MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 19

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"Chen Yan, you have not done these extra things before." Li Yan's eyes are full of the color of inquiry.

Yi Chen said a glimpse, faintly said: "You don't think too much."

Li Xiao smiled: "Reassured, I will not think too much. It is you, sometimes you need to think more and figure out your own mind."

"You have a lot of words."

Li Wei: "..."

I really want to bring a candid, sweet, and sweet artist.

Xu’s new film, "Mings of Hearts," has been advertised in major networks and newspapers and magazines in advance, starring young actor Ye Lin, martial arts star Dou Bin, and **** queen Kang Yu, etc. The production team and the investor are also well-known and earned everyone's attention.

Two years ago, Xu Dao unearthed the new movie star Meng Meng. This time, Xu also clearly stated that there will be new people to join. Who is it? He sold a pass, only to say that it was a red man on the network some time ago.

Regarding the male No. 1 of the film, Xu Dao also did not disclose it. Even the other actors of the crew were unclear about who would be working with him.

This mysterious actor has triggered various speculations from netizens, but one thing is certain. This person is definitely a big-name big-name.

The conference will be held at two in the afternoon, but the door of the Taidong Hotel was full of people early in the morning. All the media are armed with long-gun cannons, waiting for anxiety. After all, they all thought of the first time to shoot this newcomer, and they were full of curiosity about the mysterious male one. Who wouldn’t want to grab this big exclusive? What?

The car was driven by one department, and the stars also appeared one after another. The flash of the camera flashed non-stop, and the pictures on the live web were gradually brushed up. The fans were excited and the topic was also hot.

Suddenly, there was another nanny car. It was not a familiar license plate number. Several reporters with sharp eyes swung up in an instant. Others were also swaying and quickly surrounded the car.

When Yang Anyu in the car looked out the window, he was really scared by this big squad. In the last life, he was a small guard. Now he has just debuted. Where did he think that one day, he will be followed by so many people?

"Mr. Qi, I..."

Yang Anyu just wanted to speak, but Qisen raised his hand and stopped him. Shen Sheng said: "Calling ‘Qi Ge’.”

"Qi Ge is good!"

Yang Anyu has not responded yet, Tang Guo shouted first.

Zisen looked at Tang Guo with a speechless voice and reminded Yang Anyu two words: "You have to get used to this scene as soon as possible. Later, you are red, and it is common to be surrounded by fans."

Although Zizen never directly praised Yang Anyu, but through these few days, he also learned about Yang Anyu's temperament, and Yang Anyu has a background in appearance. As long as he is willing to work hard, it is a matter of time.

Yang Anyu nodded, and he tried to adjust his mind, and there was a smirk on his lips.

Accompanied by Zisen and Tang Guo, Yang Anyu smiled and came down from the car. Outside, suddenly, a burst of boiling, some people recognized him at a glance, this network of "Meng Shuai substitute brother".

Despite the guards and security guards, the reporters still rushed to the point, the spotlight flashed on the face of Yang Anyu, but he maintained a polite smile and nodded slightly.

As soon as the news broke out, Yang Anyu’s photos were quickly spread throughout the major social media. The newcomer Xu Xuan’s fancy was actually the “small brother”. !

He is a student of the Chengyu Film Academy and has also participated in "The Voice of Tomorrow". Not only that, he is said to be the younger brother of Shanghao Media's current ceo!

At this time, the entrance to the hotel was in chaos. The reporters held the microphone and asked all sorts of miscellaneous questions. However, they were blocked by the Qisen guest. The crowd was too crowded. Tang Guo also guarded Yang Anyu and took him all the way. Was sent to the venue.

The press conference officially began. The host first welcomed the investors, director screenwriters and several starring actors. Then Xu was on the stage. He gave an overview of the film.

Male No. 1 Yuan Zhiming is an undercover policeman. In order to gain the trust of the black-gang boss Hong Dajin, he joined his gang and worked under his hand.

As a result, in a drug-drug case, the new chief of the crime squad, Liang Hong, and the male No. 2 of the film were encountered. Liang Hong discovered that Yuan Zhiming did not want to play against himself and became curious about him.

Later, Yuan Zhiming also accidentally discovered that one of the two biggest killers around Hong Dajin, namely Aken, played by Yang Anyu, was actually his younger brother who had been separated for many years. At the same time, Hong Dajin's love-woman, the heroine Pan Qi also gradually fell in love with Yuan Zhiming...

The film used the techniques of inserting and flashback many times, until the end reveals the true identity of the male one. Overall, the storyline is not complicated, it is a general routine, and even some dog blood.

However, the key performance of Xu Dao is the performance of various games, the pursuit of its true and exciting feelings, as well as the collision of the positive and negative characters, as well as the psychological contradiction of human nature.

"Xu Dao, I didn't expect that the newcomer you chose this time is actually a 'small brother' who was unexpectedly popular on the Internet recently! What do you think of Mr. Yang? Is it pure appreciation of his skill, or other What is the reason?"

Today, the scene also invited a lot of mainstream media to come over, and other issues related to the starring, everyone asked almost. At this time, a female reporter stood up and asked, an obvious pun.

Yang Anyu’s identity is so topical, they certainly won’t let go.

Xu Dao has already prepared for it. He smiled and said: "Xiao Yu is very suitable for the role of Kenn. For other reasons, I don't want to say more. I won't tout him much. In short, after the movie is broadcast, I believe. You will understand."

The film has not yet started shooting, and Xu Dao dared to let go of such words, which shows that Yang Anyu is full of confidence.

Xu Xuan couldn't ask anything. When Yang Anyu came to power, the reporters focused on him and threw out sensitive questions one by one.

"Yes, I am really a brother with Yang. He is a very good brother."

"I will participate in the shooting of "Boxer", which is actually an accident. I just replaced the injured big brother who was injured at the time. I also saw the news on the Internet. Thank you for your attention and like."

"My singing is not good, but I am fortunate to be able to stand on the stage of "The Voice of Tomorrow" and sing a favorite song. I am already very happy."


Yang Anyu did not deny anything. He did not hesitate and dodge in his eyes. He answered the whole answer calmly and did not humble his attitude. The media did not have a good impression of this newcomer.

"I am very grateful to my brother for his understanding and support. I also thank Xu Xuan for giving me this opportunity. As a newcomer who doesn't know anything, I will try my best to make this film."

Yang Anyu smiled and answered the last question. Although he was calm and calm on the surface, he was already sweating in his hand, and his body was stretched straight. He was afraid of being careless and said something wrong.

Zisen looked at the stage and looked deep. These questions were similar to what he expected. He had already explained how Yang Anyu had answered in advance.

For the first time, Yang Anyu is certainly not as good as the predecessors of the entertainment industry. Like Ye Lin, they can make jokes and answer themselves, but Yang Anyu’s performance is also justified.

"Xu Dao, it’s been so long, why haven’t you seen the male one?”

Later, when several starring interacted with everyone on the stage, one of the reporters was surprised that other media also asked.

The scene was a bit messy, but Xu Dao was a mysterious smile: "Whoever said, he actually arrived."

The voice just fell, the door of this venue was opened again, everyone was shocked, because the door stood Yi Chenyan!

In an instant, the scene was awkward, and Yang Anyu couldn’t help but stay, and all of a sudden he dropped the light on Yi Chenyan’s body.

Separated the two places, they have not seen it for many days. In this situation, I can see Yi Chenyan again, making Yang Anyu a little unbelievable, almost doubting that she is dreaming.

Yi Chenyan, who suddenly appeared, became the focus of the audience. A pair of black scorpions are fascinating, and his face is also elegantly laughing. There is an indescribable charm in the gestures.

The "Ming Heart Carving" crew has this heavyweight movie actor to join, and almost everyone is applauding. Yi Chenyan slowly walked to the stage, but the stand was still standing with other starring and Xu Dao, but he came to Yang Anyu's side.

Yang Anyu was embarrassed and couldn't help but think of the situation when he first saw the generals at the age of eight.

"Give me a fight!" Li Cai’s mouth groaned, and several of his family’s cockroaches struggled, waving the stick, screaming at Yang Anyu who stole something.

Yang Anyu curled up on the floor with her stomach, and it hurts to die. She feels that the bones are breaking.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a cold reprimand, Yi Chenyan stopped them in time.

Yang Anyu slowly opened a few eyelids, only to think that this person in the line of sight was high, very dazzling, but Yi Chenyan collapsed and took his dirty hand.

At that moment, Yang Anyu felt particularly unreal, and such a dazzling person actually came to his side.

Now, he also gave birth to this feeling.

Yi Chenyan did not care about the strange eyes of others. He extended his hand to Yang Anyu and smiled lowly: "Congratulations."

Yang An Yu’s heart trembled, somehow, suddenly remembered the previous text message. He said that he wanted to make a movie, but Yi Chenyan did not respond.

At this moment, it should be regarded as a response from Yi Chenyan.

Gently holding Yi Chenyan's hand, in the moment when the two palms were attached, a warm current rushed into Yang Anyu's heart. He smiled satisfied: "Thank you!"

Yi Chenyan's gaze was fixed on Yang Anyu's face. The person in front of him smiled and his mouth was still hung with two lovely little dimples. It seemed to be a boy who grew up.

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