MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 46 Straight Man of Steel's way of teasing girls

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During the battle, even Max, Crespo and others must go to the front line to fight. Once the health value is lower than 60%, they will immediately retreat. Everything is safety first.

This was also thanks to the strength of the friendly forces and the large amount of cannon fodder, so it was normal for Fang Linyan to recover quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan went to his mechanical laboratory first. This time, after the exoskeleton armor equipped with "Blade" was used in actual combat, there must have been many problems reported. Of course, Fang Linyan must take the lead to solve them.

In Fang Linyan's plan, once the blade is developed to the second generation, he can sell the mature products of the first generation outside. In this way, he has a mature profitable industrial chain and can have a steady stream of funds. injection.

Although I am not short of money now relying on the resources of the church, it is always bad for a man to eat soft food, right? With rice in his pocket, his waist can be stiffer.

After coming to the research institute, Fang Linyan relied on the advanced knowledge he had acquired in the interstellar world, and put forward some constructive suggestions in a targeted manner. After speaking a few words in a concise manner, he went straight to the show operation.

It's not that he doesn't want to say more, but because he is a monk who has become a monk halfway, he just shows off with a little advanced knowledge, and he really doesn't have much in his stomach, and his theory is far less solid than these top mechanical experts. What if the car overturns?

Therefore, it is safest to say a few words in an unpredictable and profound way, and then directly show the operation! It can convince these guys with eyes above the top.

After staying in the mechanical laboratory for a while, Fang Linyan came out and went to find Evelina. At this time, she had just finished handling all kinds of chores, and was taking a shower to get a good night's sleep.

After Fang Linyan came, she was directly invited to her bedroom. Seeing Evelina wearing a close-fitting white nightgown, Fang Linyan's eyes were a little straightened, and he immediately took out a bag from behind. A rosebud was handed up.

Evelina took it with a smile, and her face became curious immediately. It turned out that this rose was surprisingly heavy only after holding it in her hand! If you take a closer look, you will find that this thing is actually made of steel!

The petals of roses are as thin as cicada wings, and even the textures on the petals are lifelike, but you can only know its real material when you touch it with your hands.

This rose looks like a real one. The color and fragrance in the later stage are of course the key, but the person who forged it by hand is the foundation!

As far as the difficulty is concerned, there are eight hundred people who can color roses so well on the whole earth, but the people who can forge metals to make roses look exactly the same can't be counted in a single palm. use up.

By the way, this thing is also very suitable for Fang Linyan's identity. A straight steel man gives a steel rose, which is a perfect match with bonds.

"It's amazing!" Evelina praised with a smile after carefully playing with it for a while. Fang Linyan smiled mysteriously and said:

"No, no, you just saw its external beauty, but you didn't know that its inner beauty is even more beautiful."

Evelina heard something in Fang Linyan's words. She is such a shrewd person. After looking at the rose, she immediately realized one thing:

If there is any "connotation" in this thing, then it must be inside the bud, so I looked closely at it, and at this time the lower end of the rose just leaned against an indescribable deep groove, Fang Linyan glanced, and immediately felt his nose itchy and hot...

It's just that Fang Linyan made the metal rose so ingeniously. Evelina looked at it for a long time but didn't find the mechanism. She could only hold his hand and said coquettishly:

"Your rose is so cleverly made, I can't find it."

Fang Linyan twirled the flower branch below without any hesitation, and immediately heard a slight "squeak" sound, and then the rose changed from a bud shape to a blooming one.

That's all right, the key is that at the stamen, there is a ring shining with a unique light!

The ring setting of the ring is very ordinary, and it can be seen at a glance that it should be forged with ordinary steel.

It's not a precious metal, but it doesn't matter, everyone cares about the ring, it's the thing embedded in the ring setting!

And Evelina's eyes suddenly lit up. For her who has seen all the prosperity in the world, what kind of gems have not been seen before?

You can even boldly say that even the heart of the ocean in the Titanic, in front of her, is at most just a few more glances, and it's just oh.

However, the ring that Fang Linyan took out at this time made her heart flutter, because it was not inlaid with gems at all, but a bead.

A bead that even the gods cherish so dearly that they would not hesitate to fight for it!

This is the soul orb that appeared in the Dragon Ball trial, the most precious treasure that can speed up the condensing of the godhead!

Before that, even Athena, who took "wisdom" as her priesthood, had never heard of the existence of this thing. Even after digesting a few soul orbs, the goddess said that the effect of this thing was even greater than what was judged before. Much higher!

And this is a large soul orb!

Goddess Athena only got a total of six large soul orbs, and only one for Beauty God and one for Hyacinthus! (Of course, the medium and small soul orbs of these two gods are also assigned), so even the **** of beauty is a little unhappy about this.

Since the gods attach so much importance to this object, Evelina can keep it for herself to make a wish at a critical moment, or immediately take it out and offer it to the goddess in exchange for divine grace!

The high priest Tritogonia's identity is extraordinary, and she can even be described as the spokesperson of the goddess in the mortal world. She is almost one with the goddess. Fang Linyan gave this thing to her, which is almost the same as offering it directly to the goddess. .

But a priestess like Evelina is different. Regardless of her current position and power, she must maintain her current youthful beauty and immortality. She is also consuming divine grace and favor all the time. The position is also not safe, with equal status, there are at least seven or eight people in the Kingdom of God.

This is a bit similar to the ministers in front of the emperor - when they are favored, the scenery is infinite, but once someone catches up from behind, overtakes in a corner, or loses the trust of the emperor due to their own ineffectiveness, they will be directly demoted and fallen, and the scenery no longer.

The item that Fang Linyan gave to Evelina would allow her to have a talisman to make a comeback even when she was in a trough!

Of course, Goddess Athena will definitely know about this, but she just thinks that Fang Linyan is affectionate and righteous, and has no other thoughts—after all, meat rots in a pot, as long as the soul orb (big) is in Yves In Linna's hands, it will be her own sooner or later.

Fang Linyan continued:

"The origin of this soul orb is not that I want to hide the goddess, but that only 100% of the soul energy is needed to resurrect my companions, so the overflowing 13% of the soul energy is restored into a soul orb and returned to my teammates. , I only want to get this one.”

Evelina listened attentively, because she was very clear that Fang Linyan didn't say this to her, but she needed to convey it to the goddess. After she finished listening, she smiled at Fang Linyan and said:

"Would you like to see me dance?"


At the same time, an uninvited guest also came to the Temple of the God of Beauty,

This person was wearing sunglasses, a cloak and even a one-piece cap. He looked very mysterious, and he didn't look much along the way, and walked in hastily with his head buried.

Therefore, he just entered not far from the periphery of the temple, and was stopped directly:

"Sorry, the front is private territory, please explain why you are here."

The man stopped in his tracks, then took out a phone and dialed it, and hung up after talking a few words.

Then I saw a woman walking out of the temple, it was Ino, the high priest of Beauty God, she looked directly at this human being and said:

"What did he call you for?" the cloaked man whispered:

"This is not the place to talk."

listen to her voice

Yin, who is also a woman, quietly pointed towards the sky. Ino was taken aback for a moment, then said:

"follow me."

Immediately afterwards, Ino took her to the core area of ​​the temple, in front of the icon of Alphrodi, the goddess of beauty, and said lightly:

"You can speak at ease here. This is the entrance to my god's domain, which is an absolutely secret area. Even stronger gods cannot spy on it, otherwise it will be tantamount to blasphemy, and the battle of gods will start directly."

The cloaked man lifted off his hood, revealing his full head of hair, then shrugged and said:

"Do you think I want this? If it wasn't for that guy repeatedly telling me to cover up, I wouldn't be bothered to do so much."

This person is none other than Xingyi, she looked at Yinuo and said simply:

"That guy said that your temple has a secret method that can keep women young forever, so I came here specially."

Ino lowered his eyes, and said with a touch of sadness:

"Even the powerful gods of Olympus will usher in the day of Ragnarok. There is nothing permanent in this world. What's more, your situation is very special, and it seems to carry the breath of Christianity ( Vampires come from the legend of the Garden of Eden), the goddess' magic... only works for believers."

Xingyi pouted and said:

"Is that so? If there is no other way, then I will take this thing back."

After finishing speaking, she brushed her hair casually, but deliberately exposed the ring on her ring finger. The light of the gemstone on the ring suddenly caught Yinuo's eyes, and she shook her head in disbelief. , and then immediately speak:

"Wait a minute!"

Xingyi had already walked to the door at this time, but turned around and said with a smile:

"I think I'm special, but if I think about it carefully, there should be something I can do, right?"

Looking at Xingyi who was smiling like a little fox, Yinuo sighed helplessly and said, "I'll try, tell me about your situation."

...ten minutes later,

Yinuo sighed, pressed his temple with some headaches, and then watched Xingyi leave. At this time, she became visibly haggard. She came back to the statue of the God of Beauty, closed her eyes and prayed silently. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, and then answered the phone next to her. The thoughtless words came over:

"Have you received the gift?"

When Yinuo heard that voice, his face showed a gritted expression of hatred, and then he said through gritted teeth:

"Then I have to thank you? The body of the person you introduced has a strange curse, and he is absorbing the essence of the flesh all the time. It should be the so-called progeria! Therefore, the body is very difficult to sustain to three years."

"In order to delay this process, we need to plant the Imprint of the Goddess of Beauty on her body, which consumes a lot of Goddess power every day! It can be said to be a huge loss!"

That voice said Shi Shiran:

"Oh? Is that so? Then you can cancel this mark and return the ring to its original owner?" Enoch stopped talking immediately, and just snorted coldly.

Are you kidding me, there is still room to spit out the meat that reaches your mouth?

At most, that woman consumes the divine power produced by a dozen fanatics when they pray every day. This extra expense is painful now, but now the number of followers of the God of Beauty is increasing day by day, and it is increasing at an alarming rate every day. This expense is very expensive. Soon it will be nothing.

However, the soul orb (big) that woman brought was an incomparably rare treasure, at least in the long years of the last plane, it never appeared at all!

But the voice continued:

"Actually, UU Kanshu God of Plants also has a similar ability. For example, the fruit of the tree of life can still have a similar effect."

Ino immediately rushed to say:

"Can that compare to the goddess' magic? Let me tell you, she is a woman. My **** can not only delay her physical exhaustion, but also make her look radiant and maintain her best beauty at all times."

State, is this something other gods can do? "

The voice on the other side made two hecks and hung up.

Yinuo snorted coldly. In fact, she was also like a bright mirror in her heart. She knew that this matter was because the other party deliberately found a reason to send good things over... The intention was also obvious. This guy felt that she What he said made sense, so he found a way to make up for it.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Yinuo's mouth:

"Looks like I have to give them some sweets... Men, as expected, are all greedy."


At the same time, the smile on Flander's face never stopped, because among the alien believers he developed, three of them "coincidentally" obtained four treasures, and then devoutly offered them up.

They are two Soul Orbs (middle) and two Soul Orbs (small) respectively!

You know, the harvest obtained from this offering is even equivalent to a small half of the soul orbs allocated by Athena before.

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