MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 290 All right.

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Unlike the late outbreak of "Glancing Shadows 1", "Glancing Shadows 2" has been soaring since its release, breaking through one billion in less than two weeks, saving Zhongding Group's recent slump and becoming a veritable cash cow.

Therefore, the company is preparing a celebration party in the past two days.

"Hengyu Group wants to host it with us.

"Feng Jun said.

Wang Zhongding faintly replied: "Yes.

Feng Jun was slightly surprised, because every time he mentioned Hengyu, Wang Zhongding's attitude was like eating a fly. He would never have recruited Cai Peng's wolf if Zhou Da Fox was not there.

Now that Zhou Da Fox is gone, Wang Zhongding should have avoided Cai Peng. Why? ... "Although he is not a good person, his staff is not bad. He did not contribute much during the filming period, and he should also entertain them of.

Wang Zhongding showed an extraordinary open-mindedness.

Feng Jun agreed: "There are really a lot of talents on his side. Every business is solid and hard-working. I really don't understand why those people follow him.

"" Talent is not recruited but cultivated. What you should reflect on is why our company cannot cultivate such people? Jun Jun humbly accepted the teachings of the chairman.

"Yes, it really needs to be rectified. In the end, the whole spirit is dissipated, and things are delayed. I don't know who brought this bad atmosphere.

"Wang Zhongding pretended not to hear.

Feng Jun asked again: "Should you invite Chief Huang?" "Please.

"Wang Zhongding is very decisive.

"What about the former chairman?" "Please.

"It's still decisive.

Feng Jun's abdomen: Why did he suddenly become so generous? "What else?" Wang Zhongding asked.

Feng Jun returned to God: "It's gone.

"" Go out then.

After Feng Jun left, Wang Zhongding walked into the back room and slapped a slap on the **** of a "corrupted man."

"Up! What time are you looking at?" Han Dong slept from 12 noon to 4:30 in the afternoon. Wang Zhongding turned a few times blindly, and couldn't help but speak when the dinner was about to start.

Not only did Han Dong not get up, he also ecstasy the place where Wang Zhongding played, as if waiting for a second slap.

Wang Zhongding directly lifted his Majesty's things up, and whispered with his ears: "You sleep again, believe it or not, I slept with you?" Han Dong closed his eyes and played cheap: "Come, come, come, come.

Wang Zhongding was so anxious by him that, considering that there would be a banquet in a while, he could only forcibly end this tiredness and urge Han Dong to hurry up.

"Get up.

"In the whole world, only Han Dong dare to say such things with his eyes closed.

This is usually okay. If there is a dinner today, how can I sleepwalk to participate? So Wang Zhongding tried every means to wake him up, to defend him, to slap him, and it didn't work, and finally kissed him on the cheek.

Han Dong opened his eyes and asked, "Who kissed me just now? Who kissed me? Hmm?" Wang Zhongding gritted his teeth.

After Han Dong got up, Wang Zhongding paired him with dinner costumes. Apart from watches, the biggest expense in the family was clothes.

No way, who made Han Dong a natural hanger, Wang Zhongding wanted to buy him good-looking clothes.

Ironing flat design blouses, perfectly fit thin-leg trousers, and off-white coats look retro, elegant but not dull, bright and not obtrusive.

In the end, Wang Zhongding chose a ten million watch for Han Dong.

The noble all platinum material, the case and bracelet are set with 519 diamonds, weighing a total of nearly 68 carats.

Itabashi is carved with metal filaments, and the back is matched with transparent sapphire crystal, showing impeccable perfection everywhere.

When Wang Zhongding entered with Han Dong, Feng Jun knew why he was entertaining those rivals. It was not generous at all, nor was it to reward the employees over there.

Having lived with Han Dong for so long, Wang Zhongding finally understood alive, low-key count as fart? With such a good figure, good talents, and good-minded living treasure daughter-in-law, who is low-key is stupid! If Wang Zhongding and Han Dong's gains were to be expected, Cai Peng is the biggest winner of Stealth II.

How many people squint at this piece of fat? Only let him cut away a piece, after fame and fortune harvested, all kinds of Yingying Yanyan surrounded.

On the surface, Cai Peng enjoyed various provocations, in fact, he has been staring at Han Dong in secret, let alone the fierce energy of devouring his life.

However, his current strength is not enough to compete with Wang Zhongding. The only thing he can do is to recharge.

So he turned his attention to Li Shang, not far away.

Li Shang's suit in a cold gray tone suit, with a blue shirt and black tie inside, avoided the situation of competing with Han Dong, but it looked a little different.

"I'm signing Li Shang.

"Cai Peng suddenly spoke.

Feng Junzhi stood next to him, and was slightly surprised to hear this.

"Don't you look down on him the most? Why did you suddenly come up with this idea?" "I discovered one of his advantages.

""what? "Ambition.

"Feng Muzhi smiled." You absolutely haven't looked away. His ambition is unmatched, but ... he has signed a five-year contract with Zhongding. The penalty for breach of contract is ten times. Can you afford it? "" Take the contract to my company for signing tomorrow. If you have the brain, you know that Li Shang has no prospects at Zhongding.

After finishing speaking, Cai Peng waved and left.

Feng Muzhi gazed at him for a while before looking away.

...... The whole banquet saw Han Dong and Wang Zhongding busy. One was busy taking pictures and the other was busy socializing.

Ever since Han Dong showed a long leg in a variety show, the camera chased him no matter what occasion he attended.

And since the release of "Sneak Shadow 2", Han Dong's popularity has skyrocketed. Bodyguards have increased from two to six. The only specimen is that Shen Chuhua has not changed.

Generally speaking, the bodyguards and assistants around the artist are part of their own image. As the artist's value increases, the assistants around him will be changed to varying degrees. It is really rare to find a consistent one like Han Dong.

For this reason, Shen Chuhua has been very moved.

"Why didn't you consider changing me?" Asked Han Dong intentionally.

Han Dongyou replied: "I thought about it, but I was afraid that Wang Zhongding would be uglier than you.

"Shen Chuhua," ...! !! "Yu Ming has also recovered better recently, mainly because of the fire of" Shadow Shadow 2 ", which made Xia Yangzhuo's popularity reach the edge of the table.

His career as a broker has won new heights, offsetting some of the emotional pain.

"Xiao Yu, you were still the best supporting actor in" Sneak Shadow 1 ". When" Sneak Shadow 2 "your artists have become the best supporting actor, you must do this glass of wine.

As soon as Yu Ming picked up the wine glass, Han Dong snatched it.

"Come, come, I'll come.

"The grandfather drank it.

After a while, someone came over to toast Yu Ming, and Han Dong stopped and did it for him.

"I said, you're almost there, don't let Mr. Wang come to me to settle the bill.

"Yu Ming advised.

Han Dong immediately stared: "What did you say? What is almost enough? Zhongzhong, I tell you, you are my person, and the man should stop you from drinking.

"Okay ... so much, Yu Ming quickly threw Han Dong to Wang Zhongding.

As soon as Wang Zhongding took over, Han Dong vomited him.

Dead silence at the scene.

Everyone knows how much Wang Zhongding loves to clean. A fly in the office can hold a meeting for all cleaning staff.

So in this great opportunity to express themselves, many people came to help Wang Zhongding.

Wang Zhongding didn't even frown. He took the paper towel and disposed of it, and then the crowd said, "You eat first, I will send him back.

"As soon as I got on the bus, Wang Zhongding's face sank." What can I do if I can't drink? " "Han Dong didn't hear the same thing, still embarrassedly banged on Wang Zhongding.

Wang Zhongding was afraid of the dirt on his body, so he scolded: "Stay away from me.

"Han Dong still stunned and gave up.

As soon as Wang Zhongding wanted to shake him away, Han Dong said, "I bought two houses.

Wang Zhongding's hand paused: "You really bought it?" "Well, the two sets of the opposite door, you set me.

"Why don't you buy a large square meter?" "Wang Zhongding didn't understand.

"I have to leave a set for us to quarrel, so that when I sleepwalk back, I don't have to go that far, two or three steps.

When Wang Zhongding was soft, he asked softly: "Is the stomach still uncomfortable? Han Dong did not answer for a long time.

When Wang Zhongding looked over, Han Dong burst into tears.

Wang Zhongding panicked.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Dong said, "No, I'm happy.

"Wang Zhongding wiped his tears and asked him," What are you crying when you are happy? " "I went to" Stolen Shadows 2 "this morning and found it really good-looking.

"Wang Zhongding:" ... "When he returned home, Han Dong was asleep. Wang Zhongding first helped him to the bed, gave him a mouthwash, gave him medicine, and then took off his dirty clothes and handed them to the nanny.

"Wash this clothes for me.

"The nanny was wondering," Don't you have to deal with it directly? "Because Wang Zhongding has a lot of clothes, he also pays attention to his clothes, let alone spit on it, he won't wear it even if he gets a piece of oil.

But Wang Zhongding said lightly to the nanny: "He vomited, it's fine.


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