MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 245 Mr-King.

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Three days later, Han Dong embarked on a trip to Italy.

Wang Zhongding was not idle. As soon as Han Dong left, he ordered someone to go to Han Dong's hometown to check the details.

The news came back as expected.

"No one at all.

"Wang Zhongding was startled," What do you mean? "" No one with a family name of Han ever had a six-fingered child, there is no so-called second uncle, and no one has heard of fortune tellers.

"" Where did he come from? " Is there a crack in the stone? Wang Zhongding instantly felt that Han Dong was more horrible than "Shadow".

"What about his adoptive parents?" Wang Zhongding asked again.

"The adoptive parents did have someone, but the family lived in a remote place, and they almost didn't move with the people in the same village.

Later they moved away, and no one knew where they were going.

Wang Zhongding frowned, "It seems that it is not easy to find out his life history.

Erlei was somewhat skeptical. "What six-handed fingers that Han Dong said before were abandoned. Will he pass over to the second grandfather's house or something? ""impossible.

"Wang Zhongding's tone is very firm." Every time he mentioned that he was in sleepwalking, and his tone was convinced.

Erlei pondered for a moment and then said, "Will it be made by his adoptive parents?" After all, he was not old when he was sent away, and it was also possible for adoptive parents to brainwash him.

"Wang Zhongding still shook his head." His adoptive parents promised to adopt him, but to get a son to die.

Basically he did not fulfill his duty of support, not to mention his ideological guidance. All his memories were before his adoptive parents.

"Erlei is speechless now.

Wang Zhongding said, "Continue to track down the whereabouts of the adoptive parents' family. Even if they have no relationship with Han Dong, at least they still know his details?" "Yes, I know.

"... Han Dong here is happily playing soy sauce at the Venice Film Festival.

Compared to Cannes, Berlin Film Festival, Venice Film Festival can be described as much low-key.

This is almost the world of art films, and it is becoming more and more niche, and there are fewer and fewer Chinese people active here.

What surprised Han Dong unexpectedly was that on the red carpet of the opening ceremony, there were many European and American fans asking him to sign.

Outspoken by him, Armani Gaoding spring and summer fashion blockbuster, and once again questioned his life.

"Are you Chinese?" Han Dong nodded with a smile.

"Isn't there any European or American descent?" Han Dong replied in a mandarin-speaking Mandarin: "Born and born.

"Before the awards ceremony, Han Dong met Kahn after a long absence, and he served as the chairman of the jury for this film festival.

The two hugged for a long time. If it was not for Xiao Liang to pick up the mobile phone, Han Dong would not give up.

Kahn said, "I watched the" Seven Days "you shot, and it shocked me very much that I could see that your sacrifice was great.

Han Dong fluttered instantly. "With your words, it doesn't matter if I won the prize."

Kahn smiled and said nothing.

The two talked for a while, because Kahn's identity was too conspicuous, and a short stay would attract a large number of journalists, and the conversation could only be terminated rashly.

Shen Chuhua sighed quietly, "It looks like your award is over.

Han Dong wondered, "What? "You think, Director Kahn is the chairman of the jury. He hinted that he didn't give it to you. He must be hopeless.

Han Dong wanted to laugh. "Have you ever hoped?" "Isn't you always thinking about winning prizes all day long?" "I just made an excuse to come out and breathe.

Han Dong said, and ran to a super-fascinated Hollywood star, and resignedly asked someone to sign.

Shen Chuhua was ashamed, and it was too early to call Wang Fengshen.

... At nineteen in the evening, the closing ceremony officially began.

Han Dong hit Armani's black dress on the red carpet, showing the charming gentleman Fan Er, and he was like a pair of Dang Erlang on weekdays.

Before the awards were presented, great shots of the participating films were played on the big screen. Among them, Han Dong's peak performance in "Seven Days" caused a hiss.

Even Han Dong himself couldn't bear to look straight at it. My tall, cool and handsome image was so ruined.

Awards are awarded one by one.

Since it was explained in English, and the jet lag had not been reversed, Han Dong was sleepy while listening.

When the best actress was awarded, Han Dong suddenly woke up with a dazzling look and his eyes shone.

"I have a hunch that I might win a prize.

Shen Chuhua deliberately flicked Han Dong's eyelids with his hands, "Isn't this awake? Why are you still talking? Han Dong ignored her and continued to be excited.

After a while, as the chairman of the jury, Kahn came to power, and he was going to present the "Best Actor".

The big screen begins to scroll through the shortlist of actors.

Shen Chuhua deliberately knocked Han Dong, "Your idol is also shortlisted, are you sorry to steal the position of the film's emperor?" Her so-called idol is the one whose face was signed by Han Dong's face.

Han Dong sighed, "I'm so sorry.

When Shen Chuhua saw Han Dong's mischievous expression, she couldn't help defamation: Was she crazy that she couldn't get the prize? I was thinking, and suddenly I heard Kahn clearly read Han Dong's name.

At the same time, Han Dong stood up from his seat.

Shen Chuhua was dumb then.

Several members of the same crew did not respond, and they didn't exclaim until applause rose.

The most calm of them is Han Dong.

He seemed to have expected that he would win a prize in the morning. When he stepped onto the stage, he didn't change his heart or beat, and smiled calmly.

Compared to the director who gave the award to Li Shang, Kahn's award speech was more shocking and powerful.

"Perfect performance, the future king of Chinese cinema.

"The applause thundered for a moment.

Kahn gave Han Dong a deep kiss.

At this moment, Wang Zhongding's fingers holding his cigarettes were stunned. Although only 1% was excited, the remaining 99% were TM! However, Han Dong is still very calm. He raised the trophy, and said concisely and powerfully, and just rightly said: "Thank everyone, especially Mr. King who accompanied me all the way." Han Dong's calm manner attracted applause .

Only Wang Zhongding smiled inexplicably, so helpless and gentle.

After Han Dong came down, Shen Chuhua, who had been singing badly before, had to pay homage to him.

"Big God, you are not prepared. How can you say the awards so decently?" Han Dong said meaningfully: "I started practicing when I was in a group performance.

"Shen Chuhua," ... "The bigger surprise is still behind.

"Seven Days" director Gong Xiaoshi won the film festival's highest award-the Golden Lion Award for this film.

Now the director wins awards at the International Film Festival. Although not as famous as the 1990s, it also represents a symptom of literature and art in an era.

If Li Shang is a box office myth, then Han Dong is definitely a director's booster.

One year ago, Director Lu was promoted to the front line with "Sneak Shadow", and now the unknown Director Gong has become famous with this movie.

As soon as the award ceremony was over, Han Dong was surrounded by reporters.

"Excuse me, Mr. Han, how are you feeling?" Han Dong whispered, "It's cool.

Someone asked: "Who is Mr. King you mentioned in the award speech just now?" Is it your mentor or friend? "Han Dong froze, Mr. Jin? Where's Mr. Jin? He whispered and asked Shen Chuhua.

Shen Chuhua's face was green then.

"My great film emperor, it should be Mr-Wang, not Mr-King. When King translates into a surname, he doesn't read 'King', but reads 'Gold' !!!" Han Dong also said with a stern neck, "No Ah, how could my Kudongdong translate into Cool-east-east? "" Hurry up, don't let people hear it.

"Shen Chu Huadu is ashamed of Han Dong," What Cool-east-east? Your translation is wrong. The correct one should be Cool-dong-dong. "" Isn't that the same as Chinese? "" The pronunciation is the same, but the spelling is different! Han Dong is still stubbornly resisting. "But Wang Zhongding often listens to me and never points out." "Do you think that anyone is rare? "Ok ... Han Dong finally gave up.

"This is not convenient to disclose. I hope that everyone will pay more attention to my work.

At this time, the Hollywood superstar who was entangled by Han Dong came to take the initiative to show up with a charming smile, and then asked Han Dong: "Can I take a photo with you?" Han Dong was flattered, "Of course it's okay.

After the breakup, Shen Chuhua's mood could not be calm for a long time, she asked Han Dong: "Would you like to tell President Wang the good news?" When Han Dong saw that it was more than four o'clock Beijing time, it was the time when Wang Zhongding was asleep, and he said: "Tell him what? Did he expect me to win?

"" Because of this, we have to give Mr. Wang a surprise.

Han Dong snorted, "What if he is not surprised? I'm not a prize for him.

"Shen Chuhua said nothing, said nothing.

After that, the crew organized a celebration party, everyone was drunk.

In particular, Han Dong was finally boarded by Xiao Liang.

Back at the hotel, Han Dong fell asleep.

Wang Zhongding didn't sleep all night. His mind was uneasy in the middle of the night, and he wrote a new book in the middle of the night.

The next day, the news of Han Dong's winning at the Venice Film Festival spread to the company.

Everyone was excited, especially the leaders, big and small, and saw Wang Zhongding's expression of "congratulations to the wife of the chairman".

It was so restless at the meeting.

Feng Jun repeatedly maintained order. Everyone was giggling, as if Wang Zhongding was expected to be angry.

How could Wang Zhongding, who has always been known for his severeness, be unable to withstand such tests? With a cold face and a speech, the whole conference room was silent.

At this time, Wang Zhongding's cell phone suddenly rang.

At first glance, it was Han Dong.

Originally he did not want to pick it up, but this time happened to be midnight in Venice.

If there is an abnormality in Han Dong, it will be troublesome if you delay.

So he picked it up in public.

The excitement of wailing during Han Dong's sleepwalking passed into Wang Zhongding's ear.

"Zhongzhong ~ I won the prize ~ I won the prize ~~ I feel like I'm dreaming now ..." Wang Zhongding's expression was stagnant. Although he tried to hide it, everyone saw that his feet were coming out of the meeting. At the moment of the room, I didn't know how many times I was gentle.

"I know, I watch TV and I've been watching live.

"Um ... very surprised, you sleep at ease.

"" ... "

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