MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 253 You are too ambitious!

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Li Shang smiled, and wondering what he saw, his face suddenly changed.

Zhou Li looked out along her line of sight, and Han Dong was holding Xixi towards the film and television city.

Groups of bodyguards around, holding in front of the cluster, the battle is not ordinary.

These are secondary. The main thing is that Xixi has a kind of immediate sense of father and son with Han Dong regardless of hair style or dress.

"Who is this child?" Zhou Li could not help asking.

Li Shang shook his head. "I don't know, it is probably the little actor he chose.

"That's too similar?" "They are originally the same character in the play, don't they seem to be selected?" Zhou Li was still very suspicious, and he couldn't drink his coffee. He stood up and said to Li Shang, "Let's go and see.

"Today is the day when the crew is trying out the makeup. Basically all the cast members will come.

When Han Dong was holding the West into the studio, Yu Ming and Xia Yangzhuo were already there early.

As soon as Xixi saw Xia Yangzhuo, he flew to the past like lightning.

The small face was flushed, full of excitement and shyness when I first saw the idol.

Xia Yangzhuo first stunned, and then after listening to Yu Mingyi's introduction, he hugged Xixi.

The neck of the idol on Sisi's lap was a beat that would not kill him.

Han Dong's face is sour, Lao Tzu waits for you all day long. You just ignore me.

He contributed a few photos, and you are rare! Therefore, Han Dong directly grabbed people.

"What do you do with your weight of dozens of pounds and crushing your idol? Come here, here to your uncle.

"Sixi refused to live or die.

Han Dong also advised: "Your idol is so popular that it's particularly easy to get involved.

In case any unscrupulous reporter took this picture, and then suspected that you were his illegitimate child, it would not be good to affect your idol reputation.

Unexpectedly, Sisi said, "I hope the reporter suspects that I am his illegitimate son, but you are in the camera.

"Okay, Han Dong doesn't speak anymore.

After a while, Xixi took out a box from his arms and handed it to Xia Yang in a flattering manner.

"This is a meeting ceremony, don't betray it.

Xia Yangzhuo was curious, "What's inside?" "Three eggs.

"Xi Xi said seriously.

Han Dong is amused by his side, and it is clear that Xixi provided this inspiration.

She laughed twice, and her face quickly distorted.

"I depend, are you crazy?" Xixi gave Xia Yangzhuo not ordinary eggs, but "pigeon eggs", such as fake diamonds! Han Dong snatched it, screaming angrily.

"Everything is sent out, can't we pass?" As soon as the words fell, Li Shang and Zhou Li came in.

Xi Xi was wearing sunglasses just now, Zhou Li didn't see clearly, thinking that it was just a sculptural image, and the difference could be seen by removing the sunglasses.

As a result, the sunglasses were removed, and the washed deep eye sockets were exposed, and Zhou Li was choked.

Who doesn't believe it? Especially after Han Dong lived in Wang Zhongding's house, Xixi didn't know if he had absorbed his vitality, and his appearance became more and more powerful.

"Well, who is this baby?" Zhou Li asked deliberately.

Han Dong had to say, "My nephew.

"Who is your nephew," Xixi retorted angrily, "I don't have an uncle like you.

Zhou Li just smiled and didn't continue to ask.

She and Li Shang mentioned the incident later, and Li Shang immediately replied: "Waffle, he has no relatives in Beijing at all.

After hearing what Li Shang said, Zhou Li became more suspicious.

At this time, Huang Tuo also brought his own daughter.

"Head Huang.

The actors who had worked with Han Dong in the "Red God of War" crew recognized and greeted them at a glance.

Huang Tuo nodded.

Zhou Li's eyes were firmly absorbed in Huang Tuo's body.

She has met many business giants, but this is the first time for the army leader.

The soldier's mental appearance is outstanding, and the spirit of the man who is full of standing.

And his man is different from Cai Peng. Cai Peng is evil, he is right.

Cai Peng showed a rough game, and his body showed a breath of abstinence.

Each has its own characteristics.

In contrast, Huang Tuo has won Zhou Li's heart.

Because he has both Wang Zhongding's banner and the "combat capability" that Wang Zhongding lacks, he is an ideal type in his heart! So Zhou Li's heart started to move again.

Huang Tuo sent the child directly to Director Lu, and went to Han Dong to ask questions.

"What have you been doing recently?" Since knowing that Huang Tuo likes rebellious people, Han Dong stands upright every time he talks to him.

"Nothing much, just change the script and memorize the lines.

Huang Tuo's face sank. "Since I'm not busy, why don't you text me a text message?" Han Dong's belly: Back? I don't even dare to see it.

"Ask you, hurry up.

"Huang Tuo's powerful hand was pressed on Han Dong's shoulder.

Han Dong had to make up an excuse, "Who still texts now? All use WeChat.

"As a person in the army, many functions of the mobile phone are useless to them.

What's more, Huang Tuo's mobile phone is an old-fashioned business machine, which has almost no functions other than phone text messages.

"I don't think I'm old enough to keep up with the times?" Huang Tuo looked at Han Dong angrily.

How dare Han Dong fight him? Be polite.

"I mean I'm not used to reading text messages and I might have missed you.

Don't think too much.

You are not old at all, you are under forty, and you are in the same age.

"" It's pretty much the same.

"The two were talking, and Director Lu's assistant called out to this side," Head Huang, please come here. Your daughter is going to try the show. "

Hearing this, Han Dong followed.

Zhou Li, who had been side by side for a long time, would not miss this opportunity to chat, and went to watch it lively.

The drama Huang Xiaoya is trying to do is crying.

For a seven- or eight-year-old child, especially a little girl, crying is no easy task.

However, Huang Xiaoya did exactly the opposite.

That flamboyant baby face was always smiling, no matter how scared or reprimanded, even the damage of pinching the face was used, and everyone didn't even drop a tear.

Huang Tuo sighed, "I blame me for being too strict with her.

"I see it.

Han Dong wiped his sweat, "This child should play sister Jiang.

"Huang Tuo leaned down and said to Huang Xiaoya," Daughter, cry one, and cry. Dad buys you candy. "

Huang Xiaoya wrinkled Xiaofei's face in a hurry.

"Dad, if I can cry, can I not cry?" Everyone laughed.

Zhou Li said in Huang Tuo's ear with all his strength: "What a cute baby, it's so funny.

"" If you think about it, I didn't let you act before, how did you cry? Cry again like that.

Huang Xiaoya said, "Dad, I'm all here, how could I still cry?" "The crowd laughed again.

Han Dong finally stood up, "I'm here.

With the permission of Director Lu and Huang Tuo, Han Dong squatted down and stared directly at Huang Xiaoya, posing a twisted grimace.

Huang Xiaoya froze for a moment, obviously frightened.

Everyone stared at Huang Xiaoya's expression change intently.

I saw Huang Xiaoya's mouth twitched, then slowly opened her eyes, and finally made a sound in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

"Giggle, giggle ..." Han Dong thought Huang Xiaoya was frightened by excessive brain pumping, and then quickly changed a few expressions.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiaoya laughed even more happily, pointing at Han Dongchao Huang Tuo while laughing and said, "Dad, look.

Sure enough, his father and his daughter were in love, Huang Tuo was more interested than Huang Xiaoya.

Everyone else was about to cry because of Huang Xiaoya's optimism.

"Or I'll try.

"A **** and proud girl sounded.

Huang Tuo turned his head and saw a gorgeous face.

Zhou Lichao smiled charmingly, "Hello Chief Huang, I'm Zhou Li.

"Huang Tuo just raised her chin regardless of who she was.

"If you want, you can try.

Zhou Li didn't walk towards Huang Xiaoya, but directly held Huang Tuo's arm, headrest on his shoulder, and made a few intimate moves in front of Huang Xiaoya.

Huang Xiaoya really burst into tears.

Huang Tuo sighed with relief, but also felt a little distressed.

People around him praised Zhou Li for being smart.

Zhou Li stepped forward and hugged Huang Xiaoya softly and coaxed: "Don't cry, I didn't mean to grab your dad, my dad and I were just acting.

Huang Xiaoya finally managed to stop crying.

Zhou Li said with a smile: "Head Huang, it would be good if you lend me your legendary mobile phone with no function?" The coughing sounds around him.

Sure enough, the fox was energized again.

Han Dong even boasted, Wang Zhongding, Wang Zhongding, I really look down on you.

You are not using Zhou Li to deal with Cai Peng, you are asking him to solve each of his love rivals one by one! You are so ambitious! Huang Tuo just sighed when he pulled out the phone.

Sure enough, she still couldn't resist the temptation of Zhou Dabei.

And after Huang Tuo passed the phone to Zhou Li, he took Huang Xiaoya out, as if he didn't worry that Zhou Li would tamper with his phone.

Zhou Li "as he wished," generously lost the private number that other men dreamed of on his mobile phone.

However, while she was waiting to return the phone, Huang Tuo never returned.

Zhou Li anxiously went to the door to question.

"You said Chief Huang? He has already left.

"Zhou Li was startled," Are you gone? " The audition is not over yet.

"Huang Xiaoya was crying, and she was done.

As for other people, how can Chief Huang be accompanied by that effort? Zhou Li's face turned blue for a while.

Will the memory be so bad? Just turned around and left me? It didn't matter at first glance, she found that Huang Tuo had pulled out the card.

This cell phone is a waste ... Zhou Li's face is all green.

She unwillingly opened the inbox. There was only one text message, which was still addressed to Han Dong.

"Smelly boy, what kind of moth have been put together recently?" A seemingly ordinary text message, because Huang Tuo's different temperament, was so ambiguous.

Zhou Li gritted his teeth and collected the scrapped two mobile phones.

Not long after Huang Tuo went out, he came to a mobile phone mall.

"Give me a smartphone.

"The salesperson said," There are many types of smart phones. Which one do you want? "Huang Tuo Shensheng replied:" With WeChat function.

"The sales clerk fluttered." All smart phones can be installed with WeChat.

""Is it? "Huang Tuo said without changing his face," then pick me a big horn.

"Okay ..." The salesman frowned.