MTL - Faraway Wanderers-Chapter 75 Ultimate (on)

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Zhao Jing took the lead and killed someone on Fengyashan, and said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone is just like ..."

His voice suddenly paused, his expression stunned, and he looked up in the direction of the palace of the King of the Kings, and saw a group of little ghosts in grey coats rushing out, silent while walking, as if his feet had not landed across the wind. Standing on both sides, the ghost-faced flag rose quietly, waving in the wind of hunting, the vast sunset, staining it with blood.

A man standing tall, wearing a dark red coat, stood there sideways. Putting your hands in the wide robe sleeves, lowering your head, there was some carelessness, as if you didn't know what to look at in a daze.

As soon as Zhao Jing raised his hand, everyone settled with him, watching the person with vigilance and sweeping away. Lao Meng stood a little inside, almost to be ignored, and the man in red attracted everyone. look. He seemed to be startled, slowly turned around, and told everyone to take a look.

Zhao Jing lost his voice: "Is it you ?!"

Wen Kexing raised an eyebrow and whispered softly, "Ah, Lord Zhao, it's been a long absence."

Zhao Jing had seen Wen Kexing on more than one side before, but then he felt like this person had a soul in the shell. How he looked weird, his heart was a little shocked, Wen Kexing walked slowly down the stone steps. As if he took a step forward with a pressure of persecution, Zhao Jingqing couldn't help taking a step back, and forced himself to hold back, and asked, "You ... what are you ..."

Wen Kexing said "um", and explained very empathically: "The only reason is that the evil spirits in your mouth are full of evil. In the past, there is disrespect, and I hope you will forgive me."

Zhao Jing had seen him make a few shots, knowing that he was good at kung fu, but he didn't take such a young man to heart, but felt that something was wrong. But he didn't wait for him to think about it carefully. There was a person rising up behind him, and he shouted, "What a little thief pretending to be a ghost!"

Zhao Jing didn't have time to stop, and saw that the man was an old man named Huaifeng of the Qingfeng Sword School, named Mo Huaifeng. Zhao Jing changed his mind, knowing that Cao Weining was in trouble, and Mo Huaikong was retreating again. This was Mo Huaiyang looking for face, half of his hand stretched out, and then backed up silently, intending to watch from the wall.

Mo Huaifeng didn't care whether he was bullying or not, and he wasn't polite to others at all. The sword came out of the sheath, and the storm rained on Wen Kexing generally. I saw the man in red in the eyes of everyone still walking down the stone steps without slowness, did not dodge, as if the width of each step had not changed, then Mo Huaifeng suddenly gave a tear The screams of split lungs, the whole person fell to one side.

Wen Kexing's hands were still hanging on his side, with a smile on his face, Zhao Jing didn't see how he moved.

Mo Huaifeng fell to the ground, and the whole man was convulsing constantly. Several gray-eyed ghosts standing nearby moved around him, his face showed eager excitement, but he didn't dare to move, just staring at Wen Ke Row.

Wen Kexing glanced at them and still whispered, "It's all this time, what kind of kind?"

Zhao Jing and others did not understand his meaning first. With his order, the little ghosts around Mo Huaifeng suddenly screamed like humans, and rushed to Mo Huaifeng, who could not resist, like It was a group of young children gathered together to play with bugs, but in the blink of an eye, Mo Huaifeng was ripped open, and the whole person fell apart, and he couldn't die anymore!

The blood dance spurted high, Zhao Jing's pupils shrank-this is really a ghost!

At this point, Wen Kexing was already standing three stone steps away from him. Zhao Jing finally braced himself and took a big step back, placing his weapon across his chest: "You ... how dare you ... ... "

Wen Kexing explained gently: "Dr. Zhao, I don't see you yet. When you go out of Qingzhuling, it's the earth. When you are on earth, you have to be a good person. For example, you have a child who is bullied by others. You have to be rescued. There is a beauty who is unhappy Now, to coax someone to eat, to pay for food, to see someone in trouble, to pull him, what is this-this is a person. But when we are here, there is no one, the person who is a human ... ... "

He spoke, looked back at the little devils who had just been stained with blood, and were still about to move. He laughed, stretched out a finger, shook it twice in front of Zhao Jing, and continued: "Get us here, you It's dead, because we don't have old people, children, men, and women here. We are the only ghosts who will kill you. "

Wen Kexing raised his hand in a hurry, rolled up his sleeves slightly, and looked down at the crowd, saying, "Oh, look, there have been no foreigners in Yanzhong for many years. I ’m so excited, so many words. Now, where is Zhao Xiaxia sacred, that is not a human being, do you need me to mention this truth? Do you mean it? "

Mo Huaiyang stepped forward, his face stood ugly alongside Zhao Jing, and whispered in his ear: "Single fight alone is not this demon's opponent, come together."

When Zhao Jing rode a tiger, he glanced over Wen Kexing and saw Lao Meng standing a little behind the gate of the palace of Yan Wang and the obscure look on Lao Meng's face. He probably understood the intention of the other side. But at this moment, he had no way back, and had to roar his head daringly and pounced.

It was like a signal. Two stalemates received at the same time, and the melee began.

At this time, the scorpion had already reached the other end of Fengyashan. He looked up at the rugged mountains of Fengyashan and murmured, "Beauty is really beautiful. Fengyashan is one of the world ’s best sights. Unfortunately, there is ... The stinging beauty can be viewed from a distance, but not playful-do you look good? "

He asked about a masked poison scorpion around him. The poison scorpion followed his gaze indifferently, and then as if he had received any task, he simply said, "Yes!"

The smile on Scorpion's face faded in half, and said disappointed, "It's really boring."

The black-skinned poison scorpion said again: "Yes!"

It seems that his mouth can only say such a word. The scorpion's interest in viewing the scene is gone, and his face is cold, and he commands: "They should have already started, we can go up now, just to take advantage of the cheap-I spent a lot of money Lao Meng, my guest, is still waiting to be with me inside and out. "

The poison scorpion on one side still said, "Yes!"

The scorpion ignored him and walked forward. The well-trained poison scorpions immediately followed, and they didn't know if it was a group of real people or a lot of crickets.

After walking for a while, a gray shadow flashed in front, the poisonous scorpion in black showed his hook, but was caught by the scorpion. I saw the little ghost glanced at the crowd in front of the crowd of black people, probably No conclusion was found, so he turned to the scorpion and said, "Master Impermanence told me to pick up the scorpion master here, please here."

The scorpion smiled and said, "There is work."

——Let everyone know what it is to lead a wolf into the room.

The sky was gradually getting dark. In front of the palace of the King of the Kings, it was really like a hundred thousand ghosts. The corpses overlapped, screaming and screaming one after another, no matter whether they were ghosts or ghosts, no one could be alone. At the beginning of the scuffle, no one could control the situation anymore, and even Lao Meng, who was hiding behind the palace of Yan Wang, was quickly involved.

Wen Kexing's dark red robe became extremely bright at the moment, and his face was covered with blood stains. I didn't know if it was his own or someone else's, but he seemed to be tired and painless. Seeing no tightness, she also stretched out her fingers and gently wiped her brow bones, revealing a pair of black and white eyes, as if in a grand ceremony, with a crazy and relieved smile.

I do n’t know how long this scuffle fought, Zhao Jing only felt that his heart was beating like thunder, his eyes were dark for a while, and he was still gritting his teeth, and then he saw the smile of Wen Kexing, and his heart was cold—he felt This person doesn't seem to want to kill himself immediately, like a beast catches a small prey. He has to play fast before he wants to take the fatal sip.

Zhao Jing roared, pounced again, and slashed at Wen Kexing's chest—opening his mouth wide, as the river flows into the sea, which is one of his famous stunts, and the meridians in his hands were astonished by the qi. This is a life-saving trick.

It was as lightning-strength as possible with the mighty force of splitting the mountains and the sea. Wen Kexing made a snorting sound, which seemed to be a little unexpected. With his skill, it was too late to completely escape, and he slightly Frowning, but sideways to avoid the key, he lowered his heart, resisted the knife with the flesh of his shoulders, the blade cut into his shoulder, Zhao Jing spit out blood, was very painful, and ecstatic.

However, he couldn't go one step deeper. Wen Kexing grasped the blade with both hands, and vigorously took Zhao Jingzhen off the blade. He took a step forward and retreated desperately, but it was unsupported and fell to the ground.

Zhao Jing's eyes were dark, the mountains were upside down, and the ears were roaring, and then a hand was wrapped around his throat, lifting him all up. He opened his eyes desperately and met Wen Kexing's eyes.

Just listen to Wen Kexing: "Look carefully-others say I look like my dad. It's been these years that I have grown crooked? Or have you been a guilty conscience and you can't even recognize it?"

Zhao Jing stared blankly at him for a long time, suddenly struggling fiercely.

Wen Kexing took a slow breath and sighed, "You haven't recognized me for so long. I thought I thought I was wrong, haha ​​... Zhao Xia, thirty years ago, Rongque and a person saw After Rong Xuan guilty of killing his wife and fleeing, Mrs. Rong gave the key to that person. Only three of them were present. Mrs. Rong died. The dragon bird didn't say who the person was. Key. The whereabouts were leaked, so that the couple and the two of them withdrew from the rivers and lakes, hiding in a small village in anonymity, scared and scared for nearly ten years, escaped the world, and failed to escape the evil spirits. What is going on? "

Zhao Jing felt only a few pains in his internal organs, his throat was stuck, and he couldn't bring it up in one breath. He vainly used the iron-like fingers of Wen Kexing with his hands, and his eyes began to roll up.

Wen Kexingwu said, "Rong Xuan's temperament changed a lot after he died. Is this easy? May it change to the point where he and his wife are murdered? Who is the mad dog who recognizes his master ... Who asked the key to Mrs. Rong's arsenal to kill, who was fleeing because someone came, and who was hiding in the dark, knowing the cause and effect, and who was incapable, she sold the whereabouts of the couple Wen Ruyu give……"

Zhao Jing was motionless, and Wen Kexing's eyes were blank, as if he didn't know what to do tonight and evening, let his body fall to the ground, and then stood there for a while.

At this time, Mo Huaiyang took the opportunity to seize the opportunity and sneaked in from behind. Hearing the wind, Wen Kexing took a stun and reluctantly raised his breath, but Zhao Jing's knife was still stuck on his shoulder. Did not mention it!

At this moment, just listening to a flick, the volley flew over a small knife and missed Mo Huaiyang's sword. The faceless girl stood coldly in front of Mo Huaiyang and said, "I said, I am going to kill you."

Wen Kexing paused for a while, then said, "Axiang?"

Gu Xiang's stern face, because of his words, could not sustain it, and she cried. She slowly turned to Wen Kexing, squeezed out a smile, and whispered, "Master, you can save the dowry. Next, Brother Cao ... Brother Cao ... "

Then she stunned her voice and looked away from Wen Kexing, as if she didn't see him, she would not be vulnerable or wronged.

At this moment, a scream rang in the air, and Lao Meng closed his eyes and revealed a relaxed smile—this is the scorpion. He knew that he had won, and then opened his eyes again. Lao Meng's eyes suddenly burst into cold light— —At this time, Wen Kexing was facing his back.

He raised his hand gently, and a gleam of cold light flashed in his sleeve.

Gu Xiang only felt that the tear-sucked eyes were stabbed by something, and she suddenly rushed forward, holding Wen Kexing together, and they both fell to the ground at the same time.

Wen Kexing opened his eyes wide, maybe it was only a moment, but he felt that it seemed like a thousand years.

He lifted the hand that was subconsciously placed on Gu Xiang's back when he fell, and the blood was dripping on it—the girl's entire back seemed to have been blown away by something. He almost felt that he had just touched it. Her bones and internal organs.

"Ah ... Xiang?"

Gu Xiang's head was on his chest, he lifted up hard, and smiled at him. Qi Ruoyou said, "Master, I said I was going to kill him. It was bragging. I didn't ... the ability ... you Kill me, I beg you this time, you give me ... kill him. "

Wen Kexing nodded indifferently, and Gu Xiang's face showed a painful expression. She felt pain and felt cold all over, as if all the temperature had poured out from behind. She had to hold Wen Ke tightly like a little girl. The placket of the banker whispered, "I'm dead, it's okay ... Brother Cao definitely wants me to live well ... but me, I still live ... I can't go on ... the master ..."

Wen Kexing covered her head with that **** hand, and said softly, "Not the master, but the brother."

Gu Xiang tried to squeeze a smile, but she failed. Her hands and feet no longer listened, and she began to convulse, her eyes gradually fainted, and her mouth said, "Brother, you gave me ... kill ... he ... ah ... ... "

After all, Lao Meng jealous of Wen Kexing, missed a shot, and immediately retreated.

Wen Kexing slowly got up, laid Gu Xiang's body flat, stretched out his hand and pulled Zhao Jing's knife out of his shoulder, half of his body was numb and unable to lift up his strength, but the evil spirit on his body was even more It's heavy.

He said to himself, "OK, I'll kill you."

Mo Huaiyang saw that things were not good, more cunning than loach, and he had run away. Wen Kexing's eyes swept through the crowd, and he grabbed a gray-eyed little ghost with his still-moving hand, one by one. Asked, "You see, just standing next to the last name Zhao, is that the sword holder?"

The little ghost made a "chuckling" sound in his throat, tremblingly extended a finger and pointed in a direction. Wen Kexing laughed: "Thank you."

Then with a hard finger, the little ghost's head shattered into a pile of rotten meat.

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