MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3800 Old Han leaves

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"Hehe, do you want me to come every day?"

   Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

   "Forget it, if you come every day, sisters should have opinions."

   Mu Xiyu thought for a while, and shook his head again.

   "Hehe, is it rain and dew?"

   Xiao Chen said and hugged Mu Xiyu.

   "I wronged you."

   "No, if you don't come, I will practice singing or something, which is pretty good."

   Mu Xiyu shook his head.

   "Now life, I like it, although I can't have you alone, but there are more sisters... They are all very good, and we are closer to each other than our sisters."


   Although Xiao Chen knew that Mu Xiyu was trying to comfort him, and said this deliberately, he did feel a lot easier.

   are all good women, and he... owes them too much.

   "How is the company recently? Are there any questions?"

   Xiao Chen embraced Mu Xiyu and asked.

   "No problem, the company develops, everything goes well."

   Mu Xiyu shook his head.

   "With Sister Zhang, she is basically handling the company's affairs, so I don't need to worry about it."

   Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen smiled: "It seems that it is useful to give her another chance."

   "Yes, if it weren't for Sister Zhang, I wouldn't be able to do anything else. I would be busy with the company all day."

   Mu Xiyu nodded.

   "Sister Zhang often said that if you give her this opportunity, she must do good things and be worthy of your trust."

   "It doesn't matter if you say it or not, just do it."

   Xiao Chen said slowly.

   "The people under your hand can treat them well, but you must also make them afraid of you... Otherwise, it's not easy to lead people."

   "Yeah, I know, Sister Lan often teaches me too."

   Mu Xiyu nodded.

   "There are also Ziyi and others, they will often help me too."

   "Yes, if you have anything, you can talk to Sister Lan."

   Xiao Chen smiled.

   "Muyu Entertainment nowadays can be regarded as a subsidiary of Longmen Group."

   "Well, but I'm not good to always trouble Sister Lan. She is in charge of such a big group and is very busy."

   Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen and said.

   "It's okay, did you talk to Sister Lan?"

   Xiao Chen is helpless.

   "After some time, when Longmen Group is on the right track, let her find a professional manager or train a few more people."


   Mu Xiyu nodded.

   "Sister Zhang shares so many things, I think it is difficult to manage a company, let alone Sister Lan manages such a large group..."

   "Every time Sister Lan sees me, she will complain to me, saying that I will be the shopkeeper...I don't want to, but I don't understand."

   Xiao Chen said helplessly.

   "Well, you have your business to do."

   Mu Xiyu looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes full of tenderness.

   "Brother Chen, I can't help you much, I can only hope... you protect yourself and don't get hurt."

   "I will pay attention, don't worry."

   Xiao Chen nodded.

   The two chatted, half an hour later, they went upstairs.

   Then... Xiao Chen listened to a wonderful fairy sound again and boarded the fairy road with the goddess of animal husbandry~

   early morning.

   Xiao Chen didn't wake up Mu Xiyu, got up lightly and left after washing.

  He went to the restaurant and ate dinner with Old Man Han and others.

   "What? Leaving today?"

   Xiao Chen asked in surprise as he listened to Mr. Han.

   "Didn't you say, want tomorrow?"

   "No, the CVK enzyme is already on the market. Duanshan said that there is something to do when returning to the capital. Since he said that he should go back together, we should leave together, and save trouble."

   Old man Han shook his head.

   "Wait for nothing more, just come back."


   Xiao Chen nodded.

   "Then we can say it, you have to come often."


   Old man Han smiled.

   "Wait a minute, Broken Mountain will come over, then we will go to the airport together."

   "I will take you to the airport."

   Xiao Chen hurriedly said.

   "Hehe, no, you can go and do your job."

   Old man Han shook his head.

   "If this is the case, I won't come in the future."


   Xiao Chen nodded.

   "Old Han, when we have time, I will go to the capital to see you for fun."

   Xiao Yi looked at Old Man Han and said with a smile.

   This ‘Old Han’ was also said by Mr. Han, so they had to call it that way.

   In his words, Xiao Yi and the others are older than him... They can be called "Xiao Han".

   "Okay, I am waiting for you in the capital."

   Old man Han nodded with a smile.

   After dinner, Xiao Chen chatted with Old Man Han for a while, and then Guanduan Mountain arrived.

   "Laoguan, why did you go back early?"

   Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"what's the matter?"

   "Yes, you think I am you, so idle all day..."

   Guanduanshan nodded.

   "A bunch of things."

   "I haven't been idle either... I was idle only after recuperating for these two days."

   Xiao Chen curled his lips.

   "Okay, I won't talk to you... Mr. Han, let's go."

   Guanduanshan looked at Father Han and said.


   Old man Han nodded, and after greeting Xiao Chen and others, he got in the car.

   "Brother Xiao, we are leaving... Welcome to the capital."

   Han Jianguo looked at Xiao Chen and smiled.

   "Hehe, you welcome me, but many people don't welcome me."

   Xiao Chen smiled.

   "Hahaha, don't worry about them, just go."

   Han Jianguo laughed, shook hands with Xiao Chen, and got into the car.

   Under the watchful eyes of Xiao Chen and others, several cars slowly left.

   "Yifei, the old man said he was leaving, you know?"

   Xiao Chen asked Han Yifei.

   "I just found out this morning too."

   Han Yifei shook her head.

   "Okay, when you have time, let's go to the capital to visit his old man."

   Xiao Chen nodded, but he was muttering in his heart, what would make Lao Guan go back in a hurry?

"I'm going to work."

  Han Yifei didn't plan to stay in Longshan any longer, and after saying hello, he also left.

   "Yao Lao, Han Lao is gone, you have to live longer."

   Xiao Chen looked at Yao Qihuang and said.

   "Take this opportunity to accompany Yi Xuan more...In the future, she will be very busy. It won't be so easy for you to see her."

"haha okay."

   Yao Qihuang smiled and nodded.

  He didn't leave because of this. Recently, the CVK enzyme was launched, and his granddaughter will definitely be busy...In addition to worrying about the granddaughter's body, he is also afraid that the granddaughter's psychology will change.

   Therefore, he chose to stay and take care of his granddaughter nearby.

   What happened in this way, don't say anything else, at least he can accompany his granddaughter.

   Nearly noon, Xiao Chen went to the Bai's house.

   Yesterday, I went to Baijia to teach a group of old guys to practice...

   When he arrived, Bai Ye was already waiting at the door.

   "Brother Chen, you are here."

   Bai Ye shouted.


   Xiao Chen nodded.

   "Are everyone here?"

   "It's already here, drink tea in it, waiting for you."

   Bai Ye said, walking inside.

   "I heard that Old Man Han is gone?"

   "Well, let's go with Laoguan."

   Xiao Chen nodded.

   "Lao Guan said that he had something to do when he went back, but he didn't tell me."

   When they talked, they came inside and saw Bai Daheng and others.

   "Hehe, the master is here."

   The White Tycoon looked at Xiao Chen and smiled.

   "Yes, Master."

   Old Tang and others all smiled.

   "Don't call me that. You have to bear a lot of responsibility when you say "Master"."

   Xiao Chen hurriedly said.

   "Be a teacher for one day, and be a father for life..."

   Bai Ye came, and then... he felt chilly.

   As soon as he turned his head, he saw Bai Daheng and others, all looking at him with bad eyes.

   "Ah, I didn't mean that."

   Bai Ye shrank his neck and said hurriedly.


   Xiao Chen is also a bit speechless, so old, dare to take advantage?

   After a few chats, Xiao Chen began to teach Guwu.

  Before he came, he had chosen the ancient martial arts method. It was not the top class, but it was indeed the most suitable for the elderly.

   is the old man Han, he also taught before.

   Fortunately, Bai Daheng and others are not a little white... Older people have their own health regimens, and they are more aware of acupuncture points than young people.

   So, Xiao Chen told them about acupuncture points, meridians, and so on, but it was very simple.

  Furthermore, although he is older, he is the top person in the Longhai Pyramid after all. He is very powerful in every aspect... Ordinary people can't stand at the top of the pyramid.

   About half an hour, it's basically done.

   "If you have anything you don't understand, you can also ask Xiaobai, he is now a master of Huajin."

   Xiao Chen said.

   "Yes, you can ask me... You don't need to call Master, just call Teacher Bai."

   Bai Ye said, looking at his father.

   "Grandpa, you... shout?"

   "Your kid is looking for death?"

  The White Tycoon stared.

   "No...just kidding, otherwise the cultivation will be boring."

   Bai Ye busy said.

"go away……"

   The white tycoon is out of anger.


   Bai Ye shrugged his head and stood aside.

   Xiao Chen smiled, this guy is itchy, he has to be beaten.

   Then, Bai Daheng and others began to try to practice.

   "How long does it take to find a sense of breath?"

   Qin Kunlun asked.

   " least a year or a half."

   Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

   "But, even if you can't find the sense of breath, it's good for your body."


   Qin Kunlun nodded and looked at Bai Daheng and others.

   "Or, let's compare, who found the sense of breath first?"

   "Okay, UU reading is still afraid that you will not succeed in Qin?"

  The white tycoon challenged.

   "This is fine."

   Don also nodded.

   "Just a bit motivated..."

   "Since the competition, you have to get a bit of color, right? What is the reward for the first to find the breath, and what is the punishment for the one who finds the breath at the end?"

   asked the White Tycoon.

   "A hundred million, how about it?"

   Elder Don thought for a while and said.

   "What is the meaning of money, no one is short of this money."

   Qin Kunlun shook his head.


   Xiao Chen look at these old guys, they are really rich.

   One hundred million is a small goal, so it would be nice to come to them... Not bad for this little money, I didn't take it at all.

   He wanted to say, I'm short of money, or you alone will give me 100 million?

   I definitely don't dislike it.

   "That is, it's not bad for money... When you think about it, you must make a good start."

   The White Tycoon nodded.


   Several old guys nodded and thought about it.

   "Brother Chen, you said that if I propose to them, the loser calls the winner ‘father’, will they beat me?"

   Bai Ye whispered.

"You can try."

   Xiao Chen is not afraid of big things when watching the lively.