MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1307 queen

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"Hey, who is the little guy!?"

"Although I am only five years old. But our Protoss learning to grow faster than your Terran, I can definitely be considered to be fifteen years old. Don't think that I am very small, bastard!"

24k is very obedient, but Jasmine is not convinced.

"At the age of fifteen, you are naturally able to master the solitude. Have you only awakened the intermediate ecstasy now? So it seems that my high-level ecstasy should be relatively rare..."

The wind fell in favor of revealing this in her words.

"Bastard, do you think that intermediate ecstasy is Chinese cabbage? There aren't many of you who have reached the intermediate level. And do you really think that it is your own merit to improve so fast? Not because of..."

Jasmine didn't finish a word, but it seemed to suddenly stop, and once again swelled his mouth and slammed the wind.

"Because what?"

The wind continued to ask.

"Because...not because of this game, although there is no way to play the true power of the game in this game, but it can exercise the spirit and make people safely awaken!"

The protoss Xiaogong’s eyes unknowingly slammed into the top of his head, and then replied clearly and untruely.

"However, your Terran is still too much. After so long exercise and stimulation, only a few of the more than one billion people on the planet are awakened!"

Subsequently, the attitude of contempt was restored again.

"It can be said that your Protoss is very powerful. If so, why did you want to create a bunch of Terran troops? How to make the Protoss stalkers and immortals!"

The wind also made a "scorn" expression.

"Get out of the way, I want to make a mothership, and all the bombs are blasted. But you are looking for materials, that is, Raytheon, a machine that your people are shoddy, can make it reluctantly." ......"

"So, the things in StarCraft are not completely fictitious. But should there be some authenticity like "War of War"?"

The wind fell completely without thinking about the time of Jasmine, followed by questioning.

"Cut, of course not completely fake... Ah, you want to cover me!"

The protoss little princess answered after half a sentence.

I reacted fiercely, my eyes looked up, and then I stared at the wind again.

However, in her reaction to the wind, the wind has definitely got the information he wants.

"Oh, suddenly I remember, I have something to forget to say!"

However, when the speed of the wind and the use of the brain is comparable to that of the brain, Jasmine suddenly turns his eyes and turns with a mean.

"what's up?"

The wind has a bad feeling.

"The nest in the dead desert is being attacked by rebel people. It has been going on for a while. In addition, your guild is being attacked as well, and the guild personnel are almost half killed!"

Hands clasped in front of his chest that was completely absent, watching the wind fall on the face of 24k, the little girl was full of banter.

"吱 (臭)...吱(蛋)!"

24k hurriedly called twice, and the little guy finally stunned.


"It's very smart. It seems that you didn't pick the wrong person."

When the wind suddenly looks upwards.

There is a connection with the War, but it cannot be directly touched by the dark space.

A female voice with a noble feeling like a queen, a deep female voice slowly opened.

"I have always seen people as accurate."

"In fact, since he was involved in the wormhole, and I have been on the side from there, I have been paying attention to him. In this game, I can fully observe all aspects of him. The heart is in human beings. , it is the last choice!"

A voice that feels like a middle-aged man, magnetic but erratic.

"I am more concerned about it, or is it that the "account" that he inherits is activated? ”

The queen’s noble voice continued.

"It has been semi-activated. If you want to activate it, you still need to wait until his own strength reaches the standard of inheritance."

The magnetic middle-aged male voice said.

"The natural spiritual power of the Terran is really bad. Even after so long exercise, it takes so many people to help achieve the minimum inheritance requirements."

Noble queen channel.

"But the potential of the Terran is very high, and the talent is special!"

Magnetic middle-aged male interface.

The term "humanity" that emerges continuously from the dialogue between the two people can undoubtedly explain some information.

"It is true that if the proportion of people who can not awaken the ecstasy is too low, it will definitely become a force that affects the overall situation!"

"However, less is better. The human 'harmony' talent is really significant, and the number will inevitably break the current cooperation. You know, human ambition is never inferior to you and me!"

The noble queen said.

"Speaking of it, your Zerg is really willing to give up the original. The spatial attribute can match the Zerg's consciousness and splitting characteristics. It can be said that it has the greatest potential among the Zerg. Even so early, the solitude attribute of this Terran has not yet appeared. At that time, make a spiritual link with the next heavy note!"

Middle-aged magnetic male channel.

"You are not the same, although the double-stacking increase can be regarded as a very wasteful property in many people's eyes."

"But, it really can develop. For the rest of the companions, it is an all-round increase... And, when you come to me and me, you understand that the limit of this quality breakthrough is far more than the number. important!"

"And, the space is secluded, and with the destruction of the annihilation level, it is enough to make your daughter have enough self-protection and attack ability!"

The noble queen’s voice is profound and authentic.

“It’s amazingly potential, and it’s also inherited an “account” that once reached the top. It’s really worth investing, isn’t it?”

The voice of a middle-aged man smiled.

"However, he performed so well this time, I am afraid that the human government will let people contact him in advance!"

The Queen’s voice was undecided and turned to the other side.

"In fact, there have been people who have been in contact with him. Don't worry, he is a smart person and will not reveal his identity."

"And with his current mental strength, there is no way to forcefully read his memory. What's more, in the face of this seed player who has mastered the advanced solitude, the Stars will also be very valued. It is impossible to say that it is possible to brag about him. The risk of injury is done. After all, he is now a star!"

Magnetic middle-aged male voice, with some ridicule.

"I hope so, the storm is coming, we really need to add new blood, otherwise we will not agree to let the stars open this kind of large-scale national selection method, which will increase their strength too much. ”

The female voice carries some seriousness.

"On the other side of the wormhole, the layout of the human planet as a backhand is also open. With that period of human existence, even if the stars are really ambitions, it will not affect our overall situation.

"Speaking, he should be the leader you prepared for the people on the planet in the future?"

The voice of the noble queen replied.

"It depends on him. Is there any way he can go there?"

"Well, speaking, in the layout of that planet, the game that is then unexpectedly successful, you are a very popular existence, and even half of the identity of the Terran! I am afraid that until later, There will be many admirers!"

The magnetic middle-aged male voice is ridiculous.

"I have to go, I just got the news. The people of the sneak attacked me on a reserve planet, and I went to destroy them ten as a gift!"

The noble queen did not respond to this sentence at all, but with some kind of coldness.

"Be careful!"

The middle-aged male voice said.

"It’s just some ants."

:. Sogou:

Read The Duke's Passion