MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 63

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After the advertising shooting activities of Paris, Yang Anyu and Gu Xin in France, this day, Gu Xin, as one of the representatives of Chinese female stars, attended the fashion event.

More than a dozen Chinese actresses are on the same stage, and the stars are shining. They are all high-value, which is not necessary to compare. They pay attention to their respective clothes and makeup.

Gu Xin received invitations from two brands during this season's fashion week. She changed the **** and mature style of the weekdays. This time she chose a set of blue dresses, which are elegant and elegant, yet pure and lovely. .

The actresses are on the stage, and there are many celebrities in the fashion world, including fashion media, clothing company leaders, fashion experts, and some designers and fashion editors.

Yang Anyu was watching in the back row. He was dressed very low-key. This time he was only accompanied by Gu Xin to make a fun.

"You are... Yang Anyu?"

When I came back from the bathroom, suddenly, Yang Anyu heard someone shouting herself behind her, and she spoke directly to the Chinese.

When Yang Anyu turned around, he saw a gentleman with a gentle face and a gentle face. He was very affectionate. The gentleman was younger. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was very handsome, just...

The glare of Yang Anyu could not help but move down. This gentleman is holding a cane. It should be a bad leg.

"Well, I am, I didn't expect it to be recognized." Yang Anyu smiled and nodded, and wondered, "Mr. Hello, may I ask you?"

This gentleman looks good, has good temperament, and can attend this kind of activity. It must be someone in the fashion circle.

"Call me keith, I am not a big man, but today I am coming with my designer friends." Mr. Keith smiled.

"So smart? I am similar."

"Actually..." Keith's dawn changed. "I am still a fan of Yi Chenyan. I have been paying attention to him since he debuted."

“Really?” Yang Anyu was shocked and happy. “Then you must be his loyalty powder.”

Keith but shook his head helplessly: "I don't have that qualification yet."

"Hmm?" Yang Anyu did not understand.

"Yang Anyu, I like you very much now." Keith promptly shifted the subject. "I also listened to the "Yu You Companion" that you dedicated to fans. You really care."

"Thank you." Yang Anyu laughed. The fans of his own movie actor are all over the world. Now, fans who have met Yi Chenyan in other countries do not say it, and he also likes himself very much. It is so good.

"Right, keith your legs..."

"Xiao Yu!"

Yang Anyu has not finished asking, and the call of Gu Xin came from behind.

"Yang Anyu, I am very glad to meet you, we have a goodbye." Keith finished, and turned and left.

Looking at him with a cane, slowly leaving the figure, Yang An Yu's heart is inexplicably uneasy.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing here?"

At this time, Gu Xin, who had already come, took a shot of Yang Anyu.

"Oh, I happened to meet fans of the predecessors. He also said that he liked me very much. We talked a few words."

"Yes? That's really good."

Listening to Yang Anyu, Gu Xin did not consciously look ahead. Keith had already gone far. When he turned into another direction, Gu Xin only vaguely aimed at a side of keith, but she felt a bit familiar. It seems that I have seen it somewhere.

"He...he seems to be..."

"What's wrong? Gu Xin sister, do you know him?" Yang Anyu asked.

"Maybe I am wrong." Gu Xin shook her head again.

The week passed quickly, and the city of Beixing District, after the end of the work, Yi Chenyan, returned to his villa.

Nowadays, Coogee Cocoa has been raised here. Yang Anyu is only in the city of S, and when he is free, he is almost by his side. Therefore, the house where he lived temporarily became more and more like a Home.

However, Yi Chenyan will give Yang Anyu a brand new, truly warm home. Some forms are also necessary. He looked at the calendar and counted the time. When he is next spring, he will live with Xiao Yu in their new home. .

At 10:30 in the evening, after Xiao Keo safely fell asleep, Yi Chenyan, who had been bathed, prepared to rest, but saw a familiar car in the monitoring of the entrance of the villa.

When Yang Anyu entered the door, he immediately rushed to Yi Chenyan: "Chen Yan, I am back!"

After more than two weeks, I didn’t hold my own movie, so Yang Anyu instantly became a idiot puppy. Her head was in the neck of Yi Chenyan’s neck, feeling his body temperature and sniffing him. the taste of.

Yi Chenyan was helpless, let Yang Anyu hold tightly, and he licked his head again.

Originally planned to stay in France for about three weeks, I did not expect Yang Anyu to come back in advance, and it was still such a big night.

"Mr. Yi, the young master will hand it over to you, and I should leave with Qi Ge." At this time, the Tang Guo, whose eyes have been flashed, screamed.

"Well, be careful on the road, remember to inform Yang Lan again." Yi Chen said a word.

"Reassured, I have already notified." Zisen immediately responded.

Listening to this, Yi Chenyan's dawn is dark, pinching the small nose of Yang An Yu: "So, this time is deliberately only glaring at me?"

"Yeah, it is deliberate." Yang Anyu grinned, "Chen Yan, because I want to give you a surprise! I also bought you a lot of gifts, all brought back in the box."

"Isn't it all going to eat?" Yi Chenyan raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not!" Yang Anyu shook his head. "Hey, because those are especially delicious, I can’t help but eat it on the road, and it’s not too fresh to bring it back, but I still leave you. A little. Yes, I picked clothes and shoes for you, and bought a very beautiful crystal puppy!"

When he flashed in his eyes, Yi Chenyan was also happy, and smiled and smiled: "In fact, you don't have to buy so much, Xiao Yu, you are my biggest gift."

His voice did not fall, Yang An Yu directly to Yi Chenyan's cheek "bar 唧" kissed: "Chen Yan, you are also."

Tang Guo: "..."

Is it really okay to hold such a hug?

"Qi Ge, let's just flash it."

This lethality, even if Tang Guo has a titanium alloy dog's eye, it is about to collapse, so he quickly pulled Zisen to retreat.

Late at night, but in the bedroom of Yi Chenyan is a hot. The husband and the two fell in the bed and did intimate sports in various poses.

"Well, Chen Yan, no... don't worry anymore!"

Yang Anyu’s forehead has already produced a fine sweat, and his cheeks are also red, and his body is even more unbearably sweet, so he can’t help but scream.

Yi Chenyan was buried in the middle of Yang Anyu's legs. The flexible tongue gently stroked his inside, and used the tip of his tongue to stimulate the most sensitive point in the depths.

Usually during the day, Yang Anyu always likes to entangle him, and is pro- and sly. Now, at night, Yi Chenyan will certainly be inside and out, and all of them will come back.

"No... no, um oh..." This strong sense of excitement made Yang Anyu shed tears again. He touched Yi Chenyan’s head and wanted to stop him.

"Good." Yi Chen said with a low smile, no longer using his tongue to continue to bully and torture Yang Anyu, and Yang Anyu was suddenly empty.

Can a certain film emperor be so black, how could it be easy to let him go.

Yang Anyu's small things in front of him are very cute and cute, and the back is only a little touched, and the water flows very well. Yi Chenyan deliberately rubbed the teasing on the outer edge, and did not have the meaning of deepening.

Yang An Yu shuddered, and at this moment it was very uncomfortable, so he twitched his **** unconsciously, looking at the smirk of Yi Chenyan, and his eyes were full of suffocating water: "It's itchy, Chen Yan , fast... come in quickly..."

In the face of this seductive little fairy, a man can't stand it, so Yi Chenyan also went in at once.

Because the inside has been fully moistened beforehand, let Yi Chenyan enter quite smoothly, he gently bite Yang Anyu's ear: "Baby, you are so hot."

"Uh huh, full... full..." Yang Anyu's brain is now out of his own control, and his mouth is stunned. He asks Yichen to make a quick move, to be deeper and deeper.

As a result, Yi Chenyan slammed up and slammed his movements. The movement was more and more powerful. Now Yang Anyu is getting more and more open in bed. Not only will he respond enthusiastically, but he always likes to induce him, but he can’t easily let go. It is.

This is his little feather, only belongs to him alone.

The next morning, after Yang Anyu woke up, he found that his underside was sticky and he was immediately hot on his cheek.

Looking at the next Yi Chenyan still asleep, Yang Anyu thought about his performance last night, physical strength is definitely consumed too much, then do not want to bother and trouble him.

After hurriedly putting on a shirt, Yang Anyu also quietly got out of bed. Who knows, he just got out of bed and walked two steps, even the pants have not had time to wear, Yi Chenyan opened his eyes.

"Noisy... wake you up? Chen Yan."

Yi Chenyan shook his head slightly and pointed to the white shirt on Yang Anyu. He couldn’t help but smile: "Xiao Yu, the clothes are wrong."


After such a reminder, Yang Anyu immediately realized that the shirt on his body was indeed much wider than his own, and the hem could cover his ass.

The clothes in him and Yi Chenyan are almost all couples. Sometimes the tastes of each other are mixed together, so it is definitely not that he deliberately wears the wrong one.

"I... I will change it back soon." Yang Anyu groaned, his footsteps trembled a little. Who knows this time, the white liquid just happened to flow down the inside of his thigh.

Yang Anyu: "..."

Yi Chenyan fed him too much last night, and they were too tired, so they have not been cleaned up yet.

Yi Chenyan smiled and Yang Anyu, who was waking up, was not as frank in bed at night, but the same tempting.

When I got up and walked over, Yi Chenyan picked up Yang Anyu: "Xiao Yu, don't bother me, I will give it to me in the future. I will wash it for you and then dress it."

Yang An Yu’s heart was moving, and he was embarrassed to say “Well”.

Two days later, Gu Xin called.

"Gu Xin, what?"

"Xiao Yu, at the beginning of the "Boxer" crew, I have had a chance to cooperate with you, but you were only a stuntman at that time, and then we have not cooperated very much, I have always felt very sorry, okay, now I can finally be your true partner."

"What do you mean? Gu Xinjie." Yang Anyu is still a bit embarrassed.

Gu Xin smiled at the phone: "I want to tell you in advance, the heroine of "The Fox" is me, and the important actor that has not been announced by the official has finally settled, it is you, Xiao Yu."