MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 79 Boil leap

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The strong wind and the blood drops in the wind made Lu Qingjiu a little uneasy, and the white moon fox who should have returned from the ground at ten o'clock every day has never been seen. Lu Qingjiu felt that something was wrong, so he took out his mobile phone and called Baiyuehu, only to find that Baiyuehu left the mobile phone at home when he went to the field and didn't take it with him.

"Sake, what's the matter?" Yin Xun asked Lu Qingjiu's increasingly anxious expression, questioning.

"It's okay..." Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, but still didn't tell what happened just now. He said, "I'll pick some vegetables in the field, you go and wash the vegetables first."

Yin Xun was stunned after hearing the words: "Pick the vegetables? What else do you need? Otherwise, I'll go..."

But before he finished speaking, Lu Qingjiu had already walked to the door and pushed the door out.

Lu Qingjiu walked along the path towards the ground. An uncomfortable atmosphere filled the air. This atmosphere made Lu Qingjiu quicken his pace and even trot.

A few minutes later, he finally reached his own field, but he took a breath after seeing the scene in the field. I saw that the field was empty and there was no white moon fox. If it was just like this, it would be fine, but there was an eye-catching blood stain in the ground, and Lu Qingjiu's eyes hurt.

"Baiyue Fox, Baiyue Fox!" Lu Qingjiu called Baiyue Fox's name and looked around, but he never saw the figure of Baiyue Fox. Just as his heart became more and more anxious, his shoulder was caught. Hold it gently with one hand.

Lu Qingjiu's heart tightened, and he turned to see a familiar face--it was his grandfather, the black dragon that was imprisoned. Although his eyes were closed, his gentle expression gave Lu Qingjiu a feeling of being stared at.

"You... hello." Lu Qingjiu was stunned. He didn't know the name of the dragon, but he felt that calling him grandpa was too abrupt.

Prison Dragon nodded, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, as if he was smiling. He stretched his finger to the distance, and then pointed to the pool of black blood that was about to solidify next to him.

Lu Qingjiu miraculously understood what he meant, and he hurriedly said, "Do you know where Bai Yuehu went? Is there anything wrong with him? Is it hurt?"

Prison Dragon did not speak, but directly reached out and grabbed Lu Qingjiu's arm. Before Lu Qingjiu could react, he was spinning around, and then he seemed to be taken into the sky. The feeling of weightlessness only lasted for a moment. Soon, Lu Qingjiu found that he had left Shuifu Village and reached a completely different place.

The rocks here are full of thick white fog, only a tall mountain in the distance, breaking through the shrouded mist, straight into the sky, majestic and majestic, attracting Lu Qingjiu's attention.

At the moment when he saw that mountain, Lu Qingjiu was sure that he had been here. It was in the realm of Baiyue Fox. When it was raining heavily in Shuifu Village, Baiyue Fox once took him and Yin to seek refuge here. I just don't know what his grandfather meant to bring him here.

"Is Baiyue Fox here?" Lu Qingjiu asked tentatively.

Grandpa nodded slightly and raised his finger to the high mountain.

Lu Qingjiu raised his eyes and saw something vaguely in the mist. In the next moment, Lu Qingjiu recalled the scene he had seen here before. If he remembers correctly, when he came here last time, he saw a black dragon hovering around the mountain, but because the distance was too far and the fog was too thick, Lu Qingjiu did not see clearly, and the black dragon had disappeared. Up.

Lu Qingjiu thought that this time it would be the same as what he saw last time, but what he didn't expect was that before he saw the black dragon, he heard several collisions of giants, accompanied by beasts. His neighing and roaring.

Lu Qingjiu's eardrums were sore by the sound of the sound, his face was shocked, and he saw in the sky, the black dragon he had seen before was actually fighting with another dragon. The two dragons were similar in body shape, circling up and down around the upright mountain. After the violent collision between the dragon's claws and the dragon's horns, they made a sound of gold and stone, and the whole world was in turmoil.

Lu Qingjiu was stunned by the magnificent picture. He had never seen dragons fighting. At this time, the two dragons were fighting in front of him, and the huge body sometimes hit the mountain peaks, and the ground also shook. , The clouds were stirred into a whirlpool, and the rocks continued to fall, as if the sky was about to collapse.

The two fighting each other are a black black dragon and a dark red red dragon. Although the two dragons are roughly the same in appearance, there are still some differences in details. For example, the red dragon has a shorter body and a long neck. , The scales are also a dim red color, which looks completely different from the black dragon.

It’s just that the red dragon doesn’t seem to be the opponent of the black dragon. At first, the two dragons fought back and forth, but as time passed, many hideous wounds appeared on the red dragon, most of which were torn by the black dragon’s claws. from. Although Heilong had wounds on his body, the situation was much better than that of Red Dragon. At least from Lu Qingjiu's perspective, there were no fatal wounds. Lu Qingjiu had only seen part of the scales of the White Moon Fox before, but he also remembered that the scales of his vixen were black, so at this time, seeing the black dragon gaining the upper hand, his heart was slightly loose.

Seeing that he was not the opponent of the black dragon, the red dragon turned around to escape, but was bitten on the neck by the black dragon. I don’t know if it’s an illusion or I really heard it. When I saw this scene, Lu Qingjiu heard a faint sound of broken bones, and then the red dragon let out a stern roar, its head was actually in contact with its body. So separated, the black dragon bit his head in his mouth, and his body fell from the sky into the endless abyss.

Lu Qingjiu's heart trembled when he saw it, and the grandfather who brought him here gently pressed his shoulders, as if to comfort him.

"This...what the **** is going on?" Lu Qingjiu couldn't help asking.

Grandpa gently held Lu Qingjiu's hand and wrote in the palm of his hand: "This is a polluted dragon."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Contaminated?"

Grandpa continued to write: "Every dragon can be contaminated."

"What is the difference between a contaminated dragon and a normal dragon?" Lu Qingjiu felt that his mind was full of unclear mysteries.

Grandpa wrote: "The polluted dragon will only want to destroy what they treasure most."

Lu Qingjiu felt the strokes of his grandfather's fingers on the palm of his hand, but was stunned. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at his grandfather. His voice trembled involuntarily. He said, "You ate it. My parents?"

He wanted a negative answer, but he was doomed to be disappointed.

Grandpa was silent for a moment, and there seemed to be a trace of unconcealable pain on his face, and then slowly but firmly nodded.

Lu Qingjiu froze, his hand was still held by his grandfather, and he could feel the temperature of his fingertips, but the answer was so clear that he couldn't even deceive himself.

"Why?" Lu Qingjiu's voice trembled.

"Sorry." Grandpa only slowly wrote these two words.

"Why are you eating them?" Lu Qingjiu grabbed his cuff and asked loudly, "Aren't they... your children?"

Grandpa was silent.

Lu Qingjiu wanted to continue to ask questions, but he heard a faint footstep behind him. He turned his head, and in the dense fog, he saw an acquaintance he had once met—he was called a prisoner by Bai Yuehu. Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong, with red hair, stood in the thick mist, staring at his grandfather quietly, and said: "Long time no see, boil leap."

Biao Run is the name of Grandpa.

He was called by Zhu Rong's name, and then smiled slightly, with a gentle smile, and he couldn't imagine that it would be the monster that ate Lu Qingjiu's parents.

"Lu Qingjiu, come here." Zhu Rong beckoned to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu's face hesitated, not knowing what to do, but he felt Zhuren pat lightly on his back, motioning him to Zhurong's side.

Lu Qingjiu glanced back at him, Zhuorun seemed to feel his gaze. After lowering his head, he lightly bumped Lu Qingjiu's forehead with his forehead.

This movement was very light, but Lu Qingjiu felt that the place where his forehead was hit was a little hot, he reached out a hand in doubt and touched his forehead, when he heard Zhu Rong urging again: "Lu Qingjiu, come here. "

Lu Qingjiu hesitated and walked forward slowly, and walked to Zhu Rong's side while watching Biao Run.

"Stay away from him." After confirming that Lu Qingjiu had left Boorun's side, Zhu Rong sounded a cold warning.

Zhu Rong didn't mind Zhu Rong's bad attitude, his smile was even brighter, but Lu Qingjiu noticed that his originally black hair began to gradually change from the roots to a dazzling red. This red spread extremely. Soon, almost for a moment, the long black hair that boiled Rune turned into a gorgeous red like blood.

"Hide behind." Zhu Rong said to Lu Sake.

Although Lu Qingjiu didn't understand what happened, seeing Zhu Rong's solemn expression, he also knew that something was wrong. He stepped back, walked behind Zhu Rong, and cast worried eyes at the two.

Zhu Rong said: "Don't be here."

Zhuorun smiled. Unlike the gentle smile before, the red-haired smile on his face was insane and wicked. He opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice in Lu Qingjiu's stunned eyes: " long time no see."

Zhu Rong did not speak, but stared at him coldly.

Bo Run said: "And my dear grandson." He turned his face to Lu Qingjiu, "Look, I escaped from there, isn't it just for you?"

Lu Qingjiu was shocked by his changes and took a step back.

Zhu Rong was unmoved. It seemed that he had expected this to happen to Zhuren. With a wave of his hand, a spear made of flame appeared in his palm. Then he raised his chin at Zhuren, pointing towards him. The sky shrouded in black mist.

Boilun nodded slightly, his body shape flashed, and flew towards the sky.

Zhu Rong immediately followed, and the two flew into the dark sky.

As he flew into the air, Boiled Rune also changed back to its original shape, but it was different from the black dragon Lu Qingjiu saw in the deep pit. At this time Boiled Rune scales turned blood-red, and his eyes were still black. The dragon's horns were also sawn off, but the damage did not affect his dragon-shaped majestic image. The humanoid Zhu Rong was in front of him, as thin as an ant.

With a "bang", one person and one dragon made the first collision, and a red flame erupted from the place where the two were fighting, smudging the dark sky into bright red.

Lu Qingjiu looked reluctant to turn his eyes, but soon he was forced to close his eyes, because the color of the flame was too bright, his eyes hurt, and he even couldn't help but shed tears. But even though he closed his eyes, the loud crashing sound in his ears continued. Lu Qingjiu sat on the ground, seeing nothing, but he could feel the ground shake, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

Lu Qingjiu, who was not attached, became more disturbed. After a fierce collision, when he stretched out his hand to grab something, he was embraced in a warm embrace. There was a low breathing sound from behind, Lu Qingjiu felt a familiar breath, he relaxed, and whispered, "Moon Fox?"’

The voice of Baiyue Fox came from behind, with a sullen smell: "Who brought you here."

"My grandfather." Lu Qingjiu said, "what's the matter?"

Bai Yuehu: "You know, right?"

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback for a moment before he realized what Baiyue Fox was talking about. He laughed blankly. He didn't expect that it was this time. Baiyue Fox was still struggling with the fact that his prototype was seen. In desperation, he felt sour again. , He pretended to be at a loss: "Know what?"

Baiyue Fox: "Did you not see?"

Lu Qingjiu calmly lied: "I just came."

"Oh." Baiyuehu relaxed now, his head leaned on Lu Qingjiu's shoulder, and his breath hit Lu Qingjiu's ear, "Let's go."

Lu Qingjiu said: "They're still fighting on it, won't you help?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I wish Rong can handle it well."

"Um..." Lu Qingjiu was still a little worried. Although the changes in his grandfather made him frightened, he still did not believe that his grandfather would devour his parents. "He personally admitted that he had eaten my parents."

Bai Yuehu said: "He has admitted before."

Lu Qingjiu: "Then why are you..."

Bai Yuehu's voice was a little dull: "I just don't believe it."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Baiyue Fox: "If you don't believe that the Dragon Clan guarding the Water Mansion will do this."

Lu Qingjiu became a little sad. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just reached out and touched the hair of Bai Yuehu, and said warmly, "Okay, let's go."

Bai Yuehu hugged Lu Qingjiu directly, and Lu Qingjiu let out a little embarrassed: "I can go by myself."

"Aren't you invisible." Bai Yuehu said, "I will hold you and go."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Alright."

Bai Yuehu took Lu Qingjiu into his arms, and the two slowly left the foreign land. Lu Qingjiu heard the sound of himself getting further and further away from the sky, and finally disappeared completely. However, the burning sensation in his eyes continued, along with the same feeling, as well as the place where his forehead was touched by the boiled leap. Lu Qingjiu originally thought it was okay. Who knew that when he returned home to see Yin Xun, Yin Xun was Screamed in horror: "Lu Qingjiu, what's on your forehead?!"

Lu Qingjiu couldn't see anything, and said blankly: "What?" He stretched out his hand to touch his head, but Bai Yuehu grabbed his hand: "Don't touch it."

"What's wrong with my forehead?" Lu Qingjiu clearly noticed something was wrong.

"Suffered a little bit." Bai Yuehu said.

"Injured?" Lu Qingjiu was a little suspicious, "I don't hurt."

Bai Yuehu said: "...It will be fine in a while."

Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't lie to me, what's the matter with my forehead?" If his eyes were still hurting, I'm afraid he would have gone to the toilet to see for himself.

"Yin Xun, come and tell me." Bai Yuehu didn't speak, and Lu Qingjiu wanted Yin Xun to answer.

Yin Xun nerdy said: "No...nothing..."

Lu Qingjiu was a little angry when he was concealed, "Hey, I said, I am not made of glass. What can't I accept? I have a problem with my own body. Can you tell me directly?"

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, and whispered: "Do you really want to know?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Of course."

Bai Yuehu said: "Okay." When his words fell, Lu Qingjiu felt him raise his hand. Then, there was a very subtle touch on his forehead, which made him involuntarily yell: "Ah! What!" This touch is hard to describe in words, as if directly touching his soul, he trembled and fell directly into the arms of Baiyue Fox.

Bai Yuehu said: "Give me your hand."

Lu Qingjiu trembled: "What..."

Before Lu Qingjiu could react, he felt Bai Yuehu grabbing his hand, and then brought his hand to his forehead. Bai Yuehu reminded him softly, "Be soft."

Lu Qingjiu finally touched the things on his forehead—they were actually two small dragon horns, which were not very smooth to the touch, as if they had some small scales. This is not the point. The point is that he touched his forehead. At the time, I didn't think it was very good. Dragon Horn was actually tactile and very sensitive. Even when he touched his body, he trembled, let alone touched like the white moon fox just now.

"It's all right." Lu Qingjiu hurriedly stopped, feeling that his soul would fly out of his body any more he touched.

Bai Yuehu said: "How do you feel?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Don't, don't touch this stuff."

White Moon Fox: "Can you accept it?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Didn't I know that I have dragon blood. Since I have dragon blood, it's not a weird thing to have horns." He said so, and comforted himself with this rhetoric by the way, "Wait. Wait, is this horn always on my head?"

White Moon Fox: "It will disappear. Your grandpa and you are connected by blood, which inspired a part of you who belonged to the dragon clan. It should disappear after a while."

Lu Qingjiu: "Oh..." He was relieved now. If the dragon horn does not disappear, isn't it that he can only stay in Shuifu Village and not go out in the future.

Yin Xun said next to him: "My mother, are you all right? I just went to the field and saw nothing. I saw a pool of blood. I thought you two had an accident."

"I'm fine." Lu Qingjiu said, "Yuehu, are you hurt?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Small injury."

Lu Qingjiu was relieved now. It took more than an hour before the burning sensation in his eyes gradually faded and he could see the surroundings again. After regaining his vision, Lu Qingjiu rushed to the toilet and looked at the dragon horn on his forehead with a mirror.

The dragon horns are completely different from the imposing dragon horns of the white moon fox. The two small ones are on both sides of Lu Qingjiu's forehead. They are very small. If the bangs are a little longer, they will probably be invisible.

Lu Qingjiu watched for a while and couldn't hold back his hands. He stretched out his finger and poked it again, and almost didn't poke himself to the ground.

The tactile sensation of this dragon horn is so subtle. Lu Qingjiu has never felt this way before. After thinking about it, he took out the dragon horn necklace given to him by the white moon fox from his neck and held it up in his own. Comparing with his head.

Hmm... It seems that the difference is really big, Lu Qingjiu thought, when will I see the real body of the white moon fox? By the way, the dragon horns of the grown-up dragons should feel better. Thinking of this, he is actually gearing up. stand up.

"Yuehu, are the dragon horns of the dragon clan so sensitive?" Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu curiously.

"The young dragon's horns are more sensitive." Baiyue Fox said, "the adult dragon's dragon horns are just weapons. It doesn't feel much."

Lu Qingjiu raised his eyes: "I am a young dragon's horn?"

The white moon fox's expression is a bit strange: "You haven't changed the horns, naturally it is the young dragon horn."

"Is there still a chance to change?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

Bai Yuehu took a closer look: "Perhaps there is...I'm not sure."

Lu Qingjiu snorted, thinking that if it is possible, it would be better to change it earlier, otherwise this dragon horn is his lifeblood, and the whole person will be soft when touched.

Bai Yuehu didn't comment on Lu Qingjiu's thoughts, but from the beginning to the end, his expression was a little unspeakable. Lu Qingjiu asked him what was wrong, but he refused to say.

Although he came back, Lu Qingjiu was still worried about Zhu Rong and Niao Run's situation. He only saw Zhu Rong at night, but he did not see his grandfather.

Zhu Rong walked in from the outside of the yard, murderous all over his body, and there was an extra scar on his cheek, which looked like he was scratched by a dragon's claw.

Bai Yuehu said: "How is it?"

"Let him run away." Zhu Rong said with a calm expression.

The White Moon Fox frowned slightly.

The reason for catching Zhuorun before was because he himself wanted to be caught. As the Dragon King, he really wanted to escape. I'm afraid no one can do anything about him.

Zhu Rong glanced at Lu Qingjiu, who was sitting next to him, and asked casually, "Why did you give birth to dragon horns?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "I don't want to...My grandpa touched my forehead, and the dragon horn came out."

Zhu Rongdao didn't care too much about it, nodded and said, "Be careful and don't let others touch it."

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback: "What happens if I touch it?"

Zhu Rong was about to answer, but Bai Yuehu slapped him on his shoulder. The strength of Bai Yuehu made him swallow it abruptly. He glanced at Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu, obviously I understood something, and said: "It's okay, but the touch is more sensitive."

Looking at the interaction between the two, Lu Qingjiu felt that he would have a ghost if he believed it: "Hey, what's the matter?"

Zhu Rong's expression gradually became ferocious: "I said it's okay--I have something to do, let's go first." He broke free from Bai Yuehu's hand, turned and left, the action was done in one go, ignoring Lu Qingjiu's yelling.

Lu Qingjiu watched Zhu Rong leave suspiciously, turning his head to look at his innocent vixen.

"Bai Yue Fox." Lu Qingjiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Yue Fox. "Why can't this young dragon horn be touched by others?"

Bai Yuehu blinked, "I don't know."

Lu Qingjiu: "I don't know? How could you not know?"

Baiyue Fox is rightly confident: "I'm just a little vixen, how can I know about the dragon clan."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He couldn't refute it.

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