MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 265

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Bai Li originally wanted to pay attention to the situation on the star network during the past few days of the event, but what happened the next day completely disrupted the rhythm of all of them.

Old Gui, Mr. Wen, Lu Ying, Ke Yanchen, Cheng Jintao, Bai Li's and Tang Ying's parents, and a few orcs from the Tianhu, Xiang, Giraffe, and Tyrannosaurus clans all came together one after another on this day. Returned to human form.

Old Gui's appearance looks like a wise old man, Wen said that the old man's demeanor is still the same as before, Ke Yanchen is a somewhat silent and thin old man, Lu Ying and Cheng Jintao are holding hands and looking at Bai Li with good smiles. Bai Li and Tang Ying's parents rushed to their children as soon as they recovered and hugged each other tightly.

The most noisy ones were the few orcs with huge beasts. They were happy at first that they had returned to their human form so quickly, and then they beat their feet and chests in regret, howling loudly that it would be great if they recovered a few days earlier, so that they could compete with netizens for "Youran Tianju" "The game quota is up. After listening to the reminders from others, I remembered that there was a lottery for game slots on Xingbo and the forum, so I rushed to participate.

After finally calming down, he happily ran to queue up to experience the game cabin. During the queuing interval, I did not forget to contact my family members and ask them to quickly buy a game box and send it over, or simply come over and pick them up. They can't wait to get in touch with everything on Starnet!

The "Hope Star" orcs who had not yet recovered their human form were envious, so they worked harder to accumulate the strength inside their bodies.

Another day later, more people returned from animal form to human form.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the group of people who recovered were all older orcs who had been on the "Hope Star" for at least five years. Like those young orcs who just came over, none of them recovered.

Regarding this situation, Lao Gui and others got together to discuss with Bai Li, and came to a reasonable conclusion.

It is still related to the power accumulated in the body. The orcs with more experience on the "Hope Star" have accumulated more power. The key to the door, as long as it is ready, the door will open naturally.

As for those young orcs, although they already have the key, they are not strong enough, so they still need to exercise more. I believe that with time, they can also return to their original appearance.

Like the day they came over, Bai Changsheng met on the spaceship and his little granddaughter who had regressed to childhood. Although the latter has not yet recovered human form, she has regained the consciousness of the human period, and now stays with grandpa all day , The grandparents and grandchildren lived with hope.

"No wonder." Zhu Moling pondered for a moment, and said, "It took Wen Xingyao and I completely recovered from the genetic collapse disease, more than twice as long as yours, and this is because my brother fed us energy every day. Under the premise, it should also be because it hasn’t been long since we returned to childhood, so it makes sense..."

Everyone was emotional for a while, how to say this is also great news, after that, Wen Xingyao and Tang Ying found a secluded place, and other high-level members of the military department plus the two deans of the Imperial Research Institute and others The leaders held an online meeting together to discuss how to announce the news to the entire empire.

The four members of Bai Li's family also found a place to have a good talk, talking about their experiences in the past few years.

Obviously, Zhu Moling had been looking for Bai Li for three full years, and when the brothers were about to meet each other, there was a small twist and he regressed back to childhood, but the result was good. Zhu Shuo and Yan Siya spent the first year looking for the whereabouts of the younger son together with the eldest son, but one after another entered the late stage of genetic collapse and had to live on the "Hope Star".

As the person being sought, Bai Li sincerely and sincerely apologized to the three of them, saying that he was too self-willed and didn't think too much about his family, so that the family lost their old demeanor in a hurry...

"I don't blame you, it's more important to save the world." Zhu Shuo patted his youngest son's head, said something that was more in the second grade, and then concluded, "Although our family was reunited after three years, everyone is There is no disease or pain, which means that our efforts in the past three years are not useless."

"Yeah Qingling, our family doesn't care about gains and losses. Don't apologize to us in the future, or mother will be angry." Yan Siya patted the back of Bai Li's hand, smiling happily and softly, but Another thing was mentioned, "But... now that we have all recovered, shouldn't we go back to the clan sometime? The clan has always been united, but your brother has not shown up for so long as the patriarch, everyone It's time to worry. It's just right to go back now, so that everyone can feel at ease, and I can announce the good news to them."

Bai Li thought about it, and felt that what his mother said made sense. Not only did his brother not go back for a long time, but he hadn't gone back for more than three years. He almost forgot where the gate of the clan opened.

Moreover, they have also stayed in "Hope Star" for a while. The seeds of that precious farming land have successfully germinated, and the growth is excellent. There is nothing for him to worry about for the time being. It should be no problem to leave for a short time.

"Then we're going to leave in the afternoon, or tomorrow?" Bai Li nodded and agreed, "But can you go back to 'Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs' first, and take my little apprentice Song Xinran on board, his family belongs to our clan Side branch, just yesterday he came to tell me that his family urged him to go home again, but he refused, saying that he would help me look after the house... When I go back this time, I will collect the ripe vegetables in the yard Once collected, the rest will be transplanted into my space first, and then planted in the clan land or the "Hope Star" will do!"

Bai Li arranged the escape route for those vegetables in a few moments, and was about to quietly give Song Xinran a "surprise".

The other three naturally agreed with this arrangement.

"Ahem." Zhu Moling coughed heavily, looked at his younger brother and asked, "Qingling, do you want to ask Wen Xingyao if he will go back with us this time? Parents actually have something to do with the two of you. I discussed it secretly with Grandpa Wen, and I think it's best to settle it first."

As for how to "settle it down", it is nothing more than a circle of relatives, friends and elders on both sides to let everyone know the relationship between the two and express their blessings. To put it more bluntly, there is no rush to get the certificate, let's get engaged first?

When this matter was brought up, the elder brother's expression was not very good, with a trace of obvious dislike, but because the younger brother liked it, he had to hold his nose and accept this "brother-in-law". Sometimes he couldn't help wondering why his younger brother fell in love with such a nasty man who would secretly bully weak animals (especially himself who lost his memory when he was a child)?

But liking is liking, Zhu Moling watched the relationship between the two get better day by day, knowing that his blocking was meaningless, so he could only let it go.

Bai Li didn't think there was anything wrong with what his brother said, and his parents also looked "expectant". After thinking about it, he said that he would go to Wen Xingyao to ask if he wanted to. Yes, they will go back together.

Naturally, Wen Xingyao would not refuse, and he wished that more people would know about his relationship with Bai Li. After Wen Xiaowen found out, the old man also expressed that he would go back together. He is Wen Xingyao's real grandfather, he doesn't want to miss one of the major events in his grandson's life and one of the reasons, the other reason is...

"Little Fox, the first batch of seeds have already germinated, should I prepare to plant the second batch? Last time I was unable to speak before I recovered, and was preempted by the military department and the Imperial Academy. One time, grandpa will help you bring all the young men of the Firewing Lion Clan over here, and let them help you farm together!"

"There are also those of our Turtle Clan! Although the movements are a bit slower, there is nothing to say about the details!"

"My deer tribe will also come to help!"

"Leopard Clan can help too!"

"How can this kind of thing be missing from our pigeon family, absolutely no pigeons this time!"

Old Gui and the others suddenly jumped out from some corner, scrambling to get someone into Bai Li's hands.

After getting over the initial state of surprise, Bai Li readily accepted this large group of people, and confidently threatened: "I will accept as many people as you can give. Anyway, 'Hope Star' is such a big land, it must be It is enough for everyone to grow!"

Unexpectedly, the enthusiasm of the interstellar people for farming is far beyond his imagination...

Because they wanted to go back to their respective tribes, Lao Gui and the others also set off with Bai Li and his party. They first transferred to "Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs Star" and took Song Xinran with them, and then boarded the spaceship and rushed directly to "Buddha Jumping Wall Star".

The "Buddha Jumping Wall Star", whom he hadn't seen in three years, was almost the same as what Bai Li remembered. In other words, all the living planets actually have the same scenery, the cold and inorganic steel forest, it is no wonder that the people who live in it can always maintain a happy mood.

Bai Li directly discussed with his family that when he returned to the clan land, he must first make a major renovation of the clan land, plant trees there, plant flowers there, and raise a few fish wandering leisurely there. Of course, several vegetable fields are also indispensable.

This matter should be placed on ordinary interstellar people, such a transformation will definitely be a big project, but if it is Bai Li, with the identity of the **** of agriculture and the strong aura of grass and trees all over his body, he can grow and live in minutes The transformation is complete.

At the end of the exchange and discussion, the voices of several people couldn't restrain themselves from getting louder, and successfully attracted the attention of others. Almost each of them represented a family, and they all cast longing eyes on Bai Li, "I want it too" .

Later, out of nowhere, Bai Li received several large orders to help other ethnic groups carry out green renovations.

The specific renovation time has not been set yet, everyone is planning to go back to the clan and talk to the clan members first, and prepare the materials first.

After saying goodbye to each other, Bai Li, his parents, brother Song Xinran and Hu Yi Hu Er went back to the clan land of the Sky Fox Clan. But when he didn't know, there were a few pictures of him and Wen Xingyao walking together, talking and laughing, which were posted on Xingwang by netizens.

"Excuse me, who is the mysterious boy in the photo? I saw him staying with Admiral Wen on both "Hope Star" and "Buddha Jumping Wall Star". A certain mysterious cooperation is going on on the 'Hope Star', brothers, I now have an incredible conjecture..."

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