MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v7 Chapter 13 fell into the pit two

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The recovery is a bit slow, and it can be fully recovered within two days, which is depressing.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Liu Lin, who was smoking a cigarette on the scooter, turned around and walked towards him with a smile on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Mr. Luo Hua has been waiting for a long time." It's a kind of enjoyment." Liu Lin flicked the cigarette **** away chicly, as for where the cigarette **** flew, Liu Lin didn't pay attention, only the slim Guan Guan was in his eyes.

Liu Lin drew a circle in front of Guan Guan's eyes, and a small yellow helmet appeared out of thin air. He gently helped Guan Guan put on the helmet, and even scratched her cute little nose, causing a roll of eyes.

Turning on the motorcycle, he only grasped his hands at the corners of his clothes. Guan Guan suddenly showed a rebellious smile on his face, and hugged Liu Lin tightly. The small helmet leaned sideways on his broad back, feeling the softness of his back. Shouting "Shuang", provoked a burst of powder fists from behind...

A few minutes later, Qu Xiaoxiao was courting and cute by Andy's side, thanking Andy for agreeing to help her prepare an air-conditioning agent proposal, the two girls walked to Andy's car, smoke was rising from the convertible seat, a burst of small flames is burning.

"Andy, the mineral water in your bag, put out the fire." Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly shouted.

Andy doused the small flame on the seat with water. When he came back last night, he kept thinking about finding his brother. He forgot to pull up the roof of the convertible. Why did it suddenly catch fire?

"What's going on, spontaneous combustion? Let's go to the property to check the surveillance." Qu Xiaoxiao yelled.

When I came to the monitoring room, I retrieved the monitoring from a few minutes ago. Watching the scene of Liu Lin playing cool, the two women and the property manager Xiao Zheng were speechless for a while. , Several people looked over and over several times, but they didn't see how it was done.

Liu Lin and Guan Guan came to the fruit shop. Lawyer Li Junguo with a panda eye, a woman in her twenties, and three shop assistants stood at the door. Li Junguo said, "Doctor Liu, this is Miss Lin Wanyu." , has rich sales experience. He is qualified for the position of deputy store manager of the fruit shop. Ms. Lin, this is Dr. Liu Linliu, the owner of the fruit shop, and he also opened that clinic."

"Hello, Doctor Liu, please give me your advice." Lin Wanyu bowed.

"Hello, Ms. Lin, I'll call you Wanyu. I can start work today, okay?" After Liu Lin finished speaking, he looked at Lin Wanyu to confirm that it was correct, and he entered again. One of the idiots in the iPartment, look again Looking at Li Junguo, I wondered if this lawyer was very reliable, why did I find such a fool, but forget it, Lin Wanyu should still be able to be the deputy store manager, and she can be trusted in terms of money, after all, Lin Wanyu's family runs a bank, and she I have no bad intentions either.

"Yes, thank you for Dr. Liu's trust." Lin Wanyu was very happy, and finally had a job without eating dirt.

Liu Lin pointed to Xiaguanguan and said: "Everyone, this is Ms. Guan, the new store manager. She will arrange all the work in the store from now on. Guanguan is the key to the safe. The password is sent to your mobile phone. Take it with you. They are busy first, I have something to do with Lawyer Li."

Guan Guan and Lin Wanyu went in with three shop assistants to arrange work.

Liu Lin turned around and looked at Li Junguo with pitiful eyes. He was stared at by Liu Lin, and his heart was bitter. Last night, he was drinking with his old classmate Hu Yifei at the bar, and received a call from Liu Lin who needed to find a deputy manager of the fruit shop. After hearing this, Hu Yifei introduced her brother's prospective girlfriend Lin Wanyu to work. Li Junguo interviewed Lin Wanyu first, and after asking a few words, he knew that the girl was a little silly. He tactfully told the girl that it was inappropriate, but was beaten up by Hu Yifei, so he could only bring her to try.

Liu Lin pointed to Panda Eyes and said, "Eyes, Hu Yifei?". Li Junguo nodded and said that this guy also knew Hu Yifei's name. Liu Lin also nodded to express his understanding, Hu Yifei is not afraid of anyone.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Liu Lin received a call from Xiao Zheng, the property manager. After the call, he said with a little embarrassment: "Lawyer Li, the cigarette **** I threw just now burned the neighbor's car seat, can you deal with it? Money is not a problem. The Ode to Joy property is waiting to be dealt with.” Li Junguo’s eyes lit up: “Boss, as long as money is not a problem, it’s fine for me. If that Lin Wanyu is not suitable, I’ll spend two days in the lake. You can't mess with the big devil. I'll do it, Doctor Liu is waiting for my good news."

Looking at Li Junguo who was going away, Liu Lin wondered if this person is also a talent, should he add more burdens, since he has money anyway.

After a busy day, Liu Lin took Guan Guan to the Bund to have dinner, and walked along the Bund side by side. Guan Guan, who was in a happy mood, found that Liu Lin's hand was always approaching intentionally, and stretched out a finger in front of Liu Lin's eyes. "Only a little bit, Luohua."

Liu Lin, who understood, also stretched out a finger to hook it, "Liu Shui, I'm waiting for it to change a little bit."

At night on the Bund, all kinds of lights are colorful, very bright and dazzling. Under the illumination of the lights, the colorful clothes on the tourists' bodies are flickering and changing in different colors. Liu Lin and Guan Guan walked farther and farther along the beautiful street lights with their fingers interlocked...

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Liu Lin, who was smoking a cigarette on the scooter, turned around and walked towards him with a smile on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Mr. Luo Hua has been waiting for a long time." It's a kind of enjoyment." Liu Lin flicked the cigarette **** away chicly, as for where the cigarette **** flew, Liu Lin didn't pay attention, only the slim Guan Guan was in his eyes.

Liu Lin drew a circle in front of Guan Guan's eyes, and a small yellow helmet appeared out of thin air. He gently helped Guan Guan put on the helmet, and even scratched her cute little nose, causing a roll of eyes.

Turning on the motorcycle, he only grasped his hands at the corners of his clothes. Guan Guan suddenly showed a rebellious smile on his face, and hugged Liu Lin tightly. The small helmet leaned sideways on his broad back, feeling the softness of his back. Shouting "Shuang", provoked a burst of powder fists from behind...

A few minutes later, Qu Xiaoxiao was courting and cute by Andy's side, thanking Andy for agreeing to help her prepare an air-conditioning agent proposal, the two girls walked to Andy's car, smoke was rising from the convertible seat, a burst of small flames is burning.

"Andy, the mineral water in your bag, put out the fire." Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly shouted.

Andy doused the small flame on the seat with water. When he came back last night, he kept thinking about finding his brother. He forgot to pull up the roof of the convertible. Why did it suddenly catch fire?

"What's going on, spontaneous combustion? Let's go to the property to check the surveillance." Qu Xiaoxiao yelled.

When I came to the monitoring room, I retrieved the monitoring from a few minutes ago. Watching the scene of Liu Lin playing cool, the two women and the property manager Xiao Zheng were speechless for a while. , Several people looked over and over several times, but they didn't see how it was done.

Liu Lin and Guan Guan came to the fruit shop. Lawyer Li Junguo with a panda eye, a woman in her twenties, and three shop assistants stood at the door. Li Junguo said, "Doctor Liu, this is Miss Lin Wanyu." , has rich sales experience. He is qualified for the position of deputy store manager of the fruit shop. Ms. Lin, this is Dr. Liu Linliu, the owner of the fruit shop, and he also opened that clinic."

"Hello, Doctor Liu, please give me your advice." Lin Wanyu bowed.

"Hello, Ms. Lin, I'll call you Wanyu. I can start work today, okay?" After Liu Lin finished speaking, he looked at Lin Wanyu to confirm that it was correct, and he entered again. One of the idiots in the iPartment, look again Looking at Li Junguo, I wondered if this lawyer was very reliable, why did I find such a fool, but forget it, Lin Wanyu should still be able to be the deputy store manager, and she can be trusted in terms of money, after all, Lin Wanyu's family runs a bank, and she I have no bad intentions either.

"Yes, thank you for Dr. Liu's trust." Lin Wanyu was very happy, and finally had a job without eating dirt.

Liu Lin pointed to Xiaguanguan and said: "Everyone, this is Ms. Guan, the new store manager. She will arrange all the work in the store from now on. Guanguan is the key to the safe. The password is sent to your mobile phone. Take it with you. They are busy first, I have something to do with Lawyer Li."

Guan Guan and Lin Wanyu went in with three shop assistants to arrange work.

Liu Lin turned around and looked at Li Junguo with pitiful eyes. He was stared at by Liu Lin, and his heart was bitter. Last night, he was drinking with his old classmate Hu Yifei at the bar, and received a call from Liu Lin who needed to find a deputy manager of the fruit shop. After hearing this, Hu Yifei introduced her brother's prospective girlfriend Lin Wanyu to work. Li Junguo interviewed Lin Wanyu first, and after asking a few words, he knew that the girl was a little silly. He tactfully told the girl that it was inappropriate, but was beaten up by Hu Yifei, so he could only bring her to try.

Liu Lin pointed to Panda Eyes and said, "Eyes, Hu Yifei?". Li Junguo nodded and said that this guy also knew Hu Yifei's name. Liu Lin also nodded to express his understanding, Hu Yifei is not afraid of anyone.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Liu Lin received a call from Xiao Zheng, the property manager. After the call, he said with a little embarrassment: "Lawyer Li, the cigarette **** I threw just now burned the neighbor's car seat, can you deal with it? Money is not a problem. The Ode to Joy property is waiting to be dealt with.” Li Junguo’s eyes lit up: “Boss, as long as money is not a problem, it’s fine for me. If that Lin Wanyu is not suitable, I’ll spend two days in the lake. You can't mess with the big devil. I'll do it, Doctor Liu is waiting for my good news."

Looking at Li Junguo who was going away, Liu Lin wondered if this person is also a talent, should he add more burdens, since he has money anyway.

After a busy day, Liu Lin took Guan Guan to the Bund to have dinner, and walked along the Bund side by side. Guan Guan, who was in a happy mood, found that Liu Lin's hand was always approaching intentionally, and stretched out a finger in front of Liu Lin's eyes. "Only a little bit, Luohua."

Liu Lin, who understood, also stretched out a finger to hook it, "Liu Shui, I'm waiting for it to change a little bit."

At night on the Bund, all kinds of lights are colorful, very bright and dazzling. Under the illumination of the lights, the colorful clothes on the tourists' bodies are flickering and changing in different colors. Liu Lin and Guan Guan walked farther and farther along the beautiful street lights with their fingers interlocked...

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Liu Lin, who was smoking a cigarette on the scooter, turned around and walked towards him with a smile on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Mr. Luo Hua has been waiting for a long time." It's a kind of enjoyment." Liu Lin flicked the cigarette **** away chicly, as for where the cigarette **** flew, Liu Lin didn't pay attention, only the slim Guan Guan was in his eyes.

Liu Lin drew a circle in front of Guan Guan's eyes, and a small yellow helmet appeared out of thin air. He gently helped Guan Guan put on the helmet, and even scratched her cute little nose, causing a roll of eyes.

Turning on the motorcycle, he only grasped his hands at the corners of his clothes. Guan Guan suddenly showed a rebellious smile on his face, and hugged Liu Lin tightly. The small helmet leaned sideways on his broad back, feeling the softness of his back. Shouting "Shuang", provoked a burst of powder fists from behind...

A few minutes later, Qu Xiaoxiao was courting and cute by Andy's side, thanking Andy for agreeing to help her prepare an air-conditioning agent proposal, the two girls walked to Andy's car, smoke was rising from the convertible seat, a burst of small flames is burning.

"Andy, the mineral water in your bag, put out the fire." Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly shouted.

Andy doused the small flame on the seat with water. When he came back last night, he kept thinking about finding his brother. He forgot to pull up the roof of the convertible. Why did it suddenly catch fire?

"What's going on, spontaneous combustion? Let's go to the property to check the surveillance." Qu Xiaoxiao yelled.

When I came to the monitoring room, I retrieved the monitoring from a few minutes ago. Watching the scene of Liu Lin playing cool, the two women and the property manager Xiao Zheng were speechless for a while. , Several people looked over and over several times, but they didn't see how it was done.

Liu Lin and Guan Guan came to the fruit shop. Lawyer Li Junguo with a panda eye, a woman in her twenties, and three shop assistants stood at the door. UU Reading Li Junguo said: "Liu Junguo Doctor, this is Ms. Lin Wanyu, who has rich sales experience. She is qualified for the position of deputy manager of the fruit shop. Ms. Lin, this is Dr. Liu Linliu, the owner of the fruit shop, and he also opened that clinic."

"Hello, Doctor Liu, please give me your advice." Lin Wanyu bowed.

"Hello, Ms. Lin, I'll call you Wanyu. I can start work today, okay?" After Liu Lin finished speaking, he looked at Lin Wanyu to confirm that it was correct, and he entered again. One of the idiots in the iPartment, look again Looking at Li Junguo, I wondered if this lawyer was very reliable, why did I find such a fool, but forget it, Lin Wanyu should still be able to be the deputy store manager, and she can be trusted in terms of money, after all, Lin Wanyu's family runs a bank, and she I have no bad intentions either.

"Yes, thank you for Dr. Liu's trust." Lin Wanyu was very happy, and finally had a job without eating dirt.

Liu Lin pointed to Xiaguanguan and said: "Everyone, this is Ms. Guan, the new store manager. She will arrange all the work in the store from now on. Guanguan is the key to the safe. The password is sent to your mobile phone. Take it with you. They are busy first, I have something to do with Lawyer Li."

Guan Guan and Lin Wanyu went in with three shop assistants to arrange work.

Liu Lin turned around and looked at Li Junguo with pitiful eyes. He was stared at by Liu Lin, and his heart was bitter. Last night, he was drinking with his old classmate Hu Yifei at the bar, and received a call from Liu Lin who needed to find a deputy manager of the fruit shop. After hearing this, Hu Yifei introduced her brother's prospective girlfriend Lin Wanyu to work. Li Junguo interviewed Lin Wanyu first, and after asking a few words, he knew that the girl was a little silly. He tactfully told the girl that it was inappropriate, but was beaten up by Hu Yifei, so he could only bring her to try.

Liu Lin pointed to Panda Eyes and said, "Eyes, Hu Yifei?". Li Junguo nodded and said that this guy also knew Hu Yifei's name. Liu Lin also nodded to express his understanding, Hu Yifei is not afraid of anyone.

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