MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 22 2nd Tusk Portal

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At this moment, Silva opened his fangs and ferocious mouth, swallowed a large amount of pale white light **** evaporated from the soul liquid, muttered something in his mouth, and then stretched out his hand/claw to directly goug out one of his eyes The child, just put it in the palm of the hand in a **** mess.

It can be seen that a small black hole appeared in the void, swallowing Silva's eyeballs, and immediately flew out a flaming magic eye with two strange pupils, surrounding Silva Messed up, and then let out a piercing high-pitched laugh:

"You puny ants, why don't you hurry up and pay homage to Lord Alberthan!"

However, this magic eye was immediately swallowed by Silva, and then he saw two dark red flames emanating from his nostrils, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur, and then he opened his mouth, The magic eye "Lord Albohan" flew out dejectedly, hovering obediently over the bone portal.

Immediately afterwards, a jumping flame appeared above the bone portal. As long as you saw this flame, you would naturally understand its meaning:

"There are three minutes and seventeen seconds until the next teleportation." "The enemies for the next teleportation are as follows."

"Skeleton soldiers from Engetari Continent: 512, these weak beings are not afraid of pain, and they are not afraid of death."

"Vampires from Ash Continent: 12, they can turn into bats and move quickly, and the enemies killed by them will become terrifying blood slaves, once they encounter a powerful attack, they will turn into a ball of bats They scattered. Weaknesses, holy attacks, fire attacks."

"Liches from Ash Continent: 4. They are good at ranged ice attacks. Once they are killed, if they cannot destroy their phylactery in time, they will be reborn in time."

"Weaknesses of the aforementioned enemies: holy attacks, fire attacks."

There is no doubt that the focus of attention at this time is all on the Lich, this guy is a pervert who is good at large-scale magic attacks! There is no doubt that it is the recruits who are currently besieging these skeleton soldiers that fear the most.

Think about it, those rookies have to face the surprise attack of flying vampires at the beginning, and then the people who are killed will immediately turn into blood slaves to attack themselves, it must be chaos, and then the lich will calmly cast spells and throw With a large-scale destructive spell, people must die one by one...

Even if there are gods to control the scene, the chaos at the beginning must be indispensable! As long as the four liches among the skeletons can throw two or three spells, the number of casualties must exceed a hundred.

At this time, Fang Linyan also secretly rejoiced that he was lucky, and just spawned a new monster (Lich), and he was able to gain insight into its existence in advance, and then arrange it accordingly.

But Fang Linyan thought about it again, the next wave of enemies happened to be teleported after Silva appeared, and most of them had a causal relationship. If you are willing to invest in Silva, then you can avoid this big wave skillfully. pitted.

At this time, Fang Linyan suddenly remembered something, and immediately said:

"By the way, Master Silva, you should stay away from the portal. If you are targeted by the enemy, wouldn't I continue to consume the energy in the soul bowl to revive you?"

Silva smiled and shook his head:

"I am connected to the altar by fate and soul. Before the altar is destroyed, I cannot be harmed. However, I cannot leave the altar one kilometer away."

Hearing Silva's words, Fang Linyan was finally relieved.

And just after the conversation between the two of them, Youdao said that the room was leaking and it was raining all night, and at a distance of 300 meters from here, the light of the portal shone again! Next, Fang Linyan and his group will face the difficult situation of fighting on two fronts.

Fortunately, there was already a plan at this time. The engineering convoy responsible for assembling the components had already started quickly, preparing to place a bunker on the straight line distance from the new portal to the altar. Plant seeds of poison ivy, brambles, etc.

The magic eye Albohan also left the bone portal, and then flew in the direction of the new portal


Soon, the new portal began to take shape, and the main body supporting the portal


, but fur, animal claws, etc., the most iconic is a giant **** fang bared from the top of the portal! It looks very wild and primitive.

After the portal was formed, the magic eye Albohan also played its role:

"There are two minutes and fifty-nine seconds until the next teleportation." "The enemies for the next teleportation are as follows."

"Coyotes from the Grimmel Steppes: fifty.

""Worgs from the Grasslands of Grimul: five.

"These ferocious beasts are good at attacking the enemy with their fangs and claws. Even the thick fur of the giant horn bull can't resist their bite, and they will be angry when they are killed or injured by their own kind. Every warg has a companion In case of casualties, its attack power will be increased by 20%, up to 80%."

"Weakness: Ice or any ability that slows it down."

After seeing the deceleration ability, there is no need for Fang Linyan to command. The three-headed war, the ancient tree has already been uprooted, and it wobbled towards that direction and walked over.

At the same time, the three ancient war trees shone with light, and Flander had already blessed them with two great magical arts:

Spell enhancement + nature's blessing.

Spell enhancement can increase the natural spells they cast by a level. Simply put, it is not to upgrade the skills of lv1 to lv2, but to upgrade the skills of b-quality to a-quality.

The blessing of nature can make them move faster, and at the same time, their own defense can be greatly improved!

These three ancient trees came around the fangs portal, and took root in the shape of a character directly. When the ancient war tree took root, another battalion (500) of hired soldiers who were ready to go also set off. Relying on the tree to start arming.

Another batch of construction machinery also entered the site, and began to work directly around the fang portal-the altar, and began to build corresponding fortifications, bunkers and other war facilities.

Of course, just like tower defense games, the road will not be blocked, but the road will be as twisted and difficult as possible.

At this time, Xingyi didn't want to be idle anymore, because she had enough protection around her, so she was wearing all the blue-returning equipment, activated a dozen mud elements in one breath, and arranged them on the battlefield.

The damage of these mud elements is not high, it looks like a gray version of slime, but it uses the method of spraying mud to cause range damage, and both the person attacking it and the person attacked by it will be slowed down, disgusting I have to push.

And they are still elemental creatures. Beasts have a high probability of special attack effects: bleeding, tearing, etc. are immune to them...

After these prairie wolves and wargs came out, Fang Linyan frowned unknowingly. It's not that these beasts can put pressure on the defense now, but that the wargs that appeared exceeded Fang Linyan's expectations.

The size of the prairie wolf is about the same as that of a wolf dog, and it has a flat stomach, dirty hair, no flesh on its limbs, but it looks fierce.

But the warg is different. Its reference cannot be compared with a wolf dog at all. Its size is even comparable to large creatures such as adult tigers and bison. When five wargs run, it feels like a cluster of tanks. , full of pressure!

It's a pity that the enemies facing these ferocious wolves are no longer cattle, sheep and herdsmen, but mercenaries armed to the teeth, and towering giant trees that are much bigger than them!

In an instant, there was a loud gunshot, and then the three ancient war trees simultaneously displayed their roots and tendrils!

After the blessing of divine magic, the range of roots and hairs is amazing, covering an area of ​​nearly 30 to 40 square meters, and the mud elements activated by the stars are still wriggling and attacking among the wolves, so the mercenaries were the first to attack. The long-range firepower killed those prairie wolves, and the wolves who were obviously more resistant to attack were shot to death by the three ancient war trees.

Fang Linyan noticed that at this time, Miershen had already cultivated enough scavenging vines, which were crawling underground like earthworms and snakes. It seemed very disgusting, but in fact, even the flesh and blood of these wolves were not spared. Drag it into the ground.


After this wave of kills, under the reminder of the magic eye, it was found that the next wave was still prairie wolves and wargs, but the number increased. The ones that continue to appear are likely to be beast-type monsters.

At the same time, Fang Linyan also discovered Silva's problem. Although he is immortal, he will be forcibly deducted 1 point of health when attacked, but his recovery speed is amazing, recovering nearly 100 points of life per second.

At the same time, it will also suffer from various negative effects, such as being knocked down, and being stunned by deceleration and so on.

After Fang Linyan thought for a while, he directly transferred Ou Sihan, Lu Li, and Dante to sit in charge. One of the first two was a tiger monster, and the other was a deer monster. Facing wild beasts was just like knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and winning every battle. Ding is the controller of the power of hell, and his power has a natural suppression of flesh and blood creatures.

It's a pity that although Fang Linyan spread the hero posts widely, he still couldn't trust the Arctic Circle. Otherwise, with him sitting in this portal and his large-scale deceleration, it would be as solid as gold.

For the next period of time, the entire battlefield continued to run smoothly. Because it was a two-line battle, the speed of the soul liquid accumulated in the bowl of the soul increased rapidly. Although accidents happen occasionally, they are all within controllable range.

Fang Linyan took a high look at the commander-in-chief of the mercenary army: Schmidt, a German in his forties, who showed superb commanding skills.

Now that the battle has progressed, the five battalions of mercenaries have all taken turns on the battlefield, allowing all the recruits to successfully feel the atmosphere of the battle without any trouble, which is already very remarkable.

After all, this is to drive the soldiers to work hard while making them strictly obey discipline. Although there were religious factors during this period, Schmidt's superb command level and the unique precision and stubbornness of the Germans are also important. very important factor.

Just when Fang Linyan breathed a sigh of relief, a red light shone on the two portals at the same time! This means that the next appearance will be a boss-level creature.

Apparently, the big boss with a cool head that appeared before was obviously a bit strong on the outside, but it was probably just to let the host of the ceremony get used to the strength of this guy. After learning about the setting of the boss, it is probably only now that the real thing comes into play.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan is now fully prepared. The three gods all have the ability to save the field, not to mention that the current main pressure is resisted by the mercenaries, and the manpower he brought is completely in a warm-up state. , so there is not much pressure, but rather calm.

However, when Fang Linyan looked at the prompt on the portal, he suddenly became a little uneasy, because the display on the top of the bone gate is:

"There are two minutes and eighteen seconds until the next teleportation." "The enemies for the next teleportation are as follows."

"The abomination from Icecrown Glacier: ten heads. This is a monster made from the limbs of a large number of victims. When fighting it, you must be careful of the corpse poison and corpse smell that spread from it. It seems to be defenseless. But the thick layer of fat and flesh makes it amazingly alive! The meat hook attached to the third arm can be thrown, and then the victim is forcibly pulled to its side."

"The undead dragon from Icecrown Glacier: Kusagos, this giant dragon who was awakened by mysterious power after death only inherited a small part of the power in his lifetime, because his noble soul has successfully entered the kingdom of dragons, So to be more specific, it is just the body of Kusagos, but even so, it still has a terrifying halo of death cold, and all living things within the halo will suffer indiscriminate blows from cold and fear. . "

"The extremely low temperature inside the glacier and the emerald spar that Kusagos was fond of devouring during his lifetime made Kusagos's body very well preserved, so UU Reading The power of its undead dragon's breath

It is very big, and it is easy to cause huge damage to the enemy. Besides, if you try to stand behind it to attack, you have to be careful about its tail, because the one who died under the sweep of Kusagos's tail Prey is simply hard to count.

This time there are no cannon fodder skeleton soldiers, instead


The most important is the top unit of the undead on the ground: hatred, and its status among the undead clan can keep pace with the undead knight.

Not only that, but this time there was also a Necromancer dragon flying across the sky, and it was also a Necromancer dragon with its own name, which showed that it was already a powerful lord-level unit.

After seeing this reminder, Fang Linyan immediately ordered a few ancient war trees to go there. Without such things, it would be extremely difficult to face those huge hatreds that radiate revenge.

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