MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 14

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He Yi, who pressed the red light, was expressionless and didn’t say much.

The music equipment on the scene suddenly had a problem. Everyone was unexpected. Although he recognized the ability of Yang Anyu, a newcomer to be in danger, he also found that his modern dance was good, but Yang Anyu’s singing skills could not pass him.

Jiang Ziqian hesitated for a moment, his hand was stagnant at the red light, but he temporarily changed his attention and lit up the green light.

"Yang Anyu, I seem to like you a little." Jiang Ziqian Yang Anyu blinked.

Yang An Yu’s brain is still a bit awkward. He is not very comfortable with this kind of joke, or he says “thank you”.

Jiang Ziqian laughed and said nothing, and did not continue to tease him.

However, the remaining two judges were thoughtful and did not light up. The host smiled a bit: "Mr. Huang, Teacher Hu, would you please talk about it?"

In fact, the moderator understands that there is an explanation. It seems that Yang Hao personally issued the order. In this contest, regardless of the performance of Yang Anyu, he must be brushed down.

Yang Lan does not intend to let his younger brother enter the circle, and now that Yang Anyu’s rumors are everywhere, he is best to fade out of people’s attention, and this will gradually calm down.

Yang Anyu seems to have guessed their difficulties. He smiled a little: "The judges of the judges, in fact, today you can listen to me singing this song, I am already satisfied, thank you for your applause!"

Then, before they responded, Yang Anyu left, his smile was very open-minded and he walked very well.

One day, except for Yang Anyu, Qin Nuoxi and Guo Lixu were selected.

In a hot pot restaurant near the TV station, Yang Anyu, who was clearly unsuccessful, was more happy than the two of them. He took the initiative to treat them and celebrate them.

"Noshi, I am waiting for you to go to TV. I will definitely vote for you when I arrive!" Yang Anyu laughed.

Qin Noxi nodded, and there seemed to be another thought in his heart.

"Hey, what about me?" Guo Lixu next to him called.

After getting along for a long time, he gradually learned about Yang Anyu's temper. This person is sometimes very embarrassed, and sad things are rarely mentioned. It seems that as long as he sleeps, he will forget what troubles.

"Hey, Guo Shaoye, the road is difficult in the future. If you are small, you can't continue to accompany you." Yang Anyu's expression was dignified, but suddenly he vomited his tongue. "You try not to be the last one, haha."

"Rely! You can't say something nice." Guo Lixu took the table.

"Guo Shaowei Wu domineering!" Yang Anyu smiled mischievously, his eyes were fast, and he took a piece of beef from the pot with chopsticks. "This piece is also for me."

"Hey, Yang Anyu, leave some meat for me!"

So, it’s time for the young masters to fight fast.

Wanxin Jingyuan, at 10:30 in the evening, Yang Anyu is alone in the family.

Yi Chenyan is busy with work these days and will not go home. Tang Guo had something at home, and my mother needed him to take care of her illness, so she took a few days off and could not accompany Yang Anyu.

Recalling the scene during the daytime game is like a dream. No longer need to train harder in the future, Yang Anyu fell into the bed weakly, as if every cell under the body began to get tired.

Suddenly, Yang Anyu remembered that there was also a "friend." He flipped the phone out of the bag and decided to send a text message to the strange number.

If you live up to the expectations of the other party, you should apologize.

What should I say? Yang An Yu is not very clear, the other party seems to be a person who does not like jealousy, so Yang Anyu deleted and changed, and finally sent three words - [sorry]

However, the other party has not responded.

The next day was Saturday. Yang Anyu insisted on running in the morning and punching, so she rarely went to bed. At 7:00, Yang Anyu heard the doorbell.

There was a glimmer of expectation in his heart. Yang Anyu hurriedly opened the door. The result was not the person he wanted to see. Standing outside the door was a serious Yang Lan, and his hands were still licking fruit and milk.

"Brother?" Yang Anyu was surprised. In his impression, Yang Lan has never been to visit him like this.

"What, don't you welcome me?"

Yang Weidao, he noticed that Yang Anyu’s eyes were just a glimpse, but he did not care about it. The tone seemed to have eased a lot before the tone.

Yang Anyu shook his head and took the gift from Yang Lan’s hand. He said: “Come in, brother, you should be here for the first time.”

Yang Lan coughed twice, slightly awkward, so it seems that he is like a very ruthless brother.

Yang Lan looked around in the house. He was basically satisfied with the decoration and furnishings. He had to admit that Yi Chenyan’s taste was very good. However, two married cohabitants have two bedrooms at home.

"Yang Anyu, I thought you had already offered to devote yourself, let Yi Chenyan eat it and wipe it out. I didn't expect you to sleep in the room." Yang Lan was a bit speechless.

Yang Anyu heard a red cheek and hurriedly shook his head: "We..."

He spoke up and didn't know how to explain it.

Yang Lan frowned, and Yi Chen’s words were clear that he was abandoning this kid.

"Brother, we get along very well."

After a long while, Yang Anyu only made such a sentence.

This is too fake! Yang Lan feels that his younger brother is perfunctoring himself. It is estimated that when he encounters Yi Chen’s words, this kid becomes stupid, and he does not know how many wrongs have been suffered in the dark.

"Yang An Yu, no one should accompany you this weekend, it is better to live with me for two days."

This is his purpose today.

After brewing for a while, Yang Lan said it. After all, he was a little uncomfortable with his younger brother Yang Anyu.

"Take back with you... Back to Yang?" Yang Anyu was stupid.

"What Yang family is your home!" Yang Lan stressed, "Don't forget you but my brother."

He listened to Assistant Feng and said about the situation at the time of the election. He also watched the video of Yang Anyu’s performance on the same day. To be honest, this younger brother gave him a big surprise. He couldn’t help but reflect: This time, maybe he was wrong.

Later, Qin Nuoxi also came to the company to meet him. Qin Nuxi taunted and asked if Yang Lan was doing something behind his back?

Yang Lan knew that he was losing money, and did not explain much. He felt that Qin Nuxi’s impression of him was greatly reduced.

"Really to go back?"

Yang Anyu once again asked, after Yang Peng’s death, Yang Anyu never returned to the Yang family. Everyone in the family hated him and he did not welcome him.

"Don't be afraid, you just follow me."

Yang Anyu stunned again. This brother seemed to be "gentle" a little. He nodded and smiled: "Well, I will go back with you."

After leaving the house and sitting on the car of his brother Yang Lan, Yang Anyu wanted to call Li Wei and informed him and Yi Chenyan, but thought that Yi Chenyan was busy with his work and would not go home for the next two days. I silently put down my phone.

Forget it, anyway, there is nothing wrong with it, you don't have to bother Yi Chenyan.

Yang Wei looked at him silently. He didn't like Yi Chenyan. He also thought that this marriage of Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan was particularly ridiculous and ridiculous. It was wrong from beginning to end.

s City East District, Yangjia Villa.

Compared with the high-end community in Wanxin Jingyuan, Yang Anyu was amazed here. It occupies a large area, with two gardens in front and rear, an open-air swimming pool, and a spacious underground garage.

Today, Mrs. Yang called everyone to come over. Their family occasionally get together for a meal, which is also a family gathering.

Mrs. Yang is nearly 50 years old, but she is well maintained, and with a delicate makeup and a well-dressed style, she still has a charm.

However, after she had no husband, Yang Peng, her face was less and less smiling. Now the whole person seems to be more angry and powerful.

The other aunts and aunts also wear gold and silver, all kinds of famous brands and jewelry, but compared with Mrs. Yang, this temperament is obviously less.

She gave Yang Anyu the feeling, just like the mother of the former general, who was the most noble old lady of the military.

In addition to the uncle's business trip, the other uncles were present, and the two aunts and aunts also brought their own children. Yang Anyu looked at her cousin, who is older than her own. She also has seven or eight-year-old brothers and sisters.

Yang Anyu is very well-behaved, and each of them smiles and says hello, and also gives candy to younger siblings. No way, the impression that the original owner left them was really terrible, and now he has to recover.

The family was surrounded by a long table, and Mrs. Yang glanced at Yang Anyu.

Now the child's hair is not hot, it becomes a normal black, and he is sitting upright, his back is straight, and the look of laughter is unexpectedly pleasing, not as bad as before, it is more pleasing to the eye. .

Not only does Mrs. Yang think so, but other people who secretly look at Yang Anyu.

This evening, although Yi Chenyan was busy late, he returned home.

Because every time I saw the words "I'm sorry" in the text message, he was inexplicably worried.

He wants to come back and comfort Yang Anyu, but he finds that his family is empty. Usually, he looks like a smile, and the big boy who is everywhere is gone.

Suddenly, Yi Chenyan’s heart is also empty.

Later, Yi Chenyan asked Li Wei, only to know that Yang Anyu had returned to Yang. Staring at the text message on the phone, Yi Chen said for a while, after all, still could not help but sent a text message.

At this point, Yang Anyu is already sleeping.

His mobile phone screen flashed, and the strange number sent a new message - [You are very good]

Don't say anything, sorry, you have done a good job.

Yang Anyu lived in the Yang family for a few days, and these days, Yi Chenyan went home every night to eat, and a person silently waited for Yang Anyu to come back.

Li Yan sees this and wants to inform Yang Anyu, but Yi Chenyan shook his head and did not let him do this. Yang Anyu should take this opportunity to get along well with Yang family.

After all, blood relatives can't give up. Compared to here, it is his real home.

In the first two days, Yang Anyu was somewhat uncomfortable in the Yang family, but now he is getting used to it.

Although Mrs. Yang still has a cold attitude, the family's Zhang Guanjia and Zhao Ayi are very good at them. Everything is arranged very well, and the chef will be the chef who likes Yang Anyu. After Yang Lan’s work, Yang Anyu will go out to go shopping, more and more like a brother.

This evening, there was a heavy rain outside, and Yang Anyu looked at the book quietly inside the house.

Later, Yang Lan knocked in the door and came in: "Is it comfortable?"

"My home, of course I am comfortable." Yang Anyu smiled.

Yang Lan suddenly felt a little gratified, and the younger brother really changed. Even if Yang Anyu does not enter the entertainment circle, he can let him learn to manage the company and do things with himself.

But the most troublesome thing at the moment is the marriage of Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan.

"Yang An Yu, do you want to divorce Yi Chenyan?"