MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 66

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In the hospital, there was a lot of heavy past in my heart. Yi Chenyan frowned and fell into a nightmare...

Some fragments of the past have come to mind intermittently. When Yi Chenyan did not really understand the love, those relatives, friends and partners, and respected elders gave him a lot of promises.

"Chen Yan, you are very good, I will definitely help you become the best singer!" When he first saw Wu Shao, he patted Yi Chenyan's shoulder and vowed.

However, when the accident came, Yi Chenyan’s nephew was injured, and he was lying in the hospital because of poisoning. He couldn’t sing for a while, but Wu Shao showed another face.

"I can't help it, Yi Chenyan, you are completely useless."

The throat was burning and the throat was only hoarse. Yi Chenyan climbed down from the bed and shook his head again and again, but he was abandoned.


Eight years ago, he fell and fell, and gradually moved away from the stage of the singer, but the man took the opportunity to climb up.

"Chen Yan, we are good brothers anyway."

When he was not debuting, Ke Qin and Yi Chenyan were friends. They were all single-person families. When Yi Chen’s family was riddled with debt, he had always had a star dream of Ke Qin’s proposal, so that Yi Chenyan like him, choose Debut.

So, they signed up to the same entertainment company. Because the company name was not known, the two just got out of the way, it was not easy, but they still supported and sang their favorite songs.

Gradually, the gap between the two people came out. The music talent and strength of Yi Chenyan became more and more red, and gradually became familiar and liked by everyone, but Ke Qin was not so lucky.

"You can't sing anyway, you can't cheapen others, Chen Yan, then I will replace you." When Yi Chen said something, Ke Qin was like a person who became a stranger.

"Sorry, Chen Yan, I really want everything about you. If you don't have it, then you are fine." He was laughing, but his smile didn't have a slight temperature, twisted and cold, and even hate in his eyes.

Yi Chen said that he closed his eyes desperately, enough, all this is enough!


"Chen Yan, you can rest assured, I will always be your Rose sister, I will always take care of you!" As a close assistant, Ning Weiwei often stands by Yi Chenyan, and always smiles and encourages him. .

However, Ning Weiwei said this in a smile, but later deceived and used him again and again.

Yi Chenyan still remembers very clearly that the smile on the face of this neighbor's sister is also less and less. In the end, she is quite a big belly, tears in front of her, sobbing: "Chen Yan, I... I beg you! I beg you to let him go, the child in my stomach...that is...he is..."

"I... I don't want this child to be born, it's gone... Dad, please!"

In an instant, Yi Chenyan froze, how to do it, but what to do with her...

There is also a mother, before her death, her face is bloodless, and the dark and dull eyes are full of regrets: "Sorry, Chen Yan, obviously we said good, but... Mom, I can’t continue to accompany you. It is."

As for Yang Peng, this elder who once respected Yi Chenyan, in the end, all his appreciation and help to himself is rooted in the depths of his heart.

"Yes, Yi Chenyan, I killed your dad, hahaha..." Yang Peng laughed, but his face was twisted, his body was shaking, and he looked even more uncomfortable than crying. "I ...I am really a liar!"

"Yang...Yang Peng! Yang Peng!"

Yi Chenyan screamed eagerly, but the electrocardiogram still became a straight line. Yang Peng suddenly left this way, failing to listen to his next words.

Commitment to this kind of thing, after all, is lost to time and changeable people, experienced so many, Yi Chenyan slowly closed himself, and will not easily believe anything.

However, his little feather appeared.

"Chen Yan!" Yang Anyu called his name and held his hand. "Don't be afraid, I am here!"

Yang An Yu gently wiped the sweat on his forehead for him, smiling slightly: "Chen Yan, I like you, I only like you."

Listening to Yang Anyu's voice, Yi Chenyan's brow gradually stretched, and the temperature from the palm of his hand also made him relax and feel at ease, so in the early hours of the morning, Yi Chenyan woke up.

The day was just bright, and the Yi Chenyan who was regaining consciousness was still awkward. His injured left hand was bandaged and fixed, and his left hand was held by him. He slightly crossed his head. Yi Chenyan saw Yang Anyu kneeling on his bed. .

Yi Chen can't help but bend the corner of his lips. At this time, Yang Anyu, who has a bit of a numbness in his hands and feet, just opened his eyes.

"Chen... Chen Yan, you woke up!" Yang Anyu excited, he smiled, and the two small dimples hung again.

"Yeah." Yi Chen said a faint response, but also want to say something, but the throat is a little dry and painful, and can not help but cough, "cough! Xiao Yu..."

Yang Anyu immediately panic: "Chen Yan, is the scorpion uncomfortable? Want to drink water?"

Yi Chen said nod, so Yang Anyu hurriedly poured a cup of boiling water, but worried that Yi Chenyan was burned, and kept blowing in the air.

"Yes, Xiao Yu." Yi Chen said with a faint smile, reaching out to the injured right hand and wanting to take the cup.

Who knows, Yang Anyu shook his head: "Chen Yan, you are lying, don't move, I will feed you."

"Hey me? Xiao Yu, you took me as a child again."

"No matter, the patient is the biggest, the injured Chen Yan is the most important! You... should you not deny me?"

Abandoning his Xiao Yu? Yi Chenyan wants to laugh, when he disliked it.

Yi Chenyan shook his head. Then, Yang Anyu took a sip of water in his mouth and kissed Yi Chenyan.

Yi Chen’s words were slightly stunned, but he soon opened his mouth, and Yang Anyu used his mouth to feed him a bite.

"Chen Yan, this is not hot?"

"Well, it's still sweet."

Later, when it was time to eat breakfast, Yang Anyu also held a bowl of nutritious rice porridge, and fed it to Yi Chenyan with a spoon. The waiter was quite in place, and a certain movie emperor also enjoyed it.

Yi Chenyan suddenly felt that he was sick very often, and he could enjoy the care of his family.

"Chen Yan, wait for you to get sick, teach me to play the piano."

Yi Chenyan listened, a little puzzled: "How do you suddenly want to learn piano? Xiao Yu."

Yi Chenyan’s scorpion injury in the past was always affected by the sound, so his voice is low, and the clear high-pitched part is difficult to sing. Many previous songs are not just changes in the sound line, but the mood is also very different. So, he can't sing the taste anymore.

Yang Anyu knows that Yi Chen’s heart has more or less regrets.

"Chen Yan, even if you are not a singer now, I know that you still like to sing." Yang An Yu looked at Yi Chenyan, the light flashed, and the eyes sparkled, "I will accompany you to sing and play the piano together." Sing all the songs you like that you want to sing."

Yang Anyu’s voice has not fallen, and Yi Chen’s heart is warm.

He couldn't help but touch Yang Anyu's cheek and smiled softly: "Good."

I didn't stay in the hospital for a long time. Soon, Yi Chenyan was discharged from the hospital. He wanted to recuperate at home, and the soup with a partial burn of his arm woke up earlier than Yi Chenyan. After he handled the wound, he chose to go home and recover.

As the two actors were injured, the "Half Drunk and Half Awaken" crew had to change their plans. They first took pictures of other people and waited for a while.

In the high-end villa area of ​​the city west of the city, on the side of the soup, today the family suddenly came to the guests.

"Ke Qinge, you... how did you get back to China?"

When the housekeeper led Ke Qin to come in, Tang Yu accidentally said that he had to go up the first two steps and sat down with Ke Qin, who had inconvenient legs and feet.

Ke Qin smiled a little and took the crutches in his hand to one side: "I heard a little bit of news about your injury, so come see you."

"It's all right." Tang Yi smiled. His burn area was small and not serious. The plaster will be cured after a while and will not leave any ugly scars.

"Keqin brother, have you brought the nightmare together?"

"Yeah." Ke Qin nodded. "After all, she looks like someone needs to take care of me. I don't trust her alone."

"Take her to come and play in the next day, and if you can't find a place to live for a while, just move to me."

Ke Qin smiled politely: "Thank you, I will consider it."

"Auntie, you are very red now."

Some time ago, Ke Qin made a new song. The rankings of the major lists were very high. Ke Qin returned to China only a few days and found that many people were listening, and his songs were also placed in the shops of the streets.

In the past month, Tang Yu has been filming with Yi Chenyan. The film "Half-Drunken and Half-Wake" is high, and the propaganda is also very good. I believe that after the official broadcast, it will definitely get a good box office.

But Tang Wei is not very concerned about it, faintly said: "Fortunately, generally."

"You are modest."

"Auntie, he was also injured this time..." This "he" in Ke Qin's mouth, needless to say, both can understand.

"And then?" Wen Yan, the dawn of the soup is dark.

"You must not hurt others for me."

"..." Tang Wei did not speak, nodded slightly slightly perfunctory.

Three days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Anyu and Tang Wei met in a Chinese restaurant.

After all, Yang Anyu is an ancient guardian, so he prefers to eat Chinese food compared to Western food. Moreover, the Chinese food culture is profound and profound. If you can taste the specialties from all over the country, he will be satisfied.

In the vip box of the restaurant, because the two people have special status, they can't show up at all. This time, Yang Anyi didn't tell anyone. It was a single visit to Tang Yu, and Tang Yu was also a person.

"Tang Yu, you and Chen Yan were accidentally injured in the last filming, but is it really an accident?" Yang Anyu's eyes are sharp.

Tang Wei did not answer, just smiled and said: "I asked this kind of thing when I came, Xiao Yu, you are really disappointed."

"We still don't bend around, just open the door and see the words clearly."

"First wait." Tang Yan shook his head. He poured two glasses of wine and handed it to Yang An Yu. "Xiao Yu, you still have to have a drink with me."

Yang Anyu is helpless. It seems that he only wants to disclose some things when he first drinks with him.

So, Yang Anyu took the glass and sipped it: "Now, you can say it."

The soup is awkward, and then there is some innocence: "Xiao Yu, you think too much, the last time was really an accident, so many people are present, what else can I do? But I did give some reminders to the predecessors, remind him of those People and things that should not be forgotten."

"Enough! Don't fake it anymore." Yang Anyu cried, staring at Tang Yan's eyes. "Do you know Ke Qin? What is your relationship with him?"

Those things in the past are the pains of Yi Chenyan's heart. He did not take the initiative to say it. Yang Anyu couldn't bear to ask, but Tang Wei said that he knew all of this and there is still a lot of evidence on hand, so today, Yang Anyu is planning to come to see Tang Wei. one side.

"I and Ke Qin..." Tang Yu thought about it, then slowly said, "Let's say, Yang Anyu, I know his daughter first, then..."

"Daughter?" Yang Anyu's head suddenly fainted.

"Well, he is a good father."

Ke Qin actually has married his wife and children? When Yang Anyu was surprised, his head was even more dizzy, and his line of sight gradually became blurred.

strange? His drink is not so bad at all, how can he get drunk when he has a cup? Is this glass of wine...

"You have prescribed medicine?" Yang Anyu was shocked. Now even the whole body has begun to soften.

"Tang Yu, you..." Yang Anyu bit his lip, hateful! He recently thought about Yi Chen’s words, and his vigilance was lower.

"Yang An Yu, the average person should have passed out at this time, but you are really special, so I have more doses." Tang Yan stretched his hand and touched his soft hair. "Reassured, just let You have a good night's sleep."

A few hours later, in the West District of S City, Yi Chenyan came to the home of Tang Wei.

"Welcome, easy for seniors." Waiting for the soup in the hall for many days, still a polite smile.

"What about Xiao Yu?"

Yi Chenyan's eyes are cold, and the whole body is also covered with low pressure. It has been for many years, and he has not been so angry.

Today, Yang Anyu went out at a little more than one o'clock in the afternoon. He only smiled and said that after a short while, he would come back. At four o'clock, he still had no news.

Because of worrying about Yang Anyu, Yi Chenyan made a phone call in the past, but who knows, but Tang Yan answered.

Seeing Yi Chenyan's face is quite ugly, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense with him. Tang Yu is no longer welcome, and he takes a recording pen and a file bag directly.

Yi Chenyan’s dawn has changed.

"Yi Chenyan, I have fully investigated, and you and Yang Anyu have long been married." Tang Yu said, pulled out a sneer, "If this is the case, then it is better for me to help you, let you directly out Cabinet, how? Anyway, I have audio and photos in my hand."

Wen Yan, Yi Chenyan probably guessed what might have been recorded in the recorder. The documents in front of him were loaded with those documents, but he still did not panic, and there was no trace in his eyes.

"Don't take this kind of thing to threaten me, it doesn't work for me."

"Yi Chenyan, you are open to yourself, showing sincerity, and being exposed by others, there is always a difference? You have been in the circle for ten years, maybe you can't really fall, but have you thought about Yang Anyu? ”

At present, "Devil's Fox" and "Half-drunk half-awake", Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan are the protagonists. If at this time, they are already out of the same sex-married, I don't know how much trouble will be caused?

Yi Chenyan's position is very strong, but Yang Anyu is different.

"I have already considered it, Tang Wei, I will say it again, you can't threaten me, Xiao Yu is the same."

Yi Chenyan’s eyes were cold again, and he certainly thought about this kind of thing. As long as Xiao Yu is willing to accompany him, it is no problem that they will withdraw from this circle together.

"Well, just relying on these, it is not enough." Understand Yi Chenyan's attitude towards this matter, and also see his determination and persistence, Tang Yu's heart is bitter, he really loves Yang Anyu.

Yi Chenyan pampered Yang Anyu, did not want to ruin his career, Tang Yan did not want to. He is targeting Yi Chenyan, so no matter how Wu Shao is doing next, he will not really do this.

"Yi Chenyan, you and Yang Anyu's relationship does not talk about that thing that eight years ago?" Tang Yan's dawn suddenly turned dark.

Yi Chen said: "..."

"If you know the other side of you, know that you had kidnapped your friend Ke Qin, who broke his leg, and also killed Ning Weiwei, which caused a family tragedy. What is their reaction? ”

"Yi Chenyan, how long are you going to do these things?"

On the other hand, when Yang Anyu woke up, he found himself sitting on a chair, but his hands were tied behind the chair and it was difficult to move.

On the opposite sofa, he was still sitting on a little girl wearing a beautiful princess dress, about six or seven years old.

"You... are you?" Yang Anyu wondered as if he was locked in this room with this little girl.

"Xiao Yu brother, you wake up!" Hearing Yang Anyu's voice, the girl immediately smiled sweetly. "My name is Ke Mengyu, that, I... I like you very much, it is your fan."

Speaking of the back, the girl still has some embarrassment when she sees idols.

His little fan? Yang An Yu is still somewhat amazed.

Ke Mengyu has a pink face, underneath the bangs, with a pair of big eyes, long eyelashes, but there is no look and light in her eyes, and she always looks at one direction. .

"You... can't you see?" Yang Anyu asked.

"Well, I am blind, I can't see it when I am born."

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