MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3825 You are also important

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Hearing what Xiao Chen said, the old fortune teller was very pleased.

Since childhood, he has supported Xiao Chen's decision.

And since childhood, Xiao Chen has almost never let him down...

"Old fortune teller, I think we still have to go to sea and look for it."

What Xiao Chen thought of, looked at the old fortune teller.

"Although it is very possible for Lao Su to be in the bone ring, what if? So, we still need to find out whether there is an independent space."


The old fortune-teller nodded, it was not impossible.

"I'm very tired today, so take a good rest first..."

Xiao Chen got up.

"Tomorrow, we will go to sea again."

"it is good."

The old fortune teller nodded and watched Xiao Chen leave the room.

Xiao Chen returned to his room and found that Su Xiaomeng was also there.

"Brother Chen, tell me something about Big Brother..."

Su Xiaomeng said hurriedly when Xiao Chen came back.

"Didn't you tell me everything?"

Xiao Chen was startled.

"There's nothing more to say."

"No, I have to listen... hurry up, let's talk about it."

Su Xiaomeng looked at the bone ring on Xiao Chen's left hand, she still felt a little unreal.

Seeing Su Qing, Xiao Chen also looked at herself, yes, do you want to hear it all?

"Okay, then I will tell you more."

Xiao Chen nodded, and talked about the original things and the old fortune-tellers' guesses and so on.

"Didn't you mean that ordinary people's spirits are very weak?"

Su Xiaomeng asked what he thought of.

"How can Big Brother exist?"

"Yes, so it's a miracle."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Under the nature, the spirits are very weak. After death, the spirits will soon be torn apart by the rules of heaven and earth... People die like a lamp."

"That is to say, after the foundation is built, the soul can exist?"

Su Xiaomeng thought for a while and asked.

"Doesn't that mean that the foundation is built, and the soul can live forever?"

"It's not so exaggerated, but it's stronger than ordinary spirits, and won't be torn away immediately... If there is no other means, it will disappear slowly."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"But if there is a special method, it might exist for a long time... The "God" in the shrine on the island country is like this."

"Well, I look forward to seeing Big Brother now..."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"It's difficult, isn't it?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked softly.

"Well, but don't worry, I will do it."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Okay... But don't embarrass yourself, it's a miracle that Big Brother can still exist."

Su Qing nodded, her eyes filled with tenderness.

"I don't want you to do something embarrassing yourself. I don't think Big Brother wants you to do it either."

Xiao Chen was very moved when he heard Su Qing's words.

"Just now, the old fortune teller asked me to make a choice..."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and said what the old fortune-teller said and the choices he made.

"You don't blame me, do you?"

"will not."

Su Qing shook her head.

"You're right, you still have responsibilities and righteousness on your shoulders... first do what you should do."

"My sister and I have the same idea. Although I want to see my eldest brother right away, you are also very important...We all understand, and my eldest brother will also understand."

Su Xiaomeng also said.

"Knowing that Big Brother is still alive, we are already very happy... We all believe that since Big Brother still exists, we will see him again sooner or later."

"thank you all."

Xiao Chen looked at the sisters and was even more moved.

He thought about it, opened his arms, and hugged them.

"Brother Chen, you are also very important in our hearts."

Su Xiaomeng leaned on Xiao Chen's shoulder and said softly.

"I think the parents will think so too."

Su Qing also said.


Xiao Chen nodded and hugged tighter.

For a long time, the three people separated.

"Just talk about me, where did you go shopping today? How did you play?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"I just wandered around and went to a scenic spot... It's pretty good here, and the pace is slow."

When Su Qing said this, she looked at Xiao Chen.

"In the future, will we really come here to live?"

"Who knows, just prepare early..."

Xiao Chen said, raising his left hand.

"One day, maybe we will all live in the bone ring."

"Really? We want to go inside too? That's not where you go in the future, you can take us with you?"

Su Xiaomeng was very excited.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Relatively speaking, this place is safer than Huaxia, and the world in Bone Ring is safer than any other place."

"Will Huaxia be in danger?"

Su Qing frowned slightly.

"There is no danger now, but who knows in the, we still have to prepare early."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Especially your safety is the most important...I definitely want to guarantee your safety."

"So, to become stronger, you must become stronger first. Only when you become stronger can you protect us..."

Su Qing shook Xiao Chen's hand.

"Only when you become stronger can you take up the responsibilities that belong to you and help the old man."

"I know."

Xiao Chen nodded, it was too empathetic.

"Don't say you're unhappy, it's so happy to be able to find a big brother."

Su Xiaomeng changed the subject.

"Brother Chen, shall we have a bonfire dinner on the beach tonight, how about?"

"Bonfire dinner? Haha, okay, you go to Xiaobai about this, he is good at it."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Okay, then I'll go and ask Brother Xiaobai."

Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"Don't bother you, let's go."

Subsequently, Su Xiaomeng left.

"Don't spoil this girl too much."

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Spoiled again."

"how could be."

Xiao Chen shook his head and hugged Su Qing.

"You see Xiaomeng is so sensible, and she knows not to bother us..."

"In the future, there will be such a thing, don't hide it from me, can it?"

Su Qing said softly.

"No matter hope or disappointment, I can bear it..."


Xiao Chen agreed casually.


Su Qing was helpless, this promise was too unconcerned, too coping with people.

However, she said nothing more.

"Since I have found Big Brother, when shall we go back?"

Su Qing asked what she thought of.

"In a few days, I happen to be taking a vacation here... In addition, the old fortune teller and I will also look around Gata Island to see if there is any other independent space."

Xiao Chen said.

"I also made an appointment with Amos, let him come here to meet..."

"Amos? Sirius of the werewolf family?"

Su Qing has an impression of Amos.

"Hehe, those are all the old calendars, he is no longer a Sirius, and is now the head of the werewolf clan."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"And I am the wolf king."

"Oh, I forgot."

Su Qing nodded.

"You wolf king... are also a slapped wolf king."

"Walking off the wolf king?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then he reacted. This meant that he was a shopkeeper and didn't care about anything.

"Hehe, it's enough to have Amos... now that the werewolf clan and the blood clan are no longer fighting, there is nothing serious about it."

"Well, then take this opportunity to give yourself a vacation."

Su Qing thought for a while and said.

"Otherwise, it's also very tired."

"That's it, it's okay, you can wear a bikini and go to the beach to bask in the sun..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"It's a shame not to wear a bikini for such a good figure."

"Do you want me to show it to others?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"How is it possible, private beach... I'll be the only one to watch when the time comes."

Xiao Chen blinked.


Su Qing was speechless.

"I'll go see my mother, and you should be busy with you too."

"Well, at this time, you need to accompany you more."

Xiao Chen nodded.


"I know."

Su Qing finished speaking and left the room.

"Old Su..."

Xiao Chen raised his left hand and looked at the bone ring.

"I'm also looking forward to it, the day we meet..."

After a few words, Xiao Chen took out his cell phone and called Amos.

"Wolf King..."

The phone was answered, and Amos's voice came from the receiver.

"Amos, didn't you say, just let you call your name."

Xiao Chen smoked.

"Come here someday?"

"Go by tomorrow afternoon."

Amos replied.

"Are you over there, are you all done?"

"It's almost there, just waiting for you."

Xiao Chen nodded, and after a few more conversations with Amos, he hung up.

In the evening, Dewo arranged a bonfire dinner at the request of Su Xiaomeng.

If it weren't for Su Qing and others... he would have to arrange dozens of bikini beauties with **** and waist.

Su Shiming and Yun Qingmeng appeared, chatting with the old fortune teller.

Xiao Chen noticed that Yun Qingmeng was in a good state... after all, this was a good thing.

"It's a pity that Lao Huo isn't there. On this occasion, it would be nice if he was there."

Bai Ye looked at the bonfire and said.

"Why, thinking about letting him bake something to eat?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"How many times have you eaten, and haven't eaten enough?"

"It's okay, it's much better than ordinary fire-grilled food."

Smoke on the white night.

"Brother Chen, what is the next plan?"

"Tomorrow Amos will come over, stay a few more days and go back... By the way, how about Lao Song and the others? Aren't they still on Gata Island?"

Xiao Chen asked what he thought of.

"I haven't seen them... so dedicated? Not coming back this time?"

Bai Ye was also surprised, took out his mobile phone, and called Song Wenbo. UU reading

"Are you on your way back? Okay, come to the beach outside the hotel... Have a bonfire dinner tonight."

"Why, is this time really?"

Xiao Chen asked when Bai Ye finished the phone call.

"Yes, Lao Song is serious this time."

Bai Ye smiled.

"He said, he must hit the world for some award this time, I also forgot what name..."

"Well, Lao Song still has the ability."

Xiao Chen nodded and lit his cigarette.

"If you want to build Gata Island, you have to say hello to Eugene and ask him to find is impossible to find someone from China to come here."

"I'm looking forward to the completion of Gata Island... When it's done, I occasionally come here to spend a vacation and see the beautiful women in bikinis. It's so cool."

Bai Ye grinned.

"How cool can it be? Does Mu Yao know you are so cool?"

Xiao Chen raised his brow.


Bai Ye's smile stiffened, so chatting would be boring!

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