MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 33 Judgment (thanks to the book friend Dog and Cat for their support)

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This special force was formed less than half a year ago. Do you still remember that Fang Linyan specially built a high-precision mechanical laboratory in order to refine energy blocks?

Under his single-handed management, this mechanical laboratory even adopted a lot of black technology that Fang Linyan had learned in the interstellar world, so the things that flowed out of the mechanical laboratory were highly evaluated by the outside world, and it was generally considered to be beyond The powerful technology that has changed the mainstream processing technology in the world for 30 years.

Under such circumstances, some people in Europe began to try their best to contact this side, and some wanted to poach the wall—but this is obviously impossible. The goddess's secrecy measures are not generally good, and she can participate in the laboratory Among them, almost all have strengthened relevant ideas with beliefs.

Therefore, those underground forces will take the next best thing and ask for cooperation! Among these cooperative forces, the Church of the Goddess of course has corresponding think tanks to conduct research at this time, and finally selected one to negotiate the terms of cooperation.

The specific content of the cooperation of this company is to entrust the laboratory to help them manufacture a batch of parts. The use of these parts is to process a black technology, that is, the exoskeleton armor of infantry.

To put it simply, this thing is the prototype of the power armor worn by soldiers in StarCraft.

Because the parts processed in the laboratory are the part with the highest technical content in this set of exoskeleton armor, coupled with the pervasive temptation of spies on the church side, so when the entrusting party took out the prototype, the laboratory side actually Attempts to mass manufacture have already begun.

It can be said that the church attaches great importance to this matter, because the increase of this thing to ordinary people is huge! It can make the combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers suddenly increase by leaps and bounds, and even have the ability to destroy main battle tanks by one person.

After a series of running-in and trials, this set of exoskeleton armor that can turn ordinary people into super soldiers has begun to be mass-produced, and it is named Blade. Aggressive, high mobility and high explosive power.

This was also regarded by Fang Linyan as a reliable trump card. Since Xia Houlan's ability now perfectly matches the blade, he must be the leader. However, at this time, there are only two hundred people in the blade army.

With the addition of Breuer who turned from darkness to light, the blade of Commander Jahoulan, and more than a thousand fresh troops from Cupid's side, the battle among the three portals lasted less than ten minutes. .

Probably Fang Linyan's side has now been able to hold three portals in each wave, so after a wave of enemies can collect about 30% of the soul liquid, and now according to Omi's statistics, the soul liquid provided by high-level creatures is obvious. There are more than low-level creatures, and the probability of bursting extra soul orbs is much higher.

According to the analysis of the statistical data from the real-time feedback, the probability of appearing soul orbs for low-level creatures such as skeleton soldiers that appear the most is only about 1/400, while the probability of elite skeleton soldiers bursting out soul orbs has increased to 1/50 , which is equivalent to an eight-fold increase.

However, the difficulty of killing elite skeleton soldiers is only three times that of ordinary skeleton soldiers, so the cost performance is very high.

To collect 110% of the soul fluid of the revived flame king first, and then collect 100% of the soul fluid of the revived vulture during this period of time, under normal circumstances, it is quite fast, after all, the soul fluid is consumed from time to time To be honest, Fang Linyan didn't have much confidence in using the soul skills of the elders of the four and a half dragons, so he had to take a step at a time.


Time passed quickly again. After a series of hard battles, the 110% soul fluid of the King of Resurrection Flame was finally collected. At this time, there was less than an hour left. Max and Crespo were killing the After the enemy, they were all panting with exhaustion, lying on the ground and didn't even want to move their fingers. The exhaustion of the combatants was evident from the great pressure.

What's worse, the undead portal was blown up, and only the fang portal and the bow and arrow portal remained!

In this case, in terms of defensive difficulty, it must have been reduced by more than 33%. After all, the difficulty of fighting on the third line is definitely higher than fighting on the two lines, but from the perspective of collecting soul fluid, the efficiency has been reduced by 33%.

Fang Lin

The reason why Yan gave this order is actually quite simple, that is, before the start of the previous battle, a frightening name appeared on the portal of the undead:


What's even more frightening is that this name didn't appear alone! There is one more reminder ahead: Arthas from the Frozen Throne.

Seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan wailed immediately, why can't the Frozen Throne be replaced with Lordaeron... In this way, there is still a chance of winning!

Moreover, this famous filial son in history did not come alone.

Accompanying him to pass through the portal is the Blood Queen, Lana Thiel. Perhaps this is because men and women are not tired of working together?

However, the two did not appear at the same time. It was clearly stated on the reminder that the blood queen Lana Thiel will lead a group of liches, ghouls, and zombies through the portal first, and she is still wearing her once Quel'Delar, the sword, is about to abandon this powerful weapon to a place on the alien plane where she can't even find it herself.

Obviously, such a reminder undoubtedly implies that once Lana Thiel can be killed, maybe this powerful weapon can be obtained? This weapon is undoubtedly guaranteed to be at the high-level legendary level, and it is obviously a delicious bait.

And when Lana Thiel is defeated, the Lich King will bring his four death knights to the stage. He plans to expand his undead army on the alien plane. By the way, take a look at the strangely attractive altar.

More importantly, this battle does not need to kill the Lich King, it only needs to last for ten minutes after he appears on the stage. The prompt also made it very clear that the Lich King can only stay here for ten minutes at most. Then it's time to return to the Frozen Throne.

When he left, he would leave too hastily, and he would leave behind an item called "Jianna's Cosmetic Box". After opening it, he could get 60% of his soul energy.

And "Jianna's Cosmetic Box" can also trigger a quest, and the empty "Jianna's Cosmetic Box" can also be used to summon an elite water element and this thing is boosted by the summoner's basic attributes!

Rich rewards: a high-level legendary weapon Quel'Delar + more than 85% soul energy (killing Lana'thel can almost get 25% soul energy bonus + Jaina's cosmetic box) + trigger task + Summon water elemental props.

And the condition for getting these rewards is to stick to it for ten minutes!

To be honest, most people were moved at that time, including Omi, and even Omi's extreme suggestion was to blow up the bow and arrow portal + fang portal, and put all their efforts to defend the undead portal!

Her suggestion sounded really unthinkable at first, but if you think about it carefully, it is really feasible to be honest. Omi said with certainty that the success rate of this plan will exceed 50%.

But after Fang Linyan consulted the opinions of the gods of Olympus, he just thought for less than ten seconds, and he waved his hand very simply and said:

"Blow up the undead portal!"

Facing Omi's sullen gaze, Fang Linyan sighed, and only asked a few words back, leaving Omi speechless.

"What is the purpose of our Dragon Ball ceremony this time?"

"In the next world, what chance do you think there are of reviving the vulture?"

After hearing these two questions from Fang Linyan, Omi sighed, and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it after all, and could only nod silently.

After listening to Fang Linyan's words, the goats and other people who didn't understand understood what he meant:

The most important thing to avoid when doing great things is half-heartedness. Since the resurrection of the vulture Lipple is not 100% sure at this time, then you should go all out and work hard.

How can you miss the legendary weapon and Jaina's cosmetic box on the way?

According to the nature of the space, the risk is directly proportional to the return. Such a large return and such a seemingly simple condition can only show that Alsace is quite difficult to deal with!

In fact, Fang Linyan's choice was also correct, perfectly avoiding a big pit.

This time it was Alsace's turn to appear in the Bone Portal. Of course, the luck mentioned here is out-and-out bad luck. Fang Linyan can't always have good luck, right? It's not uncommon to encounter bad events with a small probability...

Once they really choose to blow up the portal of fangs and bows and arrows, and deal with the portal of bones with all their strength, Fang Linyan and the others will get a big surprise first:

That is to find that the Blood Queen Lana Thiel is much weaker than guessed. UU Reading will relatively easily kill her and the minions around her, and successfully get the legendary weapon Quel'Delar.

However, after the surprise, I was frightened, because as soon as Alsace came out, it seemed that there were only him + four death knights, but when this guy came out, he would magnify his moves without saying a word, and directly start the natural disaster of the undead!

You know, this thing can directly resurrect all the dead within five kilometers! As long as it still has a trace of wreckage or even a dead soul, it can be resurrected. The difference between the two is:

Those with wreckage are resurrected into ghouls, skeleton soldiers, or twisted and fused together to synthesize abominable undead creatures.

If there are no wreckage but only dead souls, they will be resurrected as ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, evil spirits and other incorporeal undead creatures.

Think about how many creatures died on this battlefield before. Although a large number of flesh vines cultivated by Hyacinthus dragged their corpses away, most of them were used for "composting" and were actually swallowed by plants None of the ten were digested.

In fact, these dead people alone were enough for Fang Linyan and the others to directly fail the mission!

Read The Mage of Eternity