MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 195

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Although Bai Li felt that Wen Xingyao's words were a bit abrupt at this time, he also agreed with what he said.

It took less than two months for Wen Xingyao to return to his human form after being picked up by him when he was a child. Zhu Moling's childhood was picked up by him, and it happened to be the same day as Wen Xingyao's restoration to human form, and it has been almost a month now. With the previous person's experience, his recovery should be faster.

Thinking of this, he nodded directly to Wen Xingyao, agreeing to the matter.

Facing the scorching eyes of the other party looking over, he directly pretended not to see. Like the previous thing that was done on impulse, if you want to happen again, you need to accumulate strength.

Wen Xingyao didn't mind Bai Li's avoidance, he smiled in front of him and touched his lips, looking completely stupid. The silver-haired handsome man when we first met, like the snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountains, can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with, but it has completely disappeared here with Bai Li.

At the same time, Wen Xingyao was still making up his mind that when he came back here, he must act first before Bai Li. In this regard, how can the other party take the initiative in everything? Does he not want to lose face?

When Tang Yingben finished picking out ten juicy cabbages in satisfaction and returned to the living room, Bai Li even comforted the fox cub.

Tang Ying was the only one in the audience who didn't know anything. He glanced suspiciously at the two of them and questioned his soul: "What were you doing just now? Why do I feel that your faces are a little rosy? Did you do some strenuous exercise?"

He does not mean that. Bai Li is already well versed in the method of resolving embarrassment, and he can even pretend to be nonchalant and pat a fox fur. Wen Xingyao coughed heavily, and when Tang Ying looked over with even more puzzled eyes, he offered to leave early.

"It's getting late, we should go."

"I'll see you off."

Afterwards, Bai Li handed over the housekeeping task to Hu Yi Hu Er and Fox Cub who happened to come over at this time, and personally sent them to the starship landing site. After they left, he returned to his residence with a touch of disappointment. .

Hey, after a while, he and Wen Xingyao will start a "diverse ball relationship".

After Bai Li arrived home, Zhu Moling's consciousness had long since fallen into a deep sleep, and even his childhood body was brought into the game warehouse by Hu Yi, working hard for the upgrade of the mission materials for the new day.

When Zhu Moling boarded the game, although he had no memory of reality, the rage and irritability that emerged from the depths of his heart could not deceive anyone, so when Hu Yi and Hu Er came to look for him, he specifically asked In a word, what happened at Bai Li's house today.

"Um... nothing major happened, right?" Hu Er scratched his head, "Mr. Bai's life is almost the same as usual, but today is the day when Admiral Wen leaves to go back to 'Buddha Jumping Wall Star', I heard that he should go back to deal with some things first. , and come back when you're done."

He didn't know Bai Li's identity, so when he mentioned it, his tone didn't fluctuate at all.

After hearing Hu Er's words, Zhu Moling only felt that his mood suddenly became lighter, and he was more sure of his guess. He now knows that Bai Li and Wen Xingyao are in a relationship. If Wen Xingyao leaves temporarily, his mood at this time should be pure happiness, not anger and irritability. What did Li do.

Although he has no relevant experience, he can guess something with his brain. It is nothing more than the tiredness and crookedness between young lovers. When these two people got tired of crookedness, he should have seen it in his childhood, so he became so angry subconsciously.

As a senior brother-in-law, Zhu Moling will inevitably think a little too much. Did Wen Xingyao force this matter, but his younger brother was actually reluctant?

Alright, this Wen Xingyao, who looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is also a bunch of fanboys when he walks outside, yet he would behave in such a bad way. It's a pity that he didn't recover, otherwise he would definitely help his brother teach him a profound lesson!

Zhu Moling was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do about Wen Xingyao for the time being, he could only keep this matter in his heart, and when he succeeded in getting to know his younger brother, he would give him eye drops.

Hmph, the vengeance of their Sky Fox clan is very strong!

If Wen Xingyao knew what Zhu Moling was thinking at this time, he might kneel down with a "plop" and shout "wronged". This matter was obviously led by Bai Li, and he didn't even After realizing it, how could it all be blamed on him? Wronged.

But one thing to say, this experience was so wonderful that even though it had been over for a long time, he couldn't help but smile when he thought about it.

Going to the VVIP cockpit of the interstellar spaceship of "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall", Tang Ying sat directly opposite Wen Xingyao, watched his expression change 180 degrees in a few minutes, and stood up and danced together with goosebumps all over his body due to the cold .

Incredible, really incredible! If someone had told him that Wen Xingyao would have such an expression on his face a few months earlier, he would not have believed it. However, today he saw it with his own eyes. After reading it, he wished he could dig out his eyeballs and wash them. After washing them, he put them back in. Then he closed his eyes tightly, never wanting to recall that scene again.

It turns out that love really changes everything about a person, making him completely another person.

Ah, this terrible and desirable love!

Tang Ying quietly logged on to her Starblog account "I'm lying down", and after N days, she posted a new Starblog: Today is another day when you can eat all you can eat dog food! :)

After a while, there were a lot of likes and comments below. Taking advantage of the time before arriving, Tang Ying put on a vest and chatted with netizens, digesting the dog food that was about to vomit.

After arriving at the destination, I felt that I finally felt much better. After all, in a place as big as Interstellar, there are not a few people who have the same experience of being fed dog food as him.

By the time Bai Li finished handling everything and boarded the game again, it was already the afternoon of the 19th.

Originally, he thought that after several days and nights of "carnival", the players in the game should fall into a short-lived state of depression. The external manifestation of this state is that everyone is lazy, as if they have lost their worldly desires. Even if they are farming, fishing, gathering or mining, they are lazy in every gesture and without much effort.

Even if he laughed when he encountered something good, he was weak.

After all, the three days and three nights of fighting for food, and after they exchanged for the props, there was another group of frenzied food stealing, which had consumed most of their energy. This kind of exhaustion of energy and spirit cannot be recovered without a day or two of rest.

However, to his surprise, the players in the game still maintained a high-intensity gaming behavior without the slightest lethargy. When he was standing in the yard doubting his eyes, a dozen or so players hurried past his door, as if they were rushing to do something big, and they no longer greeted him when they saw him as in the past.

This is... has something happened?

Sometimes Bai Li really felt that this game was obviously designed by himself, and that he should have super strong control over everything in the game, but every time he was ripped apart by the players' ingenious ideas. This game, under the joint "efforts" of him and all players, will always develop in an unknown direction.

No wonder he can't stop playing in the game! Bai Li was mentally prepared for the fact that "something he didn't know about happened in the game again", and then he walked out of the yard, intending to take a walk around the crowded places to see what was going on in the players' minds. What the **** was the idea.

Bai Li went directly to the gate of the village.

After several months of operation, the gate of the village has become the largest gathering place for players. If you come here for chatting and farting on weekdays, you are guaranteed to find fellow friends, and if you want to exchange information you have obtained during playing games, coming here is also a good choice.

In "Leisurely Living in the Fields", there is no such thing as forming a team. Whenever players have the idea of ​​exploring with others, they will habitually come to the gate of the village to recruit teammates.

Bai Li's decision was correct. When he came to the entrance of the village, he found that hundreds of players had gathered in this place, and they were all doing the same thing, that is - setting up a street stall.

And there is a big difference between this street stall and the player evening market that is organized every day. It's not as casual as the player's evening market, as long as there is space, you can directly set up the stall. Today, these stalls are clearly purposeful and organized.

Crops, flowers, fruits, fish... These things are placed in different categories. Even if the player sets up a street stall, they only sell one category. Not only that, in order to facilitate the distinction, the color of the cloth for stalls has also been regulated. For example, those who sell crops use khaki cloth, those who sell flowers use bright red cloth, those who sell fruits use light yellow cloth, and those who sell flowers use light yellow cloth. It's sky blue...

And these colorful stall cloths, if you count them carefully, there are as many as nine kinds!

At first, Bai Li couldn't understand what was going on with this group of players, and almost thought it was a "catch the big market" activity organized by them spontaneously. But after he counted the colors of the stall cloth, he quickly connected them with a newly launched gameplay.

Bai Li: "..."

I'm a little embarrassed to say that, as a game maker, he was also obsessed with the event these days, and by the way, his boyfriend's departure distracted the rest of his attention, and he even forgot the "illustration collection system" that was launched simultaneously with the event "Play.

Judging by the appearance of the players, they should have finally remembered this gameplay and started actively collecting it!

The question was answered early, so Bai Li was not in a hurry to find someone he knew to inquire about the situation. He simply went to the nearby player rest area built by a player whose life skill is carpentry, and sat down on a long chair. Open your own character panel and enter the subpage named "Picture Book".

There are only nine categories in the illustrated book for the time being, namely: crops, flowers, fruits, fish, ores, clothing, furniture, recipes, and mission props.

The clothing needs to be owned by the player himself, the recipe needs to be mastered by the player himself, and the one that meets the requirements needs to be submitted, and the associated icon will light up, indicating that the collection is successful.

In Bai Li's opinion, crops are the easiest category to collect successfully. As long as the planting is carried out step by step, the seeds that are unlocked after each character upgrade are bought and planted. After the qualified fruits are planted, the small icon belonging to that crop will be lit.

In order to prevent this category from giving players the illusion that it is too easy to complete, Bai Li set the condition that the harvested crops need to reach a certain weight. This weight will be 2~3 times higher than the average weight of that kind of crop, which is the weight that players need to take care of carefully and carefully, or use fertilizer bought from the game mall to grow it.

There is another very small possibility, that is, when the harvest is overwhelmed by luck, you can get a crop above the specified weight without doing anything.

In addition to crops, fruits and fish also come according to this requirement. Flowers rely on the diameter of the flower after blooming, while ores have precision requirements, including gems. The latter four types rely entirely on the players’ daily collection, and it will be quite a challenge to achieve the goal of collecting all of them.

After recalling the settings he made for this gameplay, Bai Li found that he had already achieved the achievement of collecting all the crops at the current level in terms of crops.

There are more than 50 kinds of crops in total, and every time ten kinds of systems are collected, a reward will be given. After clicking "Papapapapapa" five times in a row, Bai Li got giant potato seeds, giant cauliflower seeds, giant strawberry seeds, giant Pumpkin Seeds and an Ancient Seed.

Obviously, "50" is a hurdle in the collection of illustrated books.

The rewards for collecting the crop illustration book are all huge crop seeds. Bai Li also specially explained on them that the crops grown from these seeds will be extremely huge and have special meanings. It is recommended that players do not use them casually after they are planted. and sell them, and keep them well.

He has all the general activities in mind, what about the "Harvest Festival"?

As for when we can arrange it, it depends on the situation.

The "Ancient Seeds" obtained after collecting 50 kinds of crops are random props. Even Bai Li didn't know what to reap after planting it, and how long it would take to reap. The plants he added to the random list of "Ancient Seeds" are all unique plants in the fairy world. In the event, 1,000 points can be exchanged for one fairy flower. It is also one of them.

In the fairy world, the effects of those plants are good or bad, but when they moved to the game world, they were bluntly modified by Bai Li. Guaranteed that his "old colleagues" would not be able to recognize them when they came here Degree.

Bai Li touched the round and huge ancient seed, planning to find a beautiful flower pot to plant it in after returning home.

If nothing else, the one in his hand should be the first ancient seed in the entire game.

Who can farm as well as Saturn himself? Neither does kryptonite.

After excluding the category of "crops", the rest of Bai Li's completion is very average. He glanced at the player stalls that were in full swing not far away, and decided to take this opportunity to fill in the illustration book himself.

He got up and walked towards the large stall.

The players who were obsessed with business did not notice Bai Li's arrival for the time being, and were still shouting loudly.

"Come on, come on, come and see, peonies, azaleas, roses, sunflowers... dozens of flowers for you to choose, all of which meet the requirements of the illustrated book! In order for everyone to collect all the flower illustrated books as soon as possible, I directly put them in my yard. The flowers here are bald, come and take a look!"

"Here are the little experts in farming! I have all the crops that meet the requirements of the illustrated book at character level 1~10, and the quantity is limited. A lot of fertilizer is wasted, come to me to buy it directly, the first ten customers will get 10% off!"

"Ruby, sapphire, opal, fluorite, corundum... These are the stocks I have saved after digging the mine for more than two months, and now I have taken them all out for everyone's illustrated book collection! Due to the scarcity of gems, all 100 One gold coin, no counter-offer is accepted, please come and contact me if you are interested!"

"Is there any need for furniture in stock! We also support customization here. You can discuss with me what kind of material you want. You can buy wood from me or go to a local place, and an additional 30% processing fee will be charged~"

"Are you still troubled by the duplication of gray word props that you don't know what they do? Are you still flustered by NPC tasks? This is a centralized exchange point for gray word props. You can buy them with money or exchange them directly Any props that the stall owner doesn’t have are fine~”

"Hahahaha! Fortunately, I didn't sell or eat the fish I caught. Now I have not only completed more than half of my fish illustrated book, but I can also give it back to everyone. 5 gold coins for a fish, pick whatever you want, All the products on the stall meet the requirements, so the price is cheap enough~"

Bai Li picked and picked along the way, and indeed bought a lot of good things, filling more than one-fifth of the blank space in the illustration book. He didn't rush to get the props that could be claimed when the quantity was reached, and was going to get them all in one go when he got back.

In contrast to this, his wallet has shrunk sharply. When players discover the importance of these items, they are no longer the original price. On the original basis, the transaction price of these props has increased several times, ten times, and the buyers don't think there is any problem with this. After all, rare things are expensive.

As Bai Li walked, he came to the depths of the booth, and found that the booth cloth used by the players in this area was different from the previous nine colors, it was black. At the same time, this is also the place with the largest number of players.

Changing from the densely packed appearance of the previous stalls, most of the players here are sitting directly on their own stall cloth, squeezing each other, at most they put a piece of writing on the corner of the stall cloth. small cards. Those who didn't know thought that they were planning to sell themselves as commodities.

Bai Li took a closer look at the small cards and found that the players still had a bottom line.

"There is a shortage of pumpkins, strawberries, kidney beans, and cotton. There are plenty of peppers, potatoes, carrots, and wheat. One for one."

"To buy grass carp, carp, pippi shrimp, and hairtail, as long as they meet the requirements of the illustrated book, 10 gold coins will be charged for each."

"Whoever has extra recipes, any kind is fine. After playing the game for so long, the child has not gotten any of them!"

"Four pieces of obsidian, the seventh in the fifth line of the ore guide, changed hands at a high price, with a sincere offer."


None of the content on the sign is repeated, and the common point is that the number of props in each person's hand is not much. Obviously, these players also got together and launched an active "self-help".

Even the stall cloth is black, probably more "black market" than "black market", right?

"Li Li, you're here too, here, here!"

Bai Li stood at the entrance of the black + black market, hesitating whether to go in and have a look, when suddenly he heard someone call his name. Looking in the direction of the voice, it was Jiang Huaibi excitedly waving at him.

If there is someone he knows, there is nothing to hesitate, Bai Li walked over directly, seeing that there was still a vacant seat beside Jiang Huaibi, he just imitated her and found a black cloth to sit next to her.

"Huaibi, why are you here?" Bai Li glanced at Jiang Huaibi's booth, which had several times as many props as others, and asked strangely, "You have so many things, why don't you set up a stall at the place you ordered earlier?"

"Hey, I think so too, but the stalls in front of you can sell too many types of things, and it's not as free and casual as here." Jiang Huaibi showed Bai Li the miscellaneous things on her stall, "Crops, fruits, Flowers, fish, clothing, furniture, recipes, etc., I have them all here, and the most common ones are mission props in gray letters. Everyone likes to come to my place to shop for treasures! No, I’m also broadcasting live at the same time!”

Bai Li saw it, no, the live broadcast camera was almost hitting his face.

After chatting with Jiang Huaibi for a few words, he turned on Youhu Live and entered Jiang Huaibi's live broadcast room to watch.

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed a warm welcome to his arrival.

"Ah! It's Li Li. Long time no see, Li Li. How are you doing? I heard that your land was stolen yesterday. How are you doing now? The villagers in 'Mushroom Village' are really disgusting." , It’s just sad (dry) sick (beautiful) mad (beautiful)!”

"Pfft, the one in front of you was expelled by Li Li, why are you so gloating! Why did Li Li come here so late, it's going to be more lively in the morning, you missed it~"

"Strange, why did I subconsciously look for the figure of the monster star after seeing Li Li? Could it be that I wanted to replace him? Blush.jpg"

"I'm the only one who is curious about how Li Li's collection is going? Is it full? Can Li Li show us? Looking forward to Star Eyes.jpg"

Jiang Huaibi was also very curious about this question, so she stared at Bai Li with her round eyes without blinking.

The audience greeted each other, joked, or expressed strong curiosity. Their emotions were all well-intentioned and did not cause trouble to Bai Li. Therefore, Bai Li also picked a few questions to answer with a smile.

"Don't worry, everyone. After I went online yesterday, I used the prop [Close the Door and Let the Dogs Go], so you don't have to worry about my food being stolen anymore. The demon star is not online today, so you don't have to look for it. As for my collection of illustrations Well... I probably want to disappoint you, so far I have only collected more than 50 'crops', and the others are estimated to be at the bottom of the players."

Hearing what Bai Li said, Jiang Huaibi and the audience voiced disbelief, thinking that this must be a modest statement.

Bai Li couldn't help it, so he directly visualized the interface of his illustration book, and displayed it generously in Jiang Huaibi's live broadcast room.