MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 286 Hit the bet to make love rivals.

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A week later, the variety show was broadcast, and Han Dong ’s fans skyrocketed by hundreds of thousands overnight. Many fans of Li Shang turned to Han Dong ’s door, and Han Dong ’s hard shots of the previous magazines were dug up and started. Go crazy on the Internet.

Not only that, even Wang Zhongding was on fire.

This always low-key mysterious entertainment crocodile, but when Han Dong sold Menghuabao, he generously gave the cameraman a smiling shot, and instantly lost the netizens.

Han Dong was dumbfounded to see the surge in followers.

When I took the film emperor, I didn't see any reaction from you. After changing a few faces, you sought it out.

And the comments are all "Ying Ying, you are so cute" "You are a bit funny" "our whole family is going to be mad at you" ... and so on.

Han Dong couldn't figure out, "Why didn't anyone praise me for being cool?" Wang Zhongding told the truth, "Do you think this question is worth asking?" A person who performed such a good performance on a pig's waist face, could be on the side of "cool" Han Dong, however, chased his tall image, and was anxious to hear what Wang Zhongding said.

"Fuck, what do you mean? Isn't this for the effect of the show?" Wang Zhongding nodded. "Let's go, eat."

"No more."

"Han Dong's neck crossed.

Wang Zhongding flicked his ear, "You still shake your face?" "Anyway, it's a wrist.

"Han Dong hummed.

Wang Zhongding coaxed him to effortlessly, pinch his mouth directly and stick it, Han Dong immediately dazzled his eyes, and the big dreadlock dog hung on Wang Zhongding.

Last year's "Sneak Shadow" filmed with twists and turns, and this year's "Stealing Shadow 2" is not much better.

Since Zhou Li's accident, the stock price of Zhongding Group has been falling all the way. After several rounds of vigorous publicity in recent days, the stock price has a tendency to rebound.

Even so, the pressure on Wang Zhongding is still not small.

Han Dong persuaded him when he ate, "It's okay, when" Shadow Vision 2 "is released, the stock price will rise again.

""I know.

"Said Wang Zhongding.

Han Dong was quite surprised, "You know what?" "Well, I believe in your investment vision, you will never make a loss.

Han Dong smiled, "When I make enough money, I buy you a suite."

""give me? Why send me? "You have transferred all your property to your son. I have to buy a house for you and keep it for the elderly."

How touching it is to say from Han Dong's mouth! If there is no following sentence.

"Look at me while I sleep, and I'm afraid I'll change my name again.

"Wang Zhongding," ... "Yuan Ze has been busy with his official affairs these days.

Same thing today.

His plane is currently under maintenance and can only catch other flights by himself.

The journey was very tiring, and the VIP lounge in the waiting room actually showed the variety show that Han Dong participated in.

Not only was he alone in the box, there was another lady, and the lady was so interesting that Yuan Ze could only choose to ignore it.

After a while, the lady laughed loudly inside the box.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ha ... this kid is so funny ..." Yuan Ze did not wear headphones, but could only bear it silently.

After a while, the lady sprayed again.

"No way ... ha ha ha ha ha ... laughed at me ... laughed at me ..." Yuan Ze finally reminded coldly: "Miss, please be quiet.

"Sorry, sorry ..." The smile on the lady's face finally closed.

But after a while, the show broadcasted a classic clip of Han Dong's undress, and the lady screamed, almost shaking Yuan Ze from his chair.

"Ahhhhhhh ... this leg is so long ... so long ... I can't stand it ..." "Little sister.

"Yuan Ze did not say anything coldly.

The noblewoman was anxious to be identified, "His legs are really long, really long. If you don't believe it, just look at it.

""I am not interested.

Yuan Ze's face is longer than Han Dong's legs.

The lady turned her head back warily, and continued to stare at Han Dong on the screen.

After a while, the host began the concluding remarks.

Yuan Ze was relieved, and it was finally over.

As a result, the laughter of aristocratic lady began to stimulate Yuan Ze's eardrum again.

Yuan Ze looked up, and saw the face that made him intolerable again.

"Isn't it finished?" She asked the lady.

"It's over. I re-ordered it again. This is a good classic. I can't get tired of it ... hahahahaha ... Shoehorn face, shoehorn face, it's so cute.

"..." Yuan Ze gritted his teeth again. Anyway, you boarded the plane before me, and I endured it for a while.

Finally, Yuan Ze looked forward to the noblewoman.

However, the TV broke down at this time, no matter how to tune the channel, it is still the same with a remote control.

"Sir, we will call for repairs immediately.

"The service lady apologized.

Yuan Ze waved his hand. "Forget it, just close it.

"Okay, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

After the service lady left, Yuan Ze closed her eyes and kept her eyes closed, and when she closed her eyes for less than three minutes, she heard a startup sound.

The TV restarted automatically ... and it was that variety show after turning it on.

Is it evil? Yuan Ze thought, must God nauseate me today? In any case, Yuan Ze finally turned his attention to the TV screen.

At this moment, Li Shang performed one second to open the button, Yuan Ze gave a snorting moment.

This sleeping woman's skill can also be called talent? Then, Li Shang's performance of changing six hairstyles that minute was also boring in Yuan Ze's eyes.

The lady smiled really low ... Later, Li Shang modified the watch with a recorder, Yuan Ze took a straight look, but it was still not a surprise. A lot of watch technicians in this category grabbed professional Training can do it.

Han Dong's turn came next.

To be honest, Yuan Ze still had some thoughts on Han Dong. At the time, the closed hood and blind straps left him with a deep impression.

So he wondered how Han Dong turned things around, after all, Li Shang had blocked his way.

When the host asked a hairstyle question, Yuan Ze first thought of rope art, and he couldn't tie it to the table. He tied Li Shanglei with other things even if he tied other things out of the flowers.

However, Yuan Ze never thought that Han Dong would take a different approach and came up with a "face change."

Change face? Does this work? It turned out that there was no thunder, only thunder. When Han Dong started performing, Yuan Ze's three views collapsed.

Is this still human? How many non-human peerless studies he has not yet exposed to the eyes of the world? Compared with the laughter of others, Yuan Ze could only twitch at the corners of his mouth.

As a result, more convulsions are still behind.

When Han Dong casually made a simple watch into a smart watch, Yuan Ze's entire body was stiff.

how can that be? The first thing he thought of was that Li Shang was a childcare, but Li Shang dismantled his stage so much before, would he hold him back? Obviously impossible.

The subsequent audience verification also fully demonstrated Han Dong's high level.

Yuan Ze watched Han Dong's eyes filled with all kinds of complicated emotions. Why did such a talented man have such a nerve? Is this too violent? This idea was surprisingly the same as when Wang Zhongding first met Han Dong.

Only Wang Zhongding felt that Han Dong had ruined his body, and Yuan Ze believed that Han Dong had ruined his talent.

However, it took only half a year for Wang Zhongding to reverse this idea, but it only took a few minutes for Yuan Ze to reverse it.

Because he saw Han Dong's two beautiful diamond-shaped legs that are art.

As a character who has reached the benchmark level in appearance, every day is a comment on appearance, and he does not want to be insensitive to it.

Moreover, he has been numb for countless years of praise.

I don't know how to write the word "stunning".

Today, the eyeballs that have been chaotic for several years have finally been polished.

Unfortunately, it was soon red blooded by Wang Zhongding's ridiculous smile.

This pair of adulterers and adulterers ... Sure enough, the last misunderstanding was self-directed.

It's simply despicable.

It makes Yuan Ze feel that if he doesn't **** one of them, TM is too virgin! Moreover, the TV was pumped again at this time.

Come and play Wang Zhongding's smile of that hatred.

Very good ... Yuan Ze secretly thought, wait, wait for me to clear up with you after I return home.

A week later, Yuan Ze returned to China.

Just in time for the premiere of Stealth II.

Yuan Ze was sitting in the car, and the radio had been reporting the hot ticket rush scenes shown in "Sneak Shadow 2".


Yuanze said coldly.

The driver asked tentatively: "Would you also like to take a look? There is a cinema not far away.

Yuan Ze said blankly: "Not interested.

"Okay ... the driver said nothing.

As a result, I suddenly caught up with a traffic jam at the entrance of the cinema.

Now it is already the peak period of work, and here is the road that is easy to be blocked. In addition, many people watch movies, which is almost impossible.

The driver frequently poked his head out to check the road conditions, and there was no improvement.

"Why don't we turn the car in too? With the time to wait for the car, we can watch a movie.

"The driver is a horror movie fan and the number one fan of" Sneak Shadow ", and of course he can't sit still at this moment.

Yuan Ze's expression remained unchanged.

"It is said that word of mouth is super good, and it is even more wonderful than" Ghosting Video 1. "

"The driver was stunned again.

Yuan Ze returned his three words.


"With his years of experience, this is all propaganda by investors.

Once this group of people walked out of the theater, they must be full of swearing regrets.

The driver didn't give up. "But I saw a lot of people tweeting on Weibo yesterday, and they all said ..." Yuan Ze interrupted him, and this time the answer was shorter.


"The driver had to shut up.

Feeling a little stuffy on the car, Yuan Ze shook the window.

At this point a play has ended.

Only a few people walked out of the theater.

The driver wondered if it was blocked like this, could only these people watch? Yuan Ze said coldly, "It is estimated that internal employees are rampant and charging. Isn't the theater often doing this?" But the driver didn't feel like it, because everyone who came out was full of energy, exhilarating, and eloquent.

"Tenima shocked me. If it weren't for the money, I would definitely look again.

"Yeah, I just want to bow to the screenwriter of Stealth. Didn't give birth to Mao earlier?" Born earlier, it has long rescued Chinese horror movies.

"..." The driver was so anxious that he caught one and asked: "How? looks good? "" Wonderful, wonderful.

"" Conscience.

"" No regrets for life.

"Indescribable, you just know when you look.

"..." Yuan Ze finally couldn't help but refute.

"That being the case, why are you a few of you?" "Everyone else is watching it a second time, probably only some of us understand, hahaha ..." Ze suddenly said: "Turn in.

""what? "The driver was surprised.

"I'd like to see what this pair of dogs and boys can do.


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