MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 75 Real bees

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The next day, Lu Qingjiu re-simmered a pot of chicken soup. In order to prevent the same thing from happening yesterday, Yin Xun stayed next to the hot pot the whole time, fearing that the chicken soup would accidentally be dried.

The eyeballs planted in the backyard gave birth to emerald green seedlings just one night later. The seedlings looked no different from ordinary plants. It is estimated that the eyeball-shaped fruit can only grow when it bears fruit.

Lu Qingjiu got up in the morning, cleaned the yard first as usual, and then went to make lunch.

Recently, the business of Taobao stores is getting better and better. As the reputation becomes more and more famous, the supply of that one hundred bottles of hair tonic is in short supply. Of course, many people suspect that this is the store's marketing. The effect of the hair growth lotion is there. The day before or the day after the Mediterranean, it turned into long hair, which makes people unbelievable.

Lu Qingjiu didn't dare to use his own Wangwang anymore. As soon as he went up, there was a lot of information that could jam his computer. Some merchants contacted him and wanted to generate water. In the end, Lu Qingjiu refused one by one.

At the end of this month, I have to prepare for the hair growth lotion next month. Lu Qingjiu drove a small truck to the city to take the glass bottles and wrapping paper home. By the way, he would buy some fresh tropical fruits in the city.

Lu Qingjiu drove back in the car. When passing by the town, he wanted to go to the Xiaolongbao shop to buy some Xiaolongbao for his family to take home. However, he saw Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi sitting at the door of the store with a sad face. What to talk about.

Lu Qingjiu didn't ask much, and greeted the two of them casually, and then asked the boss to pack two hundred yuan of dumplings. Unexpectedly, seeing Lu Qingjiu, Hu Shu and Pang Ziqi both shined. Hu Shu seemed to be afraid that Lu Qingjiu would run away, and quickly grabbed his hand: "Old Lu, Brother Lu, why are you going? "

When Lu Qingjiu saw Hu Shu's expression, he knew it was not easy, "Go home, why?"

"Hehe, hehe." Hu Shu smirked, "Don't be so hurry, come here, you have to wait a while for your steamed dumplings, sit down quickly, I'll treat you to porridge."

Lu Qingjiu was about to refuse, but Hu Shu grabbed his shoulder and pressed it to his seat.

Pang Ziqi poured Lu Qingjiu a cup of hot soy milk, and cut a fritters into the soy milk: "Brother Lu, eat!"

Lu Qingjiu: "...You seem to be older than me? Why do you call me Lu Ge?"

Pang Ziqi: "Then Teacher Lu?"

Lu Qingjiu: " should call me Brother Lu."

The two men behaved very abnormally. Lu Qingjiu would have a ghost if he couldn't see that they had something to do. However, the Xiaolongbao he wanted did take a while to be packaged. It didn't matter what they wanted to say.

"Brother Lu, I want to ask, do you know any monsters in the form of bees?" After several incidents, Hu Shu has regarded Lu Qingjiu as an outdoor expert living in Shuifu Village, so he saw Lu Qingjiu like seeing Like a savior.

"Have you encountered something weird again? Hey, no, Hu Shu, aren't you an ordinary policeman? Why are you investigating all this inexplicable and supernatural incident?" Lu Qingjiu looked at Hu Shu strangely and felt Hu Shu It is getting further and further away from normal human life.

When Hu Shu heard the words, he looked unhappy: "I think too, but since the last Pang Ziqi incident, I have been transferred to the same department with him." Within a few months after being transferred, what he encountered was all that subverted his three views. He wants to resign.

Pang Ziqi cursed fatly: "Hu Shu, you don't come here. This is not the attitude when you **** hook up with a vixen."

Hu Shu sneered.

Hearing the three words for vixen, Lu Qingjiu became a little interested. Although he already knew that his own was not a vixen, the vest hadn't dropped yet, at least on the surface.

"What's the matter? Tell me first." Lu Qingjiu said, "I know a little bit about bees..." He thought of Qin Yuan, who was caught by the white moon fox and forced him to be a bee, even though Qin Yuan looked like It has nothing to do with bees, but the honey produced is quite delicious.

"Do you know that special kindergarten for nobles in the city?" Hu Shu said, "the best one, the garden kindergarten."

Lu Qingjiu: "I've heard a little bit." The kindergarten is full of children of high-ranking officials and nobles. Generally, it doesn't matter if the wealthy people really can't get in. In their city, this kindergarten can be regarded as a status symbol. .

"There is a bee plague over there." Pang Ziqi answered, "As long as the child goes to class, the house is full of bees."

Lu Qingjiu frowned: "Is there something like a honeycomb?"

"We have thought about these possible factors and checked it out." Hu Shu sighed, "But the most amazing thing about this incident is not that there are bees in the place, but that there are usually no bees in sight, but as long as As soon as the child was in class, within ten minutes, dense bees flew from all directions, as if they were called by something."

This is indeed a bit strange, Lu Qingjiu said: "Have the kids changed places?"

"It's changed." Hu Shu said, "The garden has re-selected an address for the children to go to class. Who knows when the children get there, the bees will come out again."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Is there still such a thing?"

Nonsense said distressedly: "Yes, this is a big trouble. At any rate, it suppressed the media, but it can't be suppressed for too long, so the above attaches great importance to it, but we can't find out when we check it. I just want to ask you, Daxian Lu."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." I just returned Brother Lu, now I'm immortal Lu.

Pang Ziqi still had a violent temper, and when he lit a cigarette, he said in a bad tone that he should burn all the bees with a fire. He would have to see how long these things could last.

Hu Shu ignored Pang Ziqi, just looking at Lu Qingjiu, the stars in those black eyes stared at Lu Qingjiu a little bit creepy.

"I'll go back and think about it." Lu Qingjiu gave them a perfunctory answer, "I'm not guaranteed to figure it out."

Hu Shu was satisfied that Lu Qingjiu didn't directly refuse. He nodded quickly to thank Lu Qingjiu and said that he would invite Lu Qingjiu to drink for two days.

Lu Qingjiu waved his hand and did not speak, and left with the packed buns.

When he got home, he steamed the buns first, then brought out the stewed mushroom chicken broth and sprinkled green onion on top. The stewed mushrooms in this chicken soup are incredibly fragrant, plus the chicken is a native chicken, and the mushrooms are wild. It is so delicious without putting a little MSG at all, and the fragrant makes people swallow the tongue. Although the chicken is stewed in a pot, it is not firewood. On the contrary, it is plump and tender. When the tongue is wrapped, the meat comes off the bone.

The three of them ate chicken soup and Xiaolongbao. Lu Qingjiu told Baiyuehu about Hu Shu and asked Baiyuehu what he thought of bees.

After hearing this, the white moon fox asked an inexplicable sentence: "Is there enough honey at home?"

"It's okay, it's almost enough. If I send something to Zhu Miaomiao, I'll be a little nervous." Lu Qingjiu said, "What's the matter?" Zhu Miaomiao is a big honey eater. She said that the honey here is the same as normal. Honey is different. It has the function of detoxification and beauty. She even tried to apply honey as a mask on her face. The next day her face became smooth and soft, just like a boiled egg that had just been peeled off.

After discovering the effect of honey in Lu Qingjiu's house, Zhu Miaomiao naturally couldn't let it go, and strongly urged Lu Qingjiu to leave her with more honey for beauty.

Zhu Miaomiao helped the family so much, coupled with the frequent sending of snacks and fruits, Baiyue Fox had no complaints about sending her honey, but given Zhu Miaomiao so much honey, the family eats less. Well, after all, their family has a beehive, and Qinyuan still sits on five days off and two off. The off-duty time is more punctual than Lu Qingjiu. It is impossible to work overtime.

"You ask them when the park will open, and we will check it out after the park opens." Baiyue Fox said, "Catch some bees and come back."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, but why are these bees gathering so many?"

Bai Yuehu: "I'll know when I go."

After a few people finished the Xiaolongbao, Lu Qingjiu called Hu Shu and asked him when the garden kindergarten would open. Hu Shu said that the garden has notified the next Monday, but whether there are students going there is a problem. After all, no parents would want their children to be stung by bees.

Lu Qingjiu answered and said that he would go and have a look.

Hu Shu hurriedly said yes, and said that if there is any need for help, Lu Qingjiu will speak directly.

There are still a few days before next week, and Lu Qingjiu is not in a hurry. Recently, there are too many things to do at home. Taking advantage of the good spring sunshine, he put all the summer clothes in the cupboard for the whole winter and washed them. Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu didn't have any clothes, so they took them to the city and bought several sets of summer clothes.

Then he asked Bai Yuehu to go to the barbershop to cut a short haircut that was particularly popular recently. After the cut, it attracted the attention of many people around. Not only the girls were sneaking in, but the men were also looking at it. Look over.

Yin Xun saves a lot of money. Since becoming a mountain god, his nails and hair have stopped growing. If he is forced to cut short, it will become a prototype within two days, so he doesn't need to take care of it at all. It is the same every day. hairstyle.

Lu Qingjiu also took the two to buy the famous honey cake in the city, but after tasting the cake, Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu both said that the cake was not as delicious as Lu Qingjiu. Lu Qingjiu smiled and said that It is because the honey milk and cakes used at home are the best.

There seems to be some grand event in the city recently, with lights and festoons everywhere, looking like a lively scene.

Lu Qingjiu went to the vegetable market in the city and bought some things that neither Baiyuehu nor Yin Xun had eaten, such as sugar cane. It's just that the sugar cane in April is not very fresh anymore. Most of it is in stock. If Yin Xun hadn't been watching it for a long time, Lu Qingjiu would definitely not buy it. In addition to sugar cane, Lu Qingjiu also bought fresh broad beans, which he planned to use partly for snacks and partly for cooking.

In short, today I had a good harvest. When I got home, everyone was carrying large and small bags.

In the evening, everyone sat in the room watching TV while slowly gnawing sugar cane. The White Moon Fox hated this kind of fruit that can only taste sweet and laborious, so it rarely touched. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun liked it very much. The two gnawed the sugar cane, and from time to time they fed Xiaohua Xiaohei a few bites next to them, and their mouths were sweet.

What’s on TV is today’s local news. It’s all a mess of trivial things, but it’s interesting to watch. Lu Qingjiu saw the news that the Garden Kindergarten was closed on it, and the news said it might open next Monday—this It's the same as Hu Shu said.

The white moon fox was eating fried broad beans next to him. The broad beans were spiced and fried with spices. The dried skin was peeled off and stuffed directly into the mouth. It was fragrant and crisp. There are some fried peanuts in the broad beans, which are very good snacks. The only fly in the ointment is that it is easy to bloat after eating...

After watching the TV program, they each went to rest.

Soon it was Monday, when Hu Shu said the garden kindergarten opened.

The day before, Bai Yuehu told Lu Qingjiu to get up early, so before five o’clock, Lu Qingjiu got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to make a luxurious sandwich. After feeding the animals in the family, he planned to go out. .

Today Yin Xun takes care of the house, while Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu are going to the city.

It was still a cute minivan, Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu just hit the road. A few hours later, the two reached their destination, the garden kindergarten in the city center.

It was almost nine o'clock at the moment. Although the door of the kindergarten was wide open, the children entering and leaving could not be seen. The whole kindergarten was very quiet, and even the security guard at the door was gone.

Lu Qingjiu found this quietness to make people feel uncomfortable: "Shall we go in?"

"Yeah." Baiyue Fox walked ahead.

After entering the garden, Lu Qingjiu sighed that this kindergarten is indeed an aristocratic school. Whether it is the school’s infrastructure and buildings, or the items and designs in the garden, it is full of pride and the brightly colored teaching building is unique in shape. , There were various toys on the plastic playground. Lu Qingjiu couldn't hold back. Seeing no one around, he quietly sat on the swing and swung twice.

Because he grew up with his grandmother, he has never been to kindergarten, and he hasn't played with these toys much. When he comes into contact with these things in the city, he has already grown up, so he is naturally too embarrassed to fight with the children.

Bai Yuehu looked at Lu Qingjiu happily as a fool, and tilted his head slightly: "Is it fun?"

Lu Qingjiu: "It's okay, do you want to try it?" He pointed to the swing next to him.

Bai Yuehu wanted to say something but stopped, but in the end he said nothing, silently walked to the side of Lu Qingjiu and sat on the swing.

There are too many toys in this kindergarten. The swing is only the basic configuration. Lu Qingjiu swept around, even wondering if he could play here for a day without repetitive ones. Of course, he just thought about it, because soon footsteps came from the direction of the door.

After all, Lu Qingjiu sneaked in, and quickly pulled the white moon fox to hide behind a bush.

Soon, they saw a group of people coming from the direction of the door. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that they were more than a dozen adults, each holding a child in their hands, followed by several men in security uniforms. .

They were talking as they walked. From the conversations between several people, Lu Qingjiu also learned their identities—they are the parents of the children in this kindergarten. Today the kindergarten announced the opening of the kindergarten, and everyone was suspicious. Came with the child. Because of the previous bee incident, parents have doubts about whether they can send their children to school, so today I came here to see for myself.

"I haven't seen the bees. Did you clean up the hive?" one of the female parents said, "But what about the other children?"

"They should be looking at the situation," the other person replied, "I think it's okay."

The kindergarten is clean and refreshing. Not only can there be no traces of bees, but also no insects.

"No, I have to wait." The female parent must be more careful. "My baby was almost stung. There are so many bees that scare me to death."

"Well, let's go to the classroom and wait." Someone agreed with her.

Obviously, in order to maintain the reputation of the kindergarten, the garden did not tell the parents all the truth. Now parents think that the kindergarten gave birth to a nest of honeycombs, so there are so many bees. Now that you can’t see the bees, it should be the garden. The hive has been cleaned up.

After this group of people came in, several groups of parents came one after another, and the whole kindergarten was also lively, but Lu Qingjiu found it strange that he did not see the bee in Hu Shu's mouth.

"There are no bees." Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu hid behind the bushes, like two perverted children trying to steal. "Has this matter been resolved?"

Bai Yuehu shook his head without saying a word, motioned to Lu Qingjiu to wait a while.

So Lu Qingjiu became tempered and continued to wait with Bai Yuehu. As time went by, there were more and more children in the kindergarten. When the parents saw that there were no bees, they felt relieved and sent the children to the teaching building before leaving.

At this time it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning, and all the children who should have arrived, and no bees were seen.

Just when Lu Qingjiu was thinking about whether to leave, his ears caught a familiar sound, buzzing--it was the buzzing sound left by the high-speed flapping of his wings. Lu Qingjiu realized the next moment. , This is the sound of bees!

Less than a moment after the buzzing sound came, a black cloud appeared above Lu Qingjiu's head. He looked up and found that it was not a cloud at all, but a large swath of black bees. They gathered together and even covered it. Living in the sky, the huge buzzing made the goose bumps on his body instantly exploded. Lu Qingjiu opened his mouth in astonishment and saw these bees rush toward the teaching building like a black tide.

At this time, the teaching building is full of children who have just entered the classroom. It is hard to imagine how much damage these bees would cause if they pounced on them.

"Yuehu, what should I do!" Lu Qingjiu asked hurriedly.

Baiyue Fox looked at the direction the bees were flying, and said to Lu Qingjiu: "This way." Then he ran towards the teaching building.

Lu Qingjiu followed Bai Yuehu, went straight to the fourth floor in one breath, and stopped at the door of the classroom where "Little Class 5" was written.

Bai Yuehu climbed the fourth floor without even breathing, but Lu Qingjiu was of ordinary human constitution, and he was out of breath: "Huhu... Yuehu, what's the matter?"

Bai Yuehu pointed to the classroom.

Because of the bees, the classroom was in chaos, the children ran around, and the teacher who was supposed to take the children away quickly fell to the ground, life and death unknown. Through the windows and doors, the bees densely covered the entire classroom, whether it was the ceiling wall or the children's body, there were such thumb-sized flying insects everywhere.

"Wow, wow..." The children's cries were deafening, and Lu Qingjiu was frightened by the look.

Bai Yuehu walked into the classroom and his eyes fell on the corner of the classroom.

Lu Qingjiu followed Baiyuehu's gaze, but was shocked for an instant. In the corner, he saw a little boy sitting motionless on the ground, with a layer of black things attached to his body, that layer of black things. It's still crawling, obviously there are countless living bees. The little boy seemed to be completely unable to move. Lu Qingjiu's first reaction was to rush up and wave the bees away from him, but as soon as he took a step, the white moon fox held his shoulders.

"Don't go." Bai Yuehu said, "This is not a human being."

Lu Qingjiu was stunned: "Not a human?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Well, he brought bees."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qingjiu saw the fallen boy slowly getting up from the ground. He grinned, but his mouth was full of bees. If it weren't for the black hair exposed, Lu Sake might even suspect that his whole person is actually made of bees.

"What are you?" When the little boy saw Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu, he opened his mouth in a bad tone, his voice was a bit sharp, and there was a buzzing mix, which made people uncomfortable to listen to. Come to my land to be wild?"

Baiyuehu said: "My name is Baiyuehu."

The little boy said: "White Moon Fox? Are you a vixen? Hahahahaha, you vixen are also worthy to trouble me? Get out of here if you don't want to die."

Being discriminated against by the little boy, Bai Yuehu was not angry at all. He blinked his eyes and said warmly, "Your words make me feel a little nostalgic."

The little boy said: "Remember?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Because the last person who spoke this way has been dead for more than five hundred years." His words fell, and he took a step forward, reaching out and pinching the little boy's neck directly. The little boy was taken aback by the white moon fox's movements and began to struggle frantically, and the bees around him swarmed towards the white moon fox as if being manipulated. The whole body of the White Moon Fox was wrapped in bees, and the whole body was covered with such tiny insects, leaving only the outline of a human figure, invisible to humans.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the side very anxiously, wondering if he would take out a lighter to make a fire source and smoke the bees away, but he saw the strange changes of the bees stuck to the white moon fox—they began to fall continuously. , But within a short time, all the bees attached to the skin of the white moon fox all fell from him.

The little boy also saw this change, and the whole person was stunned. He screamed, his tone filled with horror is incredible: "No...impossible, you are a fox? You are not a fox at all!! "

Baiyue Fox's expression was fairly indifferent, but after hearing this, his expression changed immediately and said coldly: "I am a fox. If you dare to say that I am not a fox, I will kill you."

The little boy obviously didn't know where his words touched the white moon fox's inverse scales, and he was stunned.

Lu Qingjiu, who stood by and listened to the conversation between the two: "..." At this time, do you still care about this kind of thing, baby, and have you got the point wrong?

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