MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 24 snap captive

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Fang Linyan said very simply:

"Your Excellency Yacinthos' will will be carried out most thoroughly, and I will personally go to the battlefield to supervise all of this."

Hearing Fang Linyan's answer, Flander nodded in satisfaction. These creatures from different planes are natural slaves, and they are powerful and naturally friendly. More importantly, once they can make them " "Correct evil and return to righteousness", the power of faith contributed is amazing, and it also has a complete cultural and medicinal system inheritance.

Flanders even planned a future work plan for the production of herbal medicines for them—as long as believers who come to convert, they can get medicines with miraculous effects. Isn't this much better than using divine power to cure diseases?

Moreover, things like medicine can be carried and spread, which is more conducive to the promotion of divine grace.

And after catching these guys, it's not a big deal. They are numerous and have amazing fertility. As long as His Excellency Yacintos is willing to improve their genes, they will be able to breed a group, which means they have great potential.

In fact, the outcome of the following battle was already doomed. Its leader, Calgar Crib, was exiled by the maze technique and was unable to command. Suddenly, the wild boar herbalist and apprentice in charge of healing collapsed to the ground, losing any action. Convulsions and convulsions, foaming at the mouth.

Such an unexpected incident immediately panicked the entire wild boar tribe!

Suddenly, a meteor with dark green flames flew across the sky and directly hit the wild boar thunderer, causing huge damage to him, and also caused the surrounding enemies to suffer impact damage and be stunned. Dazzling, a sea of ​​flames rose rapidly around it, burning more than a dozen wild boar fighters, all of them screamed shrillly.

Dante in devil form slowly stood up from the big pit in the center and looked around proudly. His right hand grabbed the wild boar thundercracker's neck, lifted him up with one hand, and then pointed the bone blade of his left hand at his abdomen and stabbed hard. went in.

The poor thunderer couldn't even make a scream, so he was brutally abused by Dante.

Witnessing this scene, the wild boars around screamed angrily at the same time, and rushed over here, but when they left the bunker, there was another "swish, swish" rocket piercing the air in the distance.

It was the commander in the distance who ordered a round of long-range heavy firepower saturation strike!

This round of attack can be said to be crazy and effective, and then saw a large group of mercenaries leave the trenches and bunkers, and began a mandatory charge. A total of 1,200 people from two battalions participated in this charge.

Wang Ping's Wudang Flying Army, Fang Linyan, and Max were also in the charge together with them. This is because the eight wild boar leaders are quite powerful. Once no one entangles them If they don't, rushing into the mercenaries will cause a tragedy of mowing the grass.

Although these mercenaries were originally used as cannon fodder, they were only allowed to go up when they had to, not when there was still power left.

Of course, Flander, who was concerned about those wild boar herbalists and apprentices, also issued an order for Milson to take seven or eight priests and deacons to the battlefield.

Needless to say, the next battle has already formed a crushing situation. The other leader-level enemy, the Son of Agamaggan, is still very powerful, but once it enters the battle, it will fall into a state of rage, so it is defeated by a After being hit by the shells, the creatures that were killed first were none other than the few clansmen who were usually responsible for feeding their bristles...

In the end, the son of Agamaggan was beheaded by Wang Ping! Wang Ping was quite proud of this and chopped off its fangs, and then kept them as collectibles, because he felt that this was the strongest beast he had ever hunted, nothing else.

By the time Calgar Rabbit returned, the situation he was facing was extremely bad, or it could only be described in one idiom: "The end of the road".

But at this time, a magical turning point actually appeared. After looking around for a while, Calga Cili actually knelt down on her knees, her head deeply touched the ground, and she actually surrendered! And the object of surrender was not Athena or the **** of plants, but Aphrodite, the **** of love and beauty!


After this scene, the high priest said calmly, "She didn't really surrender."

Ino standing beside him smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter. When she was trapped in the maze, her heartbeat at that moment was not faked. As long as she is willing to surrender on the surface, she will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of love and beauty!"

In order to avoid bringing additional burdens to the priests, gods generally do not come to believers at will, so the two talking at this time are the high priests Tritogonia and Ino, not the goddess of wisdom and love and love. God of beauty.

After hearing Yinuo's words, the high priest did not refute, obviously acquiescing to Yinuo's statement.

But if you think about it, even though Calga Crib is a female wild boar who has been around for hundreds of years, she is also a female, right? Deep in her heart, she still has the urge to pursue love and beauty, so as long as there is a little bit of urge, It will be taken advantage of by the divine power of Eros.

The next thing to mention is the harvest from the God of Plants. Under the leadership of Farland, eleven herbalists and twenty-eight apprentices were captured, and the rest were accidentally injured or burned to death. of.

It's just that the Tao is what is lost and what is gained. Hamgar, one of the eight wild boar leaders, also surrendered. Firstly, he sensed the pure natural aura from Flander, and secondly, he realized that the herbalists were captured alive And was rescued.

And Hamgar's surrender also led more than 20 ordinary wild boars who believed in him to surrender. In this way, Flanders' dream of rebuilding the wild boar tribe on Earth can be quickly realized.

Because according to what Hamgar vowed, as long as he is given enough food, a group of wild boars and five years, he can rebuild a huge tribe of thousands of wild boars... Such an ambition is really true. It is admirable.

The wild boar tribe ended a little later because they wanted to surrender the enemy, but the bone portal ended earlier, mainly because the undead dragon Kusagos was stared at by the goddess Athena. It's because of it.

According to the goat, Athena seems to be very interested in catching a dragon for fun, but the words of betrayal and surrender are not in the dictionary of undead creatures, so it is in vain in the end.

And this undead dragon Kusagos was suppressed by the goddess Athena all the way—the goddess would not directly try to attack, which would consume too much divine power, but kept trying to change the surroundings of Kusagos. gravity, air content, etc.

In this way, the Goddess intervenes in the real plane, but can greatly affect the flight status of the undead dragon Kusagos:

Often it just flapped its wings and tried to take off, then suddenly lost power, and hit its head on the nearby mountain. This is the result of the sudden loss of air around the wings and the inability to use force when flapping.

There was another time when Kusagos finally flew up and tried to dive and breathe out, but as soon as he dived, he hit his head on the ground, and landed on his face, his mouth was full of mud, so he still breathed out a der! !

The undead dragon Kusagos was easily manipulated by the goddess of war Athena, and also used the most labor-saving method. Those huge abominations lost the air support, and the deceleration of Kusagos's frost breath , also played very hard.

Because what they have to face is the huge ancient war tree rooted on the ground, and things like greasy spells all over the ground. These huge suture monsters are not very resistant to slipping. During the battle, he often fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Don't forget that there are five or six hundred mercenaries armed to the teeth in the rear, using long-range weapons to output madly!

Obviously, the two battles ended much earlier than expected. The next teleportation time displayed on the bone portal is more than seven minutes away, and the fang portal is six and a half minutes away. .

Seizing this time, he began to wrap up the wounds, repair the bunker, replace new mercenaries to fight, and so on. Fang Linyan started to collect and take stock of the harvest.

The undead dragon Kusagos + an abomination dropped a total of two large soul orbs, each of which can be exchanged for a rest time of five

Minutes, or 5,000 Soul Bowl charge points, Fang Linyan put it away.

Although the goddess said that she needed this thing, the current situation must be based on tasks. One soul orb can delay it by five minutes, and it can play a decisive role in critical moments.

As for the wild boar, because too many monsters were captured, only one medium-sized soul orb was dropped. In Fang Linyan's view, Calga Thorny = a large-sized soul orb, but it is obvious that Yi Nuo very much minded Fang Linyan doing this, so he could only give up with regret.

Of course, there are gains and losses, and the statistics of casualties also made Fang Linyan frown. The one who ranked first was none other than Dante who broke into the enemy group first like a meteorite. He seemed arrogant at the time. The move was followed by a lot of siege.

According to Max's statistics, the strength of a single wild boar leader is already very strong. If you use the combat power of the Three Kingdoms experienced in the last world to compare horizontally, it is no problem for two wild boar leaders to fight Liao Hua. In the end, Ding couldn't hold on until the reinforcements arrived, so he died directly.

Fortunately, this time Dante is fighting at home, and he has already prepared for the worst. He will not really die at all, but will start to be reborn in the altar of Athena's kingdom of God. It will only take another ten minutes , you can revive with full blood and reappear.

Like Dante, Xiang Hezhen also began to be reborn in the altar of the Kingdom of God. He was bitten by Kusagos because he gave the dragon a ruthless blow and almost cut off its left wing. mosaic...

The next battle damage is five ancient war trees, all of which were destroyed in the battle with the abomination. This kind of ancient war tree that can be awakened is almost hundreds of years old, at least near Greece. Very rarely, Hyacinthos would be lying if he said he didn't feel distressed.

However, he also earned a large number of servants from the wild boar. If the ancient war tree is lost, he can find it elsewhere, but the wild boar is a race that does not exist on earth. If you miss this village, there will be no shop.

Of course, the most serious losses were those mercenaries. A total of more than 160 people were killed in battle. Thirteen of them were killed by their own people-they deserted and were shot by the military judge. Kill one.

There are more than 80 wounded who are receiving treatment. It is expected that about 40 people will be able to return to the battlefield in a short period of time.

To be honest, this casualty rate is a bit beyond expectations. Now it seems that the commander made a mistake when the mercenaries attacked the wild boar fortress. Their previous war experience came from human Fighting, there is no combat experience with orcs at all.

But Fang Linyan is inconvenient to be harsh on him, after all, everyone makes mistakes, and he can only hope that he will not make the same mistakes next time.

At the same time, Fang Linyan was approached by another question, asking him to make a decision: "What? There is a problem with the portal?"

It was Omi who warned Fang Linyan, and Fang Linyan immediately paid attention to this point, and immediately found that it was true, especially on the side of the undead portal, there was an obvious crack in the bone frame, which looked really shocking.

Fang Linyan immediately asked: "What's going on?" Omi sighed and said:

"It was purely an accident... When the giant dragon was swooping down, the goddess controlled gravity and fell from the air, and its waving wings directly slapped it!"

"This time, a long deep pit was scraped directly on the ground, and the portal was also affected. To be honest, I feel very lucky that it didn't collapse on the spot."

Hearing Omi's words, Fang Linyan's back also broke out in cold sweat. The power of the dragon wing's slap is so amazing, this portal is really resistant.

With this lesson learned, Fang Linyan hurriedly checked the fang portal on the other side, and found that the thing seemed to be in good condition, but UU Reading actually suffered a lot of damage, and the surface was smoky. It is heavy, and there are many white marks from the stones.

Thinking of this, he sighed and went directly to find Silva and said:

"If I choose to reinforce the portal, then

What if you want to destroy the portal when you can't resist the next wave of enemies? "

A smile appeared on Silva's ugly face:

"As long as your Excellency gives an order, I can make it collapse and be destroyed." "So convenient?" Fang Linyan couldn't help but ask.

Silva said:

"Yes, it's that convenient." Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"Okay, you can strengthen it, the soul liquid consumed will be deducted by yourself."

After getting Fang Linyan's permission, Silva raised the large staff in his hand, and then saw the soul fluid in the bowl of soul dissociate quickly, turning into countless light spots and flying towards the portal. Then it penetrated little by little.

Immediately afterwards, it can be seen that faint stripes appeared on the two portals, as if mercury had soaked in, and then a faint light appeared on the surface, which should be directly protected.

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