MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 63 wallet secret

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Therefore, Fang Linyan could only pick up something that could be said, and introduced the situation of the Xiangyang Welfare Institute to Xingyi. As for the degree of danger, he did not hide it - even after Fang Linyan was hit by himself, he had to resist the bleeding state It's a matter of an hour.

What Fang Linyan never expected was that after listening to his narration, Xingyi suddenly became very interested in the structure and history of the entire orphanage, and suddenly began to ask about these things, but how could Fang Linyan know so much! For example, do you remember who was the founder of the kindergarten you attended, and how many years has the kindergarten been established?

More importantly, Xingyi, isn't your focus a little off the beaten path? At this time, shouldn't you ask more about the danger, or talk about the price and conditions! Is it time to pay attention to these things?

But now Fang Linyan has something to ask for, even if he doesn’t understand it, he can only do it—it’s like your girlfriend has satisfied you, and then you have to satisfy her life imagination, from the color and brand of floor tiles in the new house to grandchildren. / There is a reason for the name of the granddaughter.

After listening to Fang Linyan for a while, Xingyi suddenly said decisively: "No, there must be something you haven't told me."

Fang Linyan: "I..."

(You devil, are you possessed by Holmes now?) "Well, let me think about what else I can tell you."

"...It's probably like this. Now you can tell me if you are willing to help me. It doesn't matter. No matter which choice you make, I think it is normal. After all, this ghostly place has huge risks, especially It involves the privacy of the abyss lord!"

Xingyi snorted coldly - said:

"You tell me so many confidential things, is it possible for me to refuse?"

"The end of my refusal is that I have to face Dracula's pursuit, your grudge, and the magician's pursuit, so I only have one condition."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, what conditions are you talking about?"

Xingyi said:

"If Omi targets and bullies me, you have to help me!" Fang Linyan suddenly became a little bit dizzy:

"Don't worry, she is a reasonable person, she has nothing to do with bullying you." Xingyi still insisted:

"Don't change the subject, just say you want to help?" Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"Help! Help"

Xingyi smiled with satisfaction, and finally let Fang Linyan go:

"You are in Taicheng, right? I'm in Tokyo, Japan, and I should be there in four hours." Fang Linyan let out a long breath. He still recognizes the strength of this woman, Xingyi. Not only buy one but get one free One comes with a powerful scout, and its abilities are ever-changing. It can be used as a support or a C position, and it can also create a steady stream of cannon fodder.

With her coming to help with all her strength, Fang Linyan felt that the risk he faced would be reduced by more than half. Regardless of whether he could achieve his goal in the end, the probability of getting out unscathed was at least 80%.

After hearing Xingyi's words, Fang Linyan thought for a while and said:

"If you're in Tokyo, you don't need to fly to Tai City, you can fly directly to Jiangyang City in the mainland, and we can meet there. By the way, do you need someone from my side to arrange the itinerary for you?

Xingyi smiled lightly and said:

"No need, the divine technique that Aphrodisiac gave me is very useful, it is almost omnipotent, and it is too convenient to deal with some small things."

Fang Linyan was taken aback and was about to ask her when she would be able to perform Aphrodite's magic, when he suddenly remembered that he had given Xingyi a soul product before, and asked her to enshrine it to the God of Beauty. To conceal the eyes and ears of people (gods), so as not to prevent a certain goddess from being too jealous, and secondly, to let Xingyi get some benefits of maintaining youth from the goddess of beauty.

Now it seems that Xingyi must have given full play to his subjective initiative by holding this soul crystal, and negotiated a good price.

Of course, for the God of beauty, she shouldn't mind having one more space warrior as a believer—Athena relied on Fang Linyan, a space warrior believer, to revive and re-emerge.

Xingyi then continued:

"Okay! By the way, send me all the existing information in your hand, including the image of the abyss lord's wallet. I will study it conveniently on the way...

"Then remember to prepare the materials I want, including the history of Xiangyang Orphanage, the detailed information of the previous deans, and even the information of the Badong County, etc., and I will go to pack my luggage."

After speaking, I hung up the phone.

Fang Linyan complained in his heart that Xingyi was really troublesome. He could just be a tool man and added extra work for himself, but he couldn't break his promise, so he could only call someone to do it right away.

So the unlucky head of the branch, Xiong Miao, received another call in the middle of the night, and was forced to take a pen and paper to record the content of the call... and even made a trembling tone, ahem, needless to say, the expression was distorted He wanted to kill, but fortunately, Fang Linyan on the opposite side couldn't see him either.

After hanging up the phone, Xiong Miao finally breathed a sigh of relief. This knight leader is really too busy, there are too many things to do! If his old (little) family stays in Taicheng for a year, no! If it takes three months, it is estimated that I will lose ten years of life.

Now this guy is finally leaving Taicheng to go to Jiangyang City in the mainland.

***Two hours later,

Fang Linyan arrived in Jiangyang City. Of course, before leaving, he also gave a list of personal belongings and asked Xiong Miao to help him sort it out.

In order to send Fang Linyan away as soon as possible, Xiong Miao even got him a private helicopter, which effectively avoided the high mountains between Taicheng and Jiangyang City, so it only took one and a half hours to send him there.

If you are driving, even if half of the distance is on high speed, it will take about four hours.

The reason why Fang Linyan chose to meet Xingyi here is that the "Yanggan High-speed Railway" has recently been successfully opened to traffic. Although this high-speed railway from Jiangyang City to Xugan City does not stop in Badong County, its operating route passes through However, the "Swallow Causeway" in the south of the Yangtze River passed the border of Badong County.

Therefore, the fastest way to go to Badong County now is to take the high-speed rail in Jiangyang City, and it only takes one hour and ten minutes to get to Yanzidi. After getting off here, it is only eleven kilometers away from Badong County.

Compared with the seven-hour difficult journey of taking the high speed first and then taking the national highway, this is obviously a clear road.

As for how to get off the train without a station here at Yanzidi, of course it will not trouble the two space fighters.

Another advantage of taking this route is that the magician definitely doesn’t know this route. He probably just clicks on a journey app stupidly, then enters the destination, and then chooses a recommended route.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, Fang Linyan can successfully win another six hours of extra time. After all, under normal circumstances, the magician does have to delay for a day, but what if he is lucky enough to get everything together in advance?

In other words, what if Fang Linyan and Fang Linyan were caught up in some huge secret in Badong County, and it would take a whole day?

Then the six hours I won are really crucial.

Of course, with the strength and ability of a magician, you can force a helicopter to fly there...

But Fang Linyan expected him to do this, because it was extremely difficult to apply for this kind of cross-border route. Xiong Miao said that although it could be done, the process would take as long as a month, and even the governor of Taicheng came over about this time.

Therefore, if a magician really does this, with the strong law enforcement force in the mainland, it is estimated that one minute before entering the country, he will be warned, and ten seconds after entering the country, he will wait for the warm greeting from the soaring Dongfeng Express...... .

While waiting for the Xingyi flight at the airport, Fang Linyan also got the information he asked for before. Of course, he would have a sneak peek. What he received at this time was some information about Xiangyang Orphanage.

After reading this document, Fang Linyan realized that the woman Xingyi's suggestion made some sense....

From this information, it can be seen that the previous life of Xiangyang Welfare Institute was actually a factory building!

To be honest, it looks like now that the main building of Xiangyang Welfare Institute: the four-story red brick house is very shabby, but at that time, such a house was already quite good, and all the houses in the countryside were houses with adobe brick walls and thatched roofs. .

Even an office building in the township has this condition. The reason why it was "reduced" into a welfare home is because it was originally the factory of a township enterprise that made spicy sauce, but on the day the enterprise opened, there was a person who drank alcohol Overdose and die.

In the next month, accidents would happen every few days. Either someone died or someone was injured. The key is that some people said it was haunted. The factory director of the township enterprise is impatient. He has a lot of debts, and he has borrowed a total of 80,000 yuan!

This is 80,000 yuan in the 1980s. At that time, the average wage of workers was 40 yuan, and the eighth-level fitter was 100 yuan a month! At that time, there would not be more than 100 households with 10,000 yuan in a county!

Therefore, the unbelieving factory manager directly moved into the factory building to sleep. The first night was fine, and the second night was fine, so the workers came back to work one after another. After all, there are not as many people who are afraid of ghosts as there are people who are afraid of poverty.

Ironically, another accident occurred on the third day. A worker fell from the fourth floor and broke his leg. The morale of the employees was severely damaged, and they all ran home and quit. things to take home.

Seeing that the 80,000 yuan was in vain, the factory manager was also desperate, and finally hanged himself in the factory building.

After reading these introductions, Fang Linyan frowned and thought for a while, then sent the information to Xingyi in flight, and to his surprise, Xingyi replied directly a minute later:

"Continue to investigate the following points. On which floor is the specific location of the worker who had the accident before, and on which floor is the place where the factory manager hanged himself."

After Fang Linyan saw it, he immediately realized that this was indeed a clue. Combined with his childhood memories, the fourth floor was an out-and-out restricted area, so there should indeed be some secrets kept there.

In Badong County, there is no doubt that the parties who experienced these incidents in those years can still be found, so as long as they can investigate carefully, they should still be able to get some clues.

As the saying goes, one person is poor in skills and the other is the chief planner. After more Xingyi participates, he will be able to fill in the gaps and discover some things in the blind spots of his own thinking.

Next, Fang Linyan clicked on the video that cost him 3 Bisca data streams—that was a close-up of the abyss lord's wallet!

It can be seen that the wallet style of the abyss lord is very special, and its skin is light

Yellow, with many patterns and folds, it looks complicated and gorgeous. The mouth of the wallet is obviously tightened, and it is sealed with two golden metal strips with magnetic force.

For a man, such a purse is really too gorgeous and feminine. It is actually more suitable to be held under the armpit by a lady in an evening dress, and enter the banquet hall dressed up, as a piece of clothing. Wonderful decoration.

Because the video is presented from the first perspective of You Zhaqiang, after opening the wallet, the fingers of You Zhaqiang flipping the wallet occupy most of the screen, and you can only vaguely see that there are actually very few things in the wallet.

The first thing Fang Linyan saw was a dead plant, which was about the thickness of a little finger and five or six centimeters long.

It is a rosemary. Usually, fresh rosemary is picked and placed in a book, and the same dried flower can be obtained only after a week.

Obviously, Badong County is unlikely to produce this thing, so Fang Linyan didn't find any clues from it.

The next thing that can be identified is a photo, but it is ironic that the information Fang Linyan can obtain is limited to this photo.

Because it was placed vertically in the wallet, it took only 0.1 second for the quick success and instant profit to confirm that it had nothing to do with the banknote, so he moved it to the back with a flick of his finger. Fang Linyan's eyes widened and he didn't mind. See what is in this photo.

The third thing is only half the length of a cigarette, UU Reading www. stainless steel, looks like a flat

It looks like a small steel rod, and there is a thin slit on it, which seems to be another mystery. Fang Linyan is even a little at a loss, because he has never seen this thing before.

After looking at it a few more times, I can even vaguely feel that one end of this thing should be very sharp. Although the handle is small, it can be held firmly with a special technique.

Fang Linyan thought to himself, could this be the hidden trump card of the abyss lord? A throwing object with powerful lethality similar to Xiao Li's flying knife?

While meditating, Fang Linyan suddenly noticed that his phone rang, and then a text message popped up:

"I'm here, where are you?"

Fang Linyan was shocked, and looked up at the large LED screen for flight information. There was no latest flight landing.

Probably because he noticed that Fang Linyan hadn't replied to the message, and then Xingyi's text message came again: "I'm at the D4 VIP exit, pick me up."

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