MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 202

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As the most powerful village in the entire game, a total of 120 players in the "Mushroom Village" snatched the "Fairy Seedlings".

However, what made the players in the village feel painful was that the number of fragrant and smelly flowers had reached an unprecedented 50-50 split.

Is this because the villagers of Mushroom Village are drifting away, or are the players from other villages too strong?

During the day when the fairy flowers were cultivated one after another, the whole village was in dire straits. When you are still happy that the neighbor on your right has grown a pot of fragrant fairy flowers, the next second there is "good news" from the neighbor on your left, and another pot of stinking flowers The fairy flower turned out.

In this case, the person who is in the midst of the fragrance and smell is the most uncomfortable. The body and mind are hit hard at the same time. When other people find out, their minds are confused and they only know how to giggle.


Mo Song, as the "Mushroom Village Spokesperson" who traveled all over the village and live broadcasted daily farming life, organized a group meeting for all online players, focusing on discussing what to do with these fragrant and smelly beauties.

This is related to their own personal game experience, and the players present spoke enthusiastically.

"Sixty people, a total of sixty people, I just want to know that you people don't plan to raise fairy flower seedlings, what are you doing in exchange for them? How good is it to leave the opportunity to those who need it... Now it's all right, our village Because those green, blue, purple, and black fairy flowers have become stinky, I suspect that the genetic collapse disease that I managed to control is about to recur..."

"I beg these sixty brothers and sisters, let your fairy flowers return to normal quickly. Don't ask them to emit a good fragrance, and we can accept it if they become tasteless! Can you believe it, the front, back, left, and right sides of my house , These four people have raised stinky fairy flowers! I really want to move, woo woo woo!"

"Who would have thought of this? I don't want to raise stinky fairy flowers. I just have a bad memory and always forget to take it out of the backpack, water and fertilize it again. I need to use such a horrible way to retaliate Me? I will definitely treat it well when I go back, remember to remind me every day..."

"Ah! I can't take it anymore. I don't want to discuss the stinky fairy flower now. Brothers and sisters who own the fragrant fairy flower, can you take out your fairy flower first and let me take a sip QAQ!"

"Hey, I see that many people in the forum have organized paid visits to fairy flowers, but I have always been too lazy to do these things, so why don't you let my fairy flowers play a little bit better? effect?"

After the last person finished speaking, he actually got the approval of many players who own Xiangxianpa. They Qiqi said that they have earned enough money and so on, and they don't lack the tens of hundreds of gold, so they want to use their fragrant fairy flowers to help the poor players who have been poisoned by the smelly fairy flowers, so that they will not be in the same situation all the time. in pain.

Those who spoke were quickly greeted with a flood of tearful gazes.

Good man.

Bai Li and Wen Xingyao also participated in this meeting, but neither of them exchanged for "Fairy Seedlings". Song Xinran and Jiang Huaibi's family, who lived near their homes, also did not exchange for it. It is sparsely populated, and it is lucky to have escaped this catastrophe.

But now, when the two of them were discussing in the whole village, they could more or less smell the smell of those stinky fairy flowers that accidentally spilled out.

Bai Li explained to Wen Xingyao in a low voice with embarrassment: "I didn't expect things to develop like this. My original intention was to let players take care of them quickly and decisively after seeing the smell of stinky flowers. Try to produce the fragrance earlier. Cough, isn't it true that you can correct your mistakes, and that there is nothing good about it..."

After thinking about it, he added: "By the way, the scent of this fairy flower is actually good for the genetic collapse of the orcs, you know that?"

When designing the "Fairy Flower Seedling" prop, Bai Li consciously poured more green and spiritual energy into it. If the entire game world uses the pure air of vegetation that has been diluted countless times, then the air of clear grass and trees gathered on the scented fairy flower seedlings has a hundred times the concentration of the former.

They are also diluted, and the scented fairy flower seedlings are better for gene collapse than just staying in the game and farming.

Bai Li didn't know why he made this decision at the time, he just thought of Wen Xingyao's appearance when he was picked up when he was a child, and Zhu Moling, the patriarch of the Tianhu clan who was still receiving treatment at his home , and the violent scene when I met him, I also thought of the embarrassment that he couldn't even put back his black hairy ears when he first met Xiong Pili...

Under the influence of what he saw with his own eyes, he designed the item "Fairy Flower Seedlings", and added the reward "Ancient Seeds" to the crops in the "Illustrated Book Collection System". The role of the former has already been brought into play, while the latter is an item reward that every player can get after meeting the conditions. The plants planted will more or less directly act on special spiritual purposes.

Wen Xingyao had already gone to the game forum to take a look after listening to the discussions of the players around him. He expressed his understanding of what Bai Li said, and even comforted him in return. It was not his fault, but the players in the game had too much brains , What kind of props can play strange effects in their hands.

There are no junk props in the world, only players who can't use props correctly.

Whether it is fragrant fairy flowers or stinky fairy flowers, they have already entered the hands of the players, and naturally it is up to the players to decide their final "destination".

Among other things, Bai Li felt that Wen Xingyao was quite good at comforting others, and he really didn't feel so embarrassed when he said that.

As a game designer, he should still maintain a little mystery. He just designs interesting and fun props and activities, as for the rest, leave it to the players in the game to explore by themselves.

After thinking it over, Bai Li smiled at Wen Xingyao, leaned on his body and pinched his fingers to play.

As for the topic of "how to use the 60 pots of fragrant flowers in the whole village", the villagers have also come to a conclusion after discussions.

They have so many pots of fairy flowers, why not gather a crowd to **** flowers!

What an intoxicating scene that sixty different flower scents are floating in the same air!

At this time, the villagers of "Mushroom Village" remembered what they had forgotten.

In other villages, topics about fairy flowers came up one after another, but here, no one took the initiative to bring it up in the forum for a long time. If you want to talk about the reason for this, it seems that everyone thinks that there are no bright topics in it to attract everyone's attention, right?

Now 5,000 people in the village gathered to **** flowers, no matter what, it was a big scene, and it would be a blood loss not to broadcast it live!

Mo Song, Jiang Huaibi, Song Xinran, Wen Chen, and Zheng Yi each opened their live broadcast room, and explained to the viewers who came to the live broadcast room the reason why they started the broadcast at an unplanned time.

The audience didn't care what time the broadcast started, they only knew that there was something exciting to watch, so they rushed into the Xingbo and game forums, and publicized this grand event belonging to "Mushroom Village" to every corner of Xingwang.

In less than a few minutes, the number of people in each person's live broadcast room increased by several million.

The scene of "Gathering Crowds to Suck Flowers" has almost been set up. The location is still on the large square in the center of the village. Players who have learned carpentry skills took out the chairs they used to practice their hands. There are all kinds of shapes and wood materials. If the quantity is not enough, they will make them on the spot. Thousands of small furniture are placed in the square, with a strange sense of order in the chaos.

The scented fairy flowers are marked on the wall of the flower pots, and pots are placed at intervals in the huge square, so that no matter where the villagers are in the square, they can be surrounded by the strong fragrance of flowers.

The outermost circle of the square is surrounded by hundreds of tables. This is a place where life skills are used for cooking and fishing players. Fishing players provide fresh fish for the former to cook fish-based delicacies. In addition, cooking players also assign their own tasks, such as making pasta, making pasta, stir-frying, and cutting fruit. Barbecued meat, the aroma of food was mixed in the whole square in a short while.

This fragrance is free from the fragrance of flowers, and will not blend together to form a strange taste.

Even more striking than the smell is the sound of the food being made. The sizzling sound of oil on the barbecue, the "click" sound of fruits being easily cut, the "shua shua shua" sound of lettuce being put into the pan and stir-fried, even when kneading the dough, the audience seemed to hear the dough The "wave" sound of the bubbles being squeezed out...

The audience in the five live broadcast rooms were dumbfounded.

"I thought I was here to gather a crowd to **** flowers, and to feel the power of sixty fairy flowers myself, but what you guys showed us was a whole village buffet, and a water table, isn't it?"

"It's too much, it's too much! It's time to tempt me with delicious food, but it doesn't matter, I have already bought five new nutrient solutions! I have a watermelon flavor in my left hand and a milk tea flavor in my right hand. If you have to **** and suck, you are not greedy at all, no! Greedy!"

"The me before I came in: Isn't it just gathering people to **** flowers? I just took a look and went out. The me after I came in: After all, I paid wrongly, so I shouldn't have come in early!"

"Guys, you've defeated 199 other villages just by putting on the water mat. You really deserve to be the first batch of players to come in. You guys know how to play..."

Seeing the content in the barrage, Mo Song laughed super loudly, shifted the camera viciously, and aimed it at a corner of the "flowing mat".

As a dual player of cooking and fishing, Wen Xingyao also took the initiative to lead a "small booth" to play freely. He also brought his own little assistant, pulled his boyfriend to stand beside him, and explained to him how to use a certain ingredient with a gentle face.

Bai Li is good at everything else, but he is really not a big cook when he cooks just one dish. For Wen Xingyao's teachings, sometimes his reactions are a bit clumsy. But Wen Xingyao didn't think so, he thought his boyfriend was really cute! He almost didn't even bother to cook, and he wanted to bring Bai Li out with all his heart.

It was because Bai Li couldn't bear to see it anymore, so he voluntarily gave up his plan to help him chop vegetables, and pushed Wen Xingyao's arm, telling him to quickly cook the rest of the vegetables and fill up the table allocated to him. The whole village is waiting.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wen Xingyao sighed softly, buried his head and moved quickly.

Tang Ying, who happened to find this piece and witnessed the scene of the two of them with his own eyes, said, "..."

He raised his arms and hugged himself tightly. This world is so cold and depressing, there is no living space for single dogs!

The audience also: "..."

The bullet screen was obviously delayed for a second or two before someone tremblingly spoke again.

"You did it on purpose when I said crispy noodles! Why did you show us this, don't we look like people who have never seen a couple! Hey, why did I suddenly have a torch in my hand?"

"Whoa! I didn't expect that Li Li and the demon star boss would be like this in private. Before I saw this scene, I imagined that the two of them were always fighting monsters together..."

"It turned out to be full of pink bubbles full of affection? Did you see the buddy with arms crossed not far away? If I remember correctly, he should be a good friend of the demon star boss. God is sorry to see you. I feel a little sympathetic to him, every day at the scene of throwing dog food~"

"Hey! This is too boring, my boyfriend and I don't have this, so I'll grab my boyfriend to come and study!"

"Hmph, the demon star is just playing the game well, and I don't know how it is in reality! Li Li, look at me, I have two apartments under the name of the imperial capital, and there are relatives in my family who own five agricultural planets. The animal shape is still a majestic lion, as long as you want, I can carry you around the whole "Buddha Jumping Wall Star"~ shy.jpg”

After shaking the goosebumps, Tang Ying who just opened Mo Song's live broadcast room said again: "..."

Why does his name still exist in the two-person world of these two people? He is just an ordinary passerby Jia Ba Liao.

And the one who tried to poach someone's corner, why did the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party was Xingyao's innocent little cousin Wen Haomiao?

These days, there are not many people who own five agricultural planets under one name, and they are all in the shape of lions and beasts.

Yoho, how dare you poach your cousin's corner! If one day your brother takes off his vest, changing another planet probably won't save your lion's life, right?

Forget it, you'd better pray that your cousin won't see this passage.

However, it was useless for Tang Ying to think so. Wen Haomiao's speech was like a faucet turned on, and he waved all the small hoes.

The excited audience was like peacocks with their screens open, showing off their own characteristics and strengths crazily. Men, women, old, young, and even baby dolls, all yelled childishly. Let Bai Lido wait for them for a few years, and they will become Bai Li's bridegroom/bride when they grow up.

Tang Ying couldn't figure out when Bai Li's charm became so great. Didn't he just create an unprecedented holographic farming game? Why are even children attracted by him? Those under the age of ten can't enter the world of holographic games!

In front of countless virtual screens, baby dolls are holding delicious nutrient solution in their hands, blinking at the young man in the game. Both parents told them that it was this big brother who provided the data of the delicious nutrient solution, so that they could taste the taste of watermelon, corn, cucumber, tomato and milk tea. Brother Bai Li is awesome!

As for the other elder brother who is half a head taller than him next to this elder brother, they didn't give a single glance, only the figure of Bai Li in their hearts~

I really want to grow up quickly and become my brother's girlfriend or boyfriend, no matter how bad it is, I can enter the holographic game designed by my brother when I grow up QAQ!

The players moved very quickly, and it didn't take long to prepare a huge amount of food that was enough for 5,000 players to enjoy at the same time. These foods are stacked on long tables for everyone to take freely. The open space of the square is also filled with stools and chairs for sitting. At first glance, it looks neat, and aisles are specially set aside for people to walk.

Bai Li pulled Wen Xingyao, first went to the food display area to get two glasses of watermelon juice and a few skewers of grilled prawns, and then started a leisurely stroll.

The fairy flowers not only have different fragrances, but also have great differences in shape and color. Compared with most of the stinky flowers which are dark in color, the fragrant flowers are generally light-colored, with the largest number of whites, light pink, bright yellow, and light blue are also common, and the thicker the color, the more it will attract The attention of many players.

Players don't like to sit in one place for a long time, they prefer to move together in groups, bring food and drink, use a certain place as the starting point for their visit, and then gather around the pot of fairy flowers to fight against each other. It made a lot of comments, from color to shape to fragrance, and insisted on explaining why.

When encountering a special fairy flower, not only will I spend more time admiring it, but I will also greet the surroundings loudly, so that other players will come over quickly to see if this pot of fairy flower is particularly interesting and fun.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and each player has his own favorite fairy flower style and taste. Watching a few pots of popular fairy flower tasting activities, Bai Li felt that the five game anchors in his village were not enough for these players to allocate. Seeing Mo Song and the others being dragged around the entire square, the soles of their shoes might be worn down One floor.

Finally, the players were tired from walking, dizzy from watching, full of food, and full of drinks. Finally, they were willing to sit down and rest.

The only thing that didn't stop after sitting down was their mouths.

At this moment, they were leaning on the back of the chair, squinting their eyes comfortably, looking a little drowsy.

"It smells so good, it smells so good, we can actually smell this kind of flower fragrance for free! I have to say, the welfare of our 'Mushroom Village' is really good..."

"Basking in the sun, eating a small barbecue, drinking a small sweet drink, surrounded by so many fairy flowers, I just hate that I can't change back to my animal shape in the game, I really want to change back and then play in the square Get some good rolls."

"Brother! You have spoken out what I have been holding back in my heart! You know, those of us who suffer from genetic collapse are very resistant to turning back into a beast, even if we can't control our beast characteristics and accidentally reveal them." I will be sad for a few days. But today, I have the urge to take the initiative to change back... Sure enough, the temptation before was not strong enough!"


What the players who said they want to change back to the animal shape don't know is that there are actually a few viewers in the live broadcast room. Through the 30% olfactory synchronization, they have smelled enough of the fragrance overflowing from sixty pots of fairy flowers. The game cabin uncontrollably transformed back into a beast shape, and then fell into a deep sleep.

When they woke up, they found that their bodies and spirits were unprecedentedly comfortable and carefree. They were a little panicked when they realized that they had become a beast, thinking that their genetic collapse was more serious, but when they calmed down, they found that they could easily returned to human form.

There is no such thing as a severe genetic collapse disease.

After hurriedly returning to their human form, the audience fell silent. Is the therapeutic effect of "Leisurely Living" on gene collapse disease so good that even watching a live broadcast can have a little effect? This is too powerful!

We can watch this kind of live broadcast for a lifetime!

They posted their experiences on the star network and game forums, which attracted a lot of discussions from netizens. Of course, most people don't believe this, but there are still a very small number of people, so they watched the live recordings of the five game anchors countless times.

Although there was no such thing as a beast-like appearance in the game room, these netizens said happily that smelling the smell of fairy flowers really refreshed the body a lot!

Bai Li had no time to pay attention to the remarks on the star network. In his home, the situation was completely opposite to that of the previous audience.

Before everyone could react, Zhu Moling returned from animal form to human form. However, there were some accidents in the middle. His human form was the image of a human cub when he was three or four years old...

While Hu Yi and Hu Er collapsed, they thought secretly that their patriarch was so cute when they were young, and they were about to step forward to ask the patriarch how he was feeling now, when they saw him take a few steps back vigilantly, with a cold look The little face asked childishly, "Who are you?"

Fox One & Fox Two: "???"

Patriarch, what's wrong with you, Patriarch, how come you don't know who we are?

"What's going on?" Bai Li had just logged off when he heard the movement from Zhu Moling's room, and asked with a head poking through the door.

Then something even more surprising happened.

Seeing Bai Li, Nai Tuanzi, who was full of vigilance towards Hu Yi Hu Er, changed his previous appearance of refusing people thousands of miles away, his eyes lit up, he ran over and hugged Bai Li's leg, raised his head He yelled loudly, "Brother!"

Fox One & Fox Two: "..." It's over, their patriarch has not only lost his memory, he is also stupid!

How does this make them explain to the rest of the clan?

The smile on Bai Li's face was also gradually disappearing. Although he didn't know what was going on, the first thing to do was to clear his name.

So he raised his hand and rubbed the human cub Zhu Moling's head, and said in a serious and undeniable tone: "You should call me brother."