MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 5

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Hmph, what a wicked rich man!

Gritting his teeth, Bai Li opened his first-charge gift package, a familiar light flashed, but the items opened were slightly different from Wen Xingyao's.

At the same time, both of them saw a line of golden text appear in the lower left corner of their field of vision:

[Congratulations to the player "Li Bai", who obtained a precious item through the first charge gift package: golden **** (permanent)! ]

As soon as this line of text appeared, not only Wen Xingyao, but even Bai Li himself was stunned.

Bai Li couldn't help but doubt his memory. If he remembered correctly, the chance of getting precious permanent items in the first charge gift bag was adjusted to 1%, that is to say, only one out of 100 people would There is such a person who can open such a golden hoe. But now, only he and Wen Xingyao actually used up this probability?

This is 1%, not 50%!

If the other party knew that he was the producer of this game at this time, would he be suspected of operating in the dark?

Bai Li blinked innocently, and took out the shiny golden **** under Wen Xingyao's curious eyes.

This is an exquisite little **** that is only as long as an adult's forearm. Because it is entirely made of gold, it blooms with a rich color in the sun. Bai Li held it in his hand and played with it for a while. He felt that it felt good in the hand, and it should play a big role in weeding.

But at this moment, he heard Wen Xingyao on the opposite side say "huh?", and looked in the direction of the sound.

From Wen Xingyao's appearance, it was easy to see what he was operating. At the same time, his eyes glanced at the small golden **** several times, and his whole body was full of desire for precious props.

"This hoe, can you..." sell it to me?

"Oh, it's still bound." Bai Li muttered softly when he saw a line of small characters on the item introduction. He also forgot whether he had ever set it like this, but there is no harm in binding precious items directly.

What he didn't say was cut off on the spot, and Wen Xingyao almost choked. Ok, that's fine again.

"Huh? What did you say, what can you do?"

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that this big gift bag can only be bought once." Wen Xingyao said dejectedly.

Not only did Bai Li not comfort him, he even wanted to give it a try, he explained with a smile: "It's said to be a 'first-charge gift package', how can it be possible for people to buy it unlimited times?"

The reasoning was the same, but Wen Xingyao was still a little unwilling, and turned the game mall upside down, but couldn't find a second product that could be bought with money.

The creator of this game is too lazy!

Bai Li observed Wen Xingyao's reaction, and his hatred for the rich was greatly reduced, and he planned to improve the products in the mall after going offline. The game has just started, and he has to satisfy the players' ideas as much as possible.

But now, it's time for them to complete the novice mission.

The two chose two weedy fields not far from the creek and started working.

At the beginning, Wen Xingyao didn't know what kind of "weeding" method was, and when he saw a weed that was half a person's height, he almost pulled it out with his hands.

But when his hands grabbed some grass, he suddenly remembered something and looked in Bai Li's direction. With just one glance, he quickly retracted his hand as if he had been scalded by something, and then sneakily took out the ordinary **** from his game backpack, following the action of Bai Li who had hurriedly glanced at it before. , bent down and smashed the sharp **** blade into the ground.

Just land on the root of the weed.

Wen Xingyao's eyes lit up, his whole body was surrounded by inexplicable joy, and he cheered secretly: Perfect!

He was not such a stupid person, and he quickly got the correct way of weeding. With a light lift of the hand holding the **** handle, the huge roots of the weeds were brought out of the soil.

It is difficult for Wen Xingyao to describe his feelings when he saw the huge group of rhizomes unearthed. It was like a stone that was pressed down in his heart was moved away by an invisible hand, and it was like a crater that was about to erupt was poured down with cool snow water.

Originally, because he hadn't been able to open a golden **** like Bai Li, and he didn't have the opportunity to buy an extra gift bag, he was inevitably a little anxious. But in the process of labor just now, this sense of anxiety was quickly replaced by the sense of accomplishment of digging out a weed. His heart was full of that big weed. Looking at the barren grass around him, his blood boiled.

When he realized that Bai Li had advanced nearly five meters on his task site while he was in a daze, Wen Xingyao hurriedly bent down and lowered his head, with a bewildered smile on his face, he started to work enthusiastically.

One, two, three or four.

Five steps, six steps, seven or eight steps.

After about half an hour, Bai Li finally got rid of the weeds in the field. Knowing that the next task was to build a shelter for himself, he relaxed, straightened his body and hammered his slightly sore lower back.

At this moment, he saw Wen Xingyao who was not far away also slowly stopped.

His actions or reactions were a bit strange, and Bai Li couldn't help but stop and watch.

At the beginning, Wen Xingyao vigorously waved the **** in his hand, throwing the weeds he dug up behind him smartly, without looking back. But when he walked to a certain position, his whole body suddenly froze for a moment, and then he suddenly raised his head in disbelief, with the shock on his face as if he had just woken up from a dream. That kind of lost expression, as if lost the whole world.

Bai Li, who came over, said that he was just reminding him that the task was completed, is that an exaggeration?

"Pfft!" Unable to hold back, Bai Li laughed out loud.

Some people look cool and indifferent on the surface, but they are actually naive on the inside?

When Wen Xingyao looked over, he returned to his normal smile and waved to him.

The two of them went to the NPC village head to hand in the task. The second task was to let them settle down on the cleared weeds. For this reason, the old village head gave each of them a small tent.

However, as a krypton gold person who has already spent 10 stars, no one paid attention to the tent, but took out the "simple little hut" opened from the first charge gift package.

Using props, a small house with two cylinders and a triangular thatched hat appeared in front of the two of them. Bai Li wandered around the house and had no intention of going in for the time being.

"Well, it should be good, much better than a small tent." Bai Li nodded in satisfaction, feeling that he was really too generous when planning the contents of the big gift package.

Wen Xingyao also nodded, not knowing what to do. He wanted to go in and take a look, but seeing that Bai Li didn't move, he temporarily suppressed the urge, thinking that he would have a chance later.


"It's getting late. I plan to log off today and come back to play tomorrow when I'm free. What about you?" After admiring the appearance of the small hut, Bai Li looked at the real time and found that more than an hour had passed , Thinking that I still have a lot of things to do, I decided to do this tonight.

Wen Xingyao was actually reluctant to leave like this, he wasn't sure if he would have a chance to go online again tomorrow, but if Bai Li left, he would be the only one left here. After what happened just now, he also discovered that without Bai Li's exemplary actions, it would probably take him longer to complete the first task. After that, he didn't know what task was waiting for him. Without Bai Li's words, Wen Xingyao always had a premonition that he would be unable to take a single step.

"Then let me go offline first. If there is a chance tomorrow, let's play together again?" Wen Xingyao sent out the invitation very schemingly.

Naturally, Bai Li would not refuse.

Before going offline, Bai Li hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "By the way, if there are new items in the mall, what do you hope there will be?"

Well, let's do some market research before leaving.

Bai Li's question actually revealed a lot of details, almost revealing his identity clearly, but Wen Xingyao recalled the unhappiness he felt when he didn't buy it, so he didn't find the strange point in Bai Li's words.

He said earnestly: "I hope... I hope that there will be more gift bags in the mall that can open up interesting props, or tools that are more convenient for weeding? Oh, yes, if there are props that can cover your face , that would be even better."

The experience of more than an hour before successfully made Wen Xingyao interested in this game. Although there is a huge difference from the holographic game in his impression, he has to admit that the experience this game gave him is excellent. During the entire game, not only did he not lose his temper, but he also felt the joy and relaxation of his body and mind when he was doing weeding tasks.

Hey, it's really weird, it's obviously a mechanical labor, but it just gets better and better.

What is the magic of this game? !

Wen Xingyao has reason to suspect that playing this game for a long time can greatly alleviate his genetic collapse syndrome. And I have to say, even if he didn't have this disease, he still wanted to play for a while longer.

This involves the issue of identity being discovered.

As a holographic game, it is impossible for him and Bai Li to be the only two players. More and more people will definitely enter this game in the future, and like him, they will have a strong interest in this game. And his identity... is actually not suitable for mixing with the crowd. Even in the war with the Zerg five years ago, he could fight side by side with the people of the entire interstellar. It's hard not to cause a stir.

I can't imagine being surrounded by a large group of people while weeding, hiss, just thinking about it makes my tooth hurt.

The best way is to hide his face.

At this moment, Wen Xingyao regretted so much, why did he forget such an important thing when creating the character. He wasn't like this before!

That being said, he made suggestions with sincerity, but he didn't think they would be realized soon, and he didn't take them too seriously after he finished speaking. When Bai Li's figure slowly disappeared, he only felt that Bai Li's feelings before leaving There's something weird about that smile.

After staying in the game for a while, he found that Bai Li had really become bored after leaving, so Wen Xingyao also went offline.

After quitting the game, he was still in good spirits, so he was not in a hurry to go out. He clicked on the address book to find Lieutenant Tang Ying, and told him to find a group of people with severe genetic collapse disease, but not so severe that he had to The soldiers who were sent to the "Hope Star" collectively entered the holographic game "Leisurely Living in the Field", and they had to stay in it for at least two hours, and then reported their feelings in the game one by one after they came out.

As for the others, he did not elaborate. As the general of the empire, he has long been used to giving orders directly. Of course, he doesn't need to explain too much. If you have any doubts, just feel it for yourself.

After posting the news, Wen Xingyao logged on to Starnet again and searched for other information about the game "Leisurely Living in the Field". However, just when he saw the game creator named "Bai Li", his eyes suddenly went dark, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.

Bai Li... Li Bai...?

What Wen Xingyao didn't know was that at the same time he fell into a deep sleep, the message he sent was also replied by Tang Ying.

"Admiral, you finally appeared! Where have you been these days, we can't find you everywhere??"

Unfortunately, the news fell into the sea.

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