MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 2 work and frustration

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Early in the morning, Zhang Xiaoshan took a sip of breakfast and came to the rolling mill. The blue sky, mottled and dilapidated walls, and large-character stickers everywhere make up this era full of special effects and passion.

The electrician team, including the team leader, has a total of 16 people. They are divided into three shifts. Each shift is led by a shift leader. It is responsible for the maintenance and installation of circuits in a large factory with ten thousand people. , There is a shortage in the society. The main electrician needs to be certified before he can work. After passing the test, he is a first-class electrician, unlike other types of work that have apprentices.

When we came to the group, Zhang Xiaoshan was the first to arrive. He is a diligent person, so he started cleaning.

"Little San, the sun came out from the west this day. He came early and took the initiative to clean up. It is worthy of praise." Team leader Wang and a few workers came in. Those who knew Zhang Xiaoshan generally called him Xiao San. named after.

"Leader, don't laugh at me. I was ignorant before. From now on, I, Zhang Xiaoshan, will start a new life. Everyone will look at my performance." Zhang Xiaoshan said modestly. The workers are all nice. In the past, he was the youngest and took care of him. You can't make gods and ghosts hate yourself.

Team leader Wang is in his forties, a sixth-level electrician, and the technology is the best in the team. He looked at Zhang Xiaoshan with relief and said, "It seems that the beating of the idiot the day before yesterday woke you up. Don't be shy, that's an idiot." , He has the final say in the cafeteria, and Renren will pass, we can't fight against the meal."

Zhang Xiaoshan nodded, thinking that this story spread quickly, it must have been reported by Sha Zhu in the cafeteria yesterday, the factory area near the electrician team needs to go to a cafeteria to eat, other cafeterias are too far away, bear with it, I will shake you every day Spoon, who can stand it.

The other workers also persuaded them a few words, and all the people came. After assigning work, the three squad leaders went to work with their own hands. Zhang Xiaoshan and the second squad leader, Sun Dahai, were in the same shift. There was nothing to do. They went to the west factory area to check the wiring routinely. I went back to the group to brag, the work of an electrician is easy, but the danger is high, and the electrician certificate is difficult to obtain.

Zhang Xiaoshan, who lined up for dinner at noon, saw that Liu Lan was in this team for lunch. He was not very handsome, but he was very attractive. I can't blame Director Li for liking it. It was Zhang Xiaoshan's turn, and the silly Zhu behind the supervisor pushed Liu Lan away: "I'll call the one behind, you can go do other things."

Liu Lan looked at Zhang Xiaoshan helplessly, seeing a lot, who doesn't know the idiot's temperament, he has a small heart for grudges, relying on his good craftsmanship, the factory manager likes to eat his dishes, and bullies this bully that bully.

"Four Zamian steamed buns, one cabbage." Zhang Xiaoshan handed over the meal ticket.

Silly Zhu started to order food, and saw that the trembling hand looked like he had Parkinson's, and one serving was not half as much as others. Zhang Xiaoshan stared at him, and Silly Zhu shouted, "Look at what, if you don't eat, get out."

The worker pulled Zhang Xiaoshan: "Forget it, I will call for you next time, let's go." Zhang Xiaoshan thought about it and went to find a place to eat. Silly Zhu was still talking triumphantly: "Just like that kid is cowardly, he still misses my sister, he wants to eat farts." After finishing speaking, the people nearby laughed.

Feeling aggrieved, Zhang Xiaoshan found a corner table and was eating. Qin Huairu sat across from him, and said with a smile: "Little San, don't get angry with Shazhu, he's just like that. Go back tonight and sister will help you with the meal." Silly Zhu said, he will definitely let him not bother you."

Looking at Qin Huairu in front of him, she is really good-looking, with provocative eyes, and charming posture, Zhang Xiaoshan casually said, "Thank you, Sister Qin." .

An Jing's meal was almost finished, and Qin Huairu took the initiative to speak again: "Little San, Sister Qin heard that your parents work in a suburban animal husbandry factory and can get the fur of sick and dead animals. Next time you go back to your parents to bring some for your sister." , It’s almost winter, and my sister wants to make a fur mattress for the children, and I couldn’t sleep at night because of the cold last winter.” As he said that, the little tears flowed down. Come.

Zhang Xiaoshan knew that this woman has a clear purpose in contacting everyone, but there is no need to offend her. There are indeed a lot of furs in her parents' house. At the end of next month, I'll go home and bring some to Sister Qin, but I'm not sure how many will be."

"It's okay, sister, thank you in advance, and sister will talk to Shazhu tonight." Qin Huairu said and brushed her hair charmingly, Zhang Xiaoshan said in her heart that you should quickly use this trick on Shazhu, it is useless to me, Although I was not married in my previous life, I have seen a lot of green tea that is better than you, so save it.

The two of them were talking here, but they didn't notice that a pair of squinting eyes were staring at them in the distance, Qin Huairu's figure and smiling face were all in their eyes, they clenched their fists and ran into the kitchen: "Master, that little electrician is talking to Qin Huairu. Sister is having dinner together, the two are talking and laughing, not to mention how close they are."

Silly Zhu got up from the chair as soon as he heard it: "Fatty, don't talk nonsense, Sister Qin is not that kind of person." After speaking, he left the kitchen.

After a while, Shazhu came back, and shouted at the staff in the kitchen: "Whoever cooks for that electrician Xiaosan without shaking the spoon in the future, just don't give me Shazhu face, weigh it yourself."

At night, Zhang Xiaoshan, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly heard a "ding" in his mind.

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