MTL - Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married-Chapter 4345 Complaint

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Because Meng Yue had a good relationship with the boy, the people in their dormitory talked about it after returning.

Meng Yue said: "I think he must have offended something, which is obviously revenge."

Hou Zhixin nodded with a chicken leg: "The revenge people are kind enough to pick up time. They just rushed to report in the college entrance examination. This is sincere. I don't want them to do well in the exam. They want to destroy the rhythm of the people.

Lin Shen braised chicken drumsticks and chicken wings today, but he likes the dead Hou Zhixin and can't wait to bring the pot into the classroom.

Sun Xiangkun said with emotion: "The college entrance examination is about to happen, the school will definitely not punish them, but if they can go in their hearts, this is not known."

Everyone nodded: "Yeah!"

At this time, it is not necessary for Yue Tingfeng to conceal other people.

Lu Xiuche said, "I still remember studying on the evening of the first day of school. I went back. You asked me if I saw something that I shouldn't see?"

Lu Xiuche patted his thigh: "I rub ... shall you not see them?"

Yue Tingfeng nodded: "Yes, that's them."

"Oh, I'll go ... ah ... you luck ..."

Meng Yue didn't know yet and asked, "What's going on?"

Lu Xiuche told them: "Self-study on the night of the first day of school, Yue Tingfeng went out on the rooftop to call and met a young couple who was in awe and was frightened. You do n’t know. She blushed when she returned. what……"

Yue Tingfeng kicked him: "Who are you scared to shut up?"

Lu Xiuche waved his hand "" Oh, this is not important, what is important is who the little couple you met, alas, Yue listening to the wind, I found that you can really hide it, I asked you that day, you He also said that he did not see clearly, but you did not say the feelings you saw. "

"He's still telling you what he saw, but he didn't mention anything to us. It's too boring."

Yue Tingfeng glanced at them: "What can I say to you about this?"

Suddenly, Hou Zhixin, who was eating chicken legs, slaps him on the body of Sun Xiangkun: "Oh ..."

Sun Xiangkun's painful tooth decay, "What are you doing, the shot is so heavy, you don't know how strong your hands are?"

Meng Yue asked him, "What's the matter? Such a fuss,"

Hou Zhixin said, "Listen to the wind and see, the two of them are together, shouldn't they ... think you're suing? ’

He said that everyone in the dormitory was quiet.

Yue Tingfeng frowned: "No, right?"

Meng Yue shook his head: "This ... but not necessarily. Last time, what suicide did you stigmatize to you?"

"But this is not the same as last time. Although I saw it, if I want to report it, I have already reported it. It is not necessary to wait until now. They will not be so stupid, right?" Yue Tingfeng didn't want to think about it So bad, he didn't want to, and it was near the end of the period, so there was another crop.

Lin Shen looked up. "The point is that the other party reported that they picked at this time, obviously revenge was deliberate. This has nothing to do with the time you know."

Lin Shen reached the end.

Everyone in the dormitory looked at Yue Tingfeng anxiously.

He smiled: "It's not a big deal, don't worry, it's a big deal, just pick out the person who reported it."

Yue Tingfeng didn't care about this matter, but ... What made him headache was that this matter really made Hou Zhixin right.