MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 209

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The total number of pet eggs and mount eggs is only 10,000. In just half an hour, the number of newly born pets and mounts posted at the bottom of the post reached 7,000 to 8,000, which shows the excitement and pride of these players.

Netizens found that these newly born pets are rarely duplicated. Even if some belong to the same breed, there are great differences in appearance. They are not simple replicas, as if these pets are real. In the game, it is the same as accompanying the players to live forever.

It can be seen that the game makers care about the players in this regard. The topic went around for a long time, and it unexpectedly returned to Bai Li miraculously.

But Bai Li didn't know anything about it for the time being.

He also straddled the giant panda, changing from a straight sitting position to a half prone position, resting his chin on the raised head of the giant panda, feeling the soft touch of the contact surface, and scratching its neck a few times dishonestly The soft flesh is so comfortable that the eyes are almost squinted.

Bai Li also discovered that the giant panda has an "autopilot" function. As long as you tell it where you want to go in its ear, it will twist and twist to slowly drive him there, and you don't need him to control it at all.

Running is also good, but it's a bit bumpy, Bai Li prefers to sit on it and slowly sway with the giant panda's walking.

The giant panda is good, the giant panda is wonderful, he has proved by his own practice that the giant panda is the best mount! This kind of driving experience is really unique~

It's a pity that the giant panda is a single mount, and he is only allowed to ride it alone. Wen Xingyao is destined to not be able to enjoy it.

Well, such a big baby bump, he must treat it well. When he goes back, he will clean up the yard again, use the [land expansion card] to expand a few more open spaces, plant all of them with bamboo, and store them up Be the ration of giant pandas!

Thinking of this, Bai Li got up from the giant panda, modified the instructions, and walked towards home.

He separated from Wen Xingyao when he rode a panda to go out for a stroll. When he came to the door and looked next door, he found that there was no one in the yard next door. Maybe it was because he went fishing again, and Bai Li took it back. He lost his sight and focused on the layout of the small bamboo forest.

The giant panda that "regained freedom" shuttled among several grown bamboos, and gnawed on the next section. Its huge body leaned on the remaining bamboo poles, and the breeze blew gently, and the lush bamboo leaves rustled. The rustling sound played a natural ballad.

Bai Li didn't care about it. After the yard was expanded, he took out the small bamboo shoots he had collected before and planted them around.

The yard became quiet, and the smell of fresh and moist soil wafted leisurely over the yard.

At the same time, a large group of new players who grabbed the game quota couldn't wait to enter the game and experience the wonderful life of "Leisurely Living in the Field".

"Moonlight", as one of the lucky ones who got the game quota, didn't go to Starbo or the forum to show off like others, but chose to directly enter the game.

She is an orc, and she suffered from genetic collapse a few years ago, and it is still the kind that deteriorates relatively quickly, and she has gone from the early stage to the middle and late stage in a few years. Recently, it has become more and more difficult for her to control the appearance of a beast. Sometimes her ears are exposed, sometimes her hands and feet become like a beast, and sometimes her whole body is covered with long hair. This made her less and less afraid to go out at will. Except for the necessary rest and meal time, the rest of the time was spent on holographic games.

She has played most of the holographic games on the market, but these games will not survive for more than seven days in her place. Once the seven days are up, no matter what percentage of the game's "spiritual comfort" is reached, the healing effect on her will be infinitely reduced until it has no effect.

But just when she was about to despair, the test report of the Imperial Research Institute gave her new hope. The 90% "spiritual comfort" of "Leisurely Living in the Field" made her feel that she could still be saved. So she reduced the time of playing holographic games every day, and searched for everything related to "Leisurely Living in the Field". I don't know if I don't search, but after searching... I found that even lying in the game cabin and watching its game live broadcast can bring good feedback to her body.

To put it more bluntly, just watching the live broadcast of "You Ran Tian Dwelling" is better than her healing effect from playing other holographic games.

After discovering this situation, it became imperative for her to win the game quota. Fortunately, all the waiting was worth it.

Breathing the fresh air in the game, facing up to receive the sunlight, my whole body is warm, and because of the cool breeze around me, I don’t feel too hot.

Moonlight wanted to howl loudly, but because of the game here, he barely suppressed his own nature. It turned out that the buddies beside her had already slapped their chests hard and roared.

"Aww! Sure enough, just like what those people said, just watching the live broadcast of the game is far less enjoyable than entering the game in person. It's so exciting. I wish I could grow a few more lungs and **** all the air here into my stomach!"

Moonlight: "..." Well, she thought too much, and she shouldn't overestimate the endurance of the interstellar orcs.

So she happily joined the carnival, and waited until the excitement calmed down before going to the NPC village head to accept the first novice task.

On the way, she did not hesitate to krypton the first sum of money, and then bought the "First Charge Gift Pack", a must-have item for novices.

Looking at the "First Charge Gift Package" lying in the backpack and the "Newbie Gift Package" presented by Bai Li, Yue Guang smiled contentedly, then rubbed his hands, and opened two gift packages!

Although there were no props that were particularly cherished, the tension and satisfaction of unwrapping strange gifts remained in her heart forever.

After receiving the task of weeding, he found a feng shui treasure land suitable for living, and started to work in the moonlight. Since then, he has embarked on a journey to treat the gene collapse disease. Hope a miracle will happen.

Some people will follow the novice strategy circulated on the star network step by step, and some people will completely abandon the experience of the previous people, let themselves go, and follow their own preferences.

The game ID "The Shore of Clear Water" is such a player who does not follow the usual path.

When creating a character, I filled out the questionnaire and was assigned to Xinshou Village No. 1748. This is a village with abundant water sources, the terrain is relatively low, and there are plots of water puddles everywhere, but in order to take care of the lives of the players, there are also high hills around, and the players generally place them there small hut.

But the shore of the clear water just didn't do it. After receiving the task, he circled the entire village, looked at all the open spaces within his sight, and then chose a place in the shape of "Hui". piece. The outer circle is full of water, only the middle one is slightly raised upwards, so it is not easy to be flooded by water.

What a great place, this is simply the land of my dreams, with water flowing past the bank of the clear water, humming a song while cleaning up the weeds on the ground. Soon, a small thatched hut was built in this place, and he used the unique aquatic vines in the village to surround the edge of the yard. The blue-purple vines were entangled in such a way that it gave a little island atmosphere.

Afterwards, the shore of the clear water was not too busy to continue the novice task, and asked the NPCs which direction to go by the sea, and then searched all the way there. The surroundings of the house were bare, and he had to decorate something, colorful pebbles and pretty shells.

Anyway, it is destined that there will be no new neighbors next to his house, and the circle outside will also be pretentious.

Expanded footprint, get√

Those like the shore of the clear water are relatively honest.

Some new players who have been waiting to enter the game are usually suffocated, and they don’t take the task seriously. Instead, they pull the NPC to ask questions. His cheeks were flushed, and finally the system jumped out and sentenced the player to the crime of "molesting an NPC", making all his NPC favorability points -10 before it stopped.

One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again. Soon, the naughty boy came to his mother with a big bag of tears, and complained that some villagers robbed his candied haws and refused to return them, and even ate them all in front of him, so another round of favorability -10- 10-10…

After rounds of trial and error on the verge of danger, this group of players finally had enough of the joint beatings from the NPC and the system, and became honest. But occasionally, there will still be a little whimsy, which makes the newly established village often be in a state of chaos.

It wasn't until two or three days later that this desire to explore the game subsided, and farming became the main theme of game life again. Of course, this is something to do later, let's not mention it for now.

The influx of a large number of players represents the generation of a large number of new beliefs, and the condensation of a large number of green spirits.

Bai Li noticed something after ten o'clock in the evening, hurriedly greeted Wen Xingyao and went offline. And when it was eleven o'clock in the evening, Bai Li, who had received a huge amount of Faith Points and aura of freshness in a short period of time, fell into a coma.

Because I told Zhu Moling in advance that he might be in a situation, so he didn't have to worry. When his consciousness was plunged into darkness, Bai Li was still very relaxed.

He found that even in the dark, he still retained a sliver of consciousness. This consciousness seemed to be drawn by something, walking forward involuntarily.

The darkness is slowly receding, gradually turning gray, and a few beams of light come in, and then the light becomes brighter and brighter until it fills the entire space.

Surrounding the consciousness, there were signs of unfamiliar and familiar people's activities since some time, and there were laughter and laughter. There seemed to be a few pairs of invisible hands touching him above his head, giving him a sense of stability and tranquility.

The consciousness continued to move forward tirelessly, and soon the laughter disappeared, followed by the evil Zerg, the tragic battlefield, the sacrificed orcs, and the passionate war song... Fragmentary images flashed quickly. A pale green light appeared in front of him, and his consciousness suddenly accelerated, and even Bai Li became curious about where his consciousness was taking him.

The green light became bigger and bigger, and it formed a huge circle, enveloping Bai Li's consciousness. He was dizzy inside for a moment, as if he passed through something, through his own consciousness, Bai Li saw everything in front of him.

It was a fluffy green planet everywhere.

It is also the "star of hope" among the population of the empire.