MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 243

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After Bai Li exited the game, he looked at the time, yes. It was less than half past eleven, and he could have lunch before starting.

At this time, Wen Xingyao, who was lying next to him, also opened his eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you suddenly play the game without telling me the reason?"

Bai Li glanced at him lightly, and said in his heart that if he hadn't been obsessed with dating this person, and accidentally forgot the time, he wouldn't have gone offline in a hurry, so hurry up and turn the thoughts about activities in his mind into reality as soon as possible. . Hey, it really is masculine misleading!

Hearing that Xingyao acted like "I won't give up until you explain the situation clearly," Bai Li angrily told him the reason. After knowing the reason, Wen Xingyao also smiled. He reached out and touched the top of Bai Li's head, and said in a natural tone: "Then I will accompany you. We will go online together after you fix it."

After the upgrade of the holographic game builder, it becomes a small bracelet on Bai Li's wrist. When using the builder, he doesn't need to lie down in the game cabin anymore. He can just sit or lie down anywhere and use his consciousness to Games can be designed and modified on it.

Wen Xingyao had seen Bai Li use it a few times before, and knew that he liked lying on the bed and opening various functions of the holographic game builder the most.

Bai Li felt a little better after being patted down, took Wen Xingyao's hand off his head, and rejected his proposal: "That's not necessary, it's so boring to be with you all the time, let's go to the game Wait for me! When I do everything I need to do, I will naturally return to the game to find you!"

In the process of using holographic games, almost all of his consciousness will be devoted to the game world, and his perception of the outside world will be infinitely reduced. game while chatting with him.

Isn't this invalid companionship?

Bai Li's original intention was to worry that Wen Xingyao would be bored, so he gave the suggestion from his perspective, but Wen Xingyao also refused: "Didn't you say that I delayed your game update, then let me accompany you Make amends by your side. If there is anything you want to do or eat on the way, you can ask me to get it for you, and I will take good care of you."

Bai Li burst out laughing, this statement is too humble, seeing Xingyao's insistence, he no longer refuses, and after going downstairs to have lunch with everyone, he enters the working state.

Bai Li opened his three-person group with Lu Hui and Yu Xiao, and looked at the chat messages that had been stagnant for several days. Although they said that they had finished the discussion last time, Bai Li still felt a little nervous again. I'm so sorry.

He should have prepared the content of the event a long time ago. If he hadn't had a strong sense of consciousness and a good memory, he might have overturned the car just thinking about it today.

He doesn't want to be stewed into pigeon soup by players who can't wait.

Feeling lucky for a while, Bai Li made a splash in the group.

Leisurely Tianju-Bai Li: Good afternoon everyone, tomorrow is the 15th, and I will launch the content of the previously discussed activities today~

The message sent was responded almost in the next second.

Wandering in the Universe-Lu Hui: Good afternoon, Li Li! I didn't expect that tomorrow would be the 15th, and I thought there were still a few days left! Hehehe, I've been so ecstatic in playing "Leisurely Farm" these days, I almost forgot even the important days!

Sound Wave Wins-Yu Xiao: Good afternoon, good afternoon! Li Li has worked hard, and I will definitely go to the event on time at midnight. Hehehe, Huizi and I's game can actually be linked with "Youran Tianju", the more I think about it, the more excited I get!

Bai Li breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the two of them hadn't noticed his procrastination. With a calm mind, he couldn't help but care about the situation of the two in the game.

When it comes to the encounters in the game, the two really have a lot to say. Especially Lu Hui, he spent a lot of effort to grab the game quota this month. When he entered the game, he was like a mouse in a tank of oil. He played from day to night, from opening his eyes to closing them. , It is indeed capable, the character level is among the best in their village.

Not only was he crazy about farming, but he also fell in love with the game of "picture book collection". Apart from buying the necessary crop seeds, he almost spent all the money he earned on the player's market. Other categories are easy to talk about, but there is one that makes him have a strong desire to talk.

Wandering in the Universe-Lu Hui: I never knew that there would be a day when I was afraid of eating delicious food. Li Li, is the "Food" section you added a monster? There are more types of food than the previous nine categories combined! Not only the food that comes out of the food basket, but also the food recipes that the players comprehend, as well as the food presented by NPCs are included. It’s enough to eat, and there’s a lot of drinks, my God, I feel like I can’t collect all these illustrations after eating for a month!

It's right if you don't get it together. Bai Li thought to himself, if this illustrated book could be collected so easily, it would be a waste of all the known food types he spent more than two hours collecting. However, it is not good for him to say this directly in front of Lu Hui, so he can only comfort him not to rush and take his time, because he really does not need to collect everything in one go.

After all, maybe when he will add new types to it!

Bai Li's answer aroused Lu Hui's wailing, and Yu Xiao, who was watching from the sidelines, almost died of laughter.

Sound Wave Wins-Yu Xiao: Li Li, don't worry about him, don't look at him screaming louder than anyone else, when he enters the game, he will be the one who eats the most actively. What is this called, this is pain and happiness~

The three of them didn't chat for too much time, they chatted a few words, exchanged feelings, and then they broke up.

Afterwards, Bai Li prepared the three ways to play the next day's event as quickly as possible. After setting up the point exchange rewards for this time, he turned around and edited the event announcement. And this announcement met with the players at 21:00 that night.

"Youran Tianju V: Good evening everyone, the new April event 'Duck Catch Contest' will be launched on time at 0:00 on April 15th, and everyone is welcome to participate. The specific rules of the game can be consulted at the NPC village head. This event will Open the daily sign-in, just play a small game every day, and you can get a souvenir gift bag. At the same time, the point exchange store will be opened simultaneously. The following is the list of exchangeable items. Do you have any favorites~ [picture]”

At the end of the text, an extremely long picture was pasted. Players who accidentally saw the event notification opened it, and their eyes instantly turned green.

The list of redeemable items this time has new items again!

[Vegetable lottery ticket: 50 points/piece, randomly select 10 numbers from the redeemed lottery tickets after the event, and send a realistic vegetable gift bag, each weighing about 50 kilograms, with random vegetables. (PS: The prize is provided by the game producer Bai Li)]

[Land Deed-Island: 6666 points/card, a total of 5000 tickets, each village is limited to one, and the winner will have the ownership of an island. The method of use is to use the title deed directly after arriving at the selected island. Players who do not have the conditions to go to sea should consider carefully. 】

[Pet Love Nest: 5000 points/one, a total of 25000, used for pet breeding. This is a small nest full of mystery and uncertainty. Put two pets in it, and after 24 hours, new lives will appear in the nest, with an indefinite number and unlimited types. 】

[Tricky prop gift pack: 50 points/piece, unlimited exchange, various tricky props can be randomly issued. 】

[Seed gift pack: 1 point/piece, unlimited redemption, various seeds can be randomly issued]

The souvenir gift bag that Bai Li specifically mentioned was even flamboyantly ignored.

This small group of players even posted the gameplay notice and the list of redeemable items to their base camp, the game forum, with trembling hands.

The number of players diving here is huge, and a bunch of them will be blown up directly after one post.

"Don't get me wrong: shit, shit, vegetable lottery ticket! I want to ask, is the 'real vegetable' the kind I thought? It said it was provided by Li Li, so it must have been grown by Li Li himself. Right?? Curiosity.jpg Horror.jpg"

"June Bing: If it was really planted by Li Li himself, I will recognize the taste as the one on the agricultural planet. Sorry for the other prizes, you are destined to miss me, and I will replace it with respect! .jpg”

"It's you: It's only 50 points, Li Li, are you a god? QAQ! But the land deed of the second prize island is also very attractive, woo woo woo owning an island in the game, I can't even imagine Yes! It’s a pity that only one person from each village can grab it. This is destined to be a popular prize this month. However, Li Li is so cute, and reminds players to think carefully, lest we change the land title and not find the island? Hahaha! Li Li probably misunderstood our stubbornness and obsession..."

"Love to eat fruit: Stop pretending, showdown, I want all these things! Even though the event has not even started, I have already thought about how to use these things at that time. Daydreamer, I am worthy of it ~"

"Sweet Orange of Longevity: Hey, who wouldn't want such a great reward? I won't talk about the first two. Just that pet's love nest is worth studying, right? The number of small lives Not sure, there is no limit to the types, so can we give full play to our creativity, for example, let giant pandas grow wings, let whales fly in the sky, like a bunch of chickens in "Lie Win Life", and "Su Zike" If these two pets are placed in the same nest, what strange phenomenon will happen? Hee hee hee~"

"Yaojiang: dbq, seeing the last two gift packs, I really couldn't hold back and burst out laughing hahaha! As a woman who still has 3 points that haven't been redeemed after the event ended last month, I'm really too Thank you Li Li, every point can have their uses this time, I think Li Li is the same as me, saving by nature! Shy.jpg”


Excited players reviewed the newly-appeared props one by one, and everyone had their own plans in mind. Those who are capable decide to hit the biggest reward [Land Deed-Island], while those who think they have limited ability will take the next best thing, thinking that it would be good to grab a [Pet Love Nest].

However, no matter whether it is the former or the latter, they all said that if they have a lot of points, they will definitely redeem a few [vegetable lottery tickets] to have a close-up post with their dear Li Li. Ah, if the vegetables are grown by Li Li himself, then their taste must be delicious. Do you want to offer them up at that time, or make specimens as family treasures?

As for the souvenir gift bag that appeared in the text, many people expressed their expectations at the end. They said that no matter how busy they are at work and how much farm work they do, they will definitely find time to participate in activities. This is a souvenir for the third event of the game. Those who have not grabbed the game quota so far, but they will never get it again. It is worth collecting.

Bai Li was also quietly paying attention to the players' reactions to this event, and found that everyone responded well, but felt a little sorry for those players who were guessing what the souvenirs for the three-day sign-in were. As a game maker who loves to draw, the souvenir gift pack naturally cannot escape this "blind box draw" law.

He added a total of 100 souvenirs to this gift bag, of which 70 are ordinary items, 20 are high-end items, and the remaining 10 are hidden items, and the chances of winning are reduced in turn.

But this probability... Bai Li thought about it, it doesn't seem to have much to do with the players, during the three-day event, each person can only get three at most, as long as the luck is not too great, no matter what, they won't repeat it, right? There are 100 kinds after all...

Bai Li put a thick lid on the pot for himself. Although the players don't get the same souvenirs, every souvenir is designed by him with care, and the appearance is guaranteed. In this way, it should be considered worthy of the majority of players, right?

The last three hours of April 14th passed quickly amidst the crazy discussions among the players and the infinite prospect of the next three days. As soon as midnight passed, as long as the players who hadn’t slept, all boarded the game and headed towards He rushed in the direction of the village chief.

The village chief has already received the news of this event, and calmly signaled the players to calm down and stand up in an orderly manner, and then briefly explained the way to exchange points, which can be viewed and exchanged on the event page of the system operate.

After that, under the expectant eyes of everyone, he explained the gameplay of this event.

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