MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 92 Winter is coming

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After nightfall, the outside world was plunged into darkness. The candle in the room shook as if it was going to go out in the next moment. Because it was too cold, Lu Qingjiu shrank into the bed, and he could still hear the rustle of snow falling on the ground that never stopped.

Because he slept for too long in the afternoon, Lu Qingjiu was quite awake now. He sat on the kang with a book in his hand, reading the text on it with a dim light.

Both Xiao Hua and Xiao Hei were already asleep, breathing evenly, which made the room a little reassuring.

Lu Qingjiu saw it at about eleven o'clock and felt a little tired in his eyes. Although he still didn't want to sleep, he put down the book in his hand and planned to lie on the bed with his eyes closed. Thinking about this, Lu Qingjiu got up and extinguished the candle, then turned and walked to the bed, trying to close the window a little bit so that he could sleep. But who knows that Lu Qingjiu glanced outside when he closed the window, and was stunned by the sight outside. I saw aurora-like cracks in the sky outside. Compared with the day, these cracks are particularly eye-catching in the night sky, and people cannot ignore them. In the cracks, the mist like a mountain mist gushes out from it, and it continues to diffuse towards the surrounding sky. And what surprised Lu Qingjiu the most was the beam of light projected from the crack. The beam of light projected into the mountains and forests not far away, shining the mountains and forests like daylight.

On the trail outside the forest, a group of humans with indifferent expressions moved slowly from Shuifu Village towards the bright light. Because they were too far apart, Lu Qingjiu could not see the appearance of those people, but judging from the clothes, these people were extremely It may be the villagers of Shuifu Village.

Lu Qingjiu watched those people gradually move away from the village and head towards the beam of light. They are like moths going to the fire, even the roaring wind and snow cannot stop their footsteps, step by step, getting farther and farther away from the home behind them.

"Why did they come out!" Xiao Hua's stunned voice came from behind. Lu Qingjiu turned her head and found that Xiao Hua woke up sometime. He stood by the bed and saw the scene outside the house and saw the humans moving toward the beam of light. .

"I don't know." Lu Qingjiu shook his head.

"Yeah, it suddenly snowed, what can the villagers of Shuifu Village do?" Xiaohua jumped to the table in front of the window. His eyesight is much better than that of Lu Qingjiu, who is almost indistinguishable from humans. He can see the appearance of those people clearly. , Said, "Where are they going?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Perhaps something is calling them." In the winter of last year, Shuifu Village actually showed some strangeness. Throughout the winter, Lu Qingjiu had almost never seen any neighbors he usually sees on weekdays. Although it's possible that it's too cold, everyone doesn't like to go out, but there are no people in sight all winter, which is too exaggerated. At that time, Lu Qingjiu had some speculations in his mind. At this moment, all these speculations were confirmed.

"How come I have seen Li Xiaoyu." Xiaohua's eyes rounded, and said unbelievably, "Why did he go out too..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "I now suspect that the entire Shuifu Village is our family."

Xiao Hua showed a sad expression. Lu Qingjiu thought he was sad that he had lost a sincere partner. Who knows that his next sentence is: "Then my mother didn't teach Li Xiaoyu to math for so long."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Xiaohua: "He also lied to me that he improved in the exam."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Xiao Hua: "Well, human beings are big liars."

Lu Qingjiu didn't know what to say for a while. Thinking about the scene of Xiaohua giving Li Xiaoyu Bingzhu tutoring every night, he understood Xiaohua's sad mood a little bit.

Li Xiaoyu was also in the crowd, heading in the direction of the beam of light. The villagers of Shuifu Village, like soulless zombies, walked slowly towards the destination one by one. When they reached under the beam of light, their body shapes gradually dissipated and merged with the wind and snow.

Lu Qingjiu stretched out his hand and hugged Xiao Hua into his arms, sitting by the bed alone and watching quietly.

"I don't quite understand what happened." Xiaohua hummed, "I'm just a well-to-do. Mom put me into the human world, saying that the human world should be safer."

Lu Qingjiu said: "How did you come here?"

Xiaohuadao: "There is always a way."

Lu Qingjiu said: "In case we didn't save you..."

Xiaohua helpless: "Then we have to wait until we grow up to eat. When I grow up, I can run away."

When Lu Qingjiu heard the words and hesitated to speak, in the end he still didn't tell Xiao Hua a cruel truth-the human world has a kind of food called suckling pig.

The villagers seemed to be leaving. When the last person disappeared on the mountain road, Lu Qingjiu heard a loud noise. The noise came from the sky, and it actually shattered the window glass directly. Lu Qingjiu and Xiaohua were not aware of it for a while, and they were also shocked.

There was a buzzing sound in his ears, and Lu Qingjiu's eyes were spinning, and it took a while to slow down. When he slowed down, five glaring flames appeared on the horizon. No, it was not a flame. It was five dragons with red scales. In the sky behind them, a glaring hole appeared. The irregular shape is almost as if torn the sky abruptly.

Lu Qingjiu's head was still dizzy. He felt that his nasal cavity was itchy. He reached out and wiped it off before realizing that he had a nosebleed. But now Lu Qingjiu didn't care much about it. He just pulled a piece of paper and pulled himself His nose was blocked, and then he continued to look up to the sky.

But what made him regretted was that the five dragons before had disappeared. Only in the black clouds can see five red traces. The snow is still falling, and the night sky is bright and dazzling.

Xiao Hua also woke up from a coma and asked blankly what had happened.

Lu Qingjiu said: "I saw five dragons..."

Xiaohuadao: "How many?"

Lu Qingjiu: "Five."

Xiao Hua looked shocked, then shuddered, and explained to Lu Qingjiu in a low voice that the dragon is the top creature in the food chain and the **** who controls the world. The dragon should be yang, the candle dragon is yin, and yin and yang are combined to produce everything.

It can be said that only in the human world can he live in peace with the dragon clan. If he is in another world, he might have become the food of the white moon fox.

Xiaohua trembled: "How come there are five dragons entering the human world...This is unreasonable."

Lu Qingjiu frowned. He also knew it was unreasonable, but he had no clue and no solution to what was about to happen.

Next, there was no strange sound anymore, except for the big hole in the sky and five burning clouds, everything seemed to be Lu Qingjiu's illusion. He sat next to the window for a while, making sure that there was no movement outside, and then raised his hand to close the window, intending to retract into the warm bed.

But when he walked to the bed, Lu Qingjiu suddenly remembered something, and he felt a great anxiety in his heart. After sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, he still felt uneasy, so he stood up and walked outside the house. .

Xiaohua hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'll go and have a look at the door." Lu Qingjiu said.

"What to do at the door?" Xiaohua didn't understand, "It's so cold outside..."

Lu Qingjiu shook his head without explaining. He didn't actually have a reason to go out at this moment. He just thought of some terrible scene, and the sixth sense drove him to walk firmly into the yard. The snow in the yard was very thick, and it made a crunching noise when stepping on it. Lu Qingjiu spit out heat in the palm of his hand, then rubbed it vigorously. It was quiet all around, only the sound of snow falling. Lu Qingjiu's footsteps stopped at the gate of the yard. He remembered Bai Yuehu's warning to him before he left. Bai Yuehu told him not to leave the yard. In that case, he opened the door and looked at the outside. It didn't mean leaving the yard.

Lu Qingjiu held his breath, gently unplugged the door, and pushed open the iron door of the house. With a soft creak, a gap was revealed in the iron gate, and Lu Qingjiu saw the situation outside.

There is not much difference between the outside and the courtyard, it is still snowy, because the fiery red light from the big hole in the sky illuminates everything. Lu Qingjiu saw the small road in front of his house, the small truck parked on the opposite side of the small road, and the tall cypress tree beside the small truck. Everything was as usual, no different from the past.

Lu Qingjiu breathed a sigh of relief, but before the breath had subsided, he became nervous again, because he noticed that the snow in the corner of his own corner was different from the surroundings. The snow there is a bit higher than other places, and it is easy to miss at first glance, but after careful observation, it seems that there is something buried there.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, instead of leaving the yard directly, he turned around and took a bamboo pole used to make grape racks in the garden. It stretched out from the door and poked it at the pile of snow. After sweeping down the snow on the top of the snowdrift, the things underneath were exposed. Lu Qingjiu looked intently and almost sucked in air.

There was a man curled up in the snow. The man was wearing a black dress and couldn't see his face, but Lu Qingjiu clearly remembered that Yin Xun had such a down jacket.

"Fuck." Unable to curse a **** in a low voice, Lu Qingjiu threw the bamboo pole away and planned to bite his teeth and go out to carry the person who had fallen in the snow back.

When I saw the villagers and ghosts walking up the mountain just now, Lu Qingjiu wondered if there would be any problems with Yin Xun’s ancestral hall, so he was a little uneasy. He thought it would be better to come out and have a look. Knowing, Yin Xun was really taken aback when he saw it, and he seemed to have been lying down for a long time.

Lu Qingjiu took a deep breath and took a step out of the yard. As soon as this foot went out, he understood why Bai Yuehu told him not to leave the yard. It was too cold outside, and he wondered if he would freeze instantly when it was cold. Warm clothes didn't do anything in front of the cold wind. The wind seemed to penetrate through the bones, and the frozen Lu Sake's teeth trembled. He controlled his body with difficulty, walked to the side of Yin Xun who was already in a coma, grabbed one of his hands, and began to drag back hard.

This Yin Xun was completely frozen, being dragged by Lu Qingjiu without even changing his posture, remained curled up on the spot.

Lu Qingjiu was struggling. His eyes were full of wind and snow. He couldn't open his eyes. The heat of his body was rapidly losing. In just a dozen steps, he was forced out of the taste of ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

"Huhu...huhu..." Finally reaching the door, Lu Qingjiu exhausted all his strength and led Yin Xun into the gate of the yard.

At the moment of entry, both of them fell to the ground, Lu Qingjiu's face turned blue from freezing, and it took a long time to reluctantly come back, and he sat up and closed the door first. The door was closed and the temperature in the yard started to rise. Lu Qingjiu felt that he had finally come alive. The cold yard had now become a warm home in his eyes.

"Yin Xun, Yin Xun." After slowing down, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly took a look at Yin Xun.

This look scared his soul by half, and saw that Yin Xun had completely frozen into a hard state, his black eyes staring straight, and a thin layer of frost covered them. Lu Qingjiu touched his cheek and made sure that he was really frozen.

If this is a normal person, Lu Qingjiu probably has to start thinking about where to bury him, but Yin Xun is someone who has died once and should not be so vulnerable. Lu Qingjiu wants to drag him into the house and try to thaw.

So Lu Qingjiu brought the hard-bodied Yin Xun to the house where the charcoal fire was burning, untied his down jacket, and let him lie down near the charcoal stove.

Xiao Hua was taken aback by the person Lu Qingjiu brought in. When she saw that this person was actually Yin Xun, she was frozen like this, and said in horror, "What's wrong with Yin Xun?"

Lu Qingjiu looked sad: "I saw him lying outside when I went out. I don't know how long it has been frozen."

Xiaohua: "Then...Is it still alive after thawing?"

Lu Qingjiu poked Yin Xun's head harder than a stone: "I don't know, let's defrost it first. If it doesn't work, wait for Bai Yuehu to come back and have a look."

Xiaohua looked worried.

But anyhow, I found Yin Xun and didn't let him continue to freeze outside, at least he could be rescued. Lu Qingjiu went out, completely cold. Fearing that he would catch a cold, he quickly changed into dry clothes, and then shrank into the bed.

"Just put Yin Xun there?" Xiao Hua glanced at Yin Xun who was still like a statue.

"Just put it there." Lu Qingjiu's face was shrunk into the bed, and his voice was a little dull. "It's too cold outside the yard. I **** thought I was going to die outside."

Xiaohua patted Lu Qingjiu's head with her trotters to show her comfort.

When the body warmed up, people started to feel sleepy. Lu Qingjiu originally wanted to guard Yin Xun, but it was a long process for Yin Xun to unfreeze. He waited and waited and fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, Lu Qingjiu woke up from his dream and saw Yin Xun still lying next to the charcoal fire in the same posture with a sharp head, and he immediately became sober: "Little Hua'er, you turned him over last night. No ah?"

Xiao Hua was awakened by Lu Qingjiu and shook her head blankly.

Lu Qingjiu quickly got up and turned Yin Xun over. When he turned it over, he felt that half of Yin Xun's body had returned to normal, and half was still hard and cold. Lu Qingjiu called Yin Xun several times, and Yin Xun had no response. Lu Qingjiu was a little worried, and said, "Does this defrost work?"

Xiaohua knows where it doesn’t work, but I still have to say something of comfort, saying: “It’s okay. I have read a story that says that after the fish is kept fresh at zero, it can be revived after ten years! Yin Xun’s structure is simpler than fish. It must be fine."

Lu Qingjiu: "...Where did you read this story?"

Xiaohua: "The story will be."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Yin Xun, you're afraid it's too bad for you.

But at any rate they are best friends. Lu Qingjiu is unwilling to give up treatment, so he decides to have a roasted sweet potato to calm down, and then continue to thaw Yin Xun. The sweet potato was roasted warmly, and when I took a bite in my hand, my mouth was still a bit hot. I peeled the skin, and there was soft meat inside. I really ate it in my mouth and warmed my heart. Even Yin Xun was frozen into a statue of grief. Minus a few points.

"It's delicious." Xiaohua said moved, "I really want to drink a pot of warm mutton soup."

"I think too." Lu Qingjiu sniffed, feeling a little cold. The temperature outside the yard was too low. If it weren't for him to run fast, he might be thawing with Yin Xun today.

"Hey, Yin Xun seems to be going to be better. I'll help him eat this sweet potato." Xiaohua skillfully peeled the sweet potato chips with her hoof. His sister is still sleeping. The fox cub doesn't like to be vegetarian, Yin Xun It was still frozen, and the remaining sweet potatoes belonged to him and Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, I will also help him eat one."

The two of them happily peeled the sweet potatoes, and did not notice the statue of Yin Xun at all. A drop of crystal tears fell from the corner of his eyes. Of course, if they saw it, they would only treat it as dripping water when it was thawed...

After eating lunch, Lu Qingjiu unfortunately found out that he had a cold. First he had an itchy throat, then sneezing and a runny nose. He hurried to find the medicine and took it with an increased dose.

Yin Xun defrosted for a day, and finally one-third of his body was still frozen. Xiaohua and Lu Qingjiu had completely given up guarding him. Together with Xiaohei and the fox cub, they went to get a pot of mutton and planned to eat mutton. The soup pot is out.

Because of a cold, Lu Qingjiu commanded Xiaohua Xiaohei to come in contact with the water. Although these two pigs only had pig hooves, they were very flexible in doing things. Compared with Yin Xun, they were nothing more than graceful.

Lu Qingjiu sighed that he hadn't noticed the talents of the two pigs earlier. Xiaohua straightened her chest and said bad things about him in front of Yin Xun: "There is no water in my mind."

Lu Qingjiu euphemistically said, "It's not so good for you to say that, Yin Xun is still there."

Xiaohua: "He didn't even defrost."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then he can hear the sound if it doesn't defrost by any chance."

Little Hua said: "Then we should plug his ears first?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Yin Xun, you really shouldn't offend Xiaohua.

However, it is a joke. Lu Qingjiu and Xiaohua are so relieved because they have long discovered that Yin Xun’s thawed part has restored the touch of human skin. It is completely different from the person who was frozen to death. Yin Xun’s skin is very elastic and more If you pinch it a few times, you will get bruises, which is definitely not a reaction for a dead person. Lu Qingjiu pinched several times to make sure he was right.

Xiao Hua said: "It's not good for you to pinch his face?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Where do you want to pinch?"

Xiao Hua said, "Of course it's a place with a lot of flesh..." He looked at Yin Xun's ass.

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Xiao Hua said quietly: "Just like he pinched me."

Lu Qingjiu finally decided not to participate in the love and hatred between Xiaohua and Yin Xun, and let them both play freely.

The three little boys and Lu Qingjiu ate the warm mutton soup pot, and Lu Qingjiu felt that his cold was much better. The method of soup pot is a lot rougher than in weekdays. After all, the two piglets are not skilled, but they are already very good for them who have eaten dry food for a few days, especially the quality of lamb is very good. The meat will be wiped out soon, leaving a big pot of soup.

When he was about to solve the soup, Lu Qingjiu heard a soft whimper by the bed. He listened for a while before he was sure he had no hallucinations. He quickly walked to the bed and found that Yin was looking for this stuff. I don't know when it will thaw, but I am crying grievances now.

Lu Qingjiu hugged him onto the bed and said, "Yin Xun, stop crying, it's all right."

Yin Xun burst into tears, but what he said was not so touching. He said: "Lu Qingjiu, you silly dog, don't give me any mutton."

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Yin Xun: "I don't have a friend like you."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He glanced at Yin Xun's face as if he had been beaten up and was bluish and purple. He turned around silently, went to scoop a bowl of warm mutton soup, and handed it to Yin Xun.

Yin Xun was hungry. Although resentment did not eat the mutton, there was some soup to drink, and the wound in his heart was healed a lot. He grumbled, poured three or four bowls of soup in one breath, then healed, reached out and rubbed the cream off his eyelashes, and whispered: "I thought I was going to die."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Why did you show up at the door of your house? Didn't I tell you not to go out?"

Yin Xun shook his head, with a tired look on his face, and explained what had happened to Lu Qingjiu. It turned out that after it started to snow, the candlelights in the ancestral hall became darker and darker, and they couldn't be renewed anyway, and they all went out in the end. The undead suppressed inside filed out, and Yin Xun couldn't stop it at all. He saw the undead going out in the direction of Lu Qingjiu's house, so he was afraid that these things would hurt Lu Qingjiu and ran towards this side. However, the temperature outside the yard was too low, and Yin Xun, who was about to reach his destination, was frozen into ice just a few steps away.

Fortunately, the undead did not come to Lu Qingjiu's house, but went straight up the mountain.

After listening to Yin Xun's description, Lu Qingjiu felt extremely complicated. He touched Yin Xun's still wet head and said, "I'm sorry."

Yin Xun said moved: "No, this is my own choice."

Lu Qingjiu was not embarrassed: "No, I mean I should leave you two muttons."

Yin Xun: "..." It's okay if you don't mention it. When you mention Yin Xun, you get angry again, and almost didn't lift the bowl. Finally, under the promise of Lu Qingjiu to make a pot of mutton soup tomorrow, he was reluctantly relieved. But the anger did not last long, because when he went to the toilet to change clothes, he saw the bruises on his face.

"Fuck, Lu Qingjiu, are you a human? Can't you do it lightly!!" Yin Xun's angry roar came from the toilet, "I feel like I was beaten by someone!"

Lu Qingjiu knew that he was wrong, pretended not to hear, watched his nose and nose, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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