomiao planned so, she said, "Looking at the good weather outside, are you taking the white moon fox to go around in the mountains?"

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "No, let me come. After all, it's my birthday. I want to invite you to dinner."

However, Zhu Miaomiao didn't agree. In the end, Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to compromise, and went to farm with the white moon fox and gave the kitchen at home to the three of them. Of course, before leaving, he didn't forget to tell them safety first, but don't light the kitchen.

Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu talked about the past in the field, and Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu talked about their childhood memories. Bai Yuehu is a very good listener, and there is no need to worry about others knowing what he says. After all, most of the time, he doesn't bother to speak.

The vegetables in the ground were lush, and the pumpkins that were planted soon grew up. It was the first time to plant pumpkins this year. The pumpkins were very large, and they weighed 20 to 30 kilograms. Lu Qingjiu took one when he returned. I plan to use pumpkin for some snacks.

He just walked halfway, and he felt something wrong with his stomach.

"What's wrong?" Baiyuehu asked Lu Qingjiu.

"I... my stomach hurts a bit." Lu Qingjiu's face paled, "You hold it, I'll go back first!" He put down the pumpkin and ran away, leaving the white moon fox in a daze.

Facts have proved that Lu Qingjiu is very prescient, because he was almost gone as soon as he got home and rushed into the toilet like a gust of wind.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Qingjiu came out of the toilet with a pale face like a piece of paper, and his legs were soft and almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Yuehu, who had just sat down in the yard, asked Lu Qingjiu in confusion.

"I... I ate what Yin Xun made." Lu Qingjiu trembled.

Bai Yuehu: "..." His expression was telling Lu Qingjiu why he couldn't think about it so much.

Lu Qingjiu said, "But it obviously looks good!"

Bai Yuehu said: "You said the same last time."

Lu Qingjiu was unhappy, but the scariest thing was not this, but Yin Xun was still in the kitchen with Zhu Miaomiao to demonstrate his cooking skills. Before Lu Qingjiu had time to say anything, he was forced to enter the toilet and squatted in the toilet. He even began to hate that his home was not a toilet. He felt that his leg was going to be amputated...

When Lu Qingjiu came out of the toilet a little better, his whole body was dehydrated. Bai Yuehu handed him a cup of hot tea with pity in his eyes. He said, "They made you another table of good dishes."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." His hand holding the hot tea trembled slightly.

Bai Yuehu: "Drink this cup of tea."

Lu Qingjiu: "...good."

Who knows that Bai Yuehu's next sentence is: "Get on the road early."

Lu Qingjiu was almost choked to death. He finished the tea, dragged his heavy body into the room, and saw a table of good dishes prepared for him by Yin Xun and Zhu Miaomiao. I have to say, if it's not for the pain of the butt, the good dishes on this table are really tempting, with meaty meat, a big pot of fragrant chicken soup, and even a very beautiful squirrel mandarin fish in the middle.

Zhu Miaomiao praised next to him, "Yin Xun, your craftsmanship is fine."

Yin Xun responded shyly: "Isn't this a lot of practice when I go home? I didn't do it so well before. Drink, you came back, why are you staying in the field for so long today."

Lu Qingjiu wondered where I just came back. I had been in the toilet all morning, but it was a pity that all of them were busy cooking and didn't notice the person who was about to die in the toilet.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Yin Xun...I have something..."

Zhu Miaomiao didn't know this at all. She enthusiastically waved at Lu Lu Sake: "What are you talking about, come to eat quickly, let's talk about it after eating, it's cold."

Lu Qingjiu knew that this was not enough, but facing Yin Xun's expectant eyes, he actually felt that Ben came to his mouth and couldn't say it. Yin Xun knew that his grandma would give him a bowl of noodles every birthday, so he got up early and boiled fresh chicken soup and made a bowl of noodles. I also know that Lu Qingjiu has not had his birthday for a long time, so he specially prepared a table of good dishes. He didn't have any special birthday gifts for Lu Qingjiu, so he could only do his best... When meeting such a friend, Lu Qingjiu wanted to say this. When I can't eat dinner at the table, I can't bear it.

"What's the matter, sake?" Yin Xun asked Lu Qingjiu without moving.

Lu Qingjiu took a deep breath and said nothing in the end. With a father-like look in his eyes, he sat at the table and said, "Eat."

"I'm going to call Bai Yuehu." Zhu Miaomiao went out happily.

Baiyue Fox, who was called in, saw Lu Qingjiu sitting at the table again, and also picked up the chopsticks, raised his eyebrows slightly, and sent a look at Lu Qingjiu to ask what was going on.

Lu Qingjiu could not speak in front of Yin Xun. He simply took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Bai Yuehu, saying that this was the result of Yin Xun and Zhu Miaomiao's busy morning. If he said that he couldn't eat it, they would be disappointed.

Bai Yuehu was silent for a while, and after a long while, he replied: You are really not afraid of death.

Lu Qingjiu closed the phone and pretended not to see it.

Pick up the chopsticks and start the meal.

The taste of the food is actually pretty good, at least for Yin Xun who rarely cooks, it is already extraordinary. Everyone was drinking small wine and chatting. The atmosphere was not bad, but Lu Qingjiu was heartbroken when he thought of the few hours after the meal, and even started thinking about whether to borrow the toilet next door.

The meal process was still very good, full of wine and food, Zhu Miaomiao took out the baba cake from the refrigerator and brought it to the table solemnly. He also took out the candle that he did not know where he got from, and lit Lu Qingjiu. Up.

"Sake, happy birthday!" Zhu Miaomiao smiled brightly, "The cake is also made by us. It doesn't look good, but it tastes good!"

Looking at the cake, Lu Qingjiu felt a pain in his heart. He felt that he might be sleeping in the toilet tonight, but that's okay. There are still a few people with him. Thinking of this, my heart was instantly relieved and a kind smile appeared.

Zhu Miaomiao looked at Lu Qingjiu's smile and asked in doubt, "Jiuer, you are so laughing at such a Buddha?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Is there?"

Zhu Miaomiao: "Yes."

Lu Qingjiu thought to himself, it might be because I knew I was going to become a Buddha soon. Bai Yuehu sat beside and watched the interaction between the two, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Zhu Miaomiao didn't know what he did. Seeing that Lu Qingjiu didn't mean to explain, he focused all his attention on the cake, lit the candles, and sang a birthday song to Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu made three wishes to the cake, and then blew out the flame on the candle in one breath.

Cut the cake into several pieces and share them with each other. Although the cake looks like a pile of white baba horizontally and vertically, it actually tastes good, at least like a dessert. Lu Qingjiu quickly settled the cake, turned around and walked out. Zhu Miaomiao looked at his decisive back and asked blankly, "Drink, where are you going?"

Lu Qingjiu: "I'm going to the toilet."

Zhu Miaomiao: "Why are you going to the toilet?"

Lu Qingjiu: "You'll find out later." He paused, and reminded the remaining three fools who didn't know what happened. "I sincerely suggest you guys. Go to the village right now. A toilet, don’t come out after you go in..."

The three of them looked inexplicable, but soon they understood the meaning of Lu Qingjiu's words.

"Fuck, fuck, Lu Qingjiu, you come out quickly, I can't do it--" Yin Xun yelled like a chicken with his neck pinched.

However, Lu Qingjiu, who has exhausted his father's love just now, has a hard heart: "I can't get out, I will live in it today."

"Brother Lu, Brother Lu, do your best, please, give me a chance." Zhu Miaomiao decided to come soft, "I will give it to you after I finish."

"Impossible." Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't even think about it." Zhu Miaomiao doesn't even know what he said, don't look at what she said well, if she really lets her in, this toilet will be named Zhu.

Jiang Buhuan was not embarrassed to argue with Lu Qingjiu, blushing, went to borrow the toilet next door.

When Yin Xun and Zhu Miaomiao saw that their plan failed, they scolded the street and went to other places to find a toilet. Lu Qingjiu finally became the king of the toilet, but he couldn't laugh at all.

So the four people who merged with the toilet pit simply formed a group and started chatting.

Yin Xun said why Lu Qingjiu didn't tell them there was a food problem earlier. Lu Qingjiu said that this was not his intention. Yin Xun this shameless thing said shamelessly: "Yes, yes, this is indeed one of ours. It’s my heart, so you just have to eat it, let’s watch it by the side."

Lu Qingjiu: "You may die if I get this fist."

Zhu Miaomiao was next to him, saying that he was about to be dehydrated, and he also explained that he was staring at Yin Xun's cooking. There was no problem with the ingredients. Why did he have diarrhea.

Yin Xun: "Maybe this is a meal filled with love."

Zhu Miaomiao: "But your love makes your **** hurt."

Yin Xun: "..." You girl, can you not say such misleading words.

Bai Yuehu was also in the group, but he was completely unaffected, so he didn't speak anymore. Finally, when everyone was talking about it, he sent a smirk in the group, and Yin Xun shuddered when he saw it.

Cooking in the morning, eating at noon, and group chats and gatherings in the toilet in the afternoon, the day was very fulfilling. When the sun was about to go west, everyone gathered in the yard again, but all of them were staggered and hollowed out.

"I don't think I can do it anymore." Zhu Miaomiao said, "I only have an empty skin."

Yin Xun: "Don't think too much, you still have so much meat."

Zhu Miaomiao: "...Please shut up."

Lu Qingjiu was lying on the chair next to Baiyue Fox, feeling that he had only one piece of skin now. The worst thing was that his legs were numb as if he had been electrocuted, and there was no feeling at all when he slapped him down.

"What do you eat tonight?" Zhu Miaomiao asked weakly.

Lu Qingjiu said, "You can still eat it."

Zhu Miaomiao: "Isn't this a bit hungry? Bu Huan, are you hungry?"

Jiang Buhuan did not speak, and fell on the chair beside him, like a dried body. When he squatted in the toilet in the afternoon, he even thought that he would die like this, but he actually managed to hold on... facing Zhu Miaomiao. Question, he spit out two words with the last strength: "Not hungry."

Zhu Miaomiao showed regret, she was really hungry. But the people in this room didn't have the energy to cook, so they could only turn around and grab some snacks to fill their hunger. Lu Qingjiu admired her stomach to the extreme. He felt a pain in his stomach now looking at the food.

Yin Xun's lunch is too powerful.

In the evening, Zhu Miaomiao gave Lu Qingjiu the birthday gift she prepared. It was an expensive mechanical watch. Lu Qingjiu thought it was too expensive, and originally wanted to refuse, but Zhu Miaomiao would not accept it if Lu Qingjiu didn’t accept it. The expression of treating her as a friend, so Lu Qingjiu could only accept it, and then stretched out his hand to give Zhu Miaomiao a hug.

After losing so many relatives, Zhu Miaomiao was already like a relative in Lu Qingjiu's eyes. The girl was considerate and enthusiastic, and she helped her friends. Lu Qingjiu was very fortunate to have met her. Of course, his luck is not only Zhu Miaomiao, but also everyone and every small animal in this house.

Li Xiaoyu next door, Xiao Hei Xiaohua and the little fox at home, and even Qin Yuan in the backyard gave Lu Qingjiu birthday presents. These gifts are very interesting. It can be seen that Lu Qingjiu took a lot of thought. Accepted, thanking them with a smile.

Lu Qingjiu liked Shuifu Village. Even though he knew that this village was different from what he had imagined, he still loved it.

At night, Lu Qingjiu's body finally recovered. After such a tossing day, he had planned to go to bed early, but Bai Yuehu stopped him.

"I have something to tell you." Bai Yuehu went to Lu Qingjiu's bedroom and knocked on his door.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Bai Yuehu said, "My birthday present has not been given to you."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Birthday gift...?" He didn't expect that Bai Yuehu would also prepare a birthday gift for him. For a while, he was a little surprised, "What is it?"

Bai Yuehu didn't say a word, but beckoned to Lu Lu Sake.

Lu Qingjiu followed Bai Yuehu out, and the two left the yard and headed towards the mountain.

The spring night is a little bit cool, but not cold, the wind blowing on the face is a little itchy, people can't help but smile. The sky is clean. Although there is no moon, it is full of stars. The noise of insects in the grass on the roadside also adds to the night.

Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu walked down the path. Baiyuehu didn't say where they were going, nor did Lu Qingjiu ask. The two were silent very tacitly, but the atmosphere did not seem embarrassing. The forest is getting deeper and deeper. Compared with the daytime, the surrounding scenery is unfamiliar. The white moon fox walking in front suddenly stopped, turned around and stretched out his hand to Lu Sake: "Come."

Lu Qingjiu shook his hand.

There was black mist rising around and enveloped the white moon fox. After receiving Lu Sake, I felt that I was pulled by the white moon fox and sat on a cold and hard object, but the thing was enveloped by the black mist, and I couldn’t see what it looked like. , But Lu Qingjiu touched the thing under his body with his hand. The thing had smooth scales. The scales were very hard, and the touch felt a bit like stone.

This is probably the prototype of Baiyue Fox, Lu Qingjiu thought so with a smile in his eyes. The giant beast shrouded in black mist began to slowly rise into the sky. The scenery on the ground shrank and the light turned into fireflies. He got into the sky, side by side with the stars.

The White Moon Fox began to fly in the sky. He didn't have wings, but he flew very steadily. A transparent barrier was formed around Lu Qingjiu, which helped him block the icy wind and low temperature in the sky. He looked down and found strange changes in the scenery on the ground. The village he was familiar with was gone. Instead, it was a sea of ​​white clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, there were light clusters flashing. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the light clusters were fishes that shuttled in the sea of ​​clouds, and there were some animals that Lu Qingjiu did not recognize. The Baiyue Fox began to dive and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds. Lu Qingjiu was a little afraid of sliding down, but found that he did not feel weightless and could still sit on Baiyue Fox's body steadily.

As they get closer and closer to the sea of ​​clouds, there are more and more strange creatures around them. There are fish with six bodies, big birds as beautiful as phoenixes, and even giant cows that have been seen before.

This is another world, a world Lu Qingjiu has never seen before. He stroked the giant beast under him, feeling something fermenting in the heart, so that he couldn't help but leaned down and pressed his cheek to Baiyue. On the back of the fox.

The scales on his back were neither warm nor soft, but at this moment, Lu Qingjiu even thought they were more charming than the fluffy fox tails, and even gave him a kiss for a moment.

Bai Yuehu seemed to notice Lu Qingjiu's movements, his body stiffened slightly, but because of Lu Qingjiu's soft movements, he slowly relaxed.

There was light coming out under the sea of ​​clouds. At first, the light source was very weak, but as the white moon fox descended, the light became more and more dazzling, and the clouds around him began to fade away. Lu Qingjiu saw the blue sky behind the clouds. , Is a clear ocean, the sea is different from what Lu Sake saw before, showing a bright blue like the sky. You can see all kinds of fish and animals in the sea, they are swimming between the sky and the sea, as if the whole The world has become one.

The sea is very clear. Even if it is far away, you can see the sands and corals on the bottom of the sea. The white moon fox still has a black mist on its body. The surrounding animals seem to be a little afraid of him. As long as they see him, they start to move around. dodge. The white moon fox didn't care about other animals, and jumped directly from the sky and rushed into the blue water.

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback, but he soon discovered that he was enveloped in a transparent bubble. In the bubble, he could not only breathe, but also see the scene in the ocean. Lu Qingjiu was dumbfounded.

"Are you afraid?" Bai Yuehu's voice came over.

Lu Qingjiu returned to his senses and said with a smile, "Not afraid."

Bai Yuehu's voice became milder, as if he was afraid of Lu Qingjiu. He explained, "It won't flood you. It will be here in a while."

Lu Qingjiu said: "It doesn't matter, it's beautiful here, I like it very much."

Bai Yuehu said: "Like it?"

"I like it." Lu Qingjiu said, "Did you live here before?"

After Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, he hummed softly.

"Then there are your people here?" Lu Qingjiu was actually very curious about Baiyuehu's past. At this time, he was shocked by the scenery of Baiyuehu's hometown, so he couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

"Yes." Bai Yuehu said slowly, "before there were many, but now there are very few."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Very few?"

Bai Yuehu: "Yeah." But he didn't explain why. Instead, he changed the subject and started to introduce Lu Qingjiu to the strange creatures around him.

Many animals here are not recorded in the scriptures of mountains and seas. Some are cruel and some are beautiful. They swim in the blue water like a weird and beautiful dream. The white moon fox is the messenger of the dream, bringing Lu Sake to Here.

After entering the sea, the white moon fox dived deeper and deeper. He seemed to be swimming in an abyss, and the surrounding animals began to decrease, and the light gradually dimmed.

The deep sea is a place out of the reach of sunlight, and the surroundings become quiet, with only the slight noise of the ocean current.

Lu Qingjiu sat a little tired, so he lay on Baiyue Fox, with the cold black scales of Baiyue Fox on his face, and curiously asked, "How deep is it here?"

Bai Yuehu replied, he seemed a little uncomfortable, and his tone became awkward: "Very deep."

Lu Qingjiu said, "How deep is it?"

Baiyuehu said: "It is a place connected to the center of the earth."

Lu Qingjiu was a little curious: "Where is my birthday present?"

"Yeah." Baiyuehu said, "right there." He could have chosen to take the thing out and give it directly to Lu Qingjiu, but after thinking about it, he chose to bring Lu Qingjiu to take it in person. A strange feeling drove his heart. He inexplicably wanted Lu Qingjiu to look at the world he lives in and see his favorite hometown.

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu laughed and reached out to touch the scales, "I'm already looking forward to it."

The white moon fox hummed softly, and his slender tail slid freely in the water, bringing up a dull sound of water. The darker light was telling Lu Qingjiu that they would dive deeper, but at this moment, Lu Sake is not afraid.

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