MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 43

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“Everyone thinks we can answer a few questions?” Yi Chen said with a smile and interacted with the fans.

"15 questions!"

"Twenty questions!"

"Thirty questions, all correct!"


The fans responded loudly, and the voices were higher than a while, quite awesome and supportive.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot. The male host smiled and smiled: "Chen Yan seems to be very confident! I also know that the two have already cooperated with two or three works, so Xiao Yu, are you? Do you have confidence?"

Since the host has asked this question, and there are fans on the scene looking forward to it, Yang Anyu has decisively adjusted the status: "Yes! I believe that the predecessors, I will also cheer."

"Haha, since Chen Yan and Xiao Yu are so confident, it is better to do this. We increase the difficulty a little and shorten the time to one minute."

Wen Yan, Yang An Yu and Yi Chenyan nodded another starting point and had no opinion.

"Is the two ready? Then we will start right away!"

The voice of the male host just fell, a one-minute countdown began, and entered the second round of "you guess" guess contest.

Looking at the first words displayed on the big screen, Yang Anyu immediately put his two hands together, and then said: "Two words, very simple, couples often go shopping -"

"Hand in hand." Yi Chen said a faint smile, this is really no difficulty for him.

"Four words, the first word and the second word are the five senses of the person..." At the second question, Yang Anyu said, pointing to his eyebrows and eyes, and then blinking.

"Brows and teasing."

The third question seems a bit difficult. Yang Anyu stunned and looked down and hesitantly: "It’s still four words, that is, a girl realizes that she likes a boy, the first word is love... love what ?"

"Love..." Yi Chen said that the eyeballs are moving, "the beginning of love."

"Great!" The male host can't help but clap his hands. Within ten seconds, he has answered three questions in a row. The audience under the audience is also very excited.

The next question is not easy. Yang Anyu originally wanted to skip it directly, but if he had a chance, he still planned to give it a try.

"Hey, this time is six words." Yang Anyu explained the lyrics in your first "No Words and Eternal" with a palm in his heart position. Many words are in - -

Yi Chenyan quickly interrupted: "Love is hard to open."

Suddenly, the audience was cheering again. The male host and several guests on the stage were also surprised. This is too god.

After that, Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan cooperated, and they repeatedly guessed the words "hearts, candlelight dinner, watching movies, wearing lovers" and so on.

In fact, Yang Anyu did not describe it very well, but every time he cut in, Yi Chenyan could understand it instantly, and in just a few tens of seconds, the two had already guessed fifteen questions.

"Four words, the first word is... this!"

When this question was reached, Yang Anyu put his hand on his chest again. When he didn't describe it, Yi Chenyan immediately replied: "The heart has a heart."

"Yes! It's right!" The male host was very emotional. I thought that these two people were too tacit understanding. It really should be the word "heart and soul".

The next question, Yang Anyu doubles his hands together, then puts his head on the palm of his hand and hasn't spoken yet. Yi Chenyan guessed it: "Share the same bed? Right?"

"Right right!" Yang Anyu smiled happily, and excitedly two small tiger teeth were exposed.

Everyone applauded again, this gesture of "sleeping", according to the first reaction of many people, may answer the words "together to sleep".

In the process of guessing the words, Yi Chenyan’s mouth maintains a smirk in the whole process. He has good acting skills and is very clear about how he should behave in public. He has always been self-sustaining.

However, seeing Yang Anyu afraid that he could not answer, the anxious expression on his face, and the correct answer, after a moment of reassurance, but there is a hint of embarrassing performance, Yi Chenyan's eyes will still flash a glimmer of brilliance.

After all, the people you like are standing in front of you. Every expression and movement of Yang Anyu is particularly stupid and cute in the eyes of Yi Chenyan.

With the last few seconds left and three passes, Yang Anyu has run out before, and can't avoid it any more. It can be a very explicit word on the big screen.

With a hard scalp, Yang Anyu touched his nose and had to say it: "Three words, that is, everyone often expresses in English..."

Seeing that Yang Anyu tried to restrain his own embarrassment, the dawn of Yi Chenyan changed. He already knew what the three words were, but now...

Time stopped, Yi Chenyan did not speak.

"It is ‘I love you’!”

At this time, the fans under the stage burst into a shout, and Yi Chenyan just smiled.

"Oh, it's a pity, but it's so simple but I didn't answer it." The male host went to the middle of Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan, and raised his eyebrows. "But, congratulations to the two, guessed 19, this achievement also It’s amazing! It’s broken the record of our game.”

The male host said that the scene also immediately gave a warm applause. Next to Su Shijia’s face, she couldn’t hide her smile, just like the Yanba party sitting under the stage, she was so touched!

Where is this a test of tacit understanding? It is clear to test the degree of love, the power of love is great!

After that, the program group also arranged other games that tested the tacit understanding. The male host invited several other hosts, they formed a team, and the "starring" crew's major stars formed another team.

The two teams are arranged in two columns. The first person sends a long straw to the next one with the nose and upper lip. The next one must also use the same method. The nozzle is connected to the straw and then passed to the next. The next one is passed to the end of the column. The pipette cannot be dropped in the middle, otherwise it will come back. Which team is the first to pass the specified number of pipettes, then the winner.

On the side of the five stars of "The Pirates of the Heart", when Yang Anyu caught the straw from Su Shijia and prepared to pass it to Yi Chenyan, I felt that Yi Chenyan’s mouth deliberately approached a lot, as if he wanted to kiss himself. He was panicked and scared that the straws had fallen.

"Ah! Hurry and come back!" Su Shijia, headed by him, yelled, but fortunately Yi Chenyan was the third person, so everyone quickly started from scratch.

This Hui Yi Chen Yan did not tease Meng, and it was very smooth to pick up the straw. Both teams are in a tacit agreement. As a result, Yang Anyu still beat the host in a few seconds.

The male host smiled helplessly: "We have conceded defeat, and you have performed very well. You have a tacit understanding. It is really making us look forward to the repercussions after the official broadcast of "Pirates of Hearts"."

"Well, I am really looking forward to the film, so please watch it on time."

In the second half of "Happy League", there are some scene simulations in the drama, as well as the fans to interact on the stage, the main actors broke the news and other events, and finally invited men and women to star, Yang Anyu and Su Yujia sang together. The theme song of "The Heart of the Heart".

After all the recordings were finished, Yang Anyu was relieved. Tang Guo immediately took a picture and shot him: "Young master, are you very nervous? I am nervous in the audience. After all, there are so many eyes on the scene, especially you. When I interacted with Mr. Yi, I saw that I had to commit crimes!"

Later, Tang Guo whispered very quietly.

"Hey..." With this mention, Yang Anyu is also a bit embarrassed. "The show group will play too much, and..."

"And what?"

"No...nothing." Yang Anyu shook his head, and in the last question of "you guessed me", Yi Chenyan estimated that he had already guessed it, but did not say it.

"Fortunately, it didn't make much trouble later. In some places, the impact was not good. The program group should cut it down later."

At this time, Zisen also came over and saw Yang Anyu seem to have some concerns, and he faintly mentioned.

Yang Anyu: "Well, that's fine."

Later, "Happy Alliance" released the next episode of the program on the Internet.

The program group invited the "Pirates of Hearts" crew. The main characters are not only high in value, but also almost all of them are deputy. The sweet girl Shen Sujia is more like a female neuropathy; "Yang An Yu and Yi Chenyan, all kinds of performances in the show, but the tacit understanding is amazing.

When the host asked Yang Anyu's attitude toward Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu smiled and expressed his feelings from idol to his current friend.

Tang Wei looked at this trailer video, and his attention was always involuntarily attracted by Yang Anyu. Some things were really difficult to control. He thought twice and then dialed a phone call...

On this day, in the Beixing District of the city, Yi Chenyan brought Yang Anyu and Xiao Coco home together.

Yang An Yu was on the big bed in the bedroom. From time to time, he made a smirk. In order to pay tribute to the seniors of the entertainment industry, he was watching the blood TV drama that Yi Chenyan played in the past few years. He only thought that Yi Chenyan, who was still very young in the past, was very young. Inexplicable Meng!

Suddenly, Yi Chenyan’s cell phone shook a bit. He didn’t come out in the toilet. Yang Anyu took a look at it and found that it was a reminder message for the traffic flow of the month.

He didn't care about this, it was just the interface where the phone is now staying...

It turns out that Yi Chenyan was reading a novel before, and it is still in the "Xun Xin Bar". Eh? This seems to be the cp of him and Yi Chenyan in the "Pirates of Hearts" drama.

Yang Anyu turned his eyes and suddenly came to interest. What is Yi Chenyan looking at? Just a glance, it should be okay.

Surrounded by green hills, the natural hot springs in the wild are deep, and the water vapor is lingering. If you carefully scoop it up, you will find two red-naked bodies that are closely attached together and entangled.

"Hot... it's hot!" Luo Shun's brow wrinkled, unable to control the cockroach - pick it up, "change... metamorphosis, you... what did you give me?"

"Reassuring, not poison-medicine, just a good thing to add love-fun." Mu Yunxun stroked Luo Shunxin's inner thigh, and then his eyes were cold, forcibly separated Luoshun's legs. "I can't bear it." If you die, you still have to torture slowly!"

After all, he will be a deeper one.

"Ah! Let me go!"

Luo Shunxin felt that the body was running through at once, and the man who pressed himself was still rushing, and more and more force, deeper and deeper, the sticky-thick liquid overflowed from the back.

"You better enjoy it."

With his tongue licking Luo Shunxin's ear, he feels the firmness and warmth inside his body. Mu Yunxun's eyes become dark and deep, and he repeats the movements in and out. Mu Yunxun will not let go of his arms. This man just wants to be buried deep inside.

"Well! Stop... stop!" Luo Shunxin shed tears of shame-shame, red and swollen lips are half open, almost on the verge of collapse, "Mu Yunxun, I... I want to kill you!"

Although his mouth said so, but the body is still very tight, twisted Mu Yunxun to do the best, but also can not be patient, and the breath is heavy: "This... so tight, baby, it seems you really do I am going to kill me."

Seeing this, Yang Anyu, who had already been red-faced, quickly put down his mobile phone. The next dissonant content of the story, he did not dare to read it again.

Yang Anyu secretly regrets, I knew that I would not read it. How did Yi Chenyan read this novel?

Suddenly, I heard the sound of opening the door in the toilet. Yang Anyu hurriedly sat back to the original position. He tried to keep calm and pretend to be nothing.

After coming out, Yi Chenyan glanced at his mobile phone and suddenly noticed that someone had touched it. He didn't mind, but instead walked over and hugged Yang Anyu: "Xiao Yu, have you seen it?"

"Look... see what? I don't." Yang Anyu shook his head again and again, but unfortunately his acting skills were too bad, and he couldn't deceive the savvy Yi Chenyan.

"Xiao Yu, since you have already seen it." 舔 舔 Yang An Yu's earlobe, a certain film emperor began to "spoof" a simple boy, "So, let's play one."

I thought that I was wrong, Yang An Yu was shocked: "Do you want to play according to the above plot?"

"Well, exercise acting." Some movie actor is cheeky.

In the bathroom, the two had no way to go to the hot springs in the mountains. Yi Chenyan had to hold Yang Anyu into the bathtub first.

The face has already been flushed, and Yang Anyu, who has just released it once, can't help but breathe. His inner part becomes very soft under the action of hot water, so it is easy to swallow Yichen's huge hard object. With Yi Chen’s high-tech skills of seven retreats and three, the friction hits the deepest sensitive part of his body. Yang Anyu feels itchy and crisp, and the little thing in front raises his head again.

Looking at his small appearance, Yi Chen said with a dumb voice: "Is it comfortable? Xiao Yu."

"Well..." Yang Anyu firmly screamed at the waist of Yi Chenyan, screaming. Yi Chenyan's rapid and powerful action makes his brain stagnant and becomes unable to think. The whole body is like electricity. Crisp-healing fever, Yang Anyu feels that Yi Chenyan is about to reach his heart and lungs. All kinds of collisions that want to possess and plunder themselves seem to be endless.

The temperature of the bathroom rose rapidly. After releasing it once in Yang Anyu's interior, Yi Chenyan held Yang Anyu in front of the mirror.

"Xiao Yu, open his eyes." Yi Chenyan held Yang Anyu in the back, his waist continued to move forward.

"Ah!" Yang Anyu glared at the two people in front of the mirror, especially himself. His cheeks were red, his eyelashes were fluttering, his eyes were full of smog, and his body was sticky. It’s all a man’s tiny liquid.

He quickly turned his head to the side, shame- shamelessly dare not look straight. Yi Chenyan smiled low and saw that Yang Anyu was so shy, and he did not continue to be embarrassed. Yi Chenyan clasped Yang Anyu tightly and kissed his earlobe, neck and back, as if every inch of Yang Anyu’s skin. It is like a treasure in his heart.

In a short while, Yang Anyu’s back squatted through a burst of pleasure, and even his toes twitched and began to linger. Hey, his mouth was screaming, and he couldn’t squeeze a complete sentence: “Ah... Ah! Chen Yan, I... I want to..."

Yang Anyu squirted out. At the same time, another heat flow broke out in his body. Yi Chenyan held a soft Yang Anyu and suddenly said: "Xiao Yu, I love you."

In the game session, there is no answer. At this moment, Yi Chenyan is attached to Yang Anyu’s ear, which is slow and affectionate.

I love you, I just want to tell you alone.

After cleaning Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan took Yang Anyu, who was half-conscious, to bed. Yang Anyu was confused, and muttered something in his mouth. Yi Chenyan took it over.

"Chen Yan, I... I am not... the original Yang Anyu." Yang Anyu's eyes still have tears.

Yi Chenyan gently wiped away the tears in his eyes: "Well, I know, of course you are not."

"I... I am not a person in this world, I am like...a big liar..."

It turned out that he had a lot of things to worry about. Yi Chen couldn't help but smile and put Yang Anyu into his arms: "Xiao Yu, no matter where you come from, just keep going beside me."

The next day, after Yang Anyu was awake, he did not have any impressions on Yi Chenyan’s words. He grabbed the messy hair: “Chen Yan, did I say anything last night?”

"You said a lot, would you like me to repeat it to you?" Yi Chenyan scraped his nose and chuckled. "But I am afraid you are shy."

"No... Needless to say!" Yang Anyu immediately stunned his mouth and muttered embarrassedly. "I probably know what it is."

Because I accidentally found that Yi Chenyan was watching the novel, and he was "eaten" by his awkwardness. Yang Anyu licked his sore waist. He did not think that Yi Chenyan had such a black belly. Change state!

This weekend, Yang Anyu began to officially record the seventh issue of "Challenge firsttime", and the special guest invited by this program group is actually Yu Siyuan!

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