MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3831 Like Xu Xian?

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"Are you completely awakened?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.


Amos nodded.

"Her blood is very strong, I heard that she is still in retreat..."

"Have you really never contacted Miss Joan? I despise you, scumbag."

Leon looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen was speechless.

"How can I contact her? She is on Siya Island, and she can't be contacted either."

"I will pay attention, if there is any new news, I will tell you."

Amos said to Xiao Chen.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Master, do you have an unusual relationship with the princess of the elves?"

Rowling asked.

"Well, it's okay, old knowledge."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"Which step is it?"

Rowling asked again.

"Have you slept?"


Xiao Chen is speechless, can we not talk about this in front of so many people?

"Why, are you embarrassed to say?"

Rowling smiled.

"In the future, don't do anything to ruin my innocence, at least we are innocent, nothing happened."

Xiao Chen stared at Rowling and said.


Rowling sighed, when can she take down this man?

Xiao Chen turned the subject away and asked about the Holy See of Guangming again.

"The situation of the Bright Holy See is not very good now..."

Amos said everything he knew.

Just as they were chatting, a knock on the door sounded.

Bai Ye got up and went to open the door.

"I heard you are all here, what are you doing?"

Su Xiaomeng came in from outside, followed by Su Qing.

Xiao Chen looked behind them, and saw that the old man was not following, he was slightly relieved.

Although he has told Rowling, who knows if this female vampire will listen to him!


As soon as Su Xiaomeng came in, his eyes fell on Rowling and Carat.

Especially Rowling... there was a lot of amorous feelings, which made her vigilant in an instant.

Why are there two more foreign ladies suddenly?

What is their relationship with Brother Chen?

"Xiao Qing, Xiao Meng, you are back."

Xiao Chen said hello.

"Come, let me introduce you... Amos and Leon, you all know each other."

"Mr. Amos, Mr. Leon, how are you."

Su Qing nodded.

"Queen, hello."

Amos greeted.


Su Qing was startled at first, and then she thought of Xiao Chen's identity as the'Wolf King', and then she was taken aback.

"Let's call my name."

"This is Carat, Lyon's girlfriend."

Xiao Chen introduced Carat first.

Hearing Xiao Chen's introduction, the vigilance in Su Xiaomeng's eyes disappeared a lot.

She looked at Carat, and then at Lyon. She didn't expect that Lyon could find such a beautiful girlfriend.

Female werewolf?

"This is Rowling, the Queen of the Blood Race."

Xiao Chen introduced Rowling again.

"Blood, that is, the vampire in our mouth..."


Su Xiaomeng looked at Rowling, her eyes widened.

She turned out to be a vampire?

Shouldn't all vampires have pale faces and long fangs?

Why is it so beautiful!

However, after learning of Rowling's identity, her vigilance was once again reduced a lot.

This is a vampire, no matter how beautiful, Brother Chen should have nothing to do with her.

"This is my girlfriend Su Qing, her younger sister, Su Xiaomeng."

Xiao Chen continued to introduce.

"Queen, hello."

Kara respectfully greeted him. From the werewolf family, Su Qing is the queen.

"Mother, hello."

Rowling looked at Su Qing and smiled.


Su Qing was taken aback when she heard this name.

"Why do you call my sister like that?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Rowling and asked.

"Oh, Xiao Chen is my master, then his woman is not my mistress?"

Rowling smiled.


When Xiao Chen heard this, he knew it was going to be bad.

"Your master?"

Su Xiaomeng was startled first, then frowned.

the host?

Vampire maid?

Are you playing so wild?

Su Xiaomeng looked at Xiao Chen and asked a little bit.

"Ah, this is a long story..."

Xiao Chen gave a dry cough and wanted to explain.

"It was in Naga back then, he occupied me and asked me to be a maid for him..."

Before Xiao Chen could finish explaining, Rowling said again.


Xiao Chen stayed in a daze, occupying? Can this word be used here in particular?


He turned his head and stared at Rowling, motioning for her to shut up.

"Occupy? Brother Chen, what did you do to her?"

Su Xiaomeng stared at Xiao Chen and asked.

"How can I do anything? I just controlled her and let her listen to me."

Xiao Chen was helpless.

"Listen to you? Then what do you ask her to do, what does she have to do?"

Su Xiaomeng's eyes widened.

"Yes, yes, I will not refuse any request from the master."

Rowling took another sentence.

"Fuck off... I let you die, and you die too?"

Xiao Chen is not angry, what's the mess!

"The master won't let me die, you are not willing."

Rowling shook her head.

"Don't listen to her, this girl is not a good thing, it is deliberately messing up."

Xiao Chen ignored Rowling and said to Su Qing.


Su Qing nodded, she didn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, Su Xiaomeng had been staring at Rowling, with strong hostility in his eyes.

This woman... is definitely thinking about Brother Chen!

Seeing Su Xiaomeng staring at herself, Rowling deliberately licked her red lips.


Su Xiaomeng's heart jumped, if she weren't sitting, she could take a step back in fright.

This woman... is a vampire!

Isn't it because you want to **** your own blood?

"Are there any gains today?"

Su Qing asked Xiao Chen, she came over, mainly wanting to ask this.


Xiao Chen shook his head.

"The possibility of independent space is too small..."


Su Qing nodded and looked at the bone ring in Xiao Chen's left hand.

If there is no other independent space, then the possibility of the eldest brother in the bone ring becomes infinite.

"Look for another day tomorrow, if not, we will leave."

Xiao Chen said to Su Qing.

"it is good."

Su Qing also knew that there were so many things that it was impossible to keep looking for it here.

"Now that Amos and Rowling are here, they can also help find them."

Xiao Chen said again.

"Master, do you still count what you promised me?"

Rowling asked.

"Of course, as long as you find it, I will count."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"it is good."

Rowling thought of the delicious blood, and licked her red lips again.

Su Xiaomeng noticed this scene and thought about it...what is this? Brother Chen won't agree to her, and find an independent space, what will happen to her?

Otherwise, why is she licking her lips there!

"By the way, Amos, I am going to build Gata Island... When you go back, find a group of werewolves."

Xiao Chen thought of something and said.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

Amos asked.

"Come over and move bricks, and save money."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Moving bricks?"

Amos twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, the werewolf's strength is much greater than that of ordinary people. It's a good hand to move bricks."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Also, find a talented werewolf over here..."

"it is good."

Although Amos was a little strange, he still agreed.

"Hehe, stop teasing you, didn't you think before, let the werewolves come to the secret realm of Gata Island to practice?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"This time is an opportunity for them to move bricks to work during the day and go in for cultivation at night."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Amos's eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away... Are you going to open the inside?"

"Well, there will be a hole for people to enter, but they still can't go to some areas."

Xiao Chen nodded.


Amos was excited, no wonder he was looking for a talented werewolf.

"Can I come too?"

Leon asked.

"You have to come and stare at them then."

Xiao Chen said to Leon.

"it is good."

Lyon agreed.

"Also, think of a way to get Xiaoxie here..."

Xiao Chen said again.

"At that time, I will arrange a place."

"It should not work. It is very strong and big, so it can't be transported."

Amos shook his head.

"Recently, it has been practicing with the old patriarch, and its strength has become stronger again."

"Oh? All right, let it follow the old patriarch first."

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and then said.


Amos nodded.

After everyone chatted for a while, they were ready to have dinner.

"Rowling, I warn you, in front of my old man, let's talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being impolite."

Xiao Chen said to Rowling in private.

"Master, why do you want to be rude to me?"

Rowling blinked and asked.

"I... I won't give you blood anymore, okay?"

Xiao Chen stared at Rowling.


Rowling is speechless, so cruel?

"Well, I won't talk nonsense."


Xiao Chen was only satisfied now, hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, a fatal blow!

Then he left.

"Brother Chen, what are you whispering to that female vampire?"

Su Xiaomeng asked.

"Ah? Did you see it? Nothing, just to let her stop talking nonsense, obviously I am innocent with her."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"I still believed it. Why did you say that, I didn't believe it anymore?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Xiao Chen.

"It feels like you have no money here."

"Bullshit, not innocent, am I afraid of her talking nonsense?"

Xiao Chen curled his lips.

"If there are too many lice, don't be afraid to bite. If you have one more lice, I am afraid of anything."

"You are afraid that others will say that you cross species, like Xu Xian."

Su Xiaomeng said.

"Across species? Like Xu Xian?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, sleeping snake?

"Don't talk nonsense, she is not a snake spirit... Vampires are roughly the same as people, not the same thing."

"Look, you have found a reason for yourself..."

Su Xiaomeng curled his lips. UU reading

"When I go back, I will tell my sisters, you are sleeping a vampire abroad..."

"I do not have!"

Xiao Chen was helpless.

"It's so innocent, I swear... I didn't sleep a vampire."

"What about the female werewolf? You have been in the Uth Mountains for so long... I always thought female werewolves were five big and three thick, with long hairs, I didn't expect Kara was pretty."

Su Xiaomeng said again.

"You are the wolf king, the female werewolves of the werewolf clan, don't you have to pick them all?"

"Ah, don't talk nonsense, I was very busy when I was in the Uth Mountains, how can there be such a leisurely sentiment..."

Xiao Chen gave a dry cough.

"Furthermore, we have hairy on our bodies too, don't we have a song, everyone has hairy on our bodies..."

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