MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 59

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After waking up, "An Young Master" found that everything was normal, his body was unobstructed, and he did not see anything strange, or heard a mess.

Therefore, he really doubts that he has made a mistake. Otherwise, he said that he saw a ghost from ancient times who was exactly the same as himself. Others must have thought that he had a mental problem and went to a psychiatric hospital.

s city, in the villa area of ​​the south of the city, this Huang Mao "An Shaoye" does not want to live with the new family, has always been living alone in the big villa.

Usually during the day, there will be people coming over to clean and serve, but in the evening, he will drive away all the people, only like to stay alone.

He lived with his mother in the field from an early age. The mother and the child lived together for more than ten years, but the mother died because of overwork. Before the death, he revealed the truth, said his father's identity, and the fact that he was an illegitimate child.

Later, he was found by his father, Yang Peng, and brought back the Yang family. Suddenly he became the young master of the Yang family.

But he didn't like it at all.

He hates his father and does not want to surname Yang. He prefers to be the "An Yu" who follows his mother's surname and has his mother to accompany and care.

So many times, he asked others to call him "Mr. An, An Shaoye" and so on.

The house was bought by the rich dad. For the son’s unreasonable demands, the inner-yang Yang’s father also indulged, so that “An Yu” gradually became more leisurely and unemployed.

Usually, many young masters are too lazy to do, not wanting to do, too lazy to do, but he deliberately, because he hates everything about Yang Peng and Yang Jia, he likes to fight against Yang Peng and his brother Yang Lan.

However, there are exceptions.

An Shaoye always remembers that day, he saw Yi Chenyan playing chess with his father Yang Peng.

The heart could not control the beating. His eyes seemed to be invisible. He only stared at Yi Chenyan alone. This may be love at first sight.

In the evening, An Shaoye was alone in the room and looked at the video about Yi Chenyan.

"Wow, this man is so beautiful!"

Suddenly, a voice came out behind him, and An Shao’s body trembled, and the ipad in his hand was almost scared.

All of a sudden, the video was turned off, and the small guardian ghost in front of him was watching. The young man’s face was white and his lips were shaking: “You...what did you show up again?!”

Seeing the young Huang Mao in front of him so afraid of himself, Yang Anyu shook his head innocently: "I don't know, sometimes I will suddenly disappear, and suddenly appear, this I can't control myself."

"..." An Shaoye turned his eyes. He didn't seem to be a sinister ghost. It seemed that there was nothing malicious, and there was a bit of confusion.

Gradually, An Shaoye was not so scared. After all, the other person had the same face as himself, and his expression was very mild.

Does this ancient ghost have anything to do with yourself? Will it be his past life?

"Who is that good-looking man? Why is it in a small and square iron box?" Yang Anyu said as he pointed to the ipad that An's young master had caught in his hand, and his head was full of doubts.

"You don't care about this!" An Shaoye frowned, then he coldened his face.

Feeling the dissatisfaction of the people in front of him, Yang Anyu did not dare to ask questions. He slowly retreated to the corner of the room and squatted on the floor, his head lowered.

"This world is so strange. Everyone's dress and lifestyle are very different from what I used to be. I don't understand a lot of things they say." Yang Anyu said to herself:

An Shaoye suddenly felt that his brain might be broken, or else how would he feel that this guardian who was kneeling in the corner was a little pitiful?

Helpless pouting, he went up two steps: "Hey, you can't understand and it's normal. Who told you to be an ancient ghost. How do you die? Why are you following me?"

"I..." Yang Anyu tried hard to think about it, but still shook her head. "Maybe I have a lot of Mengpo soup, I have forgotten it."

An Shaoye: "..."

Why is he not going to reincarnate directly, but he has to entangle himself!

"But I have a lot of wounds on my body and a broken sword in my chest, so..." Yang Anyu looked down at himself and said again, "So I should be hacked to death, or dying?"

"..." An Shaoye is speechless. "Crap! I know this too. You should dress up in the battlefield. It may not be an ancient soldier, or a guardian."

"Well, it makes sense to make it right." The little guards who came to the first time nodded and nodded, and finally communicated with a normal human being, so happy.

Looking at Yang Anyu's eyes, the mouth is still smiling, and An Shaoye is depressed for a while. After a while, when did he not be afraid of ghosts, and he kept talking with him?

"Right, our name is the same, looks the same, the voice is the same, how do I call you?" Suddenly, Yang Anyu asked.

"Calling 'An Shaoye'." Huang Mao "An Yu" smugly raised his chin, "or you call 'Ange' also, anyway, we are different, I am twenty years old, but you are smaller than me It’s three years old.”

After all, he also put on the attitude of a big brother.

Yang An Yu stunned and said: "Are you not surnamed Yang?"

"I used to follow my mom's name for the first 18 years. Besides, I hate surnamed Yang!" When it came to this, An Shaoye’s eyes were fierce and he clenched his fists.

Yang Anyu immediately saw that something was wrong, fearing that this person suddenly became angry and ignored himself. For the time being, he did not dare to ask more.

"Okay, Da Yu." Yang An Yu nodded skillfully.

"Ah? What kind of ghost is this?" An Shaoye frowned, from small to large, no one had called him so much.

"Da Yu, Da Yu, screaming more, you call me ‘小羽’, haha.” After the speech, Yang Anyu smiled sillyly.

A few days later, Yang Anyu simply smothered himself in order to prevent An Shao from getting up and urinating in the middle of the night.

He unplugged the broken sword on his chest and cleaned his hair and clothes. Although he still had the wound left before his death, as long as he was not excited, there would be no **** scars.

An Shaoye nodded with satisfaction, so it looked less scary and horrified, and Xiaoyu’s face was like him. He looked pleasing to the eye, which was equivalent to a sudden twin brother.

However, Yang Anyu became a "curious baby", always floating around the house, chasing the big feathers and asking Dong to ask.

"Big feather, why is your hair yellow?"

"What does this mean? Big feather."

"Da Yu, what is this iron box doing? How can I teach it?"


An crazy among the young master, many times you want to beat Yang Anyu, but the thought of Yang Anyu is from ancient times, still only teenagers ghost, he also Renxia this impulse.

A week later, An Shaoye felt that his patience had become better and better, and it was a new realm. He was afraid that the problem of ghosts would be cured.

"Da Yu, Da Yu..." On this day, Yang Anyu smiled and joined together.

"Don't talk! Read more." When An Shaoye said, he threw a thick masterpiece to him. "There is a problem. I have been online Baidu. Have I not taught you?"


Therefore, Yang Anyu, who knew that he was being dismissed, read and read newspapers. In the past few days, he often went online to learn knowledge and life skills.

"Xiao Yu, would you take me out to see you at night?"

At this time, An Shaoye proposed that this small guardian ghost should stay in his villa, he should also feel bored.

“Really?” Yang Anyu blinked. “In case I am in trouble, what should I do?”

"You have already added a lot of trouble to me."

Later, the two came to the bar street in the Southern District. An Shaoye took Yang Anyu, did not go to the shops that he usually went to, but just entered the family.

Now Yang An Yu is accompanying, and An Shaoye is too lazy to shout out those friends. In fact, he is in a bad mood today, so he has been drinking and getting drunk.

Yang Anyu also wants to drink, but he is already dead, he will not be hungry at all, and he will not taste the taste of food. Now he can only feel the smell of blood.

"Da Yu, don't drink too much, it is easy to hurt, and if you are drunk, if I drag you back, others can't see me, that picture..." Yang Anyu said with distress.

"Reassured, I can't get drunk with this wine." An Shaoye did not agree.

"Dayu, look over there!"

Suddenly, Yang Anyu patted him again and pointed it not far away.

An Shaoye looked at it and saw a few men surrounded the former singer on the stage. In the speech, he was picking up and screaming. It was obvious that he was watching the person and wanted him to spend a few nights with them.

"Don't gossip." An Shaoye took some angry Yang Anyu.

Yang Anyu opened him and shook his head: "That brother looks good, singing is good, Da Yu, you go to help him, okay?"

These men are local gangsters, and "An Yu", the young master, often visits nightclubs. They will definitely know him, knowing that they can't afford to be offended, and they will definitely give him face.

"The trouble is dead!" Ann was indignant, and looked reluctant and continued to bury himself.

Seeing this, Yang Anyu frowned, and his mind turned around. Suddenly, he smiled and approached An Shaoye. The wound on his body began to bleed at this time.

"Da Yu, do you really help?" Yang Anyu, who was pale, was laughing, but the tone of voice became gloomy.

An Shaoye immediately became a jealousy. Anyone who saw a ghost smiled at you with a strange look. He still had blood on his body, and he would definitely be shocked.

"Good... well, I will help, calm down! Don't spurt blood!"

"Thank you, Da Yu is so handsome!"

Yang Anyu changed his eyes into a star, and it became a simple and fresh one.

An Shaoye: "..."

After driving away the few gangsters, An Shaoye was forced to rescue the resident singer. He had a pair of beautiful peach eyes, and the male singer who smiled and browed his eyes expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you, my name is Qin."

"Yeah." An Shaoye nodded casually. "In fact, I don't like this type of you. Don't misunderstand."

"Do not worry, I will not." Mr. Qin's dawn changed slightly, and he had an impression on this "An Yu" young master.

Later, when An Shaoye completely lost his drink, he waved away.

"So you are happy?" An Shaoye looked at the little guard ghost behind him.

"Well, I don't know why, Da Yu, I always think that you and Mr. Qin may become good friends in the future." Yang Anyu smiled.

"Good friend? Haha." Ann did not feel ridiculous and swayed. "You definitely want more, I don't need any friends."


Yang An Yu silently, he knows that Da Yu sometimes laughs heartless, but it is actually a lonely big boy.

s City, Chengyu Film Academy.

On this day, Yang Anyu went to school with An Shaoye, saying that this young master is eating and drinking every day. He rarely comes to school. Every time he is forced by his father Yang Peng and his brother Yang Lan.

But in the classroom, the teacher was giving lectures, but An Shaoye had been sleeping on the table. Yang Anyu listened a lot about the performance. When participating in impromptu performances and interactions, An Shaoye is also very unsocial. One person is lazy and scattered at the end, his eyes are free, and he does not speak all the time.

Yang Anyu’s head hurts a bit. I feel that this rebellious young master really needs a good “education”.

In the performance profession, Yang Anyu followed An Shaoye and met Guo Lixu in the next class.

An Shaoye and Guo Lixu have always been disagreeable. When they meet, they are full of gunpowder. But this time, Yang Anyu persuaded him, and Da Yu directly ignored Guo Lixu and took the lead.

"Da Yu, you are very impolite."

When An Anye discovered that Yang Anyu was angry, he was very serious. He grinned: "Cut, he is not polite to me."

"Hey, people and people are going to get along with each other." Yang An Yu sighed and said, "Don't talk about it, today I watched Guo classmates dancing, he jumped very well."

It is said that the "Da Yu" young master is unhappy, he snorted: "Hey! Is it amazing? I will jump."

"Hey? Really fake?" Yang Anyu was surprised.

“It’s true.”

Therefore, An Shaoye, who has no interest in other things, but loves dance, often pulls Yang Anyu to practice dance with him. Yang Anyu feels interesting and will teach him some basic martial arts exercises, at least to keep fit.

In the process of getting along, Yang An Yu will advise Ann to stop smoking and fight, bully and slap the little girl, and respect the elders. He wants to try to slowly correct his three views.

The "big feather" young master also found this little guard ghost, at first glance it seems to be cute, but in fact it is so pure and good deception, sometimes it can be blackened in a second, **** scare him.

Although Yang Anyu is very troublesome, his flaws and voids seem to be not so big, and life is no longer so boring and boring.

Two days later, the Yang family felt that they could not continue to let this young master, and began to arrange various bodyguards around Da Yu.

"The bodyguards are simply bored, all of them are wooden faces, saying nothing to ignore me, and staring at me all day long! I can't do anything, it's all wrong!"

An Shaoye shouted, his mouth was full of complaints, and his emotions were very depressed.

"Dayu, some people are not satisfied, you can change it." Yang Anyu whispered softly.

"I have changed a few, it is still useless!"

"No hurry, take your time." Yang Anyu smiled at him and turned his eyes. "Da Yu, change it to be my words. If you really want to find a bodyguard, let him stay with me every day, I hope he The name is a good name, a gentle look, and..."

An Shaoye interrupted Yang Anyu’s words and added: “There is no height higher than me, and I can chat with me.”

"Yeah, that's it."

"However, can you really find it?" An Shaoye frowned and had no confidence.

"Of course, I believe that one day, he will come to your side."

Another day, today’s father Yang Peng and his brother Yang Lan’s visit, Da Yu’s love is ignored, and they are extremely indifferent to them. On the contrary, Yang Anyu, whom the two cannot see, is respectful and has always nodded to the two.

Yang Lan couldn't stand the attitude of his younger brother. After quarreling with him, he left with anger. Yang Yang Yang Peng used his greatest patience to accommodate the younger son, but in the face of the contradiction between the two brothers, it is also a dilemma.

After two days of walking, Yang Anyu wanted to persuade the abalone to be awkward. Who knows that he hasn’t said a few words yet, Da Yu is a big temper, throwing things while yelling.

"What do you do with so much? Roll!" The excited big feather closed his eyes and covered his ears. "Come on! I don't want to see you again!"

"..." Yang Anyu stagnate, seeing him completely unwilling to see, and his heart suddenly sour, and silently drifted to other places.

At night, "An Yu" young master hid in the bed, looking at his and his mother's photos, can not help but wipe the tears, and then, Yang An Yu quietly appeared.

"You...what are you still there? I am not asking you to leave?" An An hurriedly wiped the tears, but still a little crying.

"Who am I going to accompany you? Anyway, you are probably my reincarnation. We are also good friends, so you occasionally temper me, it doesn't matter."

The smile on Yang Anyu's face is still warm.

Wen Yan, An Shaoye's nose is sour, and a little want to cry, and Yang Anyu gently hugged his "big feather" in the past, although this embrace is nothing, no temperature, but with his sincere heart.

Later, An Shaoye gave him a half bed and let Yang Anyu lie with him.

"Xiao Yu, when it comes to past and present, I suddenly think that you really look like me?"

"Hey?" Yang Anyu groaned. "But I don't love crying."

"You!" An An uncle screamed at him. "I said that when I was alive, I often laughed. I didn't understand a lot of things at the time. It was simple."

"Now it can be." Yang Anyu said, suddenly pulled the younger brother's face, "Dayu, you must be very lovable to laugh, and later smile."

"It hurts! I know."

Two weeks later, Yang Peng, a father with a bad heart, was repeatedly ill. If he was seriously ill, he could no longer continue to manage Shang Yi. He left the position of the president to his eldest son, Yang Lan, and he rested in the hospital with peace of mind.

In the hospital, Yang Peng was once again promoted to the operating room.

Among the Yang family waiting outside, his brother Yang Lan supported Mrs. Yang, both mother and son were heavy-faced, and several uncles of Yang’s family quietly discussed what was on the side.

And "An Yu" and them separated by a distance, he lowered his head, letting the front of the bangs cover his eyes, but his mouth can not stop rising, the joy of the mood is still exposed.

Yes, "An Yu" can not help Yang father die early, and then go underground to apologize to his mother!

Upon seeing this, Yang An Yu’s heart trembled. Before he was negligent, the mentality of Da Yu may be more complicated than he imagined. If he is not controlled, he may become sickly distorted.

Then, a footstep sounded, Yang Anyu turned back and saw Yi Chenyan.

Inexplicable familiarity came to the fore, Yang An Yu could not help but stunned, he remembered that An Anye had been watching this man's video before.

This man is a big star, and is a superb acting artist with numerous fans, a bunch of male gods.

What is his name? Easy... Yi Chenyan...

Compared with Yang Anyu's ambiguity and embarrassment, An Shaoye is a happy heart, smiled and stepped forward, and took the initiative to say hello to Yi Chenyan.

Yang Anyu is still awkward. He rarely sees An An's enthusiasm for a person, and there is still a smile on his face.

When Yang Peng came out of the operating room and temporarily passed the dangerous period, Yi Chenyan was also prepared to leave with the agent.

"Yi Chenyan, you wait!" At this time, An Shaoye did not visit his father, but hurriedly caught up with him.

"Is there something?" Yi Chenyan is only a faint word, and there is almost no change in his face.

"That, you... have you been free recently?" The arrogant and rude An Young, suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I am busy." Yi Chenyan decisively refused, and then went back without looking back.

This gentleman, really cool!

Overlooking the whole process, Yang Anyu secretly felt that this is the biggest secret of An Shao’s current heart.

It turned out that Da Yu liked him.

"Da Yu, why do you like Yi Chenyan?" After returning home at night, Yang Anyu was curious. He was very interested in the emotional problems of An Shaoye.

"Love at first sight." Ann said directly, he also felt that love is sometimes very fast, and it is incredible.

"It is also possible that I have been from my last life and I like him in my previous life."

"Previous life?" Yang Anyu immediately surprised. "So you mean me? But I don't know him."

"You don't even remember what you are. How do you know that you don't know him?"

Yang Anyu nodded: "Yeah, maybe I really know him."

When he saw Yi Chenyan, he did have a sense of familiarity, and he wanted to know more.

When he wanted to, Yang Anyu slowly closed his eyes. When he opened it again, he found that he was obviously not in the familiar villa, but in a strange bathroom.

The water vapor lingered, the water of the shower head ran, and he vaguely saw a red-naked figure standing there, blinking his eyes, and Yang Anyu got closer and wanted to see it clearly.

Then he recognized it, this... this is not Yi Chenyan!

Yang Anyu stayed, and faced the temptation of the meat-body in front of him. His eyes turned around and he felt that it was not suitable for seeing it. But somehow, his eyes were not controlled by himself, so he should not look at it. The place to see.

Yi Chenyan not only looks good, his face looks good, but his body is tall, his muscle lines are also very charming, and more importantly, the following is also developed very well!

The same man, Yang An Yu suddenly a little envious of hate.

In the bathroom, Yang Anyu felt that she was a little hot, and then he found himself bleeding again, looking down, not from the wounds on his body, but nosebleeds!

In an instant, Yang Anyu quickly grabbed his nose and hurriedly escaped this spring-filled, very seductive bathroom.

After Yichen said that he had showered and came out of the bathroom, he knew that there was a small guardian ghost from the ancient family, and... he had not been able to withstand his shackles and seduce, and shed a shameful nosebleed. .

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