MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v7 Chapter 15 Know what a bad guy is

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More than a week later, the morning was sunny and the air was filled with the fragrance of plants. After cleaning up the shop, Liu Lin lay on a deck chair to enjoy a warm sunbath.

There are no customers on weekday mornings. Liu Lin thought it would be too tiring to open the shop. If no one came to apply for the job this week, he would close the shop. The income is good, and the turnover exceeds 10,000 yuan, which is not in line with the excellent quality of Liu Lin Xianyu. Qiu Yingying and the others never came again, and there was no news for more than a week. Forget it, wait another five days, if it doesn't work, I will switch to a Chinese medicine clinic. Isn't that a lot of money with my own ability? Liu Lin has accumulated enough certificates and qualifications to open a Chinese medicine clinic...

"Boss Liu, business is booming, do you still want me as a beautiful shop assistant?" Qiu Yingying's joyful voice sounded.

Liu Lin jumped up like a carp, hugged Qiu Yingying shamelessly and cried, "Oh, I miss you so much. If you don't come, I will change my business. I am too tired to open a fruit shop. Look at my body." The meat is all thin."

Qiu Yingying was terrified, is this taking advantage of me, oh, he has a criminal record of hooliganism, oh, what he said is pretty pitiful, taking care of the store by herself is really hard work, it should be excited to see me, um, it must be so. "Don't be sad, didn't I come here? I just finished the resignation formalities and rushed here. I will join the job today, come into the store and say." Qiu Yingying broke away with a red face, and patted Liu Lin on the shoulder to show comfort.

"Okay, okay, let's go into the store to discuss the treatment and the contract." Liu Lin said happily.

He took out the contract he had prepared earlier and handed it to Qiu Yingying: "The treatment is a monthly salary of 10,000 plus a 5% performance commission. I will be in charge of the five insurance and one gold store. I will be the store manager. I will take two days off every week, and I will recruit two little girls." , this store refuses men other than me."

Qiu Yingying thought it was good, looked at the simple contract, signed it with a smile, and became the store manager: "Linzi, let's call it that, the name of the store should be changed, the fruit store is too simple, the new recruit Remuneration needs to be decided.”

"Yes, this name is kind, I like it, I will go to the Industrial and Commercial side to change the name of the store in a while, and the new clerk will pay half of your salary, what else do you want? By the way, the store will provide a car so that you can go out for business, lunch and dinner Dinner is ordered at the nearby restaurant, and you don’t have to be responsible for the purchase every morning. Besides, I may not be here long, so you can decide if you have something to do.” Liu Lin was happy, and finally got rid of this busy work.

After handing over the store's procedures, documents, keys, etc. and a reserve fund of 10,000 yuan to Qiu Yingying, who was a little excited, Liu Lin took his ID card and went to work.

"Haha, there is also a car, not bad." Qiu Yingying excitedly clapped her hands and imagined...

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Lin came back with a few workers and was riding a little red motorcycle. Qiu Yingying, who was busy, greeted him and continued to entertain customers. At dinner time, the shop finally calmed down. Qiu Yingying looked at Liu Lin who was sleeping on the recliner and was speechless. Then she looked at the little red motorcycle with a sign saying it was equipped with a car. She was very disappointed. The plaque with big characters was completely angry. Facing Liu Lin, who was sleeping Zhengxiang, he just punched him with a small fist.

In the dream, Ding Qiunan was joking with Liu Lin, suddenly Ding Qiunan raised his fist and hit him, Liu Lin couldn't bear this, he wanted to hug Ding Qiunan, um, he woke up from the dream.

Liu Lin, who was still lost in the lake, grasped the small fist and pulled it hard, Qiu Yingying threw herself into Liu Lin's arms, a sweet tongue kiss, after a long time, Liu Lin, who woke up, looked at Qiu Yingying who had tears in front of her eyes, and lightly kissed Qiu Yingying. Helped to the recliner, jumped up, and ran.

Qiu Yingying, who was leaning on the recliner, burst into tears, and then looked around, there was no one around, only pedestrians passing by in a hurry...

Liu Lin went home and hid, feeling depressed. It's over, the store manager is going to be gone.

In the early morning, the sun has just revealed half of its figure, and there are only scattered cars speeding by on the street. Liu Lin came to the small shop to exchange fruits, and suddenly felt bored, so he closed the shop and left. A shadow in the sun was getting longer and longer …

In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset gradually faded. Liu Lin, who was admiring the beauties in swimsuits in the water park during the day, saw Qiu Yingying busy in the small shop from a distance on the way home. She was puzzled, relieved, affirmed, excited, and left silently...

More than two months have passed. Except for going to the store in the early morning to exchange fruits, Liu Lin stays at home at other times, playing with the newly bought TV and various game consoles, and eating meals ordered at a nearby restaurant. Delivery, happy to leave. Guan Guan will come here once a week, look at Liu Lin with a strange look, give him the income of this week's small shop, and leave after saying a few words, Liu Lin didn't care, he was still thinking about it There is no time to care about other things when it comes to the clearance of the new game.

On a beautiful weekend morning, the three women in Room 2202, who were catching up on sleep, were woken up by the harsh sound of renovations. Qiu Yingying yelled into the living room: "It's so noisy, is it so difficult for me to sleep late?" . Guan Guan and Fan Shengmei also came out with unhappy faces: "Go out and have a look, the big weekend is not comfortable."

The three women went out angrily, and found that 2201 and 2203 had started to be renovated, and the door-to-door theory was fruitless, and the search for property was fruitless. The depressed three returned to the house and continued to be depressed. The contest between the tenant and the head of the household is completely defeated by the tenant.

Liu Lin downstairs was experimenting with the way to pass the game, and his train of thought was interrupted. What's going on? It's such a bold move to decorate on the weekend. Is this the beginning of the plot? I can't bear it to affect my playing games, no matter what kind of rich second generation you are, you are still a sea turtle elite.

Waiting until noon, Liu Lin started wandering around the house, turned on the super hearing, and listened to the movement of 2201 upstairs. Well, the decoration workers have all gone out. I sucked a lot of decoration materials and tools into the small world. I came to the neighbor's house in 2103 again, and discussed with a middle-aged couple who were also troubled by the renovation next weekend, and took the opportunity to **** away the items in 2203, and went home to continue the game.

Sure enough, there was no sound of decoration in the afternoon, and Liu Lin played games happily. But for the three girls in 2202, the decoration workers first came and suspected that they stole materials and tools during lunch time. Then the property management came, and the police uncle also came after a while. The investigation and visits were fruitless. "Ode to Joy" has become a little fun for nearby residents.

More than a week later, the morning was sunny and the air was filled with the fragrance of plants. After cleaning up the shop, Liu Lin lay on a deck chair to enjoy a warm sunbath.

There are no customers on weekday mornings. Liu Lin thought it would be too tiring to open the shop. If no one came to apply for the job this week, he would close the shop. The income is good, and the turnover exceeds 10,000 yuan, which is not in line with the excellent quality of Liu Lin Xianyu. Qiu Yingying and the others never came again, and there was no news for more than a week. Forget it, wait another five days, if it doesn't work, I will switch to a Chinese medicine clinic. Isn't that a lot of money with my own ability? Liu Lin has accumulated enough certificates and qualifications to open a Chinese medicine clinic...

"Boss Liu, business is booming, do you still want me as a beautiful shop assistant?" Qiu Yingying's joyful voice sounded.

Liu Lin jumped up like a carp, hugged Qiu Yingying shamelessly and cried, "Oh, I miss you so much. If you don't come, I will change my business. I am too tired to open a fruit shop. Look at my body." The meat is all thin."

Qiu Yingying was terrified, is this taking advantage of me, oh, he has a criminal record of hooliganism, oh, what he said is pretty pitiful, taking care of the store by herself is really hard work, it should be excited to see me, um, it must be so. "Don't be sad, didn't I come here? I just finished the resignation formalities and rushed here. I will join the job today, come into the store and say." Qiu Yingying broke away with a red face, and patted Liu Lin on the shoulder to show comfort.

"Okay, okay, let's go into the store to discuss the treatment and the contract." Liu Lin said happily.

He took out the contract he had prepared earlier and handed it to Qiu Yingying: "The treatment is a monthly salary of 10,000 plus a 5% performance commission. I will be in charge of the five insurance and one gold store. I will be the store manager. I will take two days off every week, and I will recruit two little girls." , this store refuses men other than me."

Qiu Yingying thought it was good, looked at the simple contract, signed it with a smile, and became the store manager: "Linzi, let's call it that, the name of the store should be changed, the fruit store is too simple, the new recruit Remuneration needs to be decided.”

"Yes, this name is kind, I like it, I will go to the Industrial and Commercial side to change the name of the store in a while, and the new clerk will pay half of your salary, what else do you want? By the way, the store will provide a car so that you can go out for business, lunch and dinner Dinner is ordered at the nearby restaurant, and you don’t have to be responsible for the purchase every morning. Besides, I may not be here long, so you can decide if you have something to do.” Liu Lin was happy, and finally got rid of this busy work.

After handing over the store's procedures, documents, keys, etc. and a reserve fund of 10,000 yuan to Qiu Yingying, who was a little excited, Liu Lin took his ID card and went to work.

"Haha, there is also a car, not bad." Qiu Yingying excitedly clapped her hands and imagined...

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Lin came back with a few workers and was riding a little red motorcycle. Qiu Yingying, who was busy, greeted him and continued to entertain customers. At dinner time, the shop finally calmed down. Qiu Yingying looked at Liu Lin who was sleeping on the recliner and was speechless. Then she looked at the little red motorcycle with a sign saying it was equipped with a car. She was very disappointed. The plaque with big characters was completely angry. Facing Liu Lin, who was sleeping Zhengxiang, he just punched him with a small fist.

In the dream, Ding Qiunan was joking with Liu Lin, suddenly Ding Qiunan raised his fist and hit him, Liu Lin couldn't bear this, he wanted to hug Ding Qiunan, um, he woke up from the dream.

Liu Lin, who was still lost in the lake, grasped the small fist and pulled it hard, Qiu Yingying threw herself into Liu Lin's arms, a sweet tongue kiss, after a long time, Liu Lin, who woke up, looked at Qiu Yingying who had tears in front of her eyes, and lightly kissed Qiu Yingying. Helped to the recliner, jumped up, and ran.

Qiu Yingying, who was leaning on the recliner, burst into tears, and then looked around, there was no one around, only pedestrians passing by in a hurry...

Liu Lin went home and hid, feeling depressed. It's over, the store manager is going to be gone.

In the early morning, the sun has just revealed half of its figure, and there are only scattered cars speeding by on the street. Liu Lin came to the small shop to exchange fruits, and suddenly felt bored, so he closed the shop and left. A shadow in the sun was getting longer and longer …

In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset gradually faded. Liu Lin, who was admiring the beauties in swimsuits in the water park during the day, saw Qiu Yingying busy in the small shop from a distance on the way home. She was puzzled, relieved, affirmed, excited, and left silently...

More than two months have passed. Except for going to the store in the early morning to exchange fruits, Liu Lin stays at home at other times, playing with the newly bought TV and various game consoles, and eating meals ordered at a nearby restaurant. Delivery, happy to leave. Guan Guan will come here once a week, look at Liu Lin with a strange look, give him the income of this week's small shop, and leave after saying a few words, Liu Lin didn't care, he was still thinking about it There is no time to care about other things when it comes to the clearance of the new game.

On a beautiful weekend morning, the three women in Room 2202, who were catching up on sleep, were woken up by the harsh sound of renovations. Qiu Yingying yelled into the living room: "It's so noisy, is it so difficult for me to sleep late?" . Guan Guan and Fan Shengmei also came out with unhappy faces: "Go out and have a look, the big weekend is not comfortable."

The three women went out angrily, and found that 2201 and 2203 had started to be renovated, and the door-to-door theory was fruitless, and the search for property was fruitless. The depressed three returned to the house and continued to be depressed. UU Reading www. The contest between tenants and household owners was completely defeated by the tenants.

Liu Lin downstairs was experimenting with the way to pass the game, and his train of thought was interrupted. What's going on? It's such a bold move to decorate on the weekend. Is this the beginning of the plot? I can't bear it to affect my playing games, no matter what kind of rich second generation you are, you are still a sea turtle elite.

Waiting until noon, Liu Lin started wandering around the house, turned on the super hearing, and listened to the movement of 2201 upstairs. Well, the decoration workers have all gone out. I sucked a lot of decoration materials and tools into the small world. I came to the neighbor's house in 2103 again, and discussed with a middle-aged couple who were also troubled by the renovation next weekend, and took the opportunity to **** away the items in 2203, and went home to continue the game.

Sure enough, there was no sound of decoration in the afternoon, and Liu Lin played games happily. But for the three girls in 2202, the decoration workers first came and suspected that they stole materials and tools during lunch time. Then the property management came, and the police uncle also came after a while. The investigation and visits were fruitless. "Ode to Joy" has become a little fun for nearby residents.

Waiting until noon, Liu Lin started wandering around the house, turned on the super hearing, and listened to the movement of 2201 upstairs. Well, the decoration workers have all gone out. I sucked a lot of decoration materials and tools into the small world. I came to the neighbor's house in 2103 again, and discussed with a middle-aged couple who were also troubled by the decoration problem next weekend, and took the opportunity to **** away the items in 2203, and went home to continue the game.

Sure enough, there was no sound of decoration in the afternoon, and Liu Lin played games happily. But the three girls in 2202 were suffering. First, the decoration workers came and suspected that they stole materials and tools during lunch time. Then the property management came. After a while, the police uncle also came. The investigation and visits were fruitless. "Ode to Joy" has become a little fun for nearby residents.