MTL - Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married-Chapter 4358 incredible

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Having rested at home for two days, Yue Tingfeng did not read or review.

Every day is to play with Qing Si, play with Xiao Che, the leisurely and comfortable life,

Seize the opportunity to educate Qingsi on preventing early love.

With his efforts, Qing Si has no interest in boys of the same age at all.

However, Yue Tingfeng still does not intend to give up any opportunity for education.

I was afraid that there would be any guy who saw the stitches and ran to seduce blue silk.

In a blink of an eye, the day of Gao Kai arrived, and the whole city, or the whole country, is paying attention to major events.

On this day, the city's traffic police were busy early, worried that traffic jams would affect candidates who rushed to take the test.

The parents of those candidates got up early, and some even sent their children to take the test.

In Youjia, the original ones had already been said, and Youyi Xiaoai Qingsi sent Yue to listen to the wind.

Xia Anlan has a special identity, and he is too busy to make time at all, so he cannot go.

Su Ningmei's big belly, no one in the family is allowed to go to the examination room.

However, even if Xiao Ai was traveling, Yue Tingfeng disagreed.

He said that it was just a test, and for him, this test was no different from so many previous tests.

He didn't care, anyway, he certainly wouldn't test bad ...

Therefore, the family members do not need to be as nervous as others.

He usually takes the first place in the school and the first in the city.

Then this time, he will be able to test the city's champion.

In the end, under the strong insistence of Yue Tingfeng, after having breakfast, the only person who had to take the test was Yu Xun.

There was no traffic jam on the way to send Yue to listen to the wind, especially on the sections that are usually easy to jam, and today there is no traffic jam.

Traffic police, today is really powerful.

When you got outside the examination room, Yue Tingfeng wasn't nervous yet, but Yu Youfeng was a little nervous. He asked Yue Tingfeng: "Yes, when do you finish the exam at noon, I will pick you up in advance."

Yue Tingfeng said: "It doesn't matter if you connect or not, I won't go back at noon, and eat something outside."

Yue Tingfeng did not take this test as a big deal.

Anyway, there is only one exam.

You Yi patted Yue Tingfeng's shoulder: "How do you do that, your grandparents, your aunt, your mother, green silk, all explained, you are not allowed to eat outside, in case you have a bad stomach ... Do it No. 1 in the college entrance examination, I will pick you up after the exam. You are honest, do n’t run around, you know? "

Yue Tingfeng nodded: "Okay, I know. Uncle don't need to worry ..."

It's almost time, Yue Tingfeng went to school, and Youyou could only wave goodbye to her.

Parents who came with a lot of money, sent their children to the examination room.

However, everyone was nervous and sweaty, but you weren't nervous anymore. Instead, you were a little happy. After the exam, Yue Tingfeng would soon be a university student.

University is good!

In the future, I can spend more time with Qing Si.

You Ye now sees Yue listening to the wind, which is somewhat pleasing to the eye.

In the end, he was the boy who he cleaned up and behaved in a very good way,

Moreover, Yue Tingfeng was in the school, and the students' comments on him were very small. He usually talked to girls and had very limited opinions.

There is absolutely no meaning to love early.

You are very satisfied with this attitude ...

Read The Duke's Passion