MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 306 The painful price. (1)

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Wang Zhongding just sent Li Shang into the rescue room and saw that Han Dong was pushed out.

"Doctor ..." Before Wang Zhongding's words were asked, someone rushed in front of him: "How is the situation?" Chao Chao Peng, a doctor, said: "There is no master for a while, just a little bit cold, and observe for a while.

Then he pushed Han Dong to the intensive care unit.

Wang Zhongding slowly walked to Cai Peng and looked at him.

"Why are you here?" Cai Peng casually replied, "Why can't I be here?" Wang Zhongding's eyes were stained with blood, and his two hands gripped Cai Peng's collar fiercely. "Is it you?" Did you? Is n’t it you? ”Cai Peng twisted Wang Zhongding's wrist and said coldly,“ Release your hand.

"I'm asking you, did you do it?" Wang Zhongding's voice became fiercer.

"It's me, but I'm not a needle ..." Cai Peng said half of what he said, and then he hit Wang Zhongding with a heavy punch, and instantly burst into flames. "I'm even more distressed than you!" Wang Zhongding again punched, "You have What qualifications are distressed? Can it be your turn to be distressed? "" My heart grows in Lao Tzu's stomach. I feel pain when I want to be in pain. Can it be your turn to control it? "Cai Peng also fired back.

The more troubled the two were, the more they couldn't get along, and they finally called in the doctor.

It doesn't matter whether you are the chairman of the group or the industry elite.

"Get out and fight, don't interfere with our treatment here!" Wang Zhongding then closed it resentfully, finally glaring at Cai Peng and striding toward Han Dong's ward.

I don't know how long after that, the doctor's cry suddenly came from outside.

"Who is Li Shang's family? Is Li Shang's family here?" Han Dongzheng fell asleep stiffly and heard his voice sitting up suddenly.

"What's wrong with Li Shang? What's wrong with Li Shang? Li Shang ..." After asking many times, I found that Wang Zhongding's face wasn't right, but when I found it, I didn't notice it. I continued to ask, "What's wrong with him? What is he doing now?" Situation? "Wang Zhongding asked in the darkest tone of his life:" What happened to him, what does it have to do with you? "" I was saved by him, and I would be dead without him! "" He was saved by me, if not I am also dead.

"Wang Zhongding still regrets this decision so far. The person he saves is someone he likes, but what he saves is his own love rival.

The doctor shouted again in the corridor.

"The patient is in urgent need of surgery. Are there any family members?" Han Dong got out of bed when he heard this, and was held down by Wang Zhongding.

"I go.

"After Wang Zhongding went out, the doctor said to him:" The patient's leg is infected in a large area and needs amputation immediately.

"" Where to stop? "Wang Zhongding asked.

The doctor looked sorry, "I'm afraid I can't keep it below my knees.

"Wang Zhongding would like to say: Can you cut it a little longer? It's better to cut that birthmark ... but in the spirit of humanitarianism, he called Li Shang's parents for the first time.

Li Shang's parents sadly agreed with the decision.

After Wang Zhongding returned to the ward, Han Dong asked quickly: "How is his condition?" Wang Zhongding was silent for a while before he said: "People should be fine, but their legs ... can't keep it.

Han Dongmeng fell back into the quilt, his eyes lost focus.

Wang Zhongding tried to comfort: "His leg was in the level of disability before the accident. Even if he doesn't save you, he won't be able to keep it.

"Unexpectedly, Han Dong was even more uncomfortable after hearing it." Yeah, they are all disabled, and they want to save me.

"Wang Zhongding," ... "Li Shang's operation was successful, but he also lost both legs.

Han Dong stayed in the hospital for more than a week, and went to see Li Shang the day he was discharged.

Li Shang hadn't recovered yet, still lying pale on the hospital bed, and never seeing the **** and aggressive fighting on weekdays.

However, the arrival of Han Dong still made him a lot of spirit.

"Are you regretful now?" Han Dong tried to tease.

Li Shang smiled forcefully.

"No, I already knew that I couldn't hold these two legs, just a little earlier than expected.

do you know? In the past two years, I have always dreamed of dreaming of myself sitting in a wheelchair. You pushed me to watch "Fengmang", and every time I woke up, I was sweating cold.

"Han Dong was as heavy as lead," "Yeah, two years of hard work, just for a movie."

"But the reality is not as unbearable as my item. When I heard the doctor discuss the amputation, I suddenly felt a relief in my heart.

I just realized that the burden that these legs have placed on me is far greater than its effect.

"But it's still a part of you.

"Han Dong said.

Li Shang faintly replied: "They just cut off your legs.

"Han Dong humorlessly," According to you, shouldn't you tear your face off? Li Shang's lips shook. "I've already done this, can you help me?" "" Can you stop pretending? " What's wronged.

Those who are uncomfortable pour out their brains. Usually they are not polite to me when they are good. Now they are sick when they are sick! "Li Shang understood and nodded fiercely," OK! That's what you said! Repay the debt! Lao Tzu is now incapable of acting, you will pay those debts for me! "Well, aren't you seeing justice and saving money?" Han Dong gritted his teeth. "Your life was picked up by Wang Zhongding. What do you give him back?" "Li Shangzhenzhen has a word," President Wang is different from me. President Wang is always noble and moral.

People like me, if you ca n’t be a white-eyed wolf, have already burst into character! "Han Dong was actually given this truth by the government." Say, how much? Li Shang said a number, and Han Dong was soaring then.

"So many Lao Tzu have to reach the age of a monkey?" "No need.

"Li Shang is still very confident about Han Dong." As soon as "Feng Mang" is released, you can make money just like picking up money. You can get it for me in a few months.

"Han Dong started to have pain before the money was right." That's also my money. Why should I give it to you? " "" You said that you are all close to the Great Master.

Why are you so stingy? "Han Dong angry sprayed back:" Who picks the door? " Who is it? I didn't want your rent when I was poor! Li Shang laughed and the wound hurt, "You TM still remember me all my life?" Han Dong rolled his eyelids and hummed and didn't speak.

The smile on Li Shang's face gradually faded, leaving a trace of inexplicable sadness.

"If time can go backwards, you should hide.

Han Dong also sighed.

"Yeah, although you weren't a big star then, you still have a sound body.

"No, what I want to say is that at least I would still be living with you.

Han Dong's face froze. "Don't scare me. Why do you still have this feeling when you saw your two legs?" "It's okay ..." Li Shang then turned sharply. "I'm playing with you about debt repayment."

Han Dong didn't say anything, but stared directly at the photo of Li Shang on the bedside, the photo of him and Li Shang at the door of Beiying Factory two years ago.

"Where did you get this picture?" Han Dong was surprised.

Li Shang said, "Wang gave it to me.

Han Dong picked it up and glanced at it. The two people in the photo hugged each other, their smiles were bright and there was no gap.

Who would have thought that from this day on they would turn from friends into enemies.


Han Dong said sourly.

Li Shang said nothing.

The doctor came in and knocked on the door. "The patient should rest.

"Han Dong only got up and said goodbye." You keep it well, I will come to see you often.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of it as soon as you get angry.

Li Shang said.

Han Dong's classic giggle was set out again, "Relax, when I get angry, I will definitely come to you every day.

"You are just fine.

"Li Shang grinds his teeth.

Han Dong was still grinning before turning around. Turning around to see Li Shang's parents, his eyes were covered with mist.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry for you.

Li Shang's father's hair was all white, and he said hoarsely to Han Dong: "Don't say that, we have to thank you."

Here you come, he feels much better.

Han Dong was afraid he couldn't control it any more, so he hurried away.

On the way, he said to Shen Chuhua: "Go back and find out how much Li Shang still owes me.

"Do you really want to help him pay it back?" Han Dong said: "I asked Yu Ming to return. Anyway, Li Shang was the one who broke down. He was the general manager of Zhongding Brokerage Company and the daughter-in-law of the family. "End chapter.

After 30 o'clock in the New Year, accompanied by snow flakes, many movie fans lined up in front of the cinema.

The masterpiece "Feng Man", which has been prepared for two years, is finally released worldwide today.

Although he has watched it more than ten times narcissistically, Han Dong took Wang Zhongding and Xixi to the cinema, walked into the IMAX hall with everyone, and revisited this visual feast.

The lights are off, Han Dong puts on the 3D glasses, and the shocking special effects come out.

"Do you still adapt?" Asked Sisi next to him.

Xixi didn't say a word. He sat straight and made the people watching the movie laugh. This kid is so serious! The truth is that Han Dong took Xixi glasses away and found that his small eyes had been closed.

"I depend, you're welcome!" Han Dong sneered.

"Shh ... someone reminded me next," Stop talking and the movie begins.

"Han Dong turned his attention to the big screen.

At the beginning of the film, it was a fierce shootout. The bullets that flew to our eyes, the explosives that rang in my ears, and knocked over the truck on the seat ... let the unprepared audience burst into excitement, all doubts The climax of the movie came early.

"It is indeed a special effects team in Hollywood, and the level is absolutely incredible.

"The audience sighed from the heart.

This is a special police battle with drug dealers, but also a one-sided battle.

Suppressed by dense bullets and exploding artillery fire, police officers were forced to retreat behind a boulder to defend, a sharp-headed bald drug dealer, and shot Zheng Jun (Xia Yangzhuo) with a small charge in one shot.

He was the only heavy fire in the police force, and his injury meant the failure of the entire capture operation.

This time, four died and eleven wounded.

The other party that often antagonizes is Gao Jiang's men, the local hair poison.

Gao Jiang, a frightening name, has produced and sold dozens of tons of drugs over the years, making it the highest in the world.

He has been extremely clever as an armed police officer, and has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability. He has been dealing with the police for ten years.

However, the appearance of this character did not give the audience a strong visual stimulus, and even made people feel that it is not true.

He doesn't have a grim look, and he doesn't have a cold, cunning look.

Instead, he was standing tall, his limbs were folded, he was upright, and he was righteous.

Even hobbies are very elegant, involving, hunting, golf, fencing, fishing ~ ~ all are honing sports.

To deal with such a perfect person, the police made an undercover plan.

A long gorgeous social ball, beautiful women like clouds.

Especially under the lens of Kahn, in the IMAX special effects, the gorgeous clothes and exquisite makeup rushed towards the face, making people seem to smell the intricate fragrance.

However, Gao Jiang was tense at all times, not subjective to anything, as alert as a prey, and as cunning as a hunter, isolated from the provocation and approach of any woman.

Until the appearance of Han Damei.

This lens can be called Kahn's greatest artistic achievement in his lifetime.

The originally noisy hall, because her arrival was dead.

Exquisite and prominent silhouette, delicate body, frosty temperament, glamorous and penetrating eyes, extreme sexiness ... Such as an amazingly lethal aesthetic weapon, he shot at Gaojiang and killed himself.

Gao Jiang froze.

The audience is also a "wow" fryer.

And no one laughed after "wow", because this kind of marvel is not the uncontrollable feelings of a few people, but a wide range of time and space.

Even women are stunned by the "her" beauty, especially in the shocking 3D special effects, the long legs that cross the screen are within reach! Wild, fragrant, mellow, tempting ... The legs are parallel, the legs are alternately rotated, and every move is like a stir of a stream of clear water in the spring pond, so that even the strongest man will swell Layers of ripples.

"Dare to ask Miss's name?" "Han Yi.

"If a woman is noble and glamorous, she is extraordinary, she is extraordinary, and she is extremely clever. What are you most fragrant for? A: Go to her.

Gao Jiang and the audience in the film are a mentality.

However, Han Damei is a man. He could not let Gao Jiang discover his male body, so he staged a half-push, want to return, ecstasy, wonderful tug of war ... The audience did not know that the **** of Han Damei is Male, to them, this is an **** drama for the purpose of seduce.

If Han Damei's appearance is just a visual stimulus, then this section of "seduce" Gao Jiang is really a heart, itchy, difficult, and patient.

Even Wang Zhongding couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you do that to me in the first place?" "What?" Han Dong asked knowingly.

Wang Zhongding raised his chin and motioned him to look at the screen.

Han Dong Dala said, "You don't eat this set.

"Wang Zhongding secretly grinds the molar after grinding, then which one do I eat? The one that committed the second? The plot is advancing layer by layer, all kinds of clues are laid out, every action of Gao Jiang, every reconnaissance of Han Yi , In the sword light sword shadow interpretation of a touch of **** romance.

Gao Jiang did not blink, but treated Han Yi with courtesy and never made offensive actions.

Gao Jiang's female deputy tried to test Han Yi's skill and released Tibetan mastiff to attack her.

In order to protect Han Yi, Gao Jiang wrestled with the Tibetan Mastiff alone and was wounded in more than 20 places.

... However, this emotional drama came to an abrupt end due to the exposure of Han Yi's identity.

When Han Yi unloaded her "equipment" and revealed her true content, movie theaters throughout China and the world boiled.

I rely, how is this possible? The audience's screams awakened Xixi, and his small head plunged into Han Dong's arms, soothing for a while before falling asleep again.

After Han Dong's natural appearance, his charm rose instead.

He not only possesses superb reflex nerves and physical functions, but also often uses physical chemistry and even common sense of life to escape the road of escape, avoiding siege of drug dealers again and again.

During the real shooting of real guns and immersive adventure bridges, the climax of the action scenes made people **** and unstoppable.

Especially the scene where Han Dong jumped the waterfall.

There are no gorgeous blasts, no bullets flying, no electric light flint, but the huge waves of water, the drop of more than 200 meters has become the climax of the film.

Han Dong stepped down, the beautiful parabola of the human body, the high-detailed picture is amazing.

Every time Wang Zhongding saw this picture, he shook his heart.

In the end, Gao Jiang was successfully won.

The overwhelming police car screamed after him, Gao Jiang's footsteps were undisturbed, his face was not frightened, his eyes were not squinting, not even looking back, how far is he from death ... Han Dong quietly from the crowd Leaving, taking a big walk in the dark.

Someone said his shoulder was shaking.

In the end, the scene where Han Dong saluted the flag made many viewers burst into tears.

... The ending song sounded, and the big screen began to play the highlights.

Many people thought it was the shooting tidbit of this film, but found that it was not.

The moment Han Dong looked at it, he froze.

On the big screen was a clip of the group performance that he did, without a single line or even a shot. The clip that flashed quickly made him proud.

Five years of sadness and persistence.

There are also clips that hit the water again and again when shooting "Sneak Shadow". When shooting "Seven Days", wearing a cotton jacket struggling and screaming in the hot summer days, when shooting "Edge", they fell into cold water and almost drowned ... … The persistence and hard work of every scene finally turned into today's shock and moving.

At the end of the end, a large line of characters appears on the screen.

"Happybirthday, cool-east-east, I-will-love-you-forever——Mr-King." ... A new movie in the Middle East, "Feng", has made Han Dong popular all over the world. .

Any amount of reposts on Weibo is astronomical, and any expression can make the media make a fuss.

Fans of local tyrants flocked to the airport to welcome them to the airport. The popularity was unprecedented.

It can be said that Han Dong now lacks nothing, but he has no freedom.

In addition to being "strictly guarded by the media" on weekdays, even the scope of activities and the way of play are narrow, and many fields have become forbidden areas for him.

"The reality show is so hot now that I want to participate.

Han Dong looked at Wang Zhongding eagerly.

Wang Zhongding refused without thinking: "No!" "Why?" Han Dong did not give up.

Wang Zhongding told him straightforwardly: "You will ruin yourself.

"Han Dong gritted his teeth for a long time and didn't think of a word of retaliation, because Wang Zhongding said this too ...

After a while, Han Dong said to Wang Zhongding again, "I want to act in a costume costume. I haven't tried ancient characters yet.

"Wang Zhongding gave it again:" No.

"Why not? "Han Dong was anxious." What's preventing you from acting in costume? "" The contours of your face are too Westernized.

In fact, the truth is that Wang Zhongding felt that Han Dong's legs were too long, and his hips were too high when he knelt down and scratched his head.

This kind of play, just act at home.

"Why don't I play a **** movie? Self-directed, self-directed, how do you feel?" Wang Zhongding only cares about one thing: "Who is your other half?" "Li Shang! Think about it, let him act A beautiful man in a wheelchair, I play a good base friend who takes care of him and has a lot of love.

Besides, everyone knows that the two of us don't agree with each other, so that he will not gossip about others, and you will not think about it, right? "" What is right? "Wang Zhongding slammed Han Dong back.

Damn ... What am I doing to you? Han Dong murmured for unknown reason.

Wang Zhongding did not give Han Dongxia Zhuomo the opportunity to directly explain the business.

"You asked Shen Chuhua to go to Zhao Lu to get a planner and prepare for a charity auction.

I still have something in the afternoon, so I won't go with you.


After Wang Zhongding left, Han Dong secretly asked Erlei: "What happened to him these past two days?" The smell of gunpowder is a bit heavy! "Er Lei reluctantly explained:" You fire, President Wang is also under great pressure.

A few days ago, the company's headquarters system was frequently attacked by hackers. The other party took the stolen data as a threat and asked for your **** photos. Can Wang always be angry?

"It turned out like this ... Han Dong patted Er Lei's shoulder:" Then you enlighten him.

Erlei smiled helplessly: "I'm not good at enlightenment alone?" You have to show it.

In fact, no matter how strong a man is, he sometimes feels insecure.

"Han Dong's sense of mission turned up, and he sighed," I didn't do my best to be a man.

"Er Lei rang as soon as he was about to speak.

"Okay, go and do your work.

"Han Dong said.

Erlei and Wang Zhongding rushed to the film and television base together. The car was halfway, and Wang Zhongding suddenly spoke.

"Stop!" Erlei didn't know why: "What's wrong?" Wang Zhongding shoved the car door and strode to the door of an adult product store.

That impressively displayed in the window is an inflatable doll based on Han Damei.

Han Dong died unexpectedly. He played with inflatable dolls all his life, but in the end he became an inflatable doll.

"Hey, you really have a vision, this one has been selling particularly well recently.

"The lady boss came forward warmly and introduced.

Wang Zhongding asked with a smile on his face: "Which factory is this produced?" The boss lady waved her hand and explained, "Don't worry about the quality, I'm all from regular channels.

You feel this touch, this workmanship is no different from myself.

Erlei coughed: "You haven't touched me yet, how do you know that it's no different from me?" The boss lady smiled cheekily: "Isn't this just an analogy, who can come here if you can touch yourself?" Isn't that enough to eat! "Erlei looked black.

The lady boss showed Wang Zhongding the private part of the inflatable doll and said, "Look, how realistic you are.

At first glance, Wang Zhongding was a woman's private part, and her expression on the face became darker.

Erlei whispered beside him: "At least it proves that the men have no interest in Han Dong himself, but they are obsessed with the illusive 'female' **** character in the movie.

"As soon as I finished speaking, the boss lady clapped her hands in a sudden realization:" So you are so good! " Say it early, say it early I took it out.

No wonder I kept pulling my face. It turned out that I didn't understand what you meant.

He said he was rushing into the warehouse and moving out two inflatable dolls based on Han Dong himself.

In the end, Erlei walked towards the trunk with a dozen sets of "inventory", followed by a cold-faced Wang Zhongding.

"Send someone to the factory in a while and give me their den!" Erlei nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, I'll tell people to do it, don't get angry.

For the safety of Han Dong's life, the organizer of the charity auction not only sent dozens of security guards to Han Dong, but also arranged a completely closed lounge for him.

Han Dongzheng was playing with his mobile phone leisurely, Xiao Liang suddenly broke in and said, "Yuan Ze is here.

Han Dong's face changed, and he asked, "How many people are there?" "Not much, just two.

Han Dong snapped his fingers and said, "God help me too, and I tried to hold him down for a while.

"What are you doing?" "Xiao Liang was startled.

Han Dong said, "Grab the bed back.

""bed? Han Dong nodded: "This bed is a heart attack of Zhongzhong. As an old man, I can't sit like this anymore. I want to grab it back and return a sense of security.

Xiao Liang hesitated slightly: "Reliable? What if something goes wrong? "" He only brought two people. We have more than two hundred people here. Even one hundred is enough.

"Xiao Liang is right to think about it.

At the start of the charity auction, Han Dong made his debut as a heavyweight guest, instantly attracting cheers from all over the house.

"Everyone is quiet, what I'm bidding for today is my DIY belt ..." After finishing the introduction of Han Dong, the host announced the start of the auction, starting at 3600, and was called to 100,000 soon.

The brain residual powder is not terrible. The terrible one is the tyrant fan. Every time Han Dong participates in the charity auction, he will lose his blood.

"150,000!" "200,000!" "300,000!" "······" "1 million!" The whole venue boiled, and the belt starting at 3600 was shouted to 1 million? It's just terrifying.

"1 million for the first time, 1 million for the second time, 1 million for the first time ..." "10 million!" Suddenly a male voice interrupted.

The host thought he heard it wrong, and asked again: "How much?" The other party replied without hesitation: "10 million.

"The whole venue was silent, the hammer dropped, and the deal was closed! ... When he returned to the lounge, Shen Chuhua was still trapped in an excited mood, and it was difficult to extricate himself.

"Did you say that the person who had the last bargain was the handsome Yuan Yuan?" Han Dong deliberately pretended to be stupid: "Who knows? Anyway, it's charity. Whoever shoots the same.

At this time, Xiao Liang suddenly stepped in and made a gesture towards Han Dong, implying that Yuan Ze had come over here.

"Hurry up and don't let him run away.

"Han Dong ordered.

Xiaoliang Malier went on a mission.

Han Dong sat alone in the lounge, fantasizing that Wang Zhongding couldn't hold himself after seeing the big bed. He was thinking vigorously, and the door squeaked open.

Seeing Yuan Ze walk in calmly, Han Dong first looked at him, and soon made a mocking smile.

"Are you conscious enough?

Yuan Ze didn't say a word, walked straight in front of Han Dong, and fixedly looked at him.

Although Yuan Ze still frightened Han Dong with an overwhelming aura, he was careful about liver tremors, but in Han Dong's eyes, Yuan Ze was nothing more than a catch-all, there was no danger, it was just a habitual cold.

"Did you take that belt?" Han Dong asked.

Yuan Ze asked in return: "What about it? What about it?" Han Dong Leng hummed. "If you take it away, I will redeem it, and I donate 10 million."

"" Being rich is human nature? Yuan Ze said as he hit the palm with the belt.

Sure enough ... Han Dong had a disdainful expression: "I remember a noble son who once publicly claimed to be disgusting to our group, dare to ask why you are now taking millions of dollars to take this belt?" Yuan Ze Annoyed: "Can you not choose this section every time you hit back? Is it interesting?" "This section is too classic, there is no way, hahahahaha ..." Han Dong laughed proudly .

Yuan Ze snorted: "It's nothing to lose 10 million yuan. One day, I will put someone's sleeping bed out of the auction, and I'm afraid there will be more than 100 million yuan." After realizing what it was, he hummed, "I'm afraid you don't have this opportunity. Today you will return to the original owner.

"Flopped," you can come in.

"No one responded outside.

Han Dong was in doubt, and strode to the door with a few strides. The outside was empty, and more than 200 people had evaporated.

by! what happened? "Have you asked for foreign aid?" Han Dong asked.


Han Dong couldn't believe it: "How could your two people deal with me more than 200 people?" "Because I brought my two cousins.

A thunder exploded above Han Dong's head.

Yuan Ze's cousin ... What a look like a goddess of immortality! Not to mention the two hundred "elite soldiers", even his "leader" wants to go and watch.

It's so insidious, it's so insidious! Han Dong had just scolded people, and suddenly found that Yuan Ze looked a little wrong with him.

"What are you doing?" Han Dong retreated subconsciously.

Yuan Ze pressed step by step: "Don't you keep thinking about the wooden bed? I'll take you to see it.

"Don't don't ... don't come here, I'll tell you ... Ahh ... Anyone coming ... Have a life ... "Kidnapped ..." Finally, Han Dong finally got to the big bed as he wished, but unfortunately his neck was caught by the lock ring on the bedside, and he had no choice but to lie down.

Yuan Ze, leaning on a wall not far away, looked at Han Dong, while throwing the belt in his hands boringly, making a "snap" sound.

"Don't you want to know why I took this belt? I tell you now, pump you.

The muscles on Han Donghun's body tightened at that moment, and his eyes were full of unstoppable strength.

"Do you dare!" As soon as the voice fell, he was hit on the bottom.

"Fuck, you fight?" Han Dong was anxious.

Yuan Ze hummed, "Don't you think I'm flirting?" He lifted the belt again.

"Don't do it ..." Han Dong stopped urgently. "Don't hit here, you change places, Wang Zhongding will think more.

"" When you broke into my house and hit dozens of punches on my face, did you discuss it with me? Han Dong shook his face: "Do you still remember revenge?" "" Because my hatred has never been reported! "Uh ..." The next second, Yuan Ze held Han Dong's waist and hit him **** the bottom.

Rather than fight, take advantage of it under the guise of revenge.

Han Dongyu called, trying to open the lock ring on his neck with his hands but failed.

"I remember someone who is best at bundling, unlocking, and breaking passwords. Why? At the critical moment, the chain was dropped?" Han Dong gritted his teeth: "I don't even have a tool in my hand, what do I need to open?" It might as well fall asleep, maybe woke up and run away.

All kinds of curses in Han Dong's heart.

At this time, Yuan Ze's cell phone suddenly rang.

"okay, I get it.

His Majesty's cell phone, Yuan Zechao Han Dong said, "I'm going out for a while. You can take this opportunity to sleep well. I look forward to seeing the bed empty when I return."

In the end, Yuan Ze left with a smile in the eyes of Han Dong's hatred.

Han Dong was so anxious that he had to sweat, and he had to think of a way to escape, not to wait.

Otherwise, the nature will change when Wang Zhongding comes to save him.

Thinking about it, Han Dong suddenly felt a pin.

This was obtained when wearing a sign before the auction, and there was no time to pick it up after the end, and it is now available.

So, Han Dong hurriedly opened the pin and used the needle to tap the keyhole.

However, tinkering for a long time will not help. This is not an ordinary lock at all, but a lock that Yuan Ze has tailored for him, an anti-prying, anti-removing and anti-cracking lock.

NND! Han Dong was dizzy and tossed, and finally threw the pin and stopped moving.

I don't know how long, Han Dong picked up the pin again, but this time his eyes were closed.

I also tossed for a while and couldn't open the lock ring, and put my hand down again.

When Yuan Ze returned, Han Dong was still lying in bed.

"I thought I could see a miracle by opening the door.

"Yuan Ze teased quietly.

Han Dong did not respond.

Yuan Ze glanced over and looked at Han Dong already asleep.

He tried to scream twice, but Han Dong did not respond.

After trying to pull it again with a belt, Han Dong still didn't respond.

Don't wake up like this? Yuan Ze took a closer look and found that Han Dong was really asleep, not pretending.

"You come in.

"Yuan Ze said to the bodyguard at the door.

After the bodyguard entered, Yuan Ze asked him to try to wake up Han Dong.

The bodyguard punched up, and Yuan Ze's face turned black.

"Don't you want to live?" The bodyguard was scolded, and Yuan Ze's expression was still frozen for a moment.

After a while, two talents realized that even with such a heavy blow and hearing such a loud reprimand, Han Dong still did not wake up.

"What the **** is going on?" Yuan Ze's face was vaguely uneasy.

The bodyguard guessed: "Can it be dizzy?" "How can I be dizzy?" "Isn't there a cause of death caused by orthostatic asphyxia? When one part of a person is restrained for a long time, it will cause breathing difficulties. .

"" His neck was just stuck, not strangled. Besides, his limbs could move, how could he be choked? " "But he has been lying on his back and cannot turn over. Will it affect his breathing over time?" "The bodyguard analyzed cautiously.

Yuan Ze calmly thought for a moment, and finally spoke, "Unlock the collar on his neck first.

"As a result, the bodyguard took the key, but couldn't open it.

"What happened?" Yuan Ze's face changed.

The bodyguard said: "It seems that the lock is passive.

"" Shake hands and feet? "Yuan Ze was dubious," I'll try it.

"The bodyguard handed the key to Yuan Ze, and Yuan Ze still tried the same result.

The lock cylinder was broken, and the existing lock was obsolete.

Yuan Ze ordered people to find various tools that could not pry open the lock, and even invited the locksmith who made the lock specially, he said that he could do nothing.

Yuan Ze never thought that Han Dong actually did the opposite.

The lock wasn't opened, but no one could open it.

"Mr. Yuan, why don't we take down the bed?" Someone suggested.

Yuan Ze immediately retorted: "what to open?" "But this lock is too hard and must be cut with a special machine.

Moreover, if you look at his situation now, I'm afraid it will be delayed for a while ... Yuan Ze glanced at Han Dong and said, "Go to the hospital first.

"" To the hospital? How did he go to the hospital in this situation? "" Bring the bed.

"" ... At last, the bodyguard really took the bed out of the room, carried it to the RV, and headed for the hospital.

As a result, the car was driven less than two kilometers and was robbed by a group of people ambushing there.

Yuan Ze had long been mentally prepared to know what kind of abacus Han Dong had done.

"Tie" yourself to the bed first, so that people even bring the bed back.

Yuanze couldn't help him, because Yuanze didn't know that Han Dong had the ability to stay awake and avoid death.

Worried that Han Dong's situation is not good, so he can only retreat and let go.

As a result, Han Dong returned home in such a shock.

When Wang Zhongding rushed back, Han Dong still fell asleep on the bed.

Originally, Wang Zhongding was frustrated when he saw the "Handong Brand" inflatable doll. Then he heard that Han Dong asked Yuan Ze to "abduct" and his blood pressure spiked up.

Fortunately, when I came back to see Han Dong intact, I also saw the big bed that Chao Mixiang wanted, and I wanted to be touched.

It turned out that the lock ring on Han Dong's neck suddenly changed his face ... The scene where he was stuck on his neck to make him lie on his face was really fascinating.

Although Han Dong was neatly dressed, Bao Buqi was deliberately dressed to go to the hospital.

So, Wang Zhongding took off Han Dong's clothes and inspected them one by one.

As a result, there was no problem at all, the faint red marks on the buttocks caused Wang Zhongding's eyes to sink.

It happened that Han Dong woke up and didn't even see who was in front of him, so he yelled, "What are you going to do?" After hearing no response for a long time, Han Dong realized that something was wrong.

"Well? I'm back?" Wang Zhongding asked, "What are you doing?" Han Dong pointed to the lock ring on his neck: "You untie this first, I'll tell you later.

"" Unlockable, the lock is broken.

"Han Dong was surprised for a while, then he seemed to understand something, and laughed," I know, I know, no wonder the bed is back. "

Unexpectedly, this sleep really worked, ha ha ha ha ha ... "Wang Zhongding did not have the slightest sympathy, and remained attached to a question:" What are you doing? " "Han Dong Rouqing section:" Go and find a sense of security for you.

"Wang Zhongding grabbed the lock ring and asked angrily:" How did you find me a sense of security? " "No, you misunderstood. That's the case ... that, you first saw this thing around my neck and saw it open and I explained ..." Wang Zhongding said: "Is this unnecessary? "" No need? "" That's fine.

As Wang Zhongding said, he found a rope and hung Han Dong's waist again.

······ Such a posture, with Han Dong's out-of-print body, how can it be lively and fragrant? Others regard Han Damei in "Feng Man" as stunning, but Wang Zhongding feels that Han Dong on the bed is the real star, a fairy who will never be visually fatigued and can pose him in any position.

"I rely, you are too good at playing?" Han Dong scolded, but the protracted ending clearly sent a discordant signal to Wang Zhongding.

----he likes.

Wang Zhongding toughly pulled Han Dong's belt, and it was called precision.

The leather trousers just faded to the upper side of the chrysanthemum mouth, as if exposed but not visible.

"Ah ..." Han Dong felt the dense "weapons" embedded in his skin, the pain accompanied by the itching and lightning-like piercing of the central nerve of the brain, causing him a shudder in his waist.

It was Wang Zhongding's teeth that raged on his buttocks. Since he couldn't bear to bite, he bite and bite hard. The teeth were locked on the periphery, and the tip of his tongue was still flicking inside. Sorry.

"Zhongzhong ... Go down ..." "How are my pants going down?" Han Dong had no choice but to completely drop his half of his pants below his hips.

After a while ... "Zhongzhong ..." Go inside ... "" How do you get in with me so sandwiched? "Han Dong wanted to split his legs, but he was helpless in pants It's too tight to fit in the leg.

He wanted to take off his pants, but Wang Zhongding strangled his wrist.

Han Dong instantly understood what Wang Zhongding meant.

"Your grandma will come to this set ..." Once the stinky hooligan, now he can only obediently open two **** himself, and let this "good gentleman" bully.

Wang Zhongding took out a rigid object that was as straight as a pillar, and thrashed at the itch in the center of Handong Gully.

Han Dong couldn't stand it for a moment. Two slender calves held Wang Zhongding's leg hard and bent his hips backwards to hit the "gun pole".

"Hurry up ..." Wang Zhongding was usually anxious, and when he got to the bed, he would have to rub.

"Where do you want to be fucked?" Asked Han Dong.

Han Dong pretended to be stubborn, and said shamefully, "I've blocked your muzzle, and you still need to ask?" Wang Zhongding wanted to ask. If he didn't hear the answer, he wouldn't step forward.

Han Dong held his **** butt his mouth and held up a posture to swallow the big bird.

He was hung from the waist and was pulled back by the rope as soon as he touched a little. At last, he couldn't hold his original shape.

"Chrysanthemums want to be **** by you ... Hurry up and do me ..." After Wang Zhongding was ready, he stepped in.

Han Dong groaned with great satisfaction after a long time of sulking, and the tone and emotion of the game were full of tone.

"Little **** ..." Although Wang Zhongding scolded his mouth, there was endless fanaticism and obsession in his eyes.

This is the object of how many people have intended to seduce, but now belongs to him exclusively, playing tricks and doing nothing for him alone.

"Ah --- zhongzhong -----" Wang Zhongding went straight in with a single knife, and at that point in the middle of righteousness, a lot of room pressure, causing Han Dong to make a weeping sound with a crying voice.

"Either?" Wang Zhongding asked.

Han Dong could n’t wait to plead: "Why ...? ... Why ..." "Why?" Han Dong also sold Moe at this time, begging in his lame English: "fuckmeharder · "... you're enough ... Wang Zhongding almost swallowed him.

After that, there was a burst of passion and mutual enthusiasm. Wang Zhongding violently stretched the narrow martyrdom over and over again, and turned inward.

Han Dong's beautiful buttocks lifted by the ropes performed undulating circular motions, and two beautiful long legs twisted and wobbled. The visual stimulus almost hollowed out Wang Zhongding's blood tank.

Han Dong just didn't seem to be enough.

"Big King ... Pamper me ... I'm your little **** ... I like you to **** me ..." Wang Zhongding exploded instantly, both hands Holding Han Dong's leg bent, he pulled away, hitting the fragile place inside.

"Ahhhh ... Nima is going to die ..." Han Dongzheng yelled, suddenly a big hand reached his front end to play, and the thrill immediately burst into his mind like a bomb, forcing Han Dong groaned out of control, her beautiful buttocks began to sweat, and white burning gushing out.

"No way ..." Take a while ... "Wang Zhongding didn't give Han Dong the slightest chance of easing and rushed into it again.

Instead, Han Dong had already collapsed his legs and fell to the bed. Today, his waist was hung, and he could only hold his hips high to continue to be captured by Wang Zhongding.

"Make me nervous all day long, you said, should you take it all right?" "Yeah, let me die ..." Wang Zhongding hugged Han Dong's waist and slammed down to himself. Hit it, with a fierce crackling sound, finally made a **** and heavy growl.

Next, Wang Zhongding untied the rope from Han Dong's waist, and Han Dong immediately fell on the bed like mud on the beach and gasped for a while.

Wang Zhongding carefully turned Han Dong's head over and looked down at him.

Han Dong also stared at him with big eyes.

After a long time, Wang Zhongding asked, "How did you get the butt?" "Butt? What butt?" Han Dong deliberately pretended to be stupid.

Wang Zhongding bounced on his head: "Look at you like a thief.

Han Dong grinned, grabbed Wang Zhongding's neck with his arms, and carried him over.

"He called me.

The muscles on Wang Zhongding's body were obviously stiff, and his face sank quickly.

"He spanked you?" Han Dong nodded.

"What did you use?" Wang Zhongding asked.


Wang Zhongding asked in a bad voice: "Is it true? "Han Dong nodded busyly:" Not flirting.

"Who asked if you were flirting?" I asked you if you played hard? "Heavy, heavy.

"Wang Zhongding was instantly black-faced:" Fuck! How dare you do something to my people? Han Dong thought that Wang Zhongding would question him why Yuan Ze picked up his **** and beat him? Why not hit him elsewhere? Did you provoke him again?

As a result, Wang Zhongding didn't have any blame at all, just because Han Dong was beaten and distressed.

"Zhongzhong ... Why are you so good to me now?" Han Dong couldn't help asking.

"Isn't I good to you before?" Wang Zhongding said as he lay on Han Dong's body, inserted his hands between his hair, and fixed his eyes on him.

There is something wrong with Han Dong. As long as Wang Zhongding's face is less than two centimeters away from him, he will kiss him without hesitation.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Zhongding got closer, Han Dong asked nothing and pry open the teeth directly.

Wang Zhongding also had a problem. As long as he pressed Han Dong, he had to let Han Dong wrap his legs around his waist.

Sure enough, I kissed and lifted Han Dong's legs with my hands, and couldn't tolerate overlapping on his waist.

The atmosphere quickly heated up again.

Wang Zhongding's thin lips left Han Dong's mouth, moved down to his throat, collarbone, and then went to the small **** ring where he stayed and teased with his teeth.

"Well ..." Han Dong shuddered around his waist.

Speaking of the process of wearing this breast ring, Wang Zhongding still remembers it.

Originally, he did not have such a request. Han Dong himself had to play with excitement, and he said that it was cool and sexy.

Wang Zhongding couldn't beat him, so he agreed.

Since he didn't want others to touch the position of Han Dong, Wang Zhongding had to do it himself.

At that time, Han Dong's howling sound was more vigorous than usual, and Wang Zhongding was so distressed that he had nightmares for a whole few nights.

However, it turned out that this crime was not unreasonable, and Wang Zhongding was indeed more affectionate than the one next to him.

The tongue swept over the flat belly and came to the inner thigh again.

Wang Zhongding split Han Dong's two legs straight across the entire bed.

With Yu Ming's flexibility, Han Dong could stretch both feet out of the bed.

Such a high standard.

How difficult is the temptation of super difficulty? So from the root of the leg to the ankle, Wang Zhongding's tongue meandered over a distance of more than two meters. Everywhere he went, the kiss marks staggered and the tooth marks were all over.

Han Dong's itchiness was hung up again, and his lower abdomen was lifted to slay Wang Zhongding's Majesty.

"I also want to ..." Wang Zhongding teased him deliberately: "I'm boring.

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

"Pure man."

Wang Zhongding decisively agreed with him, and when "one shot" went down, he heard Han Dong's hearty cry.

Then, Wang Zhongding lay on Han Dong's body, and Han Dong raised his lower abdomen and bumped against Wang Zhongding.

The lower abdomen twisted into a cheerful, self-sufficient, sensual face that made Wang Zhongding happy.

"What's laughing?" Han Dong asked.

Wang Zhongding didn't say anything. He held Han Dong's two legs and bent down with both hands. He lifted his hips off the sheets.

Under Han Dong's eyelids, the impact raged like a drum.

"Ahhhhhh ... I like to watch you like this ... I like to watch my big **** do my little chrysanthemum ..." The power of the bully seems to penetrate Han Dong as a whole.

Han Dong can only prevent his neck from being hurt by excessive impact if he holds the lock ring in his hand.

Wang Zhongding also felt that he could not use this force, and simply lifted Han Dong's calf directly to his shoulder, holding his hip flap with his hand and slamming it down.

Han Dong trembled and his buttocks bumped along the entire bed.

"Fuck me ... **** me ... use my big **** to work hard ..." "Who's big dick?" Wang Zhongding asked.

Han Dong was rude and blurted out.

"Your ... my husband's ..." Wang Zhongding was so excited that he could not hold himself back. A ferocious rhythm brought two people to the "Spring of Heaven and Earth".

Afterwards, Wang Zhongding pointed at the white turbidity sprayed to his chest and asked Han Dong: "What should I do?" Han Dong particularly consciously stuck out his tongue. The flamboyant and lascivious Korean licking method made Wang Zhongding again "come in."

"What are you going to do?" Han Dong was clearly overwhelmed.

Wang Zhongding deliberately got close to Han Dong's face and said, "You seduced me.

"" Who seduced you? As soon as Han Dong finished speaking, he kissed Wang Zhongding.

Wang Zhongding also politely ordered: "Cross legs to my waist.

"Han Dong secretly said to himself: He was not jealous ... After Zhongding Group settled on the top spot of the mainland entertainment company because of the movie" Hengming ", Hengyu Media was not far behind, and officially went public in March. With 168.74%, Cai Peng, as the largest shareholder, naturally holds heavy weight and lived a good life of "sitting on thousands of miles, smiling at Belle 3000".

But everything comes at a price, just like Han Dong, the change of identity also makes Cai Peng lose a lot of personal time.

At the beginning of the listing, various problems needed to be solved urgently, and I was used to being a shopkeeper, and now I have to do it myself.

Over a long period of time, even tough guys such as Cai Peng can't bear it.

Fortunately, the female artist in the company was very "compassionate" on him. Today he sent a CD, and tomorrow he sent a bunch of private photos. The day after tomorrow he simply sent a **** show for the entertainment of the chairman.

However, there is a saying "the best is not available". Although Cai Peng is a great woman, she can't hold her mind.

The chairman of each other's focus is on his own entertainer. He's better. It is placed on the desktop and stored in the collector. The history records show all the dynamics of the opponent's card.

As soon as the assistant sent a sister's promotional movie, Cai Peng turned to the news about Han Dong that had just come out without a second glance.

Reports of less than two hundred words have been viewed for more than half an hour.

"What is this guy busy with recently?" The assistant said, "I heard that I have walked very close to Li Shang.

"" What is he doing to contact the disabled? Cai Peng mentioned Li Shang with a look of contempt.

"I heard that Li Shang is going to have a prosthesis recently.

"Cai Peng snorted:" It's okay to be full.

"But after a while, Cai Peng remembered something, eyes narrowed slightly.

"Did Wang Zhongding run with him?" The assistant said in a vague tone. "It seems that there is no such thing. President Wang didn't want to see Li Shang originally. How could he follow Han Dong to do things for him?" Is it? "" This ... I don't know too well, or should I inquire about you? "" Come on.

After the assistant left, Cai Peng leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

I don't know how long it took before the knock on the door.

Cai Peng laboriously stretched his eyelids and hummed, "Come in.

"Chairman, it came out. Li Shang was today's operation. Han Dongzheng was there.

"Was Wang Zhongding here? "Cai Peng asked.

The assistant shook his head: "No, I specifically asked. President Wang went to the meeting today.

The tiredness on Cai Peng's face swept away, and he stood up from his seat and waved at the assistant. "Take a few people and walk with me."

"In the afternoon visit ..." "Don't go!" "Cai Peng went out in full swing.

On the way, the assistant and Cai Peng said with emotion: "You said that you are also the chairman and general manager, why is President Wang so busy? Every day I accompany Han Dong to run east and west, do the company's affairs not matter?" , Lao Tzu is so busy! "The assistant originally wanted to shoot Cai Peng's horse fart by telling Wang Zhongding that he wasn't doing his job. However, Cai Peng actually talked to Wang Zhongding, so he resigned.

"I just think President Wang Handong is too tight.

"" It's still tight? With his current popularity, I have already given him a tight cage.

"Okay ... the assistant replied weakly:" When I didn't ask.

Twenty minutes later, Cai Peng arrived at the hospital where Li Shang was undergoing surgery.

Han Dong was waiting outside the operating room, and there was no bodyguard around him.

When Cai Peng walked by, Han Dong was playing with his cell phone and didn't realize that there was a behemoth approaching himself.

"You're quite affectionate.

Cai Peng stood beside Han Dong.

Han Dong was startled suddenly: "How come you came here?" Cai Peng quietly replied: "Anyway, I have been an artist in my company, can I care about him?" He sat next to Han Dong, He stared at him staring blankly.

Han Dong didn't realize the danger was coming, and pointed at Cai Peng threatened: "I tell you, if you dare to take advantage of it, and then start with Li Shang, I'm welcome to you!" Cai Peng laughed: "Who Say I came from Li Shang? "Han Dong's face changed slightly.

Cai Peng unkindly extended his claws and clamped Han Dong's cheeks: "I came to you.

"Your mother!" Get me a little farther, ah ah ah ... "Han Dong was carried out of the hospital directly by Cai Peng and onto his RV.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this opportunity?" Han Dong snapped back. "If you dare to harden me, I hate you forever!" Cai Peng hummed: "I saw it early, I just didn't treat you. Hard to come, you can't fall in love with me, it's better to let yourself be happy, and not to be obsessed with mini games.

"Fuck your uncle, get me out! roll! Get off ... "In response to Han Dong's yelling and scolding, Cai Peng ripped off his clothes and stripped them from head to toe, leaving no thread left.

Han Dong's two long legs were also suspended on two avoiding hooks in the carriage.

"It's so long ..." Cai Peng caressed while admiring quietly, "Often do maintenance? So slippery.

Han Dong gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Cai Peng's hand touched and came to the forbidden ground, and his rough fingers twisted on the folds.

Han Dong froze immediately and struck Cai Peng with a killing gaze.

"Where is often done by Wang Zhongding? So sensitive?" Han Dong bit his lip and forced it.

However, Cai Peng came up with a high-frequency "electric toy" and played it in front of Han Dong.

"I remember that you really like this kind of thing, and since I borrowed one from you, I have researched this thing every day.

Now I'm holding the new product that I developed, spraying medicine while shaking. I found a little model and tried it two days ago.

"You're not **** human.

Han Dong gritted his teeth.

Cai Peng didn't mind Han Dong's insults, and stuffed the toy directly into Han Dong's hips.

"Ahhhhhh ... don't ..." Han Dong pulled the rope squeaked, his hips trying to avoid twisting, and the two long legs that struggled and convulsive created the visual allure to the extreme.

Cai Peng couldn't bear it anymore, he directly released the big inflation bird and stuffed Han Dong's mouth tightly.

"Lick Lao Tzu, hurry up!" Han Dong refused at first, but then his whole will fell under the stimulation of toys, and his tongue moved involuntarily.

I felt Han Dong's "response".

Cai Peng's whole person was like crazy, thrusting fiercely in Han Dong's mouth.

Later, he replaced Yang with his tongue, and while he kissed Han Dong fiercely, he uttered confusing words.

"Dongdong, darling ... do you know how rare Lao Tzu is? Do you know how I want to do you? Lao Tzu dreams of you every day ..." Excited, suddenly the back door of the car was opened.

Cai Peng turned his head sharply and saw Wang Zhongding's disgusting face appear at the door.

However, to his surprise, Wang Zhongding saw this scene without the expected anger, but with a look of indifference.

"You are dreaming now too.

"Said Wang Zhongding.

Cai Peng's fist rattled: "How do you know that Lao Tzu is dreaming?" Wang Zhongding faintly replied: "Because I dream will prevent you.

"Ding Diao——" The door bell finally sounded cruelly beside Cai Peng's ears. When Cai Peng opened his eyes, he was still sitting at his desk, but his fists were only clenched, and a crotch was raised.

"Chairman, it is found out that Li Shang's surgery has been completed.

Cai Peng's red eyes stared fiercely at the table without saying a word.

"Chairman?" The assistant tried to call.

Cai Peng was furious: "Can't you **** come in later?" "Late ... later?" "At least I should scold him first!" The assistant heard the fog in the cloud: "Scold ... scold him Two sentences? "" Get out! "" Okay, okay, I'll go out immediately ... "After the assistant left, Cai Peng threw a punch on the desk, **** it! !! !! After Xia Yangzhuo went abroad, Yu Ming took over part of Wang Zhongding's work and became half of Han Dong's agent. He accompanied him to run east and west, and also took care of the company's daily management. No time for late.

This made Xia Hongwei very dissatisfied.

The two hadn't lived together before, and occasionally spent a night at the hotel.

Now two people eat and live together. Xia Hongwei's eyes do not leave Yu Ming for 24 hours. Problems that have not been encountered before have now come up.

The most prominent contradiction lies in lifestyle.

Xia Hongwei came from an aristocratic family. Although people are a little bit mixed, his life is still very particular. Every day he works, rests, entertains and keeps fit.

Yu Ming isn't. His lifestyle is extremely chaotic, he doesn't eat at all, and he doesn't sleep at all. He used to practice dancing no matter how late he was, but now he returns home and piles on the bed like mud.

I think that Xia Hongwei first saw Yu Ming because of his dance. Now that he sees Yu Ming so "degenerate", how can Xia Hongwei not worry? Therefore, in order to mobilize Yu Ming's enthusiasm, Xia Hongwei will pull him every day in fitness.

At first it was still in the fitness room, but later it was thought that the fitness room was too far away, and it was changed to the bedroom.

Later, it became Xia Hongwei's own fitness show, and Yu Ming lay on the bed watching him lazily.

"Get up and do push-ups with me.

Xia Hongwei ordered Yu Ming.

Yu Ming said blankly, "It's time to sleep.

"" At eight o'clock, what do you sleep? Xia Hongwei scolded with black face.

Yu Ming did not respond.

Xia Hongwei said ruthlessly: "If you do this again, this bed will be replaced.

"After hearing this, there was a slight change in Yu Ming's eyes. He walked to Xia Hongwei's side and looked at him for a while, then slowly ... lay on his body.

Xia Hongwei sank on his back, almost angrily turned over and leaped, pressing Yu Ming **** the ground to repair it.

"I'll let you do push-ups with me!" "Isn't this with you?" "What's the difference between you and lying in bed? Isn't it just a move?" Yeah, it's just a move Son? But Xia Hongwei didn't say anything in a few words. He continued to do it with Yu Ming, and he was responsible for training.

At the end, Xia Hongwei felt that he couldn't support it, so he said to Yu Ming, "Come down.

"Nothing on the back.

Xia Hongwei turned his head to look, the eyes behind him had been closed.

"I rub and serve you.

Xia Hongwei first slowly lay on the ground, then hugged Yu Ming's waist with his arms, and slowly turned over.

Seeing that he didn't wake him up, he let go and hugged him towards the bathroom.

As a result, Xia Hongwei had just put the water in, and was going to relax comfortably for a while. He was pressed around the neck and pressed below the surface of the water, taking a few sips of water.

There was a rare laughter in my ears.

This is not the first time that Yu Ming has broken down. Xia Hongwei found that the longer Yu Ming got along with each other, the more he discovered the various aspects of his strangeness and black belly.

As a result, Xia Hongwei stood still under the water for a long time.

Yu Ming's complexion changed, and he looked over to see the situation of Xia Hongwei. As a result, Xia Hongwei's handsome face suddenly jumped out of the water, scaring Yu Ming to the back, and he was thrown into the water.

Just when Yu Ming was shocked, Xia Hongwei swiftly counterattacked, pressing Yu Ming underneath him, reprimanding while pumping his buttocks: "Little sister, dare to sneak attack on your husband? It's against you!" Yu Ming Struggling for a long time.

Xia Hongwei finally gave up and changed the thrashing action to kneading. His sharp eyes also got much warmer.

"I like you being close to me.

Although Yu Ming's expression returned to the inherent indifference, it can be seen from the light in his eyes that he also enjoyed the process.

"Have you ever been like this?" Xia Hongwei asked biting Yu Ming's ear.

Yu Ming faintly replied: "No.

Xia Hongwei was quite satisfied with Yu Ming's answer, but still asked badly: "Have you ever thought about letting others do you?" Yu Ming didn't want to answer this question, but Xia Hongwei's fingers on his hip flap always stuck in, forcing Yu Ming to hold Xia Hongwei's wrist and breathe back unsteadily: "I never thought about it.

"" Haven't you thought about Han Dong? "Xia Hongwei relented.

Yu Ming has various embarrassments. It is true to say that he liked Han Dong, but it made him fantasize about Han Dong's physical relationship.


"Affirmative again.

Xia Hongwei's blood was gradually warming up. He hugged Yu Ming's entire body into his arms, split his two legs to the sides of the body, and squeezed the stiff male object into the seam torn.

"Let me do you alone?" I groaned or answered with a hum.

Xia Hongwei was relentless: "Speak out.

""Say what? "Yu Ming pretended to be stupid.

"Say you just let me do it alone.

"Yu Ming turned his eyes up and said quietly:" Does it make sense? " Xia Hongwei stabbed Yu Ming's sensitive folds with a wet soft head. Yu Ming desperately resisted, but Xia Hongwei choked his hands and continued to make every click.

"Say it or not? You say it or not?" Yu Ming finally whimpered like a surrender: "Let you do it alone.

"Xia Hongwei rushed towards Yu Ming's face as if he had beaten chicken blood:" My husband will do you ... this will do you ... "Imagine Yu Ming's little cute face that can't bear it .

... After a while of "clouds and rain", Yu Ming's eyes have become tired.

Xia Hongwei said while smoking a cigarette, "I asked the king to ask you a few days off. Let's go home.

""Come back home? "Back to your home, Shanghai.

Xia Hongwei said.

Yu Ming was silent, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

"You don't have to go home, just take your parents to Beijing.

Xia Hongwei said.


"Yu Ming refused directly." My parents are not used to life here, and I don't want them to be exposed to my living environment.

"Then you haven't returned to Shanghai with me yet? "Yu Ming still hesitated:" Are you sure you can say President Wang? Now is the time when Han Dong's business is in full swing, and there must be no one around him.

"" What did he eat? " Besides, how much do you think he wants you to spend with Han Dong all day? "Okay ... Yu Ming was silent for a moment, or asked:" Then ... you go back with me too? " ""if not? What do you think I asked you to do this trip back? "Yu Ming didn't speak.

Xia Hongwei saw Yu Ming's expression of anxiety and deliberately hummed, "Why? Now that I know my parents are distressed? I thought that when my mother was in the hospital, did I have to carry it?" "No ... Yu Ming said for a long time, "I'm afraid they will give you a look.

"Yu Ming is still so impressed by the dislike of the other's parents. He doesn't want Xia Hongwei to try it again.

Besides, he didn't want to see a proud man like Xia Hongwei, in order to please his parents in a low voice.

Xia Hongwei's sharp-knotted big hand pressed Yu Ming back to his chest, his voice softened.

"You think your parents are stupid. They have been around for so many years, haven't they noticed at all?" Yu Ming sighed. "You don't know my parents. Even if I and them pick out, they won't treat me like that. But they create a particularly depressing family atmosphere, and this way of confrontation is the most difficult to settle.

"Isn't I flattened you the same way?" Xia Hongwei laughed.

Yu Ming cursed two words silently, but in the end he couldn't hold back Xia Hongwei's insistence and nodded in agreement.

Three days later, the two embarked on the road of "back to their mother's house".

A few friends of Yu Ming came to pick up.

These friends seem to be Yu Ming's colleagues, both male and female. Although they have a good relationship with Yu Ming, they rarely ask about Yu Ming's affairs in the circle, and they know nothing about Xia Hongwei.

This time I heard that Yu Ming was going to bring "the one", these friends also couldn't bear the excitement, gossiping in private.

"Dai Jinzhu will finally show up. I haven't asked for so many years. Is it easy?" "What do you think that person looks like?" "What does Dajin Zhu look like? Don't all look like one?" Yes, in case it looks particularly ugly, we can't show it in front of Yu Ming.

"..." chatting, suddenly a familiar sound and shadow flashed into the sight of several people.

"Shh ... don't say it, here it comes.

Yu Ming also saw these friends and came over while greeting, Xia Hongwei followed him.

"Rely on ... who is that handsome guy?" "Is it his new artist?" "No? What would it look like if it was held up?" "How could Yu Ming always find such a treasure?" "..." Yu Ming had already adapted to Xia Hongwei's eye-catching, and was not surprised by the glances of friends gathered in the past.

Xia Hongwei was even more accustomed to it, standing alone not far away, with no expression on his face.

"Oh, you're fat.

"Yu Ming said to a girl.

The girl slammed her fist at Yu Ming's chest in angrily: "You hate, you hate ..." Immediately after the trouble, I felt two less kind eyes shot beside me.

The girl's hair was tingling for a while, and she finally asked what she had said for a long time: "Who is that?" Yu Ming said for a long time, "It's ... the one I mentioned to you.

A few friends were all petrified for a moment, their eyes stayed stiffly on Xia Hongwei for a long time before they slowly moved to Yu Ming's face.

"Is ... yours?" Although Ming had accepted the relationship, Yu Ming admitted that he was not comfortable.

But these friends of him don't think so, why is it uncomfortable to have a fuck? If I had such an object, whether he was a man or a woman, would he have told the world long ago? "Which of you haven't eaten yet?" A friend said, breaking the embarrassment.

Yu Ming nodded and asked Xia Hongwei: "Are you hungry?" "I'm fine.

Xia Hongwei said.

A few friends listened to each other.

"Sound and sound are so good.

"Yeah, it looks cold, talking to Yu Ming is very gentle.

"Emma ... my goosebumps are all up.

"..." Later, a group of people ate around a table, during which there was little communication, but no one felt that time was difficult.

Because everyone is sneaking at Xia Hongwei, busy watching the interaction between Xia Hongwei and Yu Ming.

Xia Hongwei also rarely spoke, and rarely asked to speak without asking.

And he rarely engages in interactions when others speak.

Only when the topic involves Yu Ming, his eyes will focus on that person's face.

Over time, everyone has grasped Xia Hongwei's temper, and the chat content is all around Yu Ming.

"Yu Ming always sleeps secretly in class. Our classmates call him sleepiness.

"Than people are soothing when they listen to music. Yu Ming can't sit still as soon as he listens to music, so every time we want to rectify him, we play music while he is sleeping.

"" Yu Ming did not mention our friends in Beijing, but only you.

Say you hate a lot of craftsmanship, and carved a hand out of wood to give him the pieces.

"..." Xia Hongwei managed to ignite a little bit of interest, which was extinguished by the last sentence.

The air quickly frozen into ice.

The flatterer also seemed to realize that he wasn't shooting the right place, and hurriedly shut his head, choking his head.

Xia Hongwei stood up: "You eat first, I'll smoke a cigarette.

"Stop turning and entering the bathroom.


Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy