MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 119 Searches and surprises

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(to resume tomorrow)

On the mottled wall, a gecko is crawling back and forth, the kerosene lamp emits dim light, several props are placed beside the kerosene lamp, a mouse slipped across the corner, looked back at the empty cabinet, and walked along the crack of the door Walked out of Liu Lin's house, as if laughing at the owner's poverty.

Without knocking on the door, the silly Zhu who was shaking his upper body led a group of people into Liu Lin's house.

Hey, there are enough people, Yi Zhonghai who was released from prison half a year ago, Jia Zhangshi with a fat head and big ears, Qin Huairu with disgusted eyes, and a stickler who looks at people with his nostrils are all here.

"Lin Zi, I heard that you are back, brother, let me tell you something." Seeing that Liu Lin didn't respond, he just nodded, and Sha Zhu ordered: "Open your main room and lend it to Bang Geng and him." Grandma stay here."

"You are a bachelor living in two rooms, and you just happen to help my family. Sister Qin will introduce you to someone someday." Qin Huairu's seductive voice sounded.

"Give the house to my family. My family is smart. When I grow up, I will definitely be a college student and cadre. He will remember your kindness." This is Jia Zhang.

Seeing that Liu Lin hadn't reacted yet, but just looked at them with a very strange look, Yi Zhonghai was still the same old way: "Linzi, helping others is helping yourself. You can't always think about yourself, listen to the uncle, open a door, borrow Give Stick a room."

Liu Lin wanted to laugh in his heart, Ming snatched something from this **** gang, and asked him to make a hole in his own house, so what did he think about farting around his belly button?

"Fart, a bunch of unlucky bastards. I can't stand you bullying people. Today, I, Cui Dake, have let go. Who dares to say one more word and break their legs." Cui Dake, who knew Liu Lin came back today, brought a group of Hupenggouyou were drinking at home, watching Shazhu and the others go to Liu Lin's house, knowing that this group of people didn't hold their farts well, they led others to follow them, and rushed in after hearing what they said outside the door.

"What's the matter with you, I remember you, why are you against me in everything, get out." Silly Zhu saw Cui Dake's face turned black, and Cui Dake relied on his familiarity and many friends, so he was fine. Bullying him, even though Shazhu is shaking again now, he is also afraid of Cui Dake's influence.

Liu Lin lowered his head, as if too frightened to look at the people in the room, sat on the bed and just tapped his left leg with his hand.

"Come on, you dare to let me roll and break his left leg." Cui Dake took a few steps back, raised his hand, and shouted that six or seven big men were blocking people, broken legs, broken legs, and Yi Zhonghai. People were pushed against the wall and yelled.

With a scratch, the howling silly Zhu passed out in pain. The whole room fell silent, only Liu Lin covered his thighs with his hands and turned left and right.

Cui Dake, who kept glancing at Liu Lin, felt cold in his heart. This is the kind of broken leg that is about to be broken and there is no law to rule it. He is more and more afraid of this leading brother: "Why is it really broken, Xiaosan, I will start It's a joke, you see what you do, you can pick it up in the hospital after a while."

The famous street boy Xiaosan nearby was covering his head that was bleeding for some reason in the chaos just now, and when he heard Cui Dake's words, he knew that the money owner was dissatisfied, so he went up and grabbed the silly pillar with two people Left leg, twisting and twisting vigorously...

"Murderer, murderer." After regaining consciousness, Jia Zhang ran out of the house with his limp legs, yelling in the yard.

For a while, there was a lot of people in the backyard...

In the evening, Liu Lin, who cooperated with the investigation as an innocent member of the public, returned to the courtyard from the inspection office, pretending to be scared, and told the residents in the courtyard about the results of the inspection office.

Cui Dake was drunk and talked nonsense, verbally criticized by the street, and dealt with by the coal reporting station. These days, there are fewer people in the Audit Bureau and more things to do. Such trivial fights, as long as no one is killed, are usually handed over to the unit or school of the person involved in the fight, and they can't handle it. Given Cui Dake's position in the coal station, it is estimated that it is just a matter of drinking.

Xiaosan, Xiaosan, and Shazhu in the street were involved in drunken fights, and Shazhu was compensated fifty yuan for medical expenses, lost work, etc., and Shazhu was compensated for ten yuan for medical expenses and other expenses for pushing Xiaosan down and smashing his head. Those who participated in the fight were detained One week. The ruthless Xiaosan was hit by the silly pillar on purpose at that time, and he hit the wall hard and knocked his head. In this way, the intentional wounding incident became a fighting incident.

The neighbors in the yard enjoyed listening to Liu Lin bragging, and it will be a topic of conversation in the next month.

Only Yan Fugui and Yu Li understood what was going on, and their legs started to wobble. This is silly Zhu asking for a house for the Jia family, and was plotted against by Liu Lin. He was ruthless, and his legs were broken even if his hands were broken. Yan Fugui, who went to the inspection office to cooperate with the investigation, knew that the doctor at the street health center said that Sha Zhu would need to walk with crutches in the future.

It was nine o'clock in the evening, and Liu Lin was a little speechless when he heard the voice next door.

Next door, Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong celebrated the bad luck of Silly Zhu, and laughed loudly while drinking at Da Mao's house. Xu Damao and Sha Zhu never dealt with each other since they were young. Xu Damao has always suspected that it was Sha Zhu who wrote the report letter back then. Shazhu, who had been honest for more than a year, started not to give Liu Haizhong face again, and pushed him several times. Liu Haizhong also hated Shazhu, and the two who had a common enemy got together.

Xu Damao has not found a suitable partner for the past two years. When the girls in the city inquired about the infertility of this guy, they looked down on him, and Xu Damao in the countryside looked down on him. They just kept being single like this, and the number of times they went to the countryside to find widows increased. up.

Liu Lin entered the small world and fell asleep on the recliner by the lake, a pastoral dog next to him licked his fat face, Liu Lin dreamed that Lou Xiao'e, He Yushui and Ding Qiunan were kissing him, and laughed out loud. As for Ran Qiuye, he is unlucky, he has already broken up with Liu Lin, and his attitude is firm, Liu Lin has no face to face him.

Ran Qiuye now hates Fatty to death. A year ago in Ding Qiunan's courtyard, the two who were making out were caught by Lou Xiao'e and He Yushui at home. Only then did they find out that this guy had an ex-wife and a current wife , the three of them still lived together, and she left Liu Lin with her three views ruined.

After Lou Xiao'e and He Yushui gave birth to their first child, there was a two-day difference in the delivery date. They were in confinement, and a servant of Lou's family said that he had seen his son-in-law wandering there somewhere. I don't remember to eat, but I ran back to the golden house where He Yushui used to hide her beauty.

The two women were also quite speechless, saying that this fat man is stubborn, and the imperial capital is so big, why did he just seize a place to hide? After discussing it, the woman must be driven away. The two of them have divided Liu Lin enough, and there is no more. people.

Originally, they were going to catch Ding Qiunan, but Ran Qiuye took the bag, which only shows that this girl's life is suffering.

Only that silly girl Ding Qiunan didn't know anything, and didn't find anything wrong with Liu Lin, she just felt a bit uncomfortable when she lived well and suddenly moved.

Liu Lin moved back to the courtyard this time and planned to live there for a long time. This is Ding Qiunan and his home. The wind is about to pick up, and a group of them have earned enough in the past two years. They all know that the situation is not good, and they are going to stay dormant for this period.

For the other houses, the rent should be refunded, and the rent should be given away. Lou Xiao'e's small courtyard is now given to the seven younger brothers who Liu Lin has taken in in the past two years to live with their families. Dozens of couples are not too many.

Liu Lin was told by Li Weimin's wife that he understood the tension of the situation and wanted to hide among the masses. The kind of single-family courtyard is either a leader or a contributor with enough level, or a person who is ready to be cleaned up, or The courtyard house is good, safe and inconspicuous.

On the mottled wall, a gecko is crawling back and forth, the kerosene lamp emits dim light, several props are placed beside the kerosene lamp, a mouse slipped across the corner, looked back at the empty cabinet, and walked along the crack of the door Walked out of Liu Lin's house, as if laughing at the owner's poverty.

Without knocking on the door, the silly Zhu who was shaking his upper body led a group of people into Liu Lin's house.

Hey, there are enough people, Yi Zhonghai who was released from prison half a year ago, Jia Zhangshi with a fat head and big ears, Qin Huairu with disgusted eyes, and a stickler who looks at people with his nostrils are all here.

"Lin Zi, I heard that you are back, brother, let me tell you something." Seeing that Liu Lin didn't respond, he just nodded, and Sha Zhu ordered: "Open your main room and lend it to Bang Geng and him." Grandma stay here."

"You are a bachelor living in two rooms, and you just happen to help my family. Sister Qin will introduce you to someone someday." Qin Huairu's seductive voice sounded.

"Give the house to my family. My family is smart. When I grow up, I will definitely be a college student and cadre. He will remember your kindness." This is Jia Zhang.

Seeing that Liu Lin hadn't reacted yet, but just looked at them with a very strange look, Yi Zhonghai was still the same old way: "Linzi, helping others is helping yourself. You can't always think about yourself, listen to the uncle, open a door, borrow Give Stick a room."

Liu Lin wanted to laugh in his heart, Ming snatched something from this **** gang, and asked him to make a hole in his own house, so what did he think about farting around his belly button?

"Fart, a bunch of unlucky bastards. I can't stand you bullying people. Today, I, Cui Dake, have let go. Who dares to say one more word and break their legs." Cui Dake, who knew Liu Lin came back today, brought a group of Hupenggouyou were drinking at home, watching Shazhu and the others go to Liu Lin's house, knowing that this group of people didn't hold their farts well, they led others to follow them, and rushed in after hearing what they said outside the door.

"What's the matter with you, I remember you, why are you against me in everything, get out." Silly Zhu saw Cui Dake's face turned black, and Cui Dake relied on his familiarity and many friends, so he was fine. Bullying him, even though Shazhu is shaking again now, he is also afraid of Cui Dake's influence.

Liu Lin lowered his head, as if too frightened to look at the people in the room, sat on the bed and just tapped his left leg with his hand.

"Come on, you dare to let me roll and break his left leg." Cui Dake took a few steps back, raised his hand, and shouted that six or seven big men were blocking people, broken legs, broken legs, and Yi Zhonghai. People were pushed against the wall and yelled.

With a scratch, the howling silly Zhu passed out in pain. The whole room fell silent, only Liu Lin covered his thighs with his hands and turned left and right.

Cui Dake, who kept glancing at Liu Lin, felt cold in his heart. This is the kind of broken leg that is about to be broken and there is no law to rule it. He is more and more afraid of this leading brother: "Why is it really broken, Xiaosan, I will start It's a joke, you see what you do, you can pick it up in the hospital after a while."

The famous street boy Xiaosan nearby was covering his head that was bleeding for some reason in the chaos just now, and when he heard Cui Dake's words, he knew that the money owner was dissatisfied, so he went up and grabbed the silly pillar with two people Left leg, twisting and twisting vigorously...

"Murderer, murderer." After regaining consciousness, Jia Zhang ran out of the house with his limp legs, yelling in the yard.

For a while, there was a lot of people in the backyard...

In the evening, Liu Lin, who cooperated with the investigation as an innocent member of the public, returned to the courtyard from the inspection office, pretending to be scared, and told the residents in the courtyard about the results of the inspection office.

Cui Dake was drunk and talked nonsense, verbally criticized by the street, and dealt with by the coal reporting station. These days, there are fewer people in the Audit Bureau and more things to do. Such trivial fights, as long as no one is killed, are usually handed over to the unit or school of the person involved in the fight, and they can't handle it. Given Cui Dake's position in the coal station, it is estimated that it is just a matter of drinking.

Xiaosan, Xiaosan, and Shazhu in the street were involved in drunken fights, and Shazhu was compensated fifty yuan for medical expenses, lost work, etc., and Shazhu was compensated for ten yuan for medical expenses and other expenses for pushing Xiaosan down and smashing his head. Those who participated in the fight were detained One week. The ruthless Xiaosan was hit by the silly pillar on purpose at that time, and he hit the wall hard and knocked his head. In this way, the intentional wounding incident became a fighting incident.

The neighbors in the yard enjoyed listening to Liu Lin bragging, and it will be a topic of conversation in the next month.

Only Yan Fugui and Yu Li understood what was going on, and their legs started to wobble. This is silly Zhu asking for a house for the Jia family, and Liu Lin plotted against The heart is ruthless, and the hands are broken enough A leg was also broken, and Yan Fugui, who went to the inspection office to cooperate with the investigation, knew that the doctor at the street health center said that Sha Zhu would need to walk with crutches in the future.

It was nine o'clock in the evening, and Liu Lin was a little speechless when he heard the voice next door.

Next door, Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong celebrated the bad luck of Silly Zhu, and laughed loudly while drinking at Da Mao's house. Xu Damao and Sha Zhu never dealt with each other since they were young. Xu Damao has always suspected that it was Sha Zhu who wrote the report letter back then. Shazhu, who had been honest for more than a year, started not to give Liu Haizhong face again, and pushed him several times. Liu Haizhong also hated Shazhu, and the two who had a common enemy got together.

Xu Damao has not found a suitable partner for the past two years. When the girls in the city inquired about the infertility of this guy, they looked down on him, and Xu Damao in the countryside looked down on him. They just kept being single like this, and the number of times they went to the countryside to find widows increased. up.

Liu Lin entered the small world and fell asleep on the recliner by the lake, a pastoral dog next to him licked his fat face, Liu Lin dreamed that Lou Xiao'e, He Yushui and Ding Qiunan were kissing him, and laughed out loud. As for Ran Qiuye, he was unlucky, he had already broken up with Liu Lin, and his attitude was firm, so Liu Lin was ashamed to see him.

Ran Qiuye now hates Fatty to death. A year ago in Ding Qiunan's courtyard, the two who were making out were caught by Lou Xiao'e and He Yushui at home. Only then did they find out that this guy had an ex-wife and a current wife , the three of them still lived together, and she left Liu Lin with her three views ruined.

After Lou Xiao'e and He Yushui gave birth to their first child, there was a two-day difference in the delivery date. They were still in confinement. I don't remember to eat, but I ran back to the golden house where He Yushui used to hide her beauty.

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