MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 98 A little question

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"Do you know Shaohao?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Shaohao?" The girl shook her head and signaled that she didn't know Shaohao. Lu Qingjiu wanted to ask again, but Wang Rumeng urged that he could not stay here for a long time. . He opened his car door and signaled Lu Qingjiu to enter. Lu Qingjiu stood at the door and didn't move. He turned to look at the mess that fell on the ground: "Can I pick these things back first?" He spent a lot of money.

Wang Rumeng looked at the various food scattered around, thought for a moment, nodded and agreed to Lu Qingjiu's request. The girl who changed into a down jacket got into the back seat of the car first, waiting for the two of them. It took about five minutes before Lu Qingjiu picked up all the things that had fallen on the ground. Most of them were undamaged, but the bad luck was that the strawberry, which was originally very delicate, was injured a lot after rolling on the ground, and the box still overflowed with pink juice.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the pain, and put the strawberries into the bag, thinking about buying a box after he finished it later.

In Wang Rumeng's car, Lu Qingjiu and the girl sat behind. The atmosphere between them was very silent, and no one wanted to speak. On the contrary, Wang Rumeng asked Lu Qingjiu some things differently. It seemed that he regarded Lu Qingjiu as a non-human being hidden among human beings, and wanted to try to get some words out of his mouth. The irrelevant Lu Qingjiu talked about it, but the key information Lu Qingjiu chose to be perfunctory or silent. Fortunately, Wang Rumeng didn't mean to ask the end.

In the car, Lu Qingjiu took out his cell phone and pretended to check the time, and sent a text message to Bai Yuehu to briefly talk about his situation, and also wrote where he was taken.

Yin Jian Lou, to be honest, this name is really ugly, Lu Qingjiu heard this name, and there was a sentence in his mind, how could there be such a Yin Jian person in the world...

Wang Rumeng has been observing Lu Qingjiu all the way. He seems to have a keen interest in Lu Qingjiu, and his expression is full of appreciative taste. Lu Qingjiu sat in the back and showed Wang Rumeng the way without changing his face until he reached the destination. After the car stopped, Wang Rumeng asked Lu Qingjiu: "Aren't you afraid?"

Lu Qingjiu asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Wang Rumeng said: "Of course I am afraid that we will hurt you."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "I am an ordinary person. Isn't it easy for you to hurt me? You still need to take me to such a far place?"

That's the truth, Wang Rumeng laughed and said, "That's right."

The girl kept stinking and did not speak. After the car stopped, she went straight down without saying hello. Wang Rumeng seemed to get used to her temper and shrugged: "Please."

Lu Qingjiu said, "I still want to go in?"

Wang Rumeng said: "Of course."

Lu Qingjiu frowned slightly: "I've helped you reach your destination. Should I go in?"

Wang Rumeng said: "It's all here, don't you go in and take a look?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..."

Wang Rumeng’s attitude cannot be rejected. Obviously, if Lu Qingjiu does not move, he might really do it. In desperation, Lu Qingjiu got out of the car and entered the Yinjian Building with Wang Rumeng.

Yinjian Building, although its name is ugly, is still very magnificent. It is more than two hundred meters long and is a landmark building in the city. Because it is the office area of ​​the government, the security facilities are very complete. The guards originally wanted to register the identity information of the three people, but after seeing the documents that Wang Rumeng took out, they directly put them in.

The elevator is also specially guarded, and pressed the floor for them.

Wang Rumeng said: "Do you know that you live with Dragon?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "Of course I do."

Wang Rumeng said: "Then do you know what your dragon's name is?"

Lu Qingjiu raised his eyebrows: "Why should I tell you?"

Wang Rumeng looked at the rising numbers in the elevator and sighed. He said, "Dragons are very dangerous's easy to get out of control."

Lu Qingjiu said nothing.

When Wang Rumeng saw him silently resisting, he wanted to say something, but the girl standing next to him was very impatient and said: "Okay, ask him what's the use of so much. If you get to the top, you will know."

Wang Rumeng nodded.

Lu Qingjiu still didn't understand why they had to force themselves to come here, and what they meant by the meeting, and from Wang Rumeng's attitude, the relationship between non-humans and humans did not seem to be as stalemate as he imagined. The high level of mankind should be aware of their existence.

With a ding-dong, they reached the top floor. After Lu Qingjiu got out of the elevator, he was taken aback by the scene outside. I saw countless strange creatures in the wide office. For example, Lu Qingjiu even saw a few Kinbara who were discussing loudly.

"Here." Wang Rumeng said, "Xiao Mei, I will deal with his affairs first, you can play by yourself first."

It turned out that the girl’s name was Xiaomei. After listening to Wang Rumeng’s words, she nodded blankly and turned away. Wang Rumeng took Lu Qingjiu to a room in a corner. Lu Qingjiu was stunned when he entered the room. I didn't expect to see an acquaintance here—Zhu Rong.

Wearing a red robe, Zhu Rong was lowering his head to do something. When he raised his head, he saw Lu Qingjiu, and his eyes were shocked: "Why are you here?"

Lu Qingjiu hadn't answered yet, Wang Rumeng said: "Do you know each other?"

"Of course I do." Zhu Rong said, "What did you bring him for?"

Wang Rumeng said, "Didn't you say that a candle dragon ran over? Xiao Mei said that he had the breath of a dragon. I was a little worried, so I brought him over."

Zhu Rong shook his head, indicating that it was not what Wang Rumeng was worried about: "No, it has nothing to do with him."

Wang Rumeng: "Is he the one in the legend..."

Zhu Rong hummed and looked at Lu Qingjiu again: "Sorry, sake, he misunderstood."

Lu Qingjiu said, "What the **** is going on?"

Zhu Rong sighed and briefly said the matter. It turned out that after the snow fell in Shuifu Village, five candle dragons ran over from another world. The white moon fox killed their ensemble at the time, but one of the souls ran away. This has been a big trouble. So Zhu Rong notified the non-humans in the entire jurisdiction, wanting them to pay more attention to the surrounding situation, and immediately report any abnormalities.

High-level humans do know the existence of non-human beings, and they are allowed to integrate into human society without revealing their identity. It's just that most non-human beings will not be seen by human beings, which saves a lot of trouble.

The spiritual energy here is thin, and the power of non-human beings is also very weak. There are very few situations that will actively harm humans, so getting along can be considered harmonious.

After listening to Lu Qingjiu, he understood that Wang Rumeng regarded himself as the owner of the candle dragon, so he forced himself to come here. However, he became curious. In their description, the Candle Dragon is a very cruel branch of the dragon clan. Can it be raised by humans?

"Yeah." Facing Lu Qingjiu's doubts, Zhu Rong gave Lu Qingjiu's answer, "There are such examples."

It turned out that this happened before. A few decades ago, candle dragons sneaked into the human world and were picked up and raised by humans. The candle dragon is cruel in nature, but I don't know why it didn't hurt humans in the first place. But this situation did not last long. In an accident, the Candle Dragon was stimulated to instinct and swallowed all the creatures present. Although soon annihilated by Ying Long who came, it still caused a lot of trouble.

"Isn't the candle dragon a contaminated dragon? Can such a dragon be bred too?" Lu Qingjiu asked incredible.

Zhu Rong said: "It's just an exception."

Because of this accident, they also knew that Candle Dragon could sneak in the human world, so when they found that Candle Dragon had sneaked in, they immediately notified all parties and asked everyone to be vigilant to avoid unexpected accidents.

Lu Qingjiu was listening to Zhu Rong’s words, but the atmosphere outside became weird. The entire floor was originally noisy, but before not knowing it, the inside and outside of the room suddenly became quiet, and a needle fell silently. Can also hear.

Wang Rumeng showed a nervous expression, as if being pushed by something, and squeezed to the corner of the wall abruptly. Although Zhu Rong did not move, his brows wrinkled. Lu Qingjiu was about to ask questions when he saw someone walking from the corner of the corridor. When he came over, the person was expressionless, his black eyes flashed with cold anger, it was the white moon fox who was supposed to be weeding at home.

"Yuehu!" Lu Qingjiu remembered that he had sent a text message to Baiyuehu. Baiyuehu must have rushed over after seeing the message.

Bai Yuehu walked to Lu Qingjiu with a calm face, and looked at Zhu Rong coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Zhu Rong showed helplessness and hurriedly explained that this was a misunderstanding, saying that Wang Rumeng was not from this area, and that he didn't know the situation of Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu when he first came.

After hearing the explanation, Bai Yuehu couldn't comment, and reached out to Lu Qingjiu, as if he was checking something. Lu Qingjiu was a little embarrassed to be touched by him, and said, "Yuehu, I'm fine."

Bai Yuehu said, "Bring me out next time."

Lu Qingjiu nodded and agreed.

Looking at Wang Rumeng next to him, he was shrunk in the corner by the momentum of the white moon fox and looked almost out of breath, even a few drops of cold sweat appeared on Zhu Rong's forehead. Now that I think about it, it might be because Lu Qingjiu has the blood of the dragon family, so he never felt fear when facing the white moon fox, and he couldn't feel it. Why did everyone around him be so afraid of the white moon fox from Yin Xun.

"I'm fine." Since it was a misunderstanding, just solve it, Lu Qingjiu quickly calmed his angry Black Dragon, "They thought I had a relationship with Zhulong."

Candle Dragon and Ying Dragon are from the same root, and there is almost no difference in their aura. If they must be separated, Candle Dragon's aura will be more violent, while Ying Long is much more peaceful.

The white moon fox still didn't speak, and still stared at Wang Rumeng with cold eyes. Lu Qingjiu even noticed that the black eyes of the white moon fox were standing up like a cold-blooded animal, like a cruel predator who had discovered the prey. Lu Qingjiu even suspected that if he weren't still here, Bai Yuehu's next move was to break Wang Rumeng's neck directly in the past.

In front of Lu Qingjiu, Bai Yuehu has always been lazy and quiet, and his favorite thing to do is to lie on the couch in the yard at home. Although Lu Qingjiu had seen the ferocious scene of a white moon fox fighting with other dragons, it was also after the white moon fox became a real body, he had never seen a human-shaped white moon fox exuding such a terrifying aura.

After all, the top predator, even if he didn't take action, the killing intent he radiated was enough to make other creatures surrender.

Seeing that some White Moon Fox who could not be persuaded to come back was about to go crazy, Lu Qingjiu had no choice but to leaned in and kissed White Moon Fox's lips.

After being kissed suddenly, Bai Yuehu's eyes showed surprise, and his pupils returned to their normal size.

Bai Yuehu's lips were a little hot, probably because Lu Qingjiu's waist was wrapped with two hands just after he came in from the outside, and his whole person was pressed against Bai Yuehu's chest.

Both Wang Rumeng and Zhu Rong were stupefied by this scene, and the two of them looked stunned, and their staring eyes were about to fall off.

As soon as the kiss ended, Lu Qingjiu was already out of breath and blushed on his face. When he looked at Zhu Rong again, he was a little embarrassed, and looked away with a dry cough.

Without changing his face, Bai Yuehu finally put away the terrifying aura, he said: "No next time."

"Good." Zhu Rong could only say so.

Wang Rumeng was scared to death by Bai Yuehu, and was startled by the kiss between Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu. He opened his mouth wide and did not speak for a long time until Lu Qingjiu had a fight with him. He greeted that he was going to leave, and waved his hand mechanically, and said dryly goodbye.

"Hey, I was right." Wang Rumeng said, "A dragon is in love with a human?"

Zhu Rong calmly said: "Are there few things Long Heren fall in love with?"

Wang Rumeng: "...I thought it was just a legend."

Zhu Rong said: "Legends are always based on facts."

Wang Rumeng: "..."

To be honest, in the case of thin spiritual energy, if you only talk about physical fitness, then humans must be the lowest-end creatures in the food chain. But now there are a large number of human beings, advanced technology has been developed, and a sufficiently stable order has been established. Under such circumstances, non-human beings are simply not human opponents. But why do dragons fall in love with humans? This creature that only lives in legends is so grounded that Wang Rumeng doesn't know what to say. He originally thought that Lu Qingjiu was just a servant of the dragon, and this kiss completely subverted his three views...

"Okay." Zhu Rong stretched out his hand and closed Wang Rumeng's mouth. He said, "Don't get entangled in this matter. This matter is just like you see. By the way, is Xiao Mei here?"

"Yeah." Wang Rumeng nodded.

"You have to rely on her to find Boorun." Zhu Rong said, "I blame Shaohao...tsk, I have to call Phoenix from a foreign place for the damage."

Wang Rumeng said, "What happened to the phoenix in Shaohao's family?"

Zhu Rong had a headache and said that the birds in their family are really unhealthy. It's fine if they like playing mahjong. They also like gambling. What they bet on is their feathers. It stands to reason that the phoenix should be great as the king of birds, but who knows that the phoenix of Shaohao's family is a clubhouse, and is addicted to gambling. He forcibly lost all his feathers. This is the real change from a phoenix to a chicken.

You said that after losing the feathers, it's fine, but the phoenix is ​​a very proud creature, and can't accept his hairless appearance, so he went to Nirvana. The phoenix is ​​divided into the big nirvana and the small nirvana. The small nirvana is the kind of nirvana, which does not affect anything, but the big nirvana takes several years. Of course, the phoenix after nirvana can give birth to a Huayu, use him In other words, it is-once again the capital for gambling.

Wang Rumeng was silly to hear it. He just came here and was stimulated by the white moon fox. He also heard such unacceptable revelations. After holding back for a long time, he suffocated a sentence from his mouth: "Your circle is really messy. "

Zhu Rong: "..." He didn't really want to talk.

When Bai Yuehu left Yinjian Building, Lu Qingjiu saw with his own eyes the lively non-humans in the house that were quiet like chickens. It wasn't until they got into the elevator and walked down a few floors that the roof broke out. Loud noise. When he got downstairs, Lu Qingjiu brought his own things, said he had to go to the supermarket, and took the small truck home, so he took a taxi with Bai Yuehu.

Baiyue Fox helped Lu Qingjiu with half of it. After sitting in the rental, he flipped through the contents, only to find the broken box of strawberries.

When Lu Qingjiu saw this picture, he secretly said that it was not good. As expected, Baiyue Fox's next action was to carefully take the box of strawberries out of the bag. The strawberries are put in a carton one by one, covered with a plastic wrap. Because strawberries are very easy to wear during transportation, the price is really not cheap, just a box of more than a dozen, which is more than 100 yuan.

Bai Yuehu gently touched the broken strawberry with his finger, and he said, "They did it?"

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly said, "No, I was not careful."

"Really?" Baiyuehu's tone was suspicious. Lu Qingjiu has always been a careful person and rarely makes such low-level mistakes.

"Really." Lu Qingjiu can only lie. If he tells it honestly, he can imagine the reaction of his fox. It is estimated that it exploded on the spot, and he flew out of the taxi to avenge his poor little strawberry. .

Bai Yuehu said nothing. He turned over the box and saw the price tag on the bottom of the box, with a painful expression in his eyes. This expression made Lu Qingjiu's heart soft, saying it was okay, we went to the supermarket and bought another box, and this box was used to eat directly.

Bai Yuehu nodded slowly and hummed quietly.

Lu Qingjiu was relieved when he saw that Baiyue Fox didn't struggle anymore.

When he arrived at the parking lot, Lu Qingjiu asked Baiyuehu to guard him in the car. He went up to buy a box of strawberries and came down. Baiyuehu obediently agreed. But after Lu Qingjiu bought the strawberries, he didn't see Bai Yuehu's person. He took out his mobile phone and called Bai Yuehu with some doubts, but the phone was hung up.

Lu Qingjiu thought that something had happened, and he was a little anxious, just when he was thinking about whether to return to Yinjian and ask Zhu Rong what to do, Bai Yuehu appeared again. He pushed the car door naturally, sat in the position of the co-pilot, and said something to go.

"Where did you go?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Go out to the toilet." Bai Yuehu replied without squinting.

"Really?" Lu Qingjiu looked at Bai Yuehu, and reached out his hand and touched his cheek. "Where have you gone to go to the bathroom? Why is there still blood on your face after going to the bathroom?"

Bai Yuehu was silent for a moment, and said: "The person next to him accidentally fell down and hit the mirror, splashing a little."

Lu Qingjiu: "..." Only when he believes there are ghosts.

Bai Yuehu said: "Really."

Lu Qingjiu said, "You show your ears."

Bai Yuehu: "..." He originally wanted to refuse, but looking at Lu Sake's expression, he finally showed his ears obediently. Those ears that were originally erected fell down, like a puppy being reprimanded by the owner. Lu Qingjiu looked angry and funny. Lu Qingjiu said, "You really didn't lie to me?"

White Moon Fox: "No."

He said no, and the tips of his ears trembled involuntarily, very uncomfortable with his expressionless face.

Lu Qingjiu leaned over and opened his mouth to bit the tip of his ear. Bai Yuehu groaned, reflexively trying to avoid it, but he abruptly held back.

Lu Qingjiusong spoke, licked again, and said vaguely, "You killed Wang Rumeng?"

Bai Yuehu said: "No." He probably was afraid that Lu Qingjiu would not believe it, and added, "I just beat him up and didn't die."

Lu Qingjiu laughed: "Not serious, right?"

"It's not serious." Baiyuehu said, "He scared you." Lu Qingjiu was not scared. How could the strawberry in his hand fall to the ground? Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise his little dragon would be caught. If someone is bullied, and he is reluctant to touch someone, how can others dare to get involved? ! So Bai Yuehu couldn't help it at all, and rushed to take revenge on the spot.

Lu Qingjiu sighed and coaxed his sulking fake vixen: "Okay, I'm really fine, I'm not angry anymore." He tore open the package, took out a strawberry, and stuffed it into Baiyue Fox's mouth.

The white moon fox's mouth was stuffed, and he chewed slowly. The strawberries were delicious, sweet and sour, and the flesh was soft and juicy. No wonder the price was so high. Before Lu Qingjiu came, Baiyue Fox had never seen such fruit, let alone eaten it. His expression softened, and he rubbed Lu Qingjiu's hand with his cheek.

Lu Qingjiu was completely confused by the movements of the white moon fox, he himself ate one, and his eyes narrowed in satisfaction. He has eaten strawberry too many times, but he has never felt it so delicious. Perhaps it is because of the people who ate with him that this kind of fruit has an indescribable taste.

"Let's go, let's go home." Lu Qingjiu said as it was late, "Yin Xun is still at home waiting for us to make candied haws."

Hearing that someone was going to grab something from him, Baiyue Fox frowned and said, "Use this box to make it." He said that the box was broken in his hand.

Lu Qingjiu smiled: "Don't be so stingy. If you want to eat, let's buy it again and eat as long as you have enough." He stuffed the fresh box in his hand on the white moon fox's lap and let him open it to eat, and the white moon fox touched it. With the fragrant fruit, I was still not willing, so I ate two of them, stuffed two of Lu Qingjiu, and then carefully sealed the fresh-keeping bag again and put it into the bag.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the way his squirrel was collecting grain, and asked with a smile: "How do you know that I accidentally broke the strawberry?"

Bai Yuehu pointed to the seat under him.

Lu Qingjiu reacted for a while before realizing that Bai Yuehu was referring to the minivan. He said, "So you told the secret!" He had forgotten that the minivan could talk to Bai Yuehu.

The small truck banged twice, probably, Lu Qingjiu could not understand what it said, but its four wheels ran faster, probably because he was afraid that Lu Qingjiu would be angry with him.

Lu Qingjiu felt that he wanted to remind Yin Xun that he should never say bad things about Baiyuehu in the pickup truck.

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