MTL - Final Redemption-v16 Chapter 44 All skill levels + one!

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The red-gold light faded.

Zhao Futu's complexion finally restored his calmness. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by a full circle of guard heroes.

At the same time that he obtained the sorrow of the ultimate artifact Frost, the hero of the Scourge had begun to retreat. The Murloc Nightwalker took the Lich King's helmet and turned into a shadow that disappeared. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the Snake Hair Banshee forcibly launched a big move and then broke through with a natural disaster hero. Originally, the heroes of the Guards Corps were going to chase after victory, but after Zhao Futu got the frosty sorrowful change, they couldn't help worrying and gathered around Zhao Futu.

Of course not to protect him!

It was to prevent Zhao Futu from being directly corrupted by his terrible power and becoming the new Lich King while holding Frostmourne.


This worst result did not occur.

"You should not hold Frostmourne!"

The first to speak was the Spirit of the Storm, who looked at Zhao Futu in front of him and said in a deep voice: "The power of Frostmourne is really terrible! No one can really control it!"

"We must find a way to destroy it!"

The Lich King fell.

The sorrow of the ultimate artifact Frost is also damaged. Although the Scourge has not been completely defeated, the advantage of the Guards is already very obvious. With the power of the World Tree, the speed of resurrection after the heroes of the Guard Corps is significantly higher than that of the Scourge. Without the Lich King to host the altar of heroes, the Scourge would have to prepare huge resources to resurrect the hero. After all, one of the abilities of the Lich King is the resurrection of undead heroes who died in battle. The proportion of undead heroes in the Scourge Army is quite large!

This is still Zhao Futu's reputation in the Guards Corps has reached worship. If his reputation is not enough, Frostmourne gets in his hands. I'm afraid other guard heroes have already forcibly taken the robbery.

Must destroy it!

This is the idea of ​​all the heroes of the Guards Corps, because no one can truly control the horrifying power of Frostmourne.

Even Arthas, the next-generation Paladin leader, couldn't resist the sorrowful power of Frost! Even in order to resist the control of Frostmourne, Arthas had to transform himself into a death knight, using the transformed undead will to control the power of Frostmourn!

This did not fall into a state of violent killing!

But Zhao Futu is not an undead. He does not have the blessed state of undead willpower, even if it can temporarily suppress Frostmourne's mourning power.

I ca n’t control it all the time!

Because as long as the frost sorrow is held in your hand, it is constantly corrupting your soul.

"There is no way to destroy it!"

Zhao Futu stood up slowly, he clenched the frost sorrow in his hand tightly, and said in a deep voice: "No one can destroy the frost sorrow unless the power is beyond this plane!"

"The only way is to let me take it away! Take it out of this plane!"

"This way the Scourge will not get it again."

"This is the time when the Lich King fell. You must restore your strength as soon as possible, and then completely defeat the Scourge, so that you can truly cut off the future!"

This battle was fierce.

The losses of both the Scourge and the Guards were very serious. Both sides lost dozens of heroes. Now the entire Guards camp adds up to less than 20 story heroes. However, the advantage of the Guards Corps is relatively obvious, then they do not need to cost much to resurrect the hero. As long as it can hold for a period of time, you can restore combat effectiveness at a speed much faster than the Scourge. However, the Scourge Banshee and the Void Mask of the Scourge Corps are still there, and even if the Lich King is killed, they do not obtain an overwhelming advantage.

"Take it away?"

The spirit of the storm was silent for a while, perhaps because of Zhao Futu's reputation, and it took a long time before he said, "Yes."

"But you must guarantee that you will not be controlled by it ~!"


"We will force it away."

Zhao Futu didn't answer each other, just looked at Ling aside and nodded slightly.

Their purpose has been achieved.

Want something. With the current reputation value is almost enough.


Some preparation is needed before this, because what they finally plan to do may anger the Guards.

The heroes of the plot began to order the soldiers to clean up the battlefield. With their current ability, they could not immediately launch a counterattack. Most of the buildings in the middle of the road had been destroyed, and they had to be rectified before they could recover the lost ground. Mainly because the snake hair banshee has not been defeated, she has become too resistant after becoming a **** hero. Even the wandering swordsman could not kill her in a short time, and the snake-haired banshee really wanted to leave with their current lineup.

As a real evolutionary plot plane!

The heroes of the plot have been weakened, and the stun control has become stiff. After all, the real stun is difficult.

After being stunned, it is completely mermaid!

After the real evolution, the range covered by hero skills has changed a lot. The butcher's 1,400-yard meat hook distance is actually only about 140 meters. Heroes such as the Tauren have a skill range of only half a kilometer. Only a small number of heroes attacking in full screen can expand the range covered by their skills to the entire plane.

But the lethality of these skills is much lower!

Zeus cooperates with the refresh ball to cause more than one thousand burst damage to each hero. This should be the highest all-surface explosion effect,

But when almost every hero has more than three thousand health, the lethality is not very suppressive.

Once tens of thousands of troops have opened the battle line, they are often more than ten kilometers long. Although the hero's ability is abnormal, it still cannot form an absolute suppression effect, otherwise the soldiers and elite units will not be used at all. However, after this fierce battle, the strength of both sides was greatly damaged, and the powerful mage lineup of the Guards began to play a role.

It is estimated that they will start a counterattack soon!


Under the world tree.

Zhao Futu showed Frost's sadness in front of Ling:

"Sorrow of Frost [Artifact]." (Condition: Damaged.)

"Origin: Guarding of ancient ruins."

"Item Rarity: Artifact."

"Material: Unknown."

"Weight: 6 kg."

"Equipment effect 1: +1 to all skill levels."

"Equipment effect 2: increase 20 strength, 20 agility, 20 physical strength, and 20 intelligence."

"Special effects-[Coronation is King] (Damaged): A person who holds the Frostmourne will be crowned as the new Lich King!" [Remarks; related Lich King skills are in a sealed state! 】

"Special effects-[Soul of the Dragon Dragon] (Seal): When Frostmourne Slay killed Shenlong. The soul of the Dragon was also swallowed by Frostmourn, but this soul is too powerful! Even Frostmourn cannot Absorb its power completely, so that all the souls that were originally devoured by Frostmourn will disappear due to the infusion of the Dragon Dragon Soul! "[Note: The Dragon Dragon Soul is in a sealed state! 】

"Special effect-[Soul Corruption]: In the case of holding the Frostmourne, each time the contractor enters the plot plane, it is mandatory to make a [Soul Corruption] exemption decision! Any impact. If you fail to pass the exemption judgment, you will be affected by the negative state of the undead will! "[Note: there is a certain chance of entering a state of out of control! 】

"Evaluation: This is a broken artifact, it has very terrifying power! Maybe because it has been damaged, you can luckily use its terrifying power! So when you plan to completely repair it, be sure to Think twice! Because no one can resist the sorrowful soul corruption of Frost so far. Nightmare Space does not recycle such items! "


That's right.

This is the attribute effect of Frostmourne.

And it is still the attribute ability in a broken state. If it is intact, I am afraid that it will be more abnormal than it is now!

In the case of holding Frostmourne. All of Zhao Futu's abilities have been upgraded by one level, whether it is the power of the dry earth or the skill of the Eastern Xianxia plane. The effect of increasing the level of all these abilities by one level seems to be domain-based and include the power of laws. Even Zhao Futu, who had already reached the full level of basic skills, became like this while holding Frostmourne.

"Basic Force LV21 [Breakthrough]: ???"

[Remark: The basic skills of the contractor have exceeded the limit of data attributes and cannot be based on data statistics! 】

It's weird.

All the basic skills of Zhao Futu became a question mark. After being blessed by Frostmourne and LV21. All the additional effects of the digital attributes that were shown are gone.

Not even Zhao Futu can measure his current combat effectiveness!

Because Frostmourne is giving him powerful strength on the one hand, and colliding with the dry earth force in his body on the other hand, it is just like treating his body as a battlefield. Frost's sorrow's power to control the mind must be related to the power of the ice. It is most likely to use the horrible power of the ice to freeze the mind, leaving them as unemotional as an undead, and eventually completely corrupted in the endless kill Fallen!

But the power of the dry earth in Zhao Futu's body was another outer side, and the power of the scorching lava resisted the icy corrosion of Frostmourne.

This also allowed him to successfully save the judgment effect of soul corruption!

However, ~ ~ Zhao Futu passed the immunity decision. Helplessly found himself unable to fight with Frostmourne.

Because it is completely in conflict with the power of the dry earth!

For him, the only effect of Frostmourne is to wear it as an off-hand weapon, and then enjoy the additional attributes it brings, because it cannot be used for combat at all. It can only be worn on the body like a jewelry at most, only in this way will not cause his body to become the battlefield of the power of ice and the power of lava!

He was worried that if he did it again, his body might explode!


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