MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3971 Go see old friends

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After Baiwei’s hospitality stayed, Xiao Chen and others had lunch at the Baidi Hotel.

After dinner, each was busy, and Xiao Chen accompanied Mr. Han, preparing to stroll around Longhai.

In addition to Xiao Chen, there were three Han Yifei's family.

Even Han Jianguo and Father Han didn't bring him, so why should he go.

Even if more than ten minutes have passed, Xiao Chen couldn't forget Han Jianguo's expression at the time. To put it simply, just a few words-I might not be my own.

Xiao Chen regretted it. Why didn't he use his cell phone to take the photo, otherwise it would definitely be made into an emoticon pack.

"Father, how do you want to go around? Do you have a place you want to go? Or go to scenic spots? Or just go around?"

Xiao Chen, who was in charge of driving, asked.

"If you don't go to the attractions, what's so interesting about the attractions."

Father Han shook his head.

"Just stroll around."


Xiao Chen nodded, slowed down and drove at will.

Father Han's gaze fell on the ancient building outside through the car window.

This area along the river still retains the previous buildings.

In the depths of his gaze, a flash of memory flashed... what he saw before his eyes slowly overlapped with what he remembered.

Xiao Chen and others did not speak, and the car was quiet.

They all know that this place will definitely arouse the memories of the old man.

At this time, it is better not to disturb him.

"Find a place to park, let's walk along the river."

After a long time, Old Man Han retracted his gaze and said.


Xiao Chen nodded and stopped the car.

"Grandpa, slow down."

Han Yifei helped and said.

"Hehe, don't need to help... But, if there is no Xiao Chen, I won't talk about walking now, it's this person, it may not be there anymore."

Old man Han smiled.

"Master, you will live long...200 years old."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Two hundred years old? Hahaha, isn't that an old monster?"

Old man Han laughed.

"No, old man, there are really more than 200-year-old people in this world."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Oh? Old god?"

Father Han asked with a blink of his eyes.

"Um...I don't know how old the old fortune teller is."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"But besides him, there are also... like Lao Xiao, who are all over a hundred years old, and Chi Feng's master, Chi Yun's ancestor, is definitely over two hundred years old."

"Chi Feng? Just that young innate master?"

Old man Han was surprised at first, then he thought about it and asked.

"Yes, just his master."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"So, you can too."

"Haha, it's different."

Old man Han waved his hand with a smile.

"Different levels, no comparison."

"Master, I have everything."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Yes, with you, Lord Yan dare not accept it."

Father Han looked at Xiao Chen and nodded with a smile.

"Let's go, let's just wander around."


Xiao Chen nodded and walked along the river with Old Man Han.

There are many tourists on the riverside.

Although they felt that Xiao Chen and his entourage had extraordinary temperament and did not look like ordinary people, it was nothing more than that.

No one recognized Old Man Han, and would not have thought that this was a generation of God of War.

After all, Mr. Han hasn't shown up much in recent years, and the characters on TV and movies are all dressed up as actors, which is still slightly different from himself.

"Yifei, if they knew the true identity of the old man, how would they react?"

Xiao Chen looked around and whispered with a smile.

"do not know."

Han Yifei shook her head.

"I can't believe it."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Yifei, is the police station busy lately?"

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

Han Yifei asked.

"There are always cases, but it's not too busy."

"I plan to go to Naga in a few days. If you are not busy, you can go and see it together."

Xiao Chen shook Han Yifei's hand and said.

"Just go out and play."

"Wait for me to arrange a look, and if possible, go together."

Han Yifei nodded.


Xiao Chen smiled, but felt a little guilty in his heart. He still lacked the company of Han Yifei.

"what a pity……"

Xue Yunfeng looked at Xiao Chen and his daughter and shook his head gently.

Unfortunately, Xiao Chen has so many confidantes.

Although the relationship with my daughter is very good, there are too many, and I will always ignore it.

But if the daughter is willing, she can't say anything.

In addition, she was also very satisfied with Xiao Chen, the son-in-law.

In her eyes, everything is okay except for a little bit of attention.

The group of people strolled along the river for about half an hour, and then they returned to the car.

After waiting for a few more places, Xiao Chen was a little embarrassed, where to go next?

There was no one before, let the old man see how much has changed now.

Some of them before, let the old man take a look and remember them a little bit more.

And now that there are none, I have basically seen it. Is it possible to go to some old residences and memorials?

He hasn't been there before, so I really can't find it.

Just when he was about to check his location, Old Man Han suddenly said: "Let's go to the cemetery and have a look."


Xiao Chen was startled at first, and then reacted, the old man was talking about the cemetery of martyrs.


Han Youwei frowned slightly, wanting to say something.

"Since I'm here, I have to go and see them..."

Old man Han said slowly.


Han Youwei nodded and said nothing more.

Listening to Father Han's words, Xiao Chen's heart moved and she understood something.

"Master, do I need to prepare something?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No, just go see old friends."

Father Han shook his head.


Xiao Chen nodded, and it really was like this.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Martyrs Cemetery, and several people got off.

"Grandpa, let me buy some flowers."

Han Yifei said.


Father Han thought for a while and nodded.

"I'll be with you."

Han Youwei said, and went to buy flowers with his daughter.

"I haven't been here for many years."

Old man Han looked at the martyrs cemetery and said slowly.


Xiao Chen nodded, solemnly.

He is no stranger to the cemetery of martyrs, because his comrades-in-arms are also buried in many cemeteries of martyrs.

He thought of Su Yunfei. Normally, Lao Su should be buried here, not Haifushan.

In fact, his greatest guilt was not that Su Yunfei died for him, but that he was not buried here.

Although Guan Duashan mentioned this matter later, he also refused.

Now that it is buried, it is safe to go into the soil.

Even if it's buried here again, it doesn't make much sense.

But now it’s different, Su Yunfei may still exist...

Soon, Han Youwei and Han Yifei returned with flowers, and several people walked forward slowly.

Although he hadn't been here for many years, Old Man Han was still very familiar with him and led them to one place.

After a few minutes, they stopped and stood in front of the tombstone.

"Old boy……"

Father Han looked at the tombstone and said softly.

"I came to see you... I haven't been here for many years. Did you miss me? Almost, I almost went to see you."

When Mr. Han was talking, Han Yifei bent down and put down a bouquet of flowers.

Except for Mr. Han, no one spoke and waited quietly.

It took more than ten minutes before Father Han patted the tombstone and smiled: "Okay, let's go, I have to go and see them..."

Xiao Chen noticed that although the old man was smiling, his eyes were red.

"Let's go."

Father Han said, walking forward slowly.

Afterwards, they went to several places and left the cemetery after a full hour.

When he walked out of the cemetery, Old Man Han stopped and looked back. There were too many mixed eyes in those eyes.

Han Youwei looked at his father, winked at Xiao Chen, and asked him to persuade him.

He knew very well that the old man couldn't listen to his words.

"Master, pay attention to your emotions."

Xiao Chen nodded and said softly.

"Well, there is nothing to be sad, just come to see old friends."

Old man Han retracted his gaze and nodded.

"Tell them, today's flourishing age, as they wished...Unfortunately, they can't see it anymore."

"Master, they are alive in the sky and will see it."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Old Man Han looked at him and smiled: "Yes, there is spirit in the sky...the heroic soul is always there, and God bless China."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Let's go."

Old man Han turned around, stepping firmly and forcefully.

Xiao Chen and the others followed and returned to the car.

"Master, where else are you going?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"go home."

Old man Han said slowly.


Xiao Chen nodded, started the car, and drove towards Longshan.

Along the way, Old Man Han looked out the window and was silent.

Obviously, his mood is not as relaxed as he showed.

The cemetery and his party may make him more memories.

Almost an hour, Xiao Chen and the others returned to Longshan.

"Father, if I want to go in the future, I will accompany you again."

After getting off the car, Xiao Chen said to Old Man Han.


Old man Han nodded with a smile.

"Go and do your job, I'll go back to rest and rest..."


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Grandpa, I will help you."

Han Yifei said, helping Old Man Han to walk towards the residence.

"The old man is very happy today."

Han Youwei looked at his father's back and said slowly.

"That's fine."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Xiao Chen, thank you."

Han Youwei turned his head, looked at Xiao Chen, and said seriously.

"Huh? Thank me for what?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback.

"The old man is right. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't be there."

Han Youwei said gratefully.

"Isn't it, old husband, the family, are you polite to me?"

Xiao Chen smiled. UU reading

"You go to accompany the old man more, tell him, I will go to play chess with his old man at night."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Han Youwei's face twitched: "Ah, let's be a man, I don't want to play with you anymore."

"How is it possible, I think the more frustrated the old man, the more courage..."

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Haha, all right, I won't tell you anymore, go ahead."

Han Youwei smiled.


Xiao Chen nodded and returned to his residence.

As soon as he sat down, his cell phone rang, and Tan Yimin called.

"Old Tan Hen can't rest assured."

Xiao Chen chuckled, no need to answer, he knew what the call was for.

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