MTL - First Evolution-~ I made a very difficult decision ...

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Hekekeke, that is to leave the bed at 12 in the morning and brave the cold to buy barbecue.

Because the property noticed on the 26th that there was a power outage, I will put today ’s update together. The next update will be at 02:00 on the 27th, because your referral ticket was also refreshed at that time.

A lot of friends are asking about the update time, so it will be fixed at 6 pm and 12 pm in the future ~ It's so happy to agree!

In the end, comrades can lose a referral ticket. I do n’t mind being smashed, and there is a limit on the number of words in the new book period at the starting point. In order to get more publicity for this book, it ’s not possible to explode it for the time being Unless it's on the shelves ... you have to understand ducks.

Above, good night ~

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