MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 229

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"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to 'Mushroom Village'. This is the gate of my master and the monster star boss. We will hold a pig-killing ceremony in the open space next to this later."

Ever since Song Xinran accidentally leaked his relationship with Bai Li in a live broadcast, with Bai Li's permission, he no longer concealed it, and usually called Bai Li "my master". The audience in the live broadcast room were sour and envious.

I didn't expect this kid to be Li Li's apprentice, no wonder the resources are so good, they also want to be Li Li's apprentice.

However, since it is a master-student relationship, what skills did Li Li teach him?

Song Xinran greeted cutely, and the live broadcast room also gave a good response.

"Good afternoon little brother Taozi, good afternoon Xingchen, good afternoon Li Li and Yao Xing boss! I didn't even eat lunch just to watch the slaughter of pigs!"

"Hahaha, this is little brother Taozi, you have met someone else, and you call Li Li 'Master', why don't you call the big demon star 'Master', aren't they a couple~"

"Damn it, the one in front really has an idea, and I feel that what I said is quite right. Isn't the big boss Yaoxing the teacher of little brother Taozi!"

Song Xinran saw the content on the bullet screen, and was taken aback, then quickly glanced in Wen Xingyao's direction, and began to subconsciously avoid direct eye contact with him.

How should I put it, he had actually imagined the scene where he called the other party "Master" before, but when facing other people other than Bai Li, Wen Xingyao had always been aloof and unapproachable, so Song Xinran really couldn't imagine what kind of expression Wen Xingyao would show when he heard him calling him like that.

I always feel that the other party's eyes will be very scary at that time.

For the sake of his own life, he of course followed the netizens in calling him "Big Brother Demon Star".

"Haha, that's fine, I just call my master." Song Xinran said with a smile, "It's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and today's live broadcast has officially started. I've already asked for it from the big demon star." Let's go and see what the pigs in the pigsty look like for the permission to enter his yard."

While talking, Song Xinran walked towards the pigsty, Wen Chen quietly followed beside him, not saying much. But if you look closely at his expression, you will find that his eyes flicker from time to time, as if he is thinking about something crazily.

Look at the corners of his mouth, the raised arc, old fans know that this is the unique expression when encountering good ingredients and good food.

It can be seen that Wen Chen has great expectations for today's live broadcast.

Bai Li and Wen Xingyao followed behind the two of them, one with a smile on his face, and the other with a calm expression, like a parent who brought their brats out to play, as if they could help whatever the brats did. The feeling of being hugged.

The audience was giggling and whispering all the time, saying that these two people have entered the old husband and old husband mode so quickly?

But after a while, their attention was attracted by all the creatures in the pigsty.

Hearing the sound of someone approaching, big pink pig heads popped out from the wall. The chubby appearance looked like it should be a little greasy, but it made people want to "wow" .

Does a pig that has been raised for a month actually look like this?

"Wow! This pig is so big. It weighs more than a dozen catties just by looking at it. What is the total weight?"

"Not to mention, looking at the clean, pink and tender appearance of these pig heads, I really can't bear to eat them. But when the wild boar entered the village, the wild pork made by Taozi and Xingchen was really delicious. , I am greedy now, I still don't want to give up such an opportunity!"

"Why are the pigs raised by the big demon star fat and fat, but the ones in my pigpen are thin and small? The piglets I caught half a month ago don't have any pigs from the big demon star now." A quarter the size of a home…”

"My fellow villager came to tell you the reason. The pigs of the demon star's family live in the most expensive [automatic pigsty to prevent escape], eat the most expensive [super pig feed], and drink water from the game mall. 20 A bucket of [mountain spring water] for Xingyuan, and several times I saw the monster star put pet snacks in their troughs... With such living and food conditions, it shouldn't be too much to grow up like this?"

"Good guy, no wonder you always say that pigs are inferior to humans, I don't even eat as good as pigs QAQ!"

Unknowingly, the topic touched on the food expenses of the pigs, and Song Xinran brought it back with a single sentence.

"Okay, now that the pigs have been seen, let's choose one and bring it out. Do you have any favorites? If not, I'll just pick one at random?"

As soon as the words fell, the bullet screen was full of voices asking Song Xinran to wait.

The audience said that they are proficient at "picking pigs". At this moment, their thinking seemed to be synchronized. They numbered the ten pigs in the pigsty in a clockwise direction starting from the first one on the left. Piggy No. 7 looks the fattest.

As a pig breeder, Wen Xingyao can directly check its weight. After pulling Pig No. 7 out, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Wen Xingyao calmly spit out a number: "566 kilograms."

The catties broke a thousand!

For a moment, the live broadcast room rejoiced, as happy as they finally grabbed the game slot.

Standing beside Wen Xingyao was a whole big fat pig, half as tall as him, well-fed and strong, looking around with interest, not knowing what would happen next.

Seeing that everyone was still sighing, Wen Xingyao led the pig to the open space outside the yard silently, where a set of kitchen utensils, tables, chairs and benches had been prepared, and they would eat it immediately after the pig slaughtering was over.

So here comes the question, for such a big pig, has anyone learned special skills to kill pigs?

The onlookers on the scene whispered to each other.

"I remember that last time the group of wild boars seemed to be slaughtered by the old village head? After a few swipes, the whole wild boars became pieces of meat and distributed to the whole village. The village head didn't come this time, Could it be that Li Li and the big boss Yaoxing are planning to do it by themselves?"

"Hey, some people can't imagine the appearance of these two slaughtering pigs. It always feels a little bloody."

"Aren't they less bloody? I really have something to say after being passed by them in the first two events!"

"But...they probably don't know how to butcher pigs, right? Who would learn this specifically these days?"

"Maybe Li Li will, after all he is the creator of this game."

"Who stipulated that the producer must meet? Stop discussing it, I saw that Li Li was whispering to the boss of the demon star, do you think they are discussing this issue?"

"Bai Li, now... can you tell me **** pigs in the game?" Wen Xingyao leaned into Bai Li's ear and asked in a low voice.

That's right, until now, he didn't know how the pig was going to be killed. Do you go straight up with a kitchen knife? Or is there a special method of killing pigs?

He also asked Bai Li this question before, but the other party smiled mysteriously at him, and you will know when the time comes.

Bai Li no longer intentionally teased him, and motioned him to step forward and reach out to touch the pig's body, and then silently said "slaughter" in his heart.

Wen Xingyao obeyed, and sure enough, a dialog box that only he could see popped up in the next second, asking if he was sure to slaughter the pig in front of him. Wen Xingyao clicked OK, and soon a hazy red light surrounded the whole pig.

The red light lasted for a full minute, and there was no scream of a pig coming from inside. However, when the red light subsided, a pig was clearly dismantled. The pig's head, pig's trotters, pig's internal organs, pig's blood, and various parts of the pig's meat were neatly placed in place, and a doily and a piece of meat were also thoughtfully attached. A transparent dust cover.

At this moment, whether it was the onlookers on the scene or the audience in the live broadcast room, after a few seconds of blank mind, they exploded together.

"Huh??? What happened? I'm such a big pig? I just blinked a few times, and it turned into a pile of meat??"

"It turns out that this is the legendary live broadcast of 'killing a pig'. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but I only watched it for a minute. I don't know the specific operation process yet. I'm so miserable..."

"666! Painless pig killing, you deserve it! Don't you really want to see that kind of **** scene? It's obviously more acceptable to do so."

"That's right... There are old people and children watching the live broadcast. It's true that the scene is not suitable for too bloody. Forget it, let's focus on the result. Let me tell which part of Kangkang meat tastes the best~"

At this time, Bai Li will also tell everyone how to "painlessly" slaughter the raised livestock. It is true that players can use the most primitive way to obtain their meat and fur after hunting prey, but there is a more time-saving and labor-saving way, who can refuse it?

After talking about the method, he also apologized to the players: "It was my negligence before, and I didn't notice the **** problem on the screen. This is my temporary optimization. If you need it in the future, you can follow the method I said. .”

The players immediately waved their hands and said: "It's okay, we can figure it out without Li Li's method, you don't need to apologize! But Li Li, you said that livestock can be slaughtered, so except for pigs, Are chickens, ducks, geese, etc. okay?"

"That's right, can chickens, ducks and geese be killed to eat meat? To be honest, I have been greedy for their bodies for a long time, but a long time ago, the lying life in our village accidentally starved to death. Chicken, it seems that the village chief is upset, so I dare not do it directly..."

Bai Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, after raising chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry, you can choose to let them lay eggs, you can also sell them to the village chief for money, or you can eat them yourself. It doesn't matter, as long as they are raised If it is successfully raised, the village chief will not be angry."

On the spot, many villagers showed expressions of eagerness to try, and planned to try it out after watching the bustle here. Hehe, it took so much effort to build the Chick Villa, now it's the turn of the residents of the Chick Villa to repay them!

As the noise of "killing pigs without pain" gradually subsided, Bai Li handed over the stage to Song Xinran and Wen Chen, and signaled them to take meat at will. On the bench, I watched the excitement with the surrounding villagers.

Read The Duke's Passion