MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 269 Contrast true knowledge.

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Three special planes landed slowly over the island.

When everyone saw the beautiful island outside the window like a paradise, they all exclaimed to take pictures.

"Ah, ah, is this island heart-shaped?" "Yeah, so romantic!" "Mr. Wang is too tyrant, this should be the only heart-shaped island in the world?" "......" "Tianhao" heard the word "only", and immediately became active.

"Do you want it?" Asked Yu Ming.

Yu Ming faintly replied: "What about wanting it? This is what Mr. Wang sent to Han Dong. You can't grab it if you want it.

"Since it is Han Dong's, it is easy to handle. He acknowledged the money so much and certainly agreed to change hands at a high price.

"" He can't do such a thing anymore.

Xia Hongwei said: "He can't do it during the day, but not at night.

"Yu Ming's face changed," What do you mean? " "I can let him change hands while he sleepwalks, and he's particularly easy to control when he sleepwalks."

As long as the price is high, he will agree to sell anything.

""Is it? Xia Hongwei nodded.

Yu Ming said: "Then you let him sell himself, I don't want a small island, I want Han Dong.

Xia Hongwei's face was overcast, and the Lord Yan mode turned on instantly.

Yu Ming Yu Guang glanced at him, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Indifferent people, every expression is lethal.

Even a little evil smile can instantly make you lose your temper.

... the plane landed safely on the island.

Everyone rushed down in high spirits and took a breath of fresh air.

Because the producer has never been here before, Wang Zhongding will lead everyone to their own rooms.

"Wow, this glass house is so beautiful.

"Wang Zhongding and Han Dong live here every time they come, and this time is no exception.

"Why don't I come here every day to observe President Wang's daily life? Oh my god, I never thought I could be so close to the male god.

"Shen Chuhua was intoxicated again.

Wang Zhongding pointed to a bungalow closest to the glass room and said to Shen Chuhua: "This is your room.

"Shen Chuhua almost stared out of surprise.

"You you you you you you you ... you mean I live here?" In order to compete for this golden bed closest to BOSS, a **** beauty contest was launched inside the crew.

In order to arouse the producer's high attention, the major beauties "sad" themselves unscrupulously.

No one expected that this bed would win the ugliest person.

When all the beauties sighed, only Zhou Li had a smile on her mouth.

Because that's her advice to the producer.

As for why this is so arranged, it is very simple and contrasts the true knowledge.

Everyone knows that Zhou Li likes to grab.

Grab the main character, the endorsement, the main show ... rush to grab the best of everything.

But this time, she gave such a good position to Han Dong's assistant.

Since then, it can make people feel that she is sympathetic to Han Dong. Second, every time she can appear in front of Wang Zhongding, she will be accompanied by Shen Chuhua.

So the suite a little further from the glass room naturally became Zhou Li's.

The suite less than 50 meters away from Zhou Li was arranged for Cai Peng.

Li Shang lives at the northernmost point, because he can't see the sun all year round, and it is damper and colder than other places.

Xia Hongwei and Yu Ming live at the southernmost point, because they are next to the Black Forest, and they like field battles.

Xia Yangzhuo lives at the western end, because there are many eggs and birds there.

... that's the basic arrangement.

After Wang Zhongding led everyone around, everyone was free to move.

As one of the investors, Cai Peng is bound to visit the Black Forest, although his purpose is not the case.

"Why does this tree grow so strange?" Cai Shun pointed at a tree and said to Cai Peng.

Cai Peng said with a laugh: "It must be Wang Zhongding's moth. Didn't you find these three branches are particularly like a needle? From above, the leaves around it are like a dial.

"Cai Shun immediately realized," It's kind of creative. It seems that there is not much work in cultivation and pruning. "

""of course.

"When Cai Peng said, he cut off the three big branches.

Cai Shun was surprised.

Cai Peng took the branches and walked not far.

"Why do you take it?" Cai Peng said without looking back. "Barbecue.

"Cai Shun," ... "Wang Zhongding quickly learned the news.

"We didn't expect him to owe such a hand, I thought he went in for inspection ..." The forest guard explained carefully.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhongding was not angry.

"I know he will do it.

"The guard was startled." You know what? "Yes, I applied colorless alcohol to those branches.

"The guards were messy in the wind.

Wang Zhongding snorted in his heart.

Want to grab my tree branch for a barbecue? Can't burn you!