MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 3 Never sleep city

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A silver sky high-rise building with a height of more than 200 layers. In the bedroom on the top floor of the top floor, a silver-white game console door with a sci-fi atmosphere slowly opens, only wearing underwear, showing the wind of the strong body falling from the inside. Drilled out.

Standing on the top floor of the building, which is enough for the people with fear of heights to soften their legs, looking at the huge single-sided transparent nano-window in front of the body, one big and one small silver moon in the sky, the wind falls. Some hearts are missing in my heart.

Yes, two moons!

Because here, not the earth!

The No. 17 administrative star, the full name of the Star of the Stars, is the 17th administrative star. This is a planet that does not know the location of the universe. It has a similar environment to the earth and is suitable for human survival.

The wind is not the person of this planet, but the earth from the 21st century. The identity is an international mercenary who sells for money.

The pyramid collapsed when it was hired by a Saudi rich businessman, and a group of people protected several archaeologists and entered an underground pyramid in Egypt that had never been exposed to what the rich wanted.

Everyone was buried in the collapsed pyramid. Only one of the quest items in his hand was sucked in by a black whirlpool and then came to the world.

This is a world that makes him feel strange but very familiar.

Unfamiliar, because the world's technology is extremely developed, humans have mastered the space transition technology and entered the interstellar era.

The Star Alliance has more than 20 political stars, thousands of resource planets, and a huge fleet of stars. All of this is the progress of science and technology in the 21st century, and it is impossible to achieve it in hundreds of years!

It is said that it is familiar because the world and the earth are absolutely inextricably linked.

The most obvious proof is that the official language of the Star Alliance is actually 70% similar to Chinese. Moreover, the world also has English-like languages ​​and words.

In addition, from the architectural style, living habits and other aspects, the wind can also find the clues of the "Earth". What puzzles him, however, is that people in the world have never heard of the term "earth" and can't even find it on the Internet.

"Across the world? Crossing? Parallel world?"

The wind has considered a lot of possibilities, but can't get any verifiable answer.

So much so that he suspects that the so-called "earth", the so-called international mercenary, is not just his fantasy experience? Perhaps he is actually a serious mental patient in this world?

However, he was hung on his chest, and the necklace pendant made of the quest item held in his hand, the cold feeling of sticking to the skin, reminded him that the previous experience was definitely not an illusion.

And half a year ago, the "War of War" sci-fi virtual game was released in the whole of the United States, and the exposure of the publicity screen made the wind fall to the truth of the first half of life.

Type 99 tank, Apache, F-22, AK47, cobra, stinger...

The names and shapes of the familiar weapons have made the memories of the past lives that have become blurred for three years in this world.

In the eyes of the people of this world, these military equipments are nothing more than a virtual world equipment, something that game designers fantasize.

Then he knew that these things really existed in another world!

He can even recall that once in a certain Arab country, a teammate from the retired Marine Corps with a sneer and blood on his face, with a "stinger" of shoulder resistance, will make a triumphant head. The "Apache", a scene of a fireball.

That feeling, fatal and irritating!

So the wind fell into the "war" in the first time, because perhaps this game can solve some of the mysteries in his heart.

After recollecting this, the wind fell on the floor and made more than one hundred volts. After entering the bathroom with a surface of 30 square meters, I took a bath and changed my clothes. I picked up a black windbreaker jacket and opened it. The electronic door lock.

Then take the elevator to the parking lot parking lot on the 100th floor of the building, hit a floating car and drive to the destination.


"No night city!"

The colorful neon lights and the large gold characters on the large screen show what it is for a luxury building with a footprint of several thousand square meters but only ten stories.

"Wind brother! You are here!"

Wearing a black coat, the wind fell into the door, standing by the door, a few **** figures, dressed in blue-purple cheongsam, painted with a thick or light makeup, and immediately asked him with a smile on his face.

"Wind brother!"

In the halls, men in black suits and sunglasses, tall and strong, also nodded respectfully to the wind.


After the wind fell freely, he set foot on the rotating escalator on the second floor.

The entertainment city of this world is almost the same as the place of the same name on the earth. The only difference is that because the technology is developed enough, illegal drugs such as drugs are almost extinct here.

Because people can experience a novel experience in the virtual world with sensory nerves directly and with little difference from reality, it is not necessary to seek stimulation with drugs that have great side effects on the body.

So, in a sense, this kind of entertainment venue is more formal than the twenty-first century.

Of course, some special transactions that only belong to people still exist.

The reason why the wind fell here is because his real work in this world is the manager of this city that never sleeps. To be precise, it is the kind of deputy manager who hangs his job and holds a salary with a dividend but is actually not used to go to work.

However, although it is a name, the wind will come here every once in a while, by the way, go to a bar in the second floor of a frequent visit, or go to the fitness club on the fifth floor to take a look at the body.

As for the underground casino on the first floor and the black box on the second floor, he did not have much interest.

However, when he walked into the bar on the second floor, he found that the atmosphere inside the bar seemed to be different from the usual. The people inside did not drink and chat, and no one danced, but the big divisions were standing around the stage in the middle, seemingly watching what was lively.

"Wu Ge's new activities have brought the equipment in the "War of War" to the bar for auction. It has been going on for a few days, and more and more people come every night."

Going to the bar, the bartender wearing a tuxedo dress poured a glass of wine into the wind, and the words in the mouth solved the doubts of the wind.

Wu Ge’s name is Mu Wu, who is the manager of the entertainment city and the real governor. I am less than 30 years old, but I am very smart and I am very smart in my work.

Of course, there must be a backstage, otherwise an ordinary person can't sit still in such a position.

"Auction game equipment? The idea of ​​animal husbandry is a bit new!"

The wind is carrying a glass of wine-flavored beverage called "Blue Star" in the world, sitting at a position on the bar, looking far into the middle of the stage.

I saw a tall, **** flaming bunny **** the stage. After makeup, I was able to play a fascinating beauty of 85 points. I was excited about the flush of the game and presided over the auction of game equipment.

"Mr. Fang has offered three thousand three!"

"Ah, this new gentleman is out of three thousand six, so generous. Three thousand six and six times, and there is no one who wants to increase the price!"

"Well? He Boss actually bids again, three thousand and eight times!"

Just listening to this provocative discourse is undoubtedly a misunderstanding that it is a bargain on some kind of physical trade.

Especially with a flaming red bunny girl with a long leg of one meter and a flushed face with a slight sweat, and a red lips with a fascinating eye, it is more attractive to the man who dominates the stage. The blood is rushing up and down, and the breath is short.

"This is a pastoral, there is really a set!"

The wind whirls around the glass in his hand and smiles.

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